• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mobile-IPv6

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The Methods of applying IPsec between MN and HA based on Mobile IPv6 (Mobile IPv6환경에서 MN과 HA간의 IPsec 적용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 박원주;서동일
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.241-244
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    • 2003
  • Recently, IETF Mobile IP WG focus on security problem issues in Mobile IPv6 and provide appropriate protocol to solve them. These include the protections of Binding Updates both to home agents and correspondent nodes, prefix discovery messages and transporting data packets. In Mobile IPv6, control traffics between home agents and mobile nodes uses IPsec to avoid that mobile nodes and correspondent nodes may be vulnerable to attacks. It is used, however, Return Routability procedure for correspondent node to assure that the right mobile node is sending the messages. In this paper, we propose method of IPser processing to protect messages between home agents and mobile nodes.

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An Efficient Movement Management Method of Mobile Node in Mobile IPv6 (Mobile IPv6환경에서 이동노드의 효율적인 위치 관리 방안)

  • Shin Chung-Soo;Mun Young-Song
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.2 s.105
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    • pp.211-218
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    • 2006
  • The Mobile IPv6 provides the enhanced internet services to user by supporting a node's mobility. In Mobile IPv6(MIPv6), the mobile node sends the binding message which binds home address(HoA) with care-of address(CoA) to the home agent whenever it changes its point of attachment to the internet. To reduce the mobility management signal message the Paging Hierarchical Mobile IPv6(PHMIPv6) is proposed. The mobile node does not send the binding message within the domain if the mobile node's state is idle. Therefore the mobility signal message cost can be reduced. However, when the mobile node's session arrival rate is high the many mobility management signal cost are needed because the paging cost is very high. In this paper, we analysis the drawback of PHMIPv6 and propose the scheme which can reduce the mobility management signal cost. The proposed scheme works independent of the number of subnet in the domain. Therefore the proposed scheme can improve the mobile node's mobility management scheme.

Secure MAP Discovery Schemes in Hierarchical MIPv6 (계층적 Mobile IPv6에서의 안전한 MAP 검색 기법)

  • Choi, Jong-Hyoun;Mun, Young-Song
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2007
  • The Hierarchical Mobile IPv6 (HMIPv6) has been proposed to accommodate frequent mobility of the Mobile Node and to reduce the signaling load. A Mobility Anchor Point is a router located in a network visited by the Mobile Node. The Mobile Node uses the Mobile Anchor Point as a local Home Agent. The absence of any protections between Mobile Node and Mobile Anchor Point may lead to malicious Mobile Nodes impersonating other legitimate ones or impersonating a Mobile Anchor Point. In this paper, we propose a mechanism of the secure Mobile Anther Point discovery in HMIPv6. The performance analysis and the numerical results presented in this paper show that our proposal has superior performance to other methods.

Design of Fast Handover Mechanism in Proxy Mobile IPv6 Networks (Proxy Mobile IPv6 네트워크에서 Fast Handover 기법 설계)

  • Park, Byung-Joo;Han, Youn-Hee;Kim, Bong-Ki
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2008
  • In the existing literature, the handover process reveals numerous problems manifested by high movement detection latency. FMIPv6 can reduce packet loss using a tunnel-based handover mechanism. However, this mechanism may cause performance degradation due to the out-of-sequence packets. Recently. Proxy Mobile IPv6 is proposed for network-based mobility management to reduce overhead in mobile node. PMIPv6 can decrease handover latency which related overhead in MN by using network agent. In this paper, we proposed optimized fast handover scheme called Fast Proxy Mobile IPv6 (EF-PMIPv6). The proposed EF-PMIPv6 can support fast handover using fast IAPP and ND schemes. Further, a mathematical analysis is provided to show the benefits of our scheme. In the analysis, various parameters are used to compare our scheme with the current procedures, while our approach focuses on the reduction of handover latency.

A Mechanism for Supporting 6LoWPAN Node Mobility based on Proxy Mobile IPv6 (Proxy Mobile IPv6 기반 6LoWPAN 노드의 이동성 지원 기법)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Lee, Hye-Chan;Hong, Choong-Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2008.06d
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    • pp.470-475
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    • 2008
  • 6LoWPAN 센서 노드의 이동성을 지원하기 위해 기존의 Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6)와 같은 프로토콜을 활용하는 것은 저전력에 제한적 사양의 하드웨어로 구성된 6LoWPAN 센서 노드에서 구동되는 것이 현실적으로 불가능하다. 따라서 Mobile Access Gateway (MAG)가 6LoWPAN 센서 노드의 이동시 발생하는 바인딩 시그널링을 대신 처리해주는 Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) 프로토콜을 6LoWPAN에 적용하면 효율적으로 이동성을 지원할 수 있다. 하지만 Proxy Mobile IPv6는 6LoWPAN 이동 센서 노드와 1홉으로 연결되는 경우에 6LoWPAN 이동 센서 노드의 이동을 인지하고 Proxy Binding Update(PBU)를 하게 되지만, 6LoWPAN 센서 네트워크와 같이 멀티 홉으로 구성되는 네트워크에는 Proxy Mobile IPv6를 바로 적용할 수 없다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 기존의 1홉 단위로 연결된 6LoWPAN 이동 센서 노드의 이동성을 지원하는 Proxy Mobile IPv6 프로토콜을 멀티를 환경의 6LoWPAN 센서 네트워크에 적용하기 위한 방법을 제안한다.

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An Implementation and Performance Evaluations of Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 (Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6 구현 및 성능 평가)

  • 김용성;권동희;서영주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2004.10c
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    • pp.4-6
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    • 2004
  • 이동 장치의 발전과 인터넷의 급격한 성장에 따라, 호스트의 이동성을 제공하기 위해 IETF에서는 Mobile IPv6를 제안하였다. Mobile IPv6는 노드의 위치 및 이동성 관리를 통해 호스트에게 끊김없는 서비스를 제공하고자 한다. 그러나 Mobile IPv6에서는 노드가 이동하는 동안 데이터 통신을 할 수 없는 시간이 존재하게 되는데 이것을 핸드오버 지연 시간이라 한다. Mobile IPv6는 VoIP와 같은 지연 시간에 민감한 트래픽을 지원하기에는 핸드오버 지연 시간이 크다. FMIPv6는 이러한 지연 시간을 줄이고자 제안된 프로토콜로서 두 가지 모드, 즉 predictive 모드와 reactive 모드가 존재한다. 본 논문에서는 FMIPV6 구현을 통해 기존의 MIPv6와의 핸드오버 성능을 실제 테스트베드 네트워크에서 비교 분석하고자 한다. 실험 결과를 통해 reactive FMIPv6가 기존의 MIPv6보다 predictive FMIPv6가 reactive FMIPv6보다 더 좋은 성능을 보여준다는 것을 알 수 있다. 그리고. FMIPv6 역시 지연 시간에 민감한 트래픽을 지원하기에는 부족하다는 것을 보여준다.

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The Registration Protocol using a Public-Key and Secret-Key in Mobile IPv6 (Mobile IPv6에서 공개키와 비밀키를 이용한 등록 프로토콜)

  • 허용준;홍충선;이대영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2002.10e
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    • pp.592-594
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    • 2002
  • Mobile IPv6는 호스트에 이동성을 제공하여주는 Mobile IPv4의 부족한 주소문제를 해결하고자 제안된 차세대 프로토콜이다. 본 논문에서는 Mobile IPv6의 이동노드와 메시지인증을 위한 단방향 공개키 암호화 기법과 비밀키 기법을 제안한다. 제안된 프로토콜은 이동노드의 인증과 메시지 인증을 위하여 공개키 암호화 기법을 최소화하였으며, 또한 전송 메시지를 최소화함으로 해서 이동노드의 부담을 줄이도록 설계하였다.

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Video Chatting using MPEG-4 in Mobile IPv6 Networks (Mobile IPv6환경에서 MPEG-4를 이용한 화상채팅시스템)

  • Choe, Yun-Ju;Yun, Won-Dong;Kim, Pyung-Soo;Kim, Young-Keun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.11c
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    • pp.203-205
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    • 2004
  • We propose a video chatting algorithm using MPEG-4 over Mobile IPv6. This real-time system transmits video and character data based on UDP. To send data efficiently within limited bandwidth, we use a standard multimedia compression algorithm, MPEG-4, that encodes video data and mobile IPv6 guarantees effective mobility. This system presents the example of the mobile multimedia applications that will be the solution for the next internet services.

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Enhanced Cross-Layering Mobile IPv6 Fast Handover over IEEE 802.16e Networks in Mobile Cloud Computing Environment (모바일 클라우드 컴퓨팅 환경에서 IEEE 802.16e 네트워크에서의 향상된 교차계층 Mobile IPv6 빠른 핸드오버 기법)

  • Lee, Kyu-Jin;Seo, Dae-Hee;Nah, Jae-Hoon;Mun, Young-Song
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.47 no.12
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    • pp.45-51
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    • 2010
  • The main issue in mobile cloud computing is how to support a seamless service to a mobile mode. Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) is a mobility supporting protocol which is standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). Mobile IPv6 fast handovers (FMIPv6) is the extension of MIPv6 which is proposed to overcome shortcomings of MIPv6. Recently, fast handovers for Mobile IPv6 over IEEE 802.16e which is one of broadband wireless access systems has been proposed by the IETF. It was designed for supporting cross-layer fast handover. In this paper, we propose an enhanced cross-layering mobile IPv6 fast handover over IEEE 802.16e networks. In our scheme, a new access router generates a new address for the mobile node by using a layer 2 trigger. We utilize a layer 2 message which is sent from a new base station to the new access router in order to inform the new access router of information of the mobile node. A previous access router sends a binding update message to the mobile node's home agent when it acquires the new address of the mobile node. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme compared with the existing schemes in terms of the signaling cost and the handover latency. From the results, we observe that the proposed scheme can support fast handover effectively over IEEE 802.16e networks than existing schemes.

A NEMO Tunnel Maintenance Scheme for Roaming Mobile Routers to IPv4 Networks through Tunnel Agent (모바일 라우터의 IPv4 네트워크 이동시 Tunnel Agent를 통한 NEMO Tunnel 유지 방안)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Hong, Choong-Seon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.259-261
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    • 2005
  • 현재 이동성을 지원하는 Mobile IPv4와 Mobile IPv6 프로토콜은 서로 다른 버전의 네트워크에서는 호환이 불가능하게 설계되어있다. Mobile IPv6 프로토콜에서 확장되어 네트워크 이동성까지 지원되는 Network Mobility(NEMO) 프로토콜 역시 IPv6 네트워크 내에서만 이동성이 보장된다. 그러나 앞으로의 인터넷은 IPv4와 IPv6 네트워크가 상당기간 공존할 것으로 예상되기 때문에 두 버전의 네트워크 사이에 이동성이 자연스럽게 지원되는 방안이 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 다른 버전의 네트워크 사이에 NEMO 프로토콜에 대해 이동성을 지원하기 위한 방법을 제안한다. 우리는 Mobile Router(MR)가 IPv4 네트워크로 이동을 한 경우에도 Tunnel Agent(TA)를 통해 NEMO Tunnel을 유지함으로써 이동성을 관리할 수 있는 새로운 메커니즘을 제시한다.

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