• Title/Summary/Keyword: Morning

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Expressions of transforming growth factor β in patients with rheumatioid arthritis and osteoarthritis (류머티스 관절염과 골관절염 환자에서 Transforming growth factor β의 발현 양상)

  • Kim, Chae-Gi;Yoon, Wern Chan;Song, Yong-Ho;Kim, Sang-Gyung;Choe, Jung-Yoon
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.244-249
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    • 2001
  • The transforming growth $factor-{\beta}$ ($TGF-{\beta}$) is a multifunctional cytokine modulating the onset and course of autoimmune disease as shown in experimental models. In synovial inflammation, there is a potential role for $TGF-{\beta}$ in repairment, the inhibition of cartilage and bone destruction, and the down-regulation of immune response. The biologic effects of $TGF-{\beta}$ depend on the cell type, the isoform and the availability of active $TGF-{\beta}$. We investigated $TGF-{\beta}$ expression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and compared to those of osteoarthritis (OA). And we determined a correlation between $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$, and also the relationships between each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform and the parameters for disease activity of RA. Methods: The study population consisted of 20 patients with RA and 20 patients with OA. The commercial ELISA kit was used to study $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels in peripheral blood (PB) and synovial fluids (SF). Results: 1) While PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ level was of no difference between RA and OA patient groups, SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ level was higher in RA group than OA group. Similarly, PB $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels of RA and OA groups was not different, but SF $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels was higher in RA group than OA group. 2) In patients with RA, the $TGF-{\beta}1$ levels were higher than $TGF-{\beta}2$ in both the PB and SF, while in patients with OA, there showed higher readings for $TGF-{\beta}1$ than $TGF-{\beta}2$ in SF but no difference between $TGF-{\beta}1$ and $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels in PB. 3) In patients with RA, there were no correlations between PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and PB $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels, nor between SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ and SF $TGF-{\beta}2$ levels. At the same way, there was no correlation between PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and SF $TGF-{\beta}1$ levels, nor between each levels of $TGF-{\beta}2$ in patients with RA. 4) There was also no correlation between each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform and the parameters for disease activity such as ESR, CRP, tender joint count, swollen joint count, rheumatoid factor, and the duration of morning stiffness except between in PB $TGF-{\beta}1$ and disease duration of RA (r=0.637, p<0.01). Conclusion: Each $TGF-{\beta}$ isoforms were higher in synovial fluid of patients with RA than that of patients with OA. The data from the RA patients demonstrated different patterns of expressions of the isoforms depending on which compartment (PB or SF) was investigated. The quantification of different $TGF-{\beta}$ isoform is thought to be important when $TGF-{\beta}$ is measured under disease conditions of RA.

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A Study on Health Aspects of Daily Life of Elementary School Children in an Urban Area (일부도시국민학교취학아동의 보건생활에 관한 실태조사연구)

  • 구외행
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.36-49
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    • 1973
  • This study was carried out for the objectives to collect the basic informations on the health behaviors of the elementary school children in an urban area in Korea. Seven hundred students were drawn to fill in the designed questionnaire which carries variety of Questions on health re-lated behaviors in general, eating habits, disease history, mental health, and sex education. Questionnaire were filled in by their parents. Major findings are as follows: ① 55.7% had habits of washing the hands before eating whereas 59.8% trashing their hands after toilet. The others had no idea of washing hands before eating and after toilet. ② 26,5% had habits of brushing the teeth twice a day 54.7% only once in the morning, and 2.6% once only in the evening. Thus, the idea of prevention from decayed teeth seems to be lacking among the school children. ③ Bathing habits were also inquired to get 40.3% of bathing more than once a week, 43.1% once every two weeks, and the rest of 16.6% once every one to three months. ④ 41.7% keep the regular bedding time whereas 58.3% irregular. Physical exercises were con-ducted by 76.6% on the ground while 23.5% did not practice any physical exercises at all. Of those physical exercises, rope skipping occupied 37.5%, and the other 66.9% consisted of 14 different kinds of individual type physical exercises such as gymnastic exercise. The main reasons for not enjoying exercises were different by sex; boys largely complained the inadequacy and lack of gymnastic facilities and girls felt in short of friends who could join the exercises. ⑤ 31.9% of the school children had been taking not much of food while 28.3% had unbalanced diets. Of these unbalanced diets, meat occupied 33.2% to be the priority to have an order of the following items such as vegetables, bread or noodle, and fishes as next to each. For eating habits, 88.5% take simple snack such as bread (38.4%, cookies, fruits, and candies in order. 25.8% of the children were provided such snacks or their parents regularly. Breakfast was sufficiently taken by 45.0% whereas 8.4% had never sufficiently. As to the lunch, 63.6% had sufficiently while 16.8% insufficiently. 70.6% take breakfast with all family members together and 30.4% separately. Correlation of sufficient taking of breakfast and eating together of tile family member's seems to be significant when we compare 72.5% of sufficient takers who enjoy breakfast together with the family members with 55.6% of insufficient takers who enjoy it with the family. This finding allows the investigator to point out the importance of table circumstances for children's eating. ⑥ The most common disease was catching a cold (38.8%), and the second was stomach trouble to be followed by the frequency of car sickness, headache, and skin infection. Doctors are consulted only by 23.9% when they are sick whereas 59.7% resorted to the drug stores. The lower the educational attainment of the parents, the lower the rate of visiting clinics. ⑦ 36.7% of their parents pointed out the problems of personality guidance as the most difficult thing at home 71.3% of their parents worried about and unsatisfied with their children's personality traits. Of these complains of the parents, impatience stood at the top to be tabulated at 24.1%, and 21.1% indicated narrow-mindedness. In line with this primary socialization at home, the most crucial problem seems to be related with the lack or recognition of the parents'own role when we find only 43.1% of the parents understood the importance of their own role for the home education of children; the latter group attributed tile responsibility of personality formation to the children themselves. ⑧ As to the sex educational aspects, 30.9% of children have ever asked about the physiology of reproduction or sexual matters to their parents, of those parents only 17.0% could give the constructive responses to the inquiries of the children. In companies on with these data, 25.6% recognized their own role in sex education for their own children while the large segments of the parents (51.1%) attributed the responsibility of sex education to tile low level of 38.3% who recognized the importance of sex education in the school curriculum and 25.1% of the parents insisted to wait until they get to know naturally about sex. 38.1% of the parents said they had some knowledge on sex from books while 16.9% through mass media. The next groups had common senses of sex from their own parents, school friends and other sources.

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A Study on the Prevalence Rate of Hypertension and the Actual Conditions of Control (일 지역 성인의 고혈압 유병률 및 관리 실태)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ok
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.154-172
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    • 1999
  • In order to analyse the prevalence rate of hypertension and the actual conditions of control, we selected five districts out of eleven eups and myuns in Chinan Country. We administered structured questionaries to 309 adults above the age of 40, computerized the data using SPSS - PC+. More than 40.1% of adults over 40 in Chinan County have health disorders ranging from high blood pressure to hypertension including alert high blood pressure at 36.2%, relatively high. Among general characteristics, differences in the rate of hypertension were influenced by age, occupation and places of residence. Over 71 who are engaged in agriculture, who don't have jobs, who reside in Sungsu, Jungchun, Chinan-eup all have higher hypertension rates than other groups. Accordingly, the control of hypertension should be focused on these people. As a result of the control of blood pressure, the survey showed 93.0% of the subjects were checked mainly at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers and community health posts more than once a year, relatively high level of blood pressure management. However, the difference between their blood pressure measurements at ordinary times and the level of blood pressure at the time of research was quite considerable. Only 47.3% of the subjects diagnosed with high blood pressure and 70.3% of the subjects with normal blood pressure recognized their blood pressure accurately 52.7% of the subjects diagnosed with high blood pressure showed errors in understanding their blood pressure at normal times. Because these errors can cause problems in the control of blood pressure, proper management should be executed through a systematic examination. As a result of the high blood pressure control condition, the average period of hypertension was 74.5( ${\pm}92.8$) months, 92.3% of the subjects were diagnosed with high blood pressure at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers community health posts, but only 29.5% were examined after a general check up on high blood pressure was completed. 70.5% were diagnosed with high blood pressure only after measuring their blood pressure. 14.1% of the subjects were hospitalized because of falls influenced by high blood pressure. 33.3% attended hospitals and health centers regularily for medical treatment and this shows how low the rate of the control of blood pressure. Most people did not undergo medical treatment, because they had no painful symptoms (46.7%), they didn't need to take the medicine(28.9%), or they forget to take the medicine(20.0%). These problems in the control of hypertension were discovered in the process of diagnosing high blood pressure at health medical institutions. Many people did not recognize the need for consistent control of blood pressure. That is, although the diagnosis for high blood pressures performed at hospitals clinics, health centers subhealth centers and community health posts, was 92.3%, more than 70.5% of the subjects were not examined completely with regard to blood pressure. Accordingly, heath medical institutions must diagnose high blood pressure not only by only measuring blood pressure but also by using systematic process of examination. As for the people diagnosed with high blood pressure, one should perform consistent medical approaches and help them to recognize the importance of the continuous control of blood pressure through subject-oriented education. Problems the subjects experienced were the following numbness in the limbs easily paralyzed stitches in their shoulders which felt painful, stiff necks, occiputs felt heavy, headaches when they got up in the morning, felt dizzy when standing and moving their heads and poor eyesight. The rate of knowledge related to high blood pressure was 78.7 points, comparatively low. Whether they had normal blood pressure or hypertension made no difference. These results are not desirable. Adult-oriented education forgot the prevention and management of high blood pressure should be implemented. Hypertensive-oriented education should be especially reinforced. Because there was a difference in the level of knowledge according to age, academic career, occupation or place of residence, education related to hypertension should be intensified and focused on those over the age of 71 those who did not attend school, those who do not have jobs and are engaged in agriculture and residents living in Bugui, Jungchun regions. The degree of healthy life practice in hypertensives is poor, particularly weight control, as opposed to people who have normal blood pressure. It makes no difference in smoking, the amount of daily smoking, drinking, the control of salt because each result means that they are not practicing healthy life or modifying their life-style. The development and programs to improve a healthy life should be executed.

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Effect of Short Term Treatment with Different Dosage of Inhaled Flucatisone Propionate on Basal Cortisol Concentration (단기간 Fluticasone Propionate 투여 용량에 따른 가저 코르티솔 농도의 변화)

  • Kim, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Hyoung-Sik;Lee, Hong;Moon, Sung-Gi;Lim, Seok-Tae;Park, Ji-Hyun;Lee, Heung-Bum;Lee, Yong-Chul;Rhee, Yang-Keun
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.1063-1071
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    • 1997
  • Backgroung : The efficacy of oral corticosteroids in the treatment of chronic asthma is undisputed, but their long-term use is associated with adverse side-effects, including supression of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis function, osteoporosis, weight gain, hypertension and impaired glucose tolerance. The introduction of inhaled corticosteroids in the early 1970's represented a significant therapeutic advance in the management of asthma, since these compounds combined high topical potency with low systemic activity. Fluticasone propionate is a new topically active synthetic glucocorticosteroid that combinds a high degree of efficacy with negligible systemic bioavailability. This study was perfomed to determine the effect of inhaled fluticasone propionate on the adreocortical supression in patients with bronchial asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Method : The adrenocortical function was assessed by measurement of plasma cortisol concentration at 8 o'clock in morning and free cortisol in 24 hour urine collection at interval. Absolutely, no steroid was taken during pretreatment period of 10days. There after each subject inhaled fluticasone aerosol, in daily doses of 500 or 1000micrograms for 12days. The dose was delivered by metered dose inhaler(MDI). Results : The serum cortisol and 24hour urinary free cortisol were not decreased during the treatment period in patients with inhaled fluticasone propionate in daily doses of 500 micrograms. In contrast, serum cortisol was significantly decreased on 9th and 12th day(p less than 0.05). And, 24hour urinary free cortisol was also significantly decreased on 3rd and 12th day of treatement period(p less than 0.05) in patients with inhaled fluticasone in daily doses of 1000 micrograms. Conclusion : These results suggested that endogenous cortisol secretion was not supressed after short-term inhalation of fluticasone in daily dose of 500 micrograms, but in daily dose of 1000 micrograms, the endogenous cortisol secretion was supressed.

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Determination of β-Carotene and Retinol in Korean Noodles and Bread Products (가공 및 외식식품 중 면류 및 제빵류의 레티놀 및 베타카로틴 함량 조사)

  • Shin, Jung-Ah;Chun, Ji Yeon;Lee, Junsoo;Shin, Ki Yong;Lee, Soon Kyu;Lee, Ki-Teak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.1949-1957
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    • 2013
  • The contents of ${\beta}$-carotene and retinol in processed and restaurant foods, such as Korean noodles, mandus, rice cakes and bread products, were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV/visible and fluorescence detector, respectively. Samples were collected from different local areas (i.e. Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do, Gyeongsang-do, Seoul, Jeolla-do, and Chungcheong-do). After homogenization, samples were hydrolyzed by direct alkali saponification; thereafter, fat-soluble components were extracted by a mixture of n-hexane/ethylacetate (85:15, v/v), containing 0.01% butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). ${\beta}$-carotene and retinol contents in infant formula used as an in-house material for the analytical quality control. Among 14 Korean noodles, high contents of ${\beta}$-carotene were found in Bibim-Guksu (average 442.43 ${\mu}g/100g$) and Jjolmyeon (average 301.39 ${\mu}g/100g$). In 4 Korean mandus, the highest contents of ${\beta}$-carotene was determined in Kimchi-mandu (average 197.64 ${\mu}g/100g$), resulting in 33.3 RE of the converted vitamin A. Among 12 Korean rice cakes, Maeun-Tteokbokki and Modm-Chaltteok contained relatively high content of ${\beta}$-carotene with 205.11 and 41.33 ${\mu}g/100g$, respectively, while retinol was detected only in Maeun- Tteokbokki (1.65~10.45 ${\mu}g/100g$). In addition, among 8 bread products, 77.3 RE of pastry, 51.2 RE of buttercream- bread, and 41.4 RE of morning roll were found as the contents of the converted vitamin A.

The Different View Point of Child Education Center Food Service Program between the Parents and the Teachers (유아교육기관에서의 급식관리 실태에 대한 교사 및 학부모의 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Mee
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.654-667
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    • 2005
  • To survey the different view points about food service programs among parents and teachers, 2 types of questionnaires, which consisted of attitude, perception, satisfaction and demand of the food service program in child education centers, were used. The data was collected from 2450 parents and 450 teachers who attended a child education center in 16 provinces, nationwide. SPSS was used for descriptive analysis and ANOVA test and $X^2-test$. The frinding results were as follows. 1. The average serving size of meal (lunch) were 80 meals per day and 167 meals per day at large institutions. Mean cost of snacks was 14,709 won per month and mean costs of lunch were 29,319 won per month. The mean price was not significantly different according to the scale of institution. The numbers of servings of lunch, morning snack and afternoon snack were 5, 3.4 and 3.5 times per week each. $56.4\%$ of the institutions served meals to children in classrooms, but the national/public institutions, which were attending elementary school, served meals in a dining place in the elementary school. 2. Teacher controlled serving portion size of snacks $(79.6\%)$ and lunch $(88.8\%)\;and\;30.1\%$ of teacher did not allow leaving lunch food. The ratio of knowing about preserved meals of the teacher who worked at a small institution was significantly higher than the teacher who worked at large institutions (p<0.01). 3. Between parents and teachers, several different view points about school lunch programs were detected. Most parents and teachers wanted that the school lunch to be fully cooked and served at the child education institution itself, but $12.2\%$ of parents and $14.4\%$ of teachers wanted a catering service. The teachers group preferred 'lunch box from home' and 'home partially prepared lunch' as an ideal meal serving type than the parent groups (p<0.01). And there were significantly different view points about price factors in school meals, teachers group highly answered that operating expenses must be added in meal prices. 4. The teacher groups' priorities of education activities during meal time were a significantly lower score than parents group in overall education activities. Teacher and parent groups pointed out that individual sanitation activities were most important of the education activities during meal time, but promoting good eating habits was the lowest score in both groups. 5. 'Improving taste and food quality' was most urgent in food service at child education centers, but there were significantly different view points between parent groups $(64.5\%)$ and teacher groups $(43.8\%)\;(p<0.05)$. They answered at a lower percent in 'employee qualified person' and 'cost control' point to improve food service, but there were also different opinions between the two groups (p<0.01). 6. As to the matter of the advantages and disadvantages of catering services, two group answered that the advantages of a catering service were 'convenience' and 'to solve facilities and labor problems', disadvantages were 'lower in food freshness' and 'sanitation problems'. There were also several different view pionts in catering services, the parents groups were more anxious about food sanitation than teachers. This study found several different view points about school food services among parents and teachers. To improve food services at child education institutions, there is a need to adjust the differences between the two groups through interactive communication channels and education and to employ dietitians as taking charge of adjusting roles between the two groups.

Flowering Responses and Floral Characteristics of Ipomoea batatas Varieties (고구마 품종별 개화성 및 화기특성)

  • Ahn, Young-Sup;Chung, Mi-Nam;Lee, Joon-Seol;Kim, Young-Guk;An, Tae-Jin;Min, Kyung-Soo
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.433-440
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    • 2009
  • Korean sweetpotato, Ipomoea batatas, varieties were examined for their flowering response as a fundamental research to improve breeding efficiency by hybridization of this crop. Under 10.0~10.5 hours short day condition, self-rooted plants of three varieties such as Shinmi, Hongmi and Hwangmi flowered sparsely or moderately, and those of fourteen varieties including Eunmi flowered very sparsely. Under 10.6~12.0 hours day length condition, self-rooted plants of three varieties such as Shinmi, Hongmi and Hwangmi flowered very sparsely. Under the day length longer than 12 hours, none of the tested plants flowered. In all the sweetpotato plants grafted on morning glory, flowering occurred with varying degrees by varieties and day lengths. Under 10.0~10.5 hours day length, thirty two varieties including Hongmi flowered moderately or profusely, and one variety such as Mokgye 1 flowered sparsely. Under 10.6~12 hours day length, twenty three varieties including Sinchunmi flowered moderately or profusely, nine varieties including Jeungmi flowered sparsely, and Mokgye 1 didn't flower at all.

Effects of Supplemental Lighting on Growth and Yield of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in Hydroponic Culture under Low Levels of Natural Light in Winter (동계시설내 보광이 수경재배 착색단고추(Capsicum annum L.)의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Bum;Bae, Jong-Hyang;Park, Me-Hea
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of supplemental lighting on the growth and yield of hydroponically grown sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L. cv. sprit) under low levels of natural light in winter. The plants were treated with natural light only (control), 3-hour supplemental lighting before sunrise, after sunrise and after sunset with high pressure sodium (HPS, 400W). As the result of these three treatments, the supplemental lighting promoted photosynthesis in the low light intensity condition and particularly photosynthesis was more active right after sun rise in the morning, 1.5-$3.0{\mu}molCO_2{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$ comparing to those of supplemental lighting after sunset, 0.5-$1.5{\mu}molCO_2{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$. Transpiration rate and stomatal conductance sharply increased with supplemental lighting after sunrise then they decreased again after turning the lights off. Stomatal size was observed $32.2{\mu}m^2$ after supplemental lighting, whereas the size of the natural light was almost closed at $7.7{\mu}m^2$. The average plant height of sweet papper cv. spirit was 185 cm before sunrise, 188 cm after sunrise and 208 cm after sunset with supplemental lighting for 3hours while the control was 171 cm. With supplemental lighting a better number of fruit set per plant was measured 4.3 before and after sunrise, 3.7 after sunset but 2.6 in the control. Interestingly, there were no significant differences in the sugar content ($^{\circ}Brix$) degree between treatment of supplemental lighting, whereas slight differences between seasons were seen. The marketable fruit yield of sweet pepper (cv. spirit) was $116.0kg{\cdot}ha$ with supplemental lighting, whereas the control (natural light only) was $75.8kg{\cdot}ha$. Despite of spending electricity and depreciation cost, the economic analysis showed net income with supplemental lighting after sunrise was 51% higher than control treatment in cv. spirit.

Effects of Pre-slaughter Fasting and Chiller Ageing on Objective Meat Quality in Longissimus Dorsi, Biceps Femoris, and Triceps Brachii Muscles of Korean Native Black Pigs (도축전 절식과 냉장숙성이 재래돼지 Longissimus Dorsi, Biceps Femoris와 Triceps Brachii의 육질에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, I.H.;Park, B.Y.;Cho, S.H.;Kim, M.J.;Lee, J.M.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.405-414
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    • 2004
  • This study evaluated the effects of preslaughter feed withdrawal and chiller ageing on objective meat quality traits in longissimus dorsi (LD), biceps femoris(BF), and triceps brachii(TB) muscles of Korean native black pigs. Twenty males were assigned into a 2(pre-slaughter feeding) ${\times}$ 2(pre-slaughter stress) ${\times}$ 4(chiller ageing) factorial. Pre-slaughter fasting for 18 h resulted in significantly(P < 0.05) higher pHs at 1.5 h for both LD and BF. On the other hand, muscle temperature did not differ between the fasted and fed animals. The result implied that pigs with different pre-slaughter feedings experienced different pH-temperature profiles during rigor development. This was reflected by the significan(P < 0.05) increase in cooking loss and hunter $L^*$ for LD of the fed pigs. However, WB-shear force of LD was not affected by the treatment. Furthermore, objective meat quality of BF and TB did not differ between the treatments. Hunter $L^*$ value and cooking loss for LD were constant for 7 d, followed by a significant(P < 0.05) increase at 14 d. BF and TB had significantly(P < 0.05) higher hunter $L^*$ value and cooking loss at 14 d than at 1 d. Significant(P < 0.05) linear reductions in LD WB-shear force took place from 1 to 7 d, while BF and TB WB-shear forces were significantly (P < 0.05) reduced at 14 d. Simple correlation for WB-shear force between LD and BF, and between LD and TB indicated that 6 kg of shear force for LD was equivalent to approximately 3.5 and 6 kg for TB and BF, respectively. On the basis of the current result, feeding until the morning of slaughter appeared to contribute to favourable meat color for LD. However, negative effect on palatability due to increase in cooking loss should be taken into account. A 7-d chiller ageing was likely the best practice for LD, while TB appeared not to require chiller ageing. A 14-d ageing could improve the tenderness of BF, but could likely reduce juiciness.

Effects of the Massage Therapy on Weight, Stress Hormone and Mother - Infant Interaction (마사지요법이 저체중아의 성장, 생리적 변화 및 모.영아 상호작용에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Mi-Ye;Kim, Sun-Hee
    • Korean Parent-Child Health Journal
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2000
  • The Low Birth Weight infant birth rate in this country is a little more than 15 percent and is being increased. The survival rate of Low Birth Weight infant is over 90 percent and recently the rate runs is getting. However, because of the high risk of Low Birth Weight infant for handicap in growth, a preventive nursing intervention program for Low Birth Weight infant and their mother is considered to be necessary. Touch and massage, thus sensory stimulation has been considered to be important ensuring a normal growth of Low Birth Weight infant During the past decades sensory stimulation program has been used for premature and Low Birth Weight infants. Recently a study on the sensory stimulation for Low Birth Weight infants has bee n done in this country. Mother and infant relationship has a great influence on child's development. Especially, mother and infant interaction during one year after birth plays important role in child's social. affective and cognitive developments. But in the study of Low Birth Weight infants, the mother and infant interaction has been rare yet. However, there was no study effectiveness of the sensory stimulation on mother and infant interaction. In this respect, this study based on the importance of the nursing intervention, is intended to measure the effectiveness of the massage therapy in the aspects of weight, daily feeding amount, cortisolurine stress hormone and mother and infant interactions. This study has been conducted on the nonequivalent control group pretestposttest design in quasi experimental basis and Low Birth Weight infants from NICU of two Medical University Hospitals located in Taegu Metropolitan were selected in experimental group of 21 infants and control group of 20 infants. Data has been collected from May 1, 1999 to September 5, 2000. For the experimental group Field's sensory stimulation(tactile and kinesthetic stimulation) was applied 2 times a day for 10 days(10:00 - 11:00 hours in the morning and 19:00 - 20:00 in the afternoon) by nurse and mother. The electronic indicator scale (Cas Co. Korea) was used to measure infant's body weight. To determine urine cortisol concentration level under stress, rad immuno assay method was used. And to determine mother and infant interactions during feeding, tools developed by Kim Mi-Ye (1999) were used. Collected data were analyzed with SAS program using x-test, t-test, paired t-test and repeated measures ANOVA. Findings were as follows : 1. For the daily mean weight gain, the experimental group showed little higher than the control group, even though, there was no Statistically significant differences between two groups. 2. For the amount of daily mean feeding, the experimental group showed little higher than the control group, while there was no Statistically significant differences between two groups. 3. The level of wine cortisol concentration was increased in both groups, while no Statistical significance was shown between the two groups. 4. Mothers in experimental group were more likely to have higher mean scores in mother and infant interaction during feeding than mothers in the control group. Statistical significance was shown between the two groups(t= 5.78, P=.001). In conclusion, the massage therapy in this study showed with regard to even though through there was no statistically significance in the weight gain and urine stress hormone concentration. there was Statistical significantly higher in the mother and infant interaction during feeding. Based on the result of this study, it is considered that the massage therapy should be applied clinical practice and home to help a developmental growth and interaction of Low Birth Weight infants and mothers during the period of recovery.

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