• Title/Summary/Keyword: Monitoring data

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A Study on Development of Remote Crane Wire Rope Flaws Detection Systems (원격 크레인 와이어 로프 결함 탐지 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Jeong-Tak;Lee, Jin-Woo;Lee, Kwon-Soon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2003
  • Wire ropes are used in a myriad of various industrial applications such as elevator, mine hoist, construction machinery, lift, and suspension bridge. Especially, the wire rope of crane is important component to container transfer. If it happens wire rope failures during the operation, it may lead to safety accident, economic loss by productivity decline and so on. To solve this problem, we developed remote wire rope fault detecting system, and this system is consisted of 3 parts that portable fault detecting part, signal processing part and remote monitoring part. All detected signal has external noise or disturbance according to circumstances. So, we applied to discrete wavelet transform to extract a signal from noisy data. It is verified that the detecting system by de-noising has good efficiency for inspecting faults of wire ropes in service. As a result, by developing this system, container terminal could reduce expense because of extension fo wire ropes exchange period and could competitive power. Also, this system is possible to apply in several field such as elevator, lift and so on.

Mobile Sensor Velocity Optimization for Chemical Detection and Response in Chemical Plant Fence Monitoring (사업장의 경계면에서 화학물질 감지 및 대응을 위한 이동식 센서 배치 최적화)

  • Park, Myeongnam;Kim, Hyunseung;Cho, Jaehoon;Lulu, Addis;Shin, Dongil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as the number of facilities using chemicals is increasing, the amount of handling is rapidly increasing. However, chemical spills are occurring steadily, and if large quantities of chemicals are leaked in time, they are likely to cause major damage. These industrial complexes use information obtained from a number of sensors to detect and monitor leaking areas, and are used in industrial fields by applying existing fixed sensors to robots and drones. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a sensor placement method at the interface for rapid detection and response based on various leaking scenarios reflecting leaking conditions and environmental conditions of the chemical handling process. In this study, COMSOL was used to analyze the actual accident scenarios by applying the medium parameter to the case of chemical leaks. Based on the accident scenarios, the objective function is selected so that the velocity of each robot is calculated by attaching importance to each item of sensor detection probability, sensing time and sensing scenario number. We also confirmed the feasibility of this method of reliability analysis for unexpected leak accidents. Based on the above results, it is expected that it will be helpful to trace back the leakage source based on the concentration data of the portable sensor to be applied later.

A Study on the Risk Assessment of River Crossing Pipeline in Urban Area (도심지 하천매설배관의 위험성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Woo-Il;Yoo, Chul-Hee;Shin, Dong-Il;Kim, Tae-Ok;Lee, Hyo-Ryeol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2020
  • In this study, quantitative risk assessment was carried out for city gas high-pressure pipelines crossing through urban rivers. The risk assessment was performed based on actual city gas properties, traffic volume and population and weather data in the worst case scenario conditions. The results confirmed that the social and individual risks were located in conditionally acceptable areas. This can be judged to be safer considering that the risk mitigation effect of protecting the pipes or installing them in the protective structure at the time of the construction of the river buried pipe is not reflected in the result of the risk assessment. Also, SAFETI v8.22 was used to analyze the effects of wind speed and pasquil stability on the accident damage and dispersion distances caused by radiation. As a result of the risk assessment, the safety of the pipelines has been secured to date, but suggests ways to improve safety by preventing unexpected accidents including river bed changes through periodic inspections and monitoring.

A Study on Smart Factory System Design for Screw Machining Management (나사 가공 관리를 위한 스마트팩토리 시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyu;Kim, Dong-Wan;Lee, Sang-Wan;Kim, Jae-joong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.329-331
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a monitoring system that starts with the supply of raw materials for threading, is processed into a lathe machine, and checks for defects of the product are automatically performed by the robot with Smart Factory technology through assembly and disassembly. Completion check according to the production instruction quantity and production instruction is made by checking the production status according to whether or not the raw material is worn by the displacement sensor, and checking the pitch and the contour of the processed female and male to determine OK and NG. The robotic system acts as a relay for loading and unloading of raw materials, pallet transfer, and overall process, and it acts as an intermediary for organically driving. The location information of the threaded products is collected by using the non-contact wireless tag and the energy saving system Production efficiency and utilization rate were checked. The environmental sensor collects the air-conditioning environment data (temperature, humidity), measures the temperature and humidity accurately, and checks the quality of product processing. It monitors and monitors the driving hazard level environment (overheating, humidity) of the product. Controls for CNC and robot module PLC as a heterogeneous system.

  • PDF

A Study on the Restoration Effects of Vegetation Restoration Types (식생복원 유형별 복원효과 연구)

  • Kang, Hyun-Mi;Choi, Song-Hyun;Kim, Dong-Hyo;Song, Jae-Tak
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.174-187
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    • 2017
  • For the purpose of evaluating the restoration effect of vegetation, in this study, the areas where vegetation was restored had been monitored for 6 years, from 2008 to 2013. The areas were restored through some techniques by utilizing forest resources and nearby forest resources: biotope restoration method, forest topsoil paving method and small diameter trees planting method. Biotope restoration method is indicated the most similar properties to the existing natural forest just after they were restored because the forest likely to be deteriorated was transplanted. Forest topsoil paving method is expected that long-time will be taken for plants to grow to form the tree layer. However, the method is expected to acquire high restore the places of empty lands such as cutting areas. Community planting method is coverage can be increased for short time, relying on the sizes of planted trees, and the tree layer can be formed. Consequently, this method is expected to create high effect if the sizes of trees are considered after the right judgement of candidate site for restoration. This study is meaningful in that each type of restoration is monitored to observe the change of triggered by the succession process to forest. The study results can play as the reference data which can be utilized and applied to the area requiring vegetation restoration or to the area facing the damage of forest resources.

A Practical Analysis Method for the Design of Piled Raft Foundations (말뚝지지 전면기초의 실용적 근사해석법 개발)

  • Song, Young Hun;Song, Myung Jun;Jung, Min Hyung;Park, Yung Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2017
  • In case of estimation of settlement for the piled-raft foundation, it is necessary to consider interaction among raft, piles and soil. But, simple analytic methods usually are not applicable to considering this complicated interaction. In this study, a computer-based approximate analytic method, HDPR, was developed in consideration of above mentioned interaction in order to analysis of settlement for the piled-raft foundation. The finite element method was applied to raft analysis by means of the Mindlin plate theory, and soil and piles were modeled as springs which were connected with their raft. The linear spring which can consider multi layered soil and the non-linear spring were applied to soil springs and pile springs, respectively. The raft-piles-soil interaction was reflected to each spring. In order to verify the developed analytic method, it was compared and analyzed with 3D FEM analysis, existing approximate analytic method and site monitoring data. As a result, the developed analytic method showed reasonable results of settlement estimations of raft and piles for each case. From a practical point of view, it is confirmed that this analytic method is able to apply for analysis and design of the piled-raft foundation.

Occurrence of the B- and Q-biotypes of Bemisia tabaci in Korea (담배가루이 B와 Q 계통의 국내 발생 상황)

  • Lee, Min-Ho;Kang, Seok-Young;Lee, Sun-Young;Lee, Heung-Su;Choi, June-Yeol;Lee, Gwan-Seok;Kim, Whang-Yong;Lee, Si-Woo;Kim, Seon-Gon;Uhm, Ki-Baik
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.44 no.3 s.140
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    • pp.169-175
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    • 2005
  • The occurrence of tobacco whiteflies, Bemisia tabaci, in greenhouses was monitored in Korea in 2005. Bemisia tabaci occurred in the rose, sweet pepper, tomato, and cucumber greenhouses of Chungbuk, Chungnam, Gyongnam, and Jeonnam Provinces, but not in Jeonbuk and Gyongbuk Provinces. The biotypes and genetic differentiation of the whiteflies collected in each regions were analyzed by mitochondrial 16S DNA sequences. The 16S DNA sequences of Jincheon (Chungbuk Province) samples were similar to DNA data reported from Japan and Israel which were known as the B biotype. However, the DNA sequences of the Buyeo (Chungnam), Geoje (Gyongnam) and Boseong (Jeonnam) collections, which were 100% homologous showed over 99% similarity to the DNA of Q biotype from Spain and Egyrt. Here we report the first founding of the Q biotype in Korea. It is assumed that, unlike the B biotype reported from Jincheon since 1998, the Q biotype might have been introduced recently from the certain foreign region/country to the greenhouses in those provinces.

Community Structure Analysis of Carpinus laxiflora Communities in Seoul (서울지역 서어나무림의 군집구조 분석)

  • Park, Byung-Chang;Oh, Choong-Hyeon;Cho, Chi-Woung
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.333-345
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    • 2009
  • Carpinus laxiflora communities are known as the climax forest community of the temperate zone of Korea. There are three Carpinus laxiflora communities in Seoul. The purpose of this research is to analyze the characteristics of Carpinus laxiflora communities of Seoul and supply basic data for establishing of a management plan. The research sites are Sahmyook University, Mountain Dobong and Jinkwandong. This study considers investigation and the analysis of communities structure, soil characteristics and the growth increment of trees. As the result of study, we could know that the growth increment of the Carpinus laxiflora trees of Seoul is decreasing recently because of soil acidification and so on. Also the vegetation disturbance is increasing because of naturalized plant. Oak wilt disease has appeared in the oak forest around Sahmyook University that is the largest Carpinus laxiflora communities area in Seoul. For that reason the open gap was appeared in forest, and the spread of naturalized plants has been increasing in the gap. Furthermore, the Carpinus laxiflora trees are affected by the Platypus koryoensis which is a kind of oak wilt disease. And so, Unless there is a specific management plan, the survival of Carpinus laxiflora communities are uncertain in Seoul. Therefore the management plan of Carpinus laxiflora communities is necessary such as precise investigation, annual monitoring, etc. For the conservation of the Carpinus laxiflora communities, it is necessary to establish the management plan of the biodiversity for Seoul area.

Development of Neutron, Gamma ray, X-ray Radiation Measurement and Integrated Control System (중성자, 감마선, 엑스선 방사선 측정 및 통합 제어 시스템 개발)

  • Ko, Tae-Young;Lee, Joo-Hyun;Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.408-411
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose an integrated control system that measures neutrons, gamma ray, and x-ray. The proposed system is able to monitor and control the data measured and analyzed on the remote or network, and can monitor and control the status of each part of the system remotely without remote control. The proposed system consists of a gamma ray/x-ray sensor part, a neutron sensor part, a main control embedded system part, a dedicated display device and GUI part, and a remote UI part. The gamma ray/x-ray sensor part measures gamma ray and x-ray of low level by using NaI(Tl) scintillation detector. The neutron sensor part measures neutrons using Proportional Counter Detector(low-level neutron) and Ion Chamber Type Detector(high-level neutron). The main control embedded system part detects radiation, samples it in seconds, and converts it into radiation dose for accumulated pulse and current values. The dedicated display device and the GUI part output the radiation measurement result and the converted radiation amount and radiation amount measurement value and provide the user with the control condition setting and the calibration function for the detection part. The remote UI unit collects and stores the measured values and transmits them to the remote monitoring system. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed system, the measurement uncertainty of the neutron detector was measured to less than ±8.2 and the gamma ray and x-ray detector had the uncertainty of less than 7.5%. It was confirmed that the normal operation was not less than ±15 percent of the international standard.

Middle School Science Gifted Students' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Science Classes Using Science Writing Heuristic (탐구적 과학 글쓰기를 적용한 과학 수업의 효과에 대한 중학교 과학 영재들의 인식)

  • Shin, Eunji;Choi, Wonho
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.64 no.5
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    • pp.277-290
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    • 2020
  • In this study, four gifted students in the second year of middle school at Gifted Education Center of the National University in Jeollanam-do were surveyed students' perceptions of the effectiveness of science class using science writing heuristic in terms of metacognition and the goals of the 2015 revised science curriculum. Through questionnaires and interviews with gifted science students, science gifted students recognized that the science class using science writing heuristic had a positive effect on the four subdomains (planning, monitoring, control, and evaluation) of metacognition. For this reason, the science gifted students presented self-directed experience in designing experiments, continually checking the collected experimental data, feedback process, and reflecting experience in preparing conclusions. Science gifted students recognized that science class using science writing heuristic had a positive effect on the goals of the 2015 revised science curriculum(attitudes, inquiry, knowledge, Science·Technology·Society(STS), and the enjoyment and usefulness of science learning) that correspond to through inquiry science writing lessons. For this reason, the science gifted students presented self-directed inquiry experiences, continual inquiry experiences on the same subject, thinking process at each stage of inquiry, learning experiences through inquiry, experience of the whole inquiry process, and inquiry of phenomena closely related to real life. Therefore, for the effective science class, it is necessary to apply the characteristics of science class using science writing heuristic which is responded by science gifted students to general science class as well as science gifted class later.