• Title/Summary/Keyword: Molar, Third

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Radiographic and computed tomography monitoring of a fractured needle fragment in the mandibular branch

  • Villalobos, Maria Isabel de Oliveira e Britto;Leite, Thaisa Cristina Gomes Ferreira;Barra, Samila Goncalves;Werneche, Daniela Teresa Pinto da Cunha;Manzi, Flavio Ricardo;Cardoso, Claudia Assuncao e Alves
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.63-68
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    • 2017
  • Some complications can arise with the usage of local anesthesia for dental procedures, including the fracture of needles in the patient. This is a rare incident, usually caused by the patient's sudden movements during anesthetic block. Its complications are not common, but can include pain, trismus, inflammation in the region, difficulty in swallowing, and migration of the object, which is the least common but has the ability to cause more serious damage to the patient. This report describes a case in which, after the fracture of the anesthetic needle used during alveolar nerve block for exodontia of the left mandibular third molar, the fragment moved significantly in the first 2 months, before stabilizing after the third month of radiographic monitoring.

Propofol and Fentanyl Compared with Midazolam and Morphine for Conscious Sedation During Surgical Extraction of Bilateral Mandibular Impacted Third Molars (양측 하악 매복지치 동시 발치를 위한 의식하 진정의 비교 연구: Propofol, Fentanyl과 Diazepam, Morphine)

  • Kim, Young-Kyun;Chae, Byung-Kook;Choi, Hyun-Kyu
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.3 no.2 s.5
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    • pp.87-91
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    • 2003
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to compare the availability of propofol and fentanyl (P + F) with diazepam and morphine (D + M) for intravenous conscious sedation during third molar surgery. Methods: Forty patients without systemic disease were operated under IV conscious sedation administered by either of the two techniques. Monitoring consisted of continuous observation of pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and the respiratory rate and were recorded every 15 minutes. Cooperation score was measured 5 and 15 minutes after induction of IV sedation. Following the operation, the surgeon and patients completed questionnaires including pain visual analog scale, amnesia, and side effects. Results: The P + F group was significantly more cooperative than the D + M group. The side effects of D + M group included pain on injection, nausea/vomiting and abdominal pain. The side effects of P + F group included talkativeness, nausea/vomiting, temporary apnea, pain on injection and vertigo. Conclusions: In this study, there were following benefits in the P + F group; more cooperative status and less pain perception. But respiratory depression developed in some patients.

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A Histochemical Study of the periodontal Ligament Fibers in Trauma from Occlusion (실험적 외상성교합시 치근막섬유의 조직화학적 관찰)

  • Kim, Woo-Sung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 1969
  • Occlusal force is a critical factor affecting the condition and structure of the periodontium. When the occlusal forces exceed the physiologic adaptive capacity of the tissues, tissue damage ensues. Such damage is referred to as trauma from occlusion. Excessive pressure causes compression, degeneration and realignment of the periodontal ligament fibers so that they are paralleled perpendicular to the tooth and bone. By inducing excessive occlusal forces with a high amalgam filling on rat's molar, the author observed histologic alterations of the periodontal ligament fibers by means of Hematoxylin-eosin, Van Gieson and Aldenyde fuchsin stainings. The results of the study were observed as follows: 1) The excessive occlusal forces altered arrangement of the collagenous fibers. 2) The arrangement of the oblique fibers showed appreciable differences between the control group and the group subjected to 10 days experimental trauma from occlusion. 3) The realignment of the transseptal fibers was not found. 4) The arrangement of the oblique fibers after 15 days of trauma from occusion was similar to that of 10 days experimental group. 5) The oxytalan fibers were more abundant at the cementum rather than at the alveolar bone. 6) The excessive occlusal forces produced funnel-shaped widening of the oxytalan fibers, which followed wavy course. 7) The oxytalan fibers appeared to be distributed mainly around the middle third of the root rather than that of the apical third of the root during the experimental trauma from occlusion.

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Familial Tooth Bone Graft: Case Reports (가족치아를 이용한 골이식술: 증례보고)

  • Lee, Ji-Young;Kim, Young-Kyun;Um, In-Woong;Choi, Joon-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.51 no.8
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    • pp.459-467
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    • 2013
  • The use of autogenous tooth bone graft material has been commercialized since 2008. Autogenous tooth bone grafts always require that the tooth of the patient be extracted, and thus, the use of graft material are limited in many cases. For solution of limitation in quantity and concurrent use of autogenous tooth bone graft material, the grafting of familial teeth has been suggested. It has the following advantages: the teeth of family members are used as bone graft materials, the genetic composition is identical, and potential genetic and infectious risks can be minimized. Because the teeth of family members are used, a good tissue affinity is obtained, and thus, superior bone generation rates compared to those observed for allogenic or xenogenic bones can be anticipated. We used familial tooth bone-graft materials for alveolar ridge augmentation, socket preservation, and maxillary sinus graft in some cases. In most cases, the impacted third molars of their children were prepared as bone graft material and were used for surgery. In one case, the impacted third molar from the patient's brother was used as bone graft material. We obtained satisfactory result and these cases are reported herein.


  • Choi Moon Cheol;Lee Sang Rae
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 1984
  • The purpose of the present study is to offer the fundamental materials for the diagnosis of dentigerous cyst by analysis of the clinical and radiographic findings of these lesions. The subject for this study consisted 118 patients admitted to the Department of Oral Radiology, Kyung Hee University and Seoul National University from 1974 to 1983. Conclusions from this study were as follows: 1. There was a higher incidence in males (70.34%) than in females (29.66%), and the incidence was highest in the second and third decade (26.27%) with the same incidence. (Average age: 25 year) 2. There was a higher incidence in the maxillary teeth (66.10%) than in the mandibular teeth (33.90%) and the maxillary supernumerary tooth (45.76%) was the most frequently involved one. The mandibular third molar (16.10%) was next in order of frequency of involvement followed by maxillary canine (7.63%), mandibular second premolar (5.08%). 3. There was a greater incidence of the central type than the lateral type in the maxilla, while a higher incidence of the lateral type in the mandible. 4. There was a greater incidence of the smooth type (84.26%) than that of the scalloped type (15.74%) and a higher incidence of minor type (70.91%) than the major type (29.09%) in the displacement of associated tooth. 5. Root apices of teeth encompassed or approached by the cysts showed variable resorption in 68.47% of cases.

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  • Kim, Sang-Seop;Im, Mi-Kyung
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.413-420
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of hand instrumentation with K - file and ultrasonic instrumentation and irrigation system in removing pulpal debris and canal wall planing. 20 mandibular molar teeth were instrumented to size 30 K - file and 20 teeth were instrumented with ultrasonic Suprasson. And Normal Saline and 2.5% NaOCl were used as irrigation solution. All specimens were viewed at the coronal, middle, and apical third of the root canals for the evaluation of the cleaning effect under the multiview microscope. The result were as follows : 1. All of the technique and irrigation solution was effecient in the debris removal and canal wall planing at the cervical and middle thirds of the root canal. 2. All of the techniques and irrigation solutions was less efficient in the debris removal and canal planing at the apical third of the root canal. 3. The debris removal and canal wall planing was depended more on the anatomical variations of the root canal than on the techniques and irrigation solutions.

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  • You, Kun-W.
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 1977
  • One hundred and thirteen human mandibular first molars were injected with china ink, decalcified, cleared and used in study, in vitro, to determine the number of root, the number of root canals, canals per root, frequency and location of transverse anastomoses, frequency and location of lateral canals and frequency of the apical deltas. The results were as follows; 1. Most of the teeth showed three canals, but 21. 25% of the teeth were found to have two canals and 21. 25% of them four canals. 2. In so far as observing two canals per root, 77.0% of teeth were found to have two canals in mesial root and 25.7% of them in distal root. 3. In roots with two canals, the separated apical foramen appeared 59.8% in mesial side and 40.0% in distal side, and the common apical foramen 40.2% in mesial side and 60.0% in distal side. 4. Of the two root canals in one root, 37.3% of the canals were found to have transverse anastomoses and were usually located in the apical third of the root. 5. 25.7% of 113 teeth were found to have lateral canals, and ramifications were mainly located in the apical third of the root.

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Stoichiometric Solvent Effect on SN1 Solvolytic Reactivity Accounting for Phenomenon of Maximum Rates in Methanol-Nitromethane Mixtures

  • Ryu, Zoon-Ha;Choi, Su-Han;Lim, Gui-Taek;Sung, Dea-Dong;Bentley, T. William
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1346-1350
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    • 2004
  • Pseudo-first order rate constants $(k_{obs})$ are reported for the following solvolyses in approximately isodielectric mixtures: 3- and 4-methoxybenzyl chloride, bromo- and chlorodiphenylmethane, and 4-chloro-, 4,4'-dichloro and 4-methyl-chlorodiphenylmethane in 0-80% v/v nitromethane-methanol mixtures; and bromo- and chlorodiphenylmethane and 4-methyl-chlorodiphenylmethane in various acetonitrile-methanol mixtures (in the range 0-50% v/v) at$25^{\circ}C.$ These data, and literature data for t-butyl halides (Cl, Br, and I), and for p-methoxybenzoyl chloride, show rate maxima in solvent compositions of ca. 30% aprotic cosolvent, explained by a stoichiometric solvent effect on electrophilic solvation. Linear relationships are observed between $(k_{obs})/[MeOH]^2$ and [AP]/[MeOH], where [AP] refers to the molar concentration of aprotic cosolvent. The results are consistent with competing third order contributions to $k_{obs}$, $k_{MM}[MeOH]^2$ with hydrogen-bonded methanol as electrophile, and $k_{MAP}[MeOH][AP]$ with hydrogen-bonding disrupted by the aprotic solvent.


  • Lee, Chung-Sik
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 1979
  • Fifty two human mandibular second molars were chosen to study the anatomy of the root canal. The experimental teeth were injected with china ink, decalcified, cleared and used in study, in vitro, to determine the number of root, the number of root canals, canals per root, frequency and location of transverse anastomoses, frequency and location of lateral canals and frequency of the apical deltas. The results were as follows; 1. Most of the teeth showed three canals, but 19.2% of the teeth were found to have two canals and 9.6% of them four canals. 2. In so far as observing two canals per root, 80.8% of the teeth were found to have two canals in mesial root and 9.6% of them in distal canal. 3. In roots with, two canals, the seperated apical foramen appeared in 59.5% in mesial side and 40.0% in distal side, and the common apical foramen appeared in 40.5% in mesial side and 60.0% in distal side. 4. Of the two root canals in one root, 36.2% of the canals were found to have transverse anastomoses and were usually located in the apical third of the root. 5. 23.1% of 52 teeth were found to have lateral canals, and ramifications were mainly located in the apical third of the root.

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The prevalence, distribution, and radiological evaluation of dentigerous cysts in a Lebanese sample

  • Noujeim, Ziad;Nasr, Lara
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.291-297
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study was performed to evaluate the prevalence, distribution, and radiological features (as per the Shear classification) of dentigerous cysts in a Lebanese sample. Materials and Methods: It was an epidemiological, cross-sectional, 5-year retrospective study of 137 dentigerous cysts treated at Lebanese Army Dental Departments. The collected data comprised demographic and radiological information corresponding to patients from July 2015 to July 2020. Syndromic cases were excluded. Demographic data and the radiological features of cases were studied and analyzed. Results: Dentigerous cysts were treated in 109 patients (58.7% males and 41.3% females; mean age: 28.3±16.3 years) out of 6,013 patients(52% males and 48% females), with a prevalence of 1.8%. Dentigerous cysts were more commonly found in patients in their second and third decades of life than in older age groups. Of the 109 patients, 22.9% had multiple dentigerous cysts. Of the 137 cysts, 71.5% were mandibular. The most prevalent anatomical location was the posterior mandible, followed by the posterior maxilla. The most commonly involved tooth was the mandibular third molar. Regarding radiological types, the central type was the most common (60.6%), followed by the lateral type (29.2%), and the circumferential type (10.2%). Conclusion: The results of this study were similar to studies of other populations in terms of distribution and features. Multiple non-syndromic dentigerous cysts were more common than reported in other studies, which warrants further clinical studies to reveal previously undetected factors.