• 제목/요약/키워드: Momentum-integral Method

검색결과 26건 처리시간 0.02초

Schwinger Pair Production via Polons and the Origin of Stokes Phenomena

  • Kim, Sang Pyo
    • 새물리
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    • 제68권11호
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    • pp.1225-1230
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    • 2018
  • Schwinger pair production of electrons and positrons in a strong electric field is a prediction of nonperturbative quantum field theory, in which the out-vacuum is superposed of multi-particle states of the in-vacuum. Solving the Dirac or Klein-Gordon equation in the background field, though a linear wave equation, and finding the pair-production rate is a difficult or nontrivial job. The phase-integral method has recently been introduced to compute the pair production in space-dependent electric fields, and a complex analysis method has been employed to calculate the pair production in time-dependent electric fields. In this paper, we apply the complex analysis method to a Sauter-type electric field and other hyperbolic-type electric fields that vanish in the past and future and show that the Stokes phenomena in pair production occur when the time-dependent frequency for a given momentum has finite simple poles (polons) with pure imaginary residues.

3차원 2중 모형의 점성 항력 감소화 연구 (A Study Viscous Drag Reduction of Three Dimensional Double Model)

  • 김시영
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 1994
  • 3차원 二重 摸型이 粘性 流體中을 운동할 때 발생하는 점성 摩擦力을 感少시키기 위하여 船體 표면에 流線 방향으로 V-홈(Riblet)의 띠를 그 표면에 부착하였다고 가정하여 점성 마찰력 감소에 관하여 難流 境界層의 特性을 계산하는 수정된 방법을 구하고 그 계산을 위한 프로그램을 작성하였다. 계산 방법으로서는 Hess & Smith의 방법에 의하여 포텐시얼 유동을 계산하고 그것으로부터 구한 유속 값들을 Momentum 적분 방정식에 이용하였다. 補助 방정식으로서는 Head의 식과 점성 마찰력에 관한 Clauser의 식을 사용하였다. 그리고 Riblet의 효과로서는 Gaudet의 실험식을 이용하였다. 그 계산 결과 선체 전표면에 유선의 방향으로 Riblets를 付着하였다고 가정하였을 경우 상당한 점성 마찰력 減少效果를 나타냈으며 Riblet를 선체 전체길이 4등분하여 각각의 표면에 부착시켰을 때도 현저한 점성 마찰력 감소 효과를 나타냈으며 특히 선수 부분의 25% 표면에 부착되었을 때가 다른 영역에 부착하였다고 가정하였을 경우보다도 가장 優秀한 效果를 나타내었다.

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Design of Fractional Order Controller Based on Particle Swarm Optimization

  • Cao, Jun-Yi;Cao, Bing-Gang
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • 제4권6호
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    • pp.775-781
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    • 2006
  • An intelligent optimization method for designing Fractional Order PID(FOPID) controllers based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) is presented in this paper. Fractional calculus can provide novel and higher performance extension for FOPID controllers. However, the difficulties of designing FOPID controllers increase, because FOPID controllers append derivative order and integral order in comparison with traditional PID controllers. To design the parameters of FOPID controllers, the enhanced PSO algorithms is adopted, which guarantee the particle position inside the defined search spaces with momentum factor. The optimization performance target is the weighted combination of ITAE and control input. The numerical realization of FOPID controllers uses the methods of Tustin operator and continued fraction expansion. Experimental results show the proposed design method can design effectively the parameters of FOPID controllers.

공냉식 수직평판형 흡수기의 흡수과정에 대한 근사해법 (Approximate Solution of Absorption Process in an Air-Cooled Vertical Plate Absorber)

  • 정은수
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제6권4호
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    • pp.453-462
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    • 1994
  • An unsteady quasi one-dimensional model of momentum, heat and mass transfer in a falling film of a vertical plate absorber which is cooled by air was developed using the integral method. Energy conservation of the absorber wall is considered in the model. The model can predict absorption rate, film thickness and mean velocity as well as concentration and temperature profiles. Predictions of steady state temperature and concentration profiles for LiBr/water system for constant wall temperature condition are in good agreement with the two-dimensional finite difference method solutions. Effects of operating conditions, such as convective heat transfer coefficient between the cooling air and the absorber wall, cooling air temperature and film thickness at inlet, on absorption rate of water vapor into LiBr/water solution were shown.

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몰수분의 두꺼운 경계층 및 반류해석 (On the Thick Axisymmetric Boundary Layer and Wake Around the Body of Revolution)

  • 강신형;현범수;이영길
    • 한국기계연구소 소보
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    • 통권9호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 1982
  • An iterative procedure for the calculation of the thick axisymmetric boundary layer and wake near the stern of a body of revolution is presented. Procedure consists of the potential flow calculation by a method of the integral equation of first kind and the calculation of boundary layer and wake by a differential me¬thod of the boundary layer theory. Additionally, higher order terms are included in the conventional momentum equations and continuity equation for the consider¬ation of the characteristics of axisymmetric flow different from the one of two dimentional flow and the thick boundary layer. These solutions are matched at the edge of boundary layer and wake. The results obtained by the present me¬thod are compared with the experimental data and it is found that the nominal wake distribution at the propeller plane of a axisymmetric body is in good agree¬ment with the experiment.

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  • 박익규
    • 한국전산유체공학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2016
  • In this study, direct code coupling, in which two codes share a single flow field, was conducted using 3-dimensional high resolution thermal hydraulics code, CUPID and 1-dimensional system analysis code, MARS. This approach provide the merit to use versatile capability of MARS for nuclear power plants and 3-dimensional T/H analysis capability of CUPID. Numerical Method to directly couple CUPID and MARS was described in this paper. The straight flow and manometer flow oscillation were calculated to verify conservation of coupled CUPID/MARS code in mass, momentum, and energy. This verification calculations indicates that the CUPID/MARS is coupled appropriately in numerical aspect and the coupled code can be applied to nuclear reactor thermal hydraulics after validation against integral transient experiments.

액막형성을 고려한 분무-벽 상호작용에 대한 모델 (Modeling of Spray-Wall Interactions Considering Liquid Film Formation)

  • 이성혁;유홍선
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제24권7호
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    • pp.1010-1019
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    • 2000
  • The main purpose of this article is to propose and assess a new spray impingement model considering film formation, which is capable of describing the droplet distribution and film flows in direct injection diesel engines. The spray-wall interaction model includes several mathematical formulae, newly made by the energy conservation law and some experimental results. The model consists of three representative regimes, rebound, deposition and splash. In addition, the film flow is described in the present model by solving the continuity and momentum equations for film flows using the integral method. To assess the new spray impingement model, the calculated results using the new model are compared with several experimental data for the normally impinging diesel sprays. The film model is also validated through comparing film radius and thickness against experimental data. The results show that the new model is generally in better agreement with experimental data and acceptable for prediction of the film radius and thickness.

Development of a Flow Analysis Code Using an Unstructured Grid with the Cell-Centered Method

  • Myong, Hyon-Kook;Kim, Jong-Tae
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제20권12호
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    • pp.2218-2229
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    • 2006
  • A conservative finite-volume numerical method for unstructured grids with the cell-centered method has been developed for computing flow and heat transfer by combining the attractive features of the existing pressure-based procedures with the advances made in unstructured grid techniques. This method uses an integral form of governing equations for arbitrary convex polyhedra. Care is taken in the discretization and solution procedure to avoid formulations that are cell-shape-specific. A collocated variable arrangement formulation is developed, i.e. all dependent variables such as pressure and velocity are stored at cell centers. For both convective and diffusive fluxes the forms superior to both accuracy and stability are particularly adopted and formulated through a systematic study on the existing approximation ones. Gradients required for the evaluation of diffusion fluxes and for second-order-accurate convective operators are computed by using a linear reconstruction based on the divergence theorem. Momentum interpolation is used to prevent the pressure checkerboarding and a segregated solution strategy is adopted to minimize the storage requirements with the pressure-velocity coupling by the SIMPLE algorithm. An algebraic solver using iterative preconditioned conjugate gradient method is used for the solution of linearized equations. The flow analysis code (PowerCFD) developed by the present method is evaluated for its application to several 2-D structured-mesh benchmark problems using a variety of unstructured quadrilateral and triangular meshes. The present flow analysis code by using unstructured grids with the cell-centered method clearly demonstrate the same accuracy and robustness as that for a typical structured mesh.

조석(潮汐)의 영향을 받는 수역(水域)에서 연직상향부력(鉛直上向浮力)? -정지수역(靜止水域)- (Vertical Buoyant Jet in Tidal Water-Stagnant Environment)

  • 윤태훈;차영기;김창완
    • 대한토목학회논문집
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 1986
  • 정지수역(靜止水域)에서 연직상향(鉛直上向)으로 방류(放流)되는 평면부력(平面浮力)?의 거동을 연속방정식(連續方程式), 운동량수송식(運動量輸送式) 및 추적물(追跡物) 수송식(輸送式)에 의하여 수치적(數値的)으로 해석한다. 이 해석은 유함수(流凾數)와 과수송식(過輸送式)을 도입하고 Prandtl 난류모형(亂流模型)을 이용하였다. 방류밀도(放流密度) Froude 수(數)가 4~32인인 부력(浮力)?의 발달된 흐름영역(領域)에서 구한 ?중심선의 속도(速度)와 온도변화(溫度變化), ?주변수역(周邊水域)의 온도분포(溫度分布)와 흐름양상은 기존자료와 잘 맞음을 확인할 수 있다. 적분형해석(積分型解析)에 필요한 퍼짐율과 확산비(擴散比)가 방류밀도(放流密度) Froude 수(數)와 방류구(放流口)로부터의 거리의 함수로 유도된다.

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원뿔 캐비테이터의 초공동 크기 추정 (An Estimation of the Size of Supercavities for Conical Cavitators)

  • 김형태;김병진;최정규;윤현걸
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제53권2호
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2016
  • A comparative method is applied to evaluate well-known formulas for estimating the size of supercavities of axisymmetric cavitators for the supercavitating underwater vehicle. Basic functional forms of these formulas are derived first for the cavity diameter from a momentum integral estimate and second for the cavity length from an asymptotic analysis of inviscid supercavity flows. The length and the diameter of axisymmetric supercavities estimated by each formula are compared, with available experimental data for a disk and a 45° conical cavitators, and also with computational results obtained by a CFD code, ‘fluent’, for conical cavitators of wide range of cone angles. Results for estimating the length and the diameter of the supercavities show in general a good agreement, which confirms the size of the supercavities for disk and conical cavitators can be estimated accurately by these simple formulas of an elementary function of cavitation number and drag coefficient of the cavitator. These formulas will be useful for from conceptual design of the cavitator to real-time control of the supercavitating underwater vehicle.