• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mountainous Terrain

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On the Nighttime Correction of CO2 Flux Measured by Eddy Covariance over Temperate Forests in Complex Terrain (복잡지형의 온대산림에서 에디 공분산으로 관측된 CO2 플럭스의 야간 자료 보정에 관하여)

  • Kang, Minseok;Kim, Joon;Kim, Hyun-Seok;Thakuri, Bindu Malla;Chun, Jung-Hwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.233-245
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    • 2014
  • Nighttime correction of $CO_2$ flux is one of the most important and challenging tasks in eddy covariance measurements over a complex mountainous terrain. In this study, we have scrutinized the quality and the credibility of the $CO_2$ flux datasets which were produced by employing three different methods of nighttime correction, i.e., (1) friction velocity ($u^*$) correction, (2) light response curve (LRC) correction, and (3) advection-based van Gorsel (VG) correction. The whole year datasets used in our analysis were collected at the two KoFlux tower sites (i.e., GDK deciduous forest site at the upper hill and GCK coniferous forest site at the lower hill) located in the valley of Gwangneung National Arboretum in central Korea. The resultant magnitudes and patterns of ecosystem respiration ($R_E$), gross primary productivity (GPP), and net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of $CO_2$ showed marked differences among the datasets produced with three different correction methods, which were also site-specific. The examination from micrometeorological and ecological perspectives suggests that the major cause of some inconsistency seems to be associated with the advection of $CO_2$ along the sloping terrain and the inappropriate selection of the correction data that might have been already affected by advective flows. The comparison with the results from other studies indicated that the overall characteristics of the corrected $CO_2$ fluxes at GDK and GCK (except those with LRC correction) were well within the ranges reported in the literature for various ecosystems in East Asia in similar latitudes. However, our study also implies that there will be always a room for further improvement in the present datasets. Therefore, caution must be exercised for the data users in order to properly use the updated version of datasets through transparent, open and participatory communication with data producers.

Construction of Information System for Management of Cultural Heritage on the Web Using a Pilotless Helicopter Photogrammetry System (무인 헬기 사진측량시스템을 이용한 Web 상에서의 문화재 관리 정보시스템 구축)

  • 이종출;양인태;장호식;허종호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.389-394
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    • 2004
  • Structure-typed cultural heritage, objects of preservation are positioned as one of the very important heritage in the nation, and the preservation of prototypical structures become influential in national development and against natural disaster. For this reason, Digital Close Range Photogrammetry has recently been diversely used. Despite its popular use, the measurement has limits that make it unsuitable for photographing precise cultural heritage situated at high mountainous terrain or where people can not approach easily. These high gigantic stone statues are among the preserved structure-typed cultural heritage. In order to supplement the limits, when using the measurement, a camera tripod with +30m, a ladder truck and a shore should be equipped, which means additional equipment leads to it being a waste of cost and time. In this vein, a device was developed in detail, using a RC Helicopter installed with a CCD video camera with ease of control, safety, equipment, carrying, movement and approach, then checked image shot by a wireless modem at real time and considered the economical efficiency without re-photographing. Next, the author digitized the images of the nationally designated structure-typed cultural heritage, used materials on their restoration as the third dimension in order to construct the integrated management-information system for cultural heritage. Through the above processes, this study can provide specific information on 3D images and 3D CAD sections of structured-typed cultural heritage for both the public and specialists on the web. Moreover, it suggests the foundation to restore the damaged cultural heritage in the future by aiming for their effective management and preservation.

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Estimating Air Temperature over Mountainous Terrain by Combining Hypertemporal Satellite LST Data and Multivariate Geostatistical Methods (초단주기 지표온도 위성자료와 다변량 공간통계기법을 결합한 산지 지역의 기온 분포 추정)

  • Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2009
  • The accurate official map of air temperature does not exist for the Hawaiian Islands due to the limited number of weather stations on the rugged volcanic landscape. To alleviate the major problem of temperature mapping, satellite-measured land surface temperature (LST) data were used as an additional source of sample points. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) system provides hypertemperal LST data, and LST pixel values that were frequently observed (${\ge}$14 days during a 32-day composite period) had a strong, consistent correlation with air temperature. Systematic grid points with a spacing of 5km, 10km, and 20km were generated, and LST-derived air temperature estimates were extracted for each of the grid points and used as input to inverse distance weighted (IDW) and cokriging methods. Combining temperature data and digital elevation model (DEM), cokriging significantly improved interpolation accuracy compared to IDW. Although a cokriging method is useful when a primary variable is cross-correlated with elevation, interpolation accuracy was sensitively influenced by the seasonal variations of weather conditions. Since the spatial variations of local air temperature are more variable in the wet season than in the dry season, prediction errors were larger during the wet season than the dry season.

Study on the Economic Analysis for Developing Bukhansan Mountain Train (북한산 산악철도 개발의 경제성 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Seong;Song, Moon-Shuk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4969-4976
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    • 2015
  • South Korea has more than two-thirds of the land consists of mountainous terrain. It is necessary to enable the recycling of mountain tourism policy to allow people to use. This paper studied Bukhansan where there seems to have the most economical efficiency and effectiveness as an alternative means of transportation applying user'swillingnessto pay by age based upon the Study on Introduction Bukhansan Mountain Railway which was progressed as part of the balanced national development and railway promotion strategy. The Analyisis results are shown that cost-benefit ratio is Lim 0.73 and rack & pinion 0.8. The rack-and-pinion method is selected as an applicable alternative. If the new technologies are developed and made part of the construction of the tunnel route was judged as possible as an alternative way LIM

Estimation of the Available Amount of Groundwater using Classifications of Landforms and Hydrogeological Units in N. Korea (지형면과 수문지질단위 분류를 이용한 북한의 지하수 부존량 추정)

  • Song, Sung-Ho;Park, Jongchul;An, Jung-Gi
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to provide the preliminary data on preparation for policy decisions regarding the groundwater supply scheme for N. Korea vulnerable to drought. Agricultural activities oriented to upland field due to the mountainous terrain more than 79% as well as the diversity of rainfall distribution over the country make more vulnerable to structural problems in the drought in N. Korea. Therefore, in anticipation of the expansion of exchange policies in agricultural sector, the available amount of groundwater needed for sustainable water resources supply was estimated for each administrative district after analyzing alluvium and hydrogeology distribution in N. Korea. Overall, the available amount of groundwater was estimated to 22.3 billion m3 (0.18 million m3/km2). The available amount of groundwater per unit area in Ryanggangdo and Gaesungsi was appeared very high in each of 0.56 and 0.39 million m3/km2, respectively, and it would be interpreted that two districts have relatively wide area of volcanic rocks and alluvium with highly permeable characteristics, respectively. Finally, to maximize the utilization of this study result, the available amount of groundwater distribution map was developed on the basis of the 1 × 1 km grid network over the entire N. Korea.

A Study of a Heavy Rainfall Event in the Middle Korean Peninsula in a Situation of a Synoptic-Scale Ridge Over the Korean Peninsula (종관규모 기압능이 한반도를 덮고 있는 기간에 중부지방에서 나타난 호우의 발생 원인)

  • Kim, Ah-Hyun;Lee, Tae-Young
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.577-598
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    • 2016
  • Observational and numerical studies have been carried out to understand the cause and development processes of the heavy rainfall over the middle Korean Peninsula during 0300 LST-1500 LST 29 June 2011 (LST = UTC + 0900). The heavy rainfall event occurred as the synoptic-scale ridge extended from Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) was maintained over East Asia. Observational analysis indicates that the heavy rainfall is mainly due to scattered convective systems, formed over the Yellow Sea, traveling northeastward across the middle peninsula without further organization into larger systems during 0300 LST-0800 LST, and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs) over the Yellow Sea, transformed into a squall line, traveling eastward during 0800 LST-1500 LST. Organization of convective systems into MCSs can be found over the area of mesoscale trough and convergence zone in the northern end of the low-level jet (LLJ) after 0600 LST. Both observational and numerical investigations indicate that a strong LLJ extended from the East China Sea to the Yellow Sea plays an essential role for the occurrence of heavy rainfall. The strong LLJ develops in between the WPSH and a pressure trough over eastern China. Numerical experiments indicate that the land-sea contrast of solar heating of surface and latent heating due to convective developments are the major factors for the development of the pressure trough in eastern China. Numerical study has also revealed that the mountainous terrain including the mountain complex in the northern Korean Peninsula contributes to the increase of rainfall amount in the middle part of the peninsula.

Simulation of Debris Flow Deposit in Mt. Umyeon

  • Won, Sangyeon;Kim, Gihong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.507-516
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    • 2015
  • Debris flow is a representative natural disaster in Korea and occurs frequently every year. Recently, it has caused considerable damage to property and considerable loss of life in both mountainous and urban regions. Therefore, It is necessary to estimate the scope of damage for a large area in order to predict the debris flow. A response model such as the random walk model(RWM) can be used as a useful tool instead of a physics-based numerical model. RWM is a probability model that simplifies both debris flows and sedimentation characteristics as a factor of slopes for a subjective site and represents a relatively simple calculation method compared to other debris flow behavior calculation models. Although RWM can be used to analyzing and predicting the scope of damage caused by a debris flow, input variables for terrain conditions are yet to be determined. In this study, optimal input variables were estimated using DEM generated from the Aerial Photograph and LiDAR data of Mt. Umyeon, Seoul, where a large-scale debris flow occurred in 2011. Further, the deposition volume resulting from the debris flow was predicted using the input variables for a specific area in which the deposition volume could not be calculated because of work restoration and the passage of time even though a debris flow occurred there. The accuracy of the model was verified by comparing the result of predicting the deposition volume in the debris flow with the result obtained from a debris flow behavior analysis model, Debris 2D.

Analysis of Geometric and Spatial Image Quality of KOMPSAT-3A Imagery in Comparison with KOMPSAT-3 Imagery

  • Erdenebaatar, Nyamjargal;Kim, Jaein;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • This study investigates the geometric and spatial image quality analysis of KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair. KOMPSAT-3A is, the latest satellite of KOMPSAT family, a Korean earth observation satellite operating in optical bands. A KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair was taken on 23 November, 2015 with 0.55 m ground sampling distance over Terrassa area of Spain. The convergence angle of KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair was estimated as $58.68^{\circ}$. The investigation was assessed through the evaluation of the geopositioning analysis, image quality estimation and the accuracy of automatic Digital Surface Model (DSM) generation and compared with those of KOMPSAT-3 stereo pair with the convergence angle of $44.80^{\circ}$ over the same area. First, geopositioning accuracy was tested with initial rational polynomial coefficients (RPCs) and after compensating the biases of the initial RPCs by manually collected ground control points. Then, regarding image quality, relative edge response was estimated for manually selected points visible from two stereo pairs. Both of the initial and bias-compensated positioning accuracy and the quality assessment result expressed that KOMPSAT-3A images showed higher performance than those of KOMPSAT-3 images. Finally, the accuracy of DSMs generated from KOMPSAT-3A and KOMPSAT-3 stereo pairs were examined with respect to the reference LiDAR-derived DSM. The various DSMs were generated over the whole coverage of individual stereo pairs with different grid spacing and over three types of terrain; flat, mountainous and urban area. Root mean square errors of DSM from KOMPSAT-3A pair were larger than those for KOMPSAT-3. This seems due to larger convergence angle of the KOMPSAT-3A stereo pair.

A Research for conducting successful Urban Operation in Korean peninsular (한반도 내 효과적인 도시지역작전 수행을 위한 연구)

  • Baek, Dong Hwan;Yoon, Young Joo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.15 no.3_1
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2015
  • The Korean peninsular is a typical mountainous terrain country which has 75% of mountains with having featuring of east-high west-low and north-high south-low type. Though the physiographic feature is not changed, the future operational environment has been frequently changed through artificial transformation by people living in the city. While Korea has been changed continuously since 2000, 90% of Korean territory has been urbanized and the majority of people live in the city. In particular, in the case of combat in urban area, there might be lots of limitations because of confusing with millions of people and complex buildings. The combat commanders should make an effort to overcome such difficulties through detailed IPB(Intelligence preparation in the battlefield) considering various situation before planning for major operations. They should change warfighting concept and paradigm. This paper finds the normal characteristics of urban operation and physical traits of the Korean peninsular. As the urbanization has been accelerating in Korea, practical implications about how to prepare the urban operation are discussed.

Experimental Study Of Shotcrete Containing Mineral Admixture (광물질 혼화재를 혼입한 숏크리트의 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, S.S.;Jung, H.S.;Park, K.P.;Lee, J.B.;Lee, Y.G.;Jun, H.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.633-636
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    • 2008
  • In order to efficient use of land and development of human, a lot of research on the utilization of underground space is being progress. For the smooth flow of traffic, in the case of mountainous terrain like our country, construction of the tunnel is rapidly increasing. The NATM method is used mainly in the domestic. And also, a lot of research for the NATM is underway, but aspects of the material are lacking. In this study, therefore, it is to evaluate the properties of durability according to mixing ratio and a kind of mineral admixture for the development of shotcrete performance by using the MATM.

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