• Title/Summary/Keyword: Model generation

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Workspace Generation and Interference Optimization Algorithm by Work-type using 3D Model Object in a Construction Project (건설프로젝트의 작업유형별 3차원 작업공간 생성 및 간섭 최적화 방안)

  • Kim, HyeonSeung;Moon, HyounSeok;Kim, ChangHak;Kang, LeenSeok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.1911-1918
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    • 2014
  • The increase of input resources, such as labor and equipment, in a construction project causes workspace interference between activities and it influences on the productivity and quality of construction activities. To solve this problem, many studies related to the workspace interference have been performed, however they verified the workspace concerning with only the geometric location of activities or generated the shape of workspace by a whole object concept not separated units of detailed operations. It is difficult for project manager to reasonably analyze the workspace conflict, because the size of workspace cannot reflect the characteristics of an activity and input time of a resource. This paper presents a methodology that can generate three-dimensional models in order to optimize the workspace shape and size by considering with the characteristics of each activity and input time of each resource. The suggested method can be used for the active BIM system that optimizes the workspace conflict without additional construction duration and for the searching algorithm of optimized moving path for construction equipment.


  • Cho, K.S.;Bong, S.C.;Choi, S.;Yang, H.;Kim, J.;Baek, J.H.;Park, J.;Lim, E.K.;Kim, R.S.;Kim, S.;Kim, Y.H.;Park, Y.D.;Clarke, S.W.;Davila, J.M.;Gopalswamy, N.;Nakariakov, V.M.;Li, B.;Pinto, R.F.
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2017
  • The Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute plans to develop a coronagraph in collaboration with National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and to install it on the International Space Station (ISS). The coronagraph is an externally occulted one-stage coronagraph with a field of view from 3 to 15 solar radii. The observation wavelength is approximately 400 nm, where strong Fraunhofer absorption lines from the photosphere experience thermal broadening and Doppler shift through scattering by coronal electrons. Photometric filter observations around this band enable the estimation of 2D electron temperature and electron velocity distribution in the corona. Together with a high time cadence (<12 min) of corona images used to determine the geometric and kinematic parameters of coronal mass ejections, the coronagraph will yield the spatial distribution of electron density by measuring the polarized brightness. For the purpose of technical demonstration, we intend to observe the total solar eclipse in August 2017 with the filter system and to perform a stratospheric balloon experiment in 2019 with the engineering model of the coronagraph. The coronagraph is planned to be installed on the ISS in 2021 for addressing a number of questions (e.g., coronal heating and solar wind acceleration) that are both fundamental and practically important in the physics of the solar corona and of the heliosphere.

Numerical Study on Wave-induced Motion of Offshore Structures Using Cartesian-grid based Flow Simulation Method (직교 격자계 기반 유동해석기법을 이용한 파랑 중 해양구조물의 운동 해석)

  • Nam, Bo Woo;Kim, Yonghwan;Yang, Kyung Kyu;Hong, Sa Young;Sung, Hong Gun
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.7-13
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    • 2012
  • This paper presents a numerical study of the wave loads acting on offshore structures using a Cartesian-grid-based flow simulation method. Finite volume discretization with a volume-of-fluid (VOF) method is adopted to solve two-phase Navier-Stokes equations. Among the many variations of the VOF method, the CICSAM scheme is applied. The body boundary conditions are satisfied using a porosity function, and wave generation is carried out by using transient (wave or damping) zone approaches. In order to validate the present numerical method, three different basic offshore structures, including a sphere, Pinkster barge, and Wigley model, are numerically investigated. First, diffraction and radiation problems are solved using the present numerical method. The wave exciting and drift forces from the diffraction problems are compared with potential-based solutions. The added mass and wave damping forces from the radiation problems are also compared with the potential results. Next, the wave-induced motion responses of the structures are calculated and compared with the existing experimental data. The comparison results are fairly good, showing the validity of the present numerical method.

CFD Simulation of Methane Combustion for Estimation of Fire and Explosion in Offshore Plant (해양플랜트의 화재 및 폭발 예측을 위한 메탄 연소의 CFD 시뮬레이션)

  • Seok, Jun;Jeong, Se-Min;Park, Jong-Chun;Paik, Jeom-Kee
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2013
  • Because of the recent increase in maritime cargo capacity, the production and price of crude oil have been rising. As oil prices have risen, many problems have occurred in the industry. To solve these problems, marine resources are being actively developed, and there has been an increase in the orders for special vessels and marine structures for the development of marine resources. However, consequently, various kinds of accidents have also occurred in these special vessels and structures. One of the major types of accidents involves fire and explosion, which cause many casualties and property damage. Therefore, various studies to estimate and prevent such accidents have been carried out. In this study, as basic research for the prevention of fire and explosion, numerical simulations on combustion were carried out by using a commercial grid generation program, Gridgen, and a CFD program, ANSYS-CFX. The influences of some parameters, such as the grid system, turbulence model, turbulent dissipation rate, and so on, on the simulation results were investigated, and optimum ones were chosen. It was found that the present results adopting these parameters agreed moderately well with other experimental and numerical ones.

Use of a Drone for Mapping and Time Series Image Acquisition of Tidal Zones (드론을 활용한 갯벌 지형 및 시계열 정보의 획득)

  • Oh, Jaehong;Kim, Duk-jin;Lee, Hyoseong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.119-125
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    • 2017
  • The mud flat in Korea is the geographical feature generated from the sediment of rivers of Korea and China and it is the important topography for pollution purification and fishing industry. The mud flat is difficult to access such that it requires the aerial survey for the high-resolution spatial information of the area. In this study we used drones instead of the conventional aerial and remote sensing approaches which have shortcomings of costs and revisit times. We carried out GPS-based control point survey, temporal image acquisition using drones, bundle adjustment, stereo image processing for DSM and ortho photo generation, followed by co-registration between the spatio-temporal information.

Weighted Association Rule Discovery for Item Groups with Different Properties (상이한 특성을 갖는 아이템 그룹에 대한 가중 연관 규칙 탐사)

  • 김정자;정희택
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.1284-1290
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    • 2004
  • In market-basket analysis, weighted association rule(WAR) discovery can mine the rules which include more beneficial information by reflecting item importance for special products. However, when items are divided into more than one group and item importance for each group must be measured by different measurement or separately, we cannot directly apply traditional weighted association rule discovery. To solve this problem, we propose a novel methodology to discovery the weighted association rule in this paper In this methodology, the items should be first divided into sub-groups according to the properties of the items, and the item importance is defined or calculated only with the items enclosed to the sub-group. Our algorithm makes qualitative evaluation for network risk assessment possible by generating risk rule set for risk factor using network sorority data, and quantitative evaluation possible by calculating risk value using statistical factors such as weight applied in rule generation. And, It can be widely used for new model of more delicate analysis in market-basket database in which the data items are distinctly separated.

A simulation technique to create dataset of RFID business events (RFID 비즈니스 이벤트 데이터셋의 생성을 위한 시뮬레이션 기법)

  • Ryu, Wooseok
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.289-291
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    • 2013
  • As an wireless identification technology, RFID is now extending its application area including logistics, medicine, and healthcare. Adoption of RFID demands high cost such as h/w, s/w, and so on. To adopt RFID, we need to evaluate validity of application area and feasibility of RFID S/W such as EPC Information Service (EPCIS), which demands a variety of RFID test datasets. In this paper, I propose a novel method for generating RFID business events dataset by means of the simulation of RFID application environment. Proposed method can generate near-real RFID event dataset by means of representing various RFID application environment into abstract network model based on petri-net. In addition, it can also be useful when determining adoption of RFID as well as when evaluating RFID system.

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A Study on Smartwatch review data of SNS and sentiment analytical using opinion mining (스마트워치 SNS 리뷰 데이터와 오피니언 마이닝을 통한 감성 분석 처리에 대한 연구)

  • Shin, Donghyun;Choi, YongLak
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2015.10a
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    • pp.1047-1050
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    • 2015
  • Wearable device, along with IoT(Internet of Things), is considered the core of upcoming generation's convergence technology. Companies are intensely competing one another for prior occupation in the smartwatch market. Consumers that use smartwatch express their preferences by sharing their opinions through SNS(Social Networking Service). Through this study, emotions dictionary is built, which consists of attributes and emotional words related to smartwatch. Based on the emotions dictionary, SNS data has been categorized according to the attributes through opinion data model. Afterwards, overall polarity and attribute polarity of collected data are distinguished through natural language parsing, followed by an analysis of smartwatch reviews. This study will contribute to determination of which attributes of smartwatch to be improved, to arise consumer's interest for individual smartwatch.

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Context-aware Ontology Modeling using by Legacy Home Appliences (생활기기 센서를 이용한 상황인지 온톨로지 모델링)

  • Lee, Eunyoung;Min, Ukki;Won, Yusuk;Kim, Bonam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.737-740
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    • 2013
  • The widespread use of smart home appliances with smart home networking is leading to a next generation of a new technology that exploit user contextual information to provide a richer experience. However, in the most part of home networking systems the intelligent personalization services between user and home appliances have not been adequately supplied in respect of the long lifespan of the legacy home appliances. In addition, without installing smart home appliances when constructing new building the users can not use this service. To use this service, the legacy home appliance need to attach enabler equipped with the various sensors just as it is smart home appliances. The goal is to create a service that enables appliances to exchange information and control their actions through the IoT gateway to achieve nonintrusive behavior and customized services without human intervention. In this paper, we propose a ontology model to represent the user context to be able to induce right service automatically and use it to discover, utilize and enhance different services in real time that the user may be interested in.

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Analysis of the Routing Path Tracking Technology for Mobility Host (이동성 호스트를 위한 라우팅 경로 추적 기술 분석)

  • Park, Jin-tae;Phyo, Gyung-soo;Moon, Il-young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.638-640
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    • 2016
  • Recently, Humanity enter the super-connection generation that linking human and things as a result of the development ICT technologies. IoT technology is growing rapidly as a result of IoT technology appearance and development of smart device, technology expansion, the spread of smart sensors, spread diffusion of smart devices, construction of a variety of network. These techniques are applied to those having a mobility is growing importance of network technology. Real-time service and features, such as the accuracy of the data it became important. In order to implement the IoT will need to take into account IP, security, a lot of things such as a service model, but in this paper, want to discuss mobility, for the tracking technology of routing path for efficient service delivery of the host. Therefore, in this paper, the routing path that is currently study examined the tracking technology, we try to refer to routing method of the future of the mobile host.

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