• Title/Summary/Keyword: MnO addition

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Piezoelectric and Electrical Characteristics of PMN-PZT Ceramics With Addition of Cr (Cr이 첨가된 PMN-PZT 세라믹스의 압전 및 전기적특성)

  • 장낙원;이두희;백동수;이개명;박창엽
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 1991.10a
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    • pp.20-23
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    • 1991
  • In this study, 0.05Pb(Mn$\_$1/3/Nb$\_$2/3/)O$_3$+ 0.95Pb(Zr/Ti)O$_3$+x[wt%]Cr$_2$O$_3$piezoelectric ceramics were fabricated by Hot-press method, and its structural, dielectrical, piezoelectrical properties, temperature stability and aging characteristics were investigated. Among the MPB and tetragonal compositions, the specimens with 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 [wt%] Cr$_2$O$_3$ additive amount had the poisson ratio more than 1/3. At tetragonal phase, the aging was small, and the temperature stability was improved by Cr addition. The specimen most suitable to the HF device substrate was the one with the composition of 47/53 (Zr/Ti) an 0.4 [wt%] Cr$_2$O$_3$addition.

Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Low Temperature Sintering PSN-PZT Ceramics with CeO2 Addition (CeO2첨가에 따른 저온소결 PSN-PZT세라믹스의 유전 및 압전 특성)

  • 류주현;정광현;정영호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.481-485
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    • 2004
  • 0.91 (PSN-PZT) -0.05BF -0.04PNW+0.3wt%MnO$_2$+0.6wt%CuO+xwt%CeO$_2$ ceramics were fabricated with the variations of CeO$_2$addition at the sintering temperature of 95$0^{\circ}C$ and their microstructure, dielectric and piezoelectric characteristics were investigated. As the amount of CeO$_2$ addition increased, the grain size, density and electromechanical coupling factor(k$_{p}$) were increased and the mechanical quality factor(Q$_{m}$ ) was decreased. At the 0.3 wt% CeO$_2$, the density, grain size, electromechanical coupling factor(k$_{p}$), and pizoelectric constants(d$_{33}$, g$_{33}$) showed the maximum value of 7.87 g/㎤, 3.22 $\mu\textrm{m}$, 0.5, 289 pC/N, and 22.2 ㎷ㆍm/N, respectively. However, mechanical quality factor(Q$_{m}$ ) showed the minimum value of 807 at the 0.5 wt% CeO$_2$.$.EX>.EX>.

Dielectric and Piezoelectric Properties of Low temperature sintering PSN-PZT ceramics with $CeO_2$ addition ($CeO_2$첨가에 따른 저온소결 PSN-PZT세라믹스의 유전 및 압전 특성)

  • Chung, Kwang-Hyun;You, Ju-Hyun;Oh, Dong-On;Song, Hyun-Seon;Jeong, Hye-Seung;Park, Chang-Yub;Lee, Duck-Chool
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.300-303
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    • 2003
  • [ $0.91(PSN-PZT)-0.05BF-0.04PNW+0.3wt%MnO_2+0.6wt%CuO+xwt%CeO_2$ ] ceramics were fabricated with the variations of $CeO_2$ addition at the sintering temperature of $950^{\circ}C$ and their microstructure and dielectric and piezoelectric characteristics were investigated. As the amount of $CeO_2$ addition increased, the grain size, density and electromechanical coupling factor(kp) were increased and the mechanical quality factor(Qm) was decreased. At the $0.3wt%CeO_2$, density, grain size and electromechanical factor(kp) showed the maximum value of $7.87g/cm^3$, $3.22{\mu}m$ and 0.5, respectively. However, mechanical quality factor(Qm) showed the minimum value of 807 at the $0.5wt%CeO_2$.

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Effect of Single and Dual Doping of Rare Earth Metal Ce and Nd Elements on Electrochemical Properties of LiNi0.83 Co0.11Mn0.06O2Cathode Lithium-ion Battery Material (리튬이온전지용 양극활물질 LiNi0.83 Co0.11Mn0.06O2의 전기화학적 특성에 미치는 Ce와 Nd 희토류 금속의 단독 혹은 이중 도핑효과)

  • Kim, Yoo-Young;Ha, Jong-Keun;Cho, Kwon-Koo
    • Journal of Powder Materials
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2019
  • Layered $LiNi_{0.83}Co_{0.11}Mn_{0.06}O_2$ cathode materials single- and dual-doped by the rare-earth elements Ce and Nd are successfully fabricated by using a coprecipitation-assisted solid-phase method. For comparison purposes, non-doping pristine $LiNi_{0.83}Co_{0.11}Mn_{0.06}O_2$ cathode material is also prepared using the same method. The crystal structure, morphology, and electrochemical performances are characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) mapping, and electrochemical techniques. The XRD data demonstrates that all prepared samples maintain a typical ${\alpha}-NaFeO_2$-layered structure with the R-3m space group, and that the doped samples with Ce and/or Nd have lower cation mixing than that of pristine samples without doping. The results of SEM and EDS show that doped elements are uniformly distributed in all samples. The electrochemical performances of all doped samples are better than those of pristine samples without doping. In addition, the Ce/Nd dual-doped cathode material shows the best cycling performance and the least capacity loss. At a 10 C-rate, the electrodes of Ce/Nd dual-doped cathode material exhibit good capacity retention of 72.7, 58.5, and 45.2% after 100, 200, and 300 cycles, respectively, compared to those of pristine samples without doping (24.4, 11.1, and 8.0%).

Dielectric/piezoelectric Properties of Mn-Doped PMN-PZT with Variations of the Sintering Temperature and Addition of B2O3 (소결온도와 B2O3첨가량에 따른 Mn첨가 PMN-PZT의 유전 및 압전특성의 변화)

  • Shin Hyo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.41 no.9
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    • pp.709-714
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    • 2004
  • The additive of low temperature sintering in Mn-doped PMN-PZT known as high piezoelectric materials was studied in this experiment. B$_2$O$_3$ was used for the additive of low temperature sintering. The effects of sintering temperature in dielectric, and piezoelectric properties were investigated with the amounts of B$_2$O$_3$. Sintered density was increased in comparison with no addition and under 2wt% B$_2$O$_3$ and lower sintering temperature than 100$0^{\circ}C$. Therefore, in the low sintering temperature, the densification was improved by the addition of the B$_2$O$_3$. However, the sintering density was lower than that of the main composition in the case of the sintered at over 10$50^{\circ}C$. Dielectric constant with the addition of B$_2$O$_3$ was evaluated. The dielectric constant was 1000 2 wt% of B$_2$O$_3$ and sintered at 100$0^{\circ}C$. Under 2wt% of B$_2$O$_3$, the electromechanical coupling factor and the piezoelectric constant were not so much decreased. The electromechanical coupling factor and the piezoelectric constant were 50% and 300(${\times}$10$^{-12}$ C/N) respectively. The mechanical quality factor was increased with B$_2$O$_3$. The mechanical quality factor was 1700 at 0.5wt% B$_2$O$_3$ and sintered at 110$0^{\circ}C$. Dielectric loss was less than 0.5% regardless of the amount of B$_2$O$_3$.

A Study on Piezoelectric Properties of PMN-PSS-PZT ceramics with Ni, Mn (Ni, Mn가 첨가된 PMN-PSS-PZT세라믹스의 압전 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyea-Kyoung;You, Sung-Gone;Bae, Seon-Gi
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.07c
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    • pp.1624-1626
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    • 2004
  • This study was to measure the minuteness structure, piezoelectric properties of (0.3-x)PMN- xPSS -0.7PZT+0.5[wt%]NiO+0.5(wt%)$MnO_2$ (x=0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25)ceramics according to sintering temp- erature and PSS(mol%) after manufacturing the specimens with a general method. the results of this study were gotten such as follows. The crystal structure of ceramic has the rombohedral structure in XRD. It appeared that addition of Ni, Mn additive was helpful to the formation of stable structure. The electrome- chanical coupling coefficient(kp) showed good properites on the whole, showed its maximum value 25.94[%] in specimens sintered at 1100[$^{\circ}C$], x=0.25mol. The mechanical quality coefficient(Qm) showed its maximum value 272.42 in specimens sintered at 1150[$^{\circ}C$], x=0.05mol. and was decreased by increasing PSS[mol%] The temperature coefficient of the resonant frequency(TCFr) showed stable properties in all sintering temperature with x=0.05mol. Especially good stability of 0.0054[%/$^{\circ}C$] showed in specimens sintered at 1100$^{\circ}C$, x=0.05mol.

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A Study on Dielectric Properties of PMN-PSS-PZI ceramics with Ni, Mn (Ni, Mn가 첨가된 PMN-PSS-PZT 세라믹스의 유전 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Hyea-Kyoung;Kim, Hyun-Chul;Soung, Nak-Jin;Bae, Seon-Gi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.07b
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    • pp.764-767
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    • 2004
  • This study was to measure the minuteness structure, dielectric properties of (0.3-x)PMN - XPSS-0.7PZT+0.5wt%NiO+0.5wt%$MnO_2$(x=0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25)ceramics according to sintering temperature and PSS moi percentage after manufacturing the specimens with a general method. the results of this study were gotten such as follows. The crystal structure of ceramic has the rombohedral structure in XRD. it appeared that addition of Ni, Mn additive was helpful to the formation of stable structure. Dielectric constant at $20^{\circ}C$ showed its maximum value 890.001 in specimens sintered at $1000^{\circ}C$, x=0.15mol. and dielectric loss showed its minimum value 6.95[%] in specimens sintered at $1000^{\circ}$, x=0.05mol. The variation rate of dielectric constant according to the change of frequency was decreased by increasing frequency, The variation rate of dielectric constant according to the change of temperature was increased by increasing temperature.

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Study of Pr0.3Sr0.7CoxMn(1-x)O3 as the Cathode Materials for Intermediate Temperature SOFC (중.저온형 고체 산화물 연료전지의 공기극 물질로 사용되는 Pr0.3Sr0.7CoxMn(1-x)O3 (x=0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 1)에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Bae, Joong-Myeon
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.44 no.4 s.299
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    • pp.214-218
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    • 2007
  • The decrease of polarization resistance in cathode is the key point for operating at intermediate temperature SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell). In this study, the influence of Co substitution in B-site at complex perovskite on the electronic conductivity of PSCM ($Pr_{0.3}Sr_{0.7}Co_xMn_{(1-x)}$) was investigated. The PSCM series exhibits excellent MIEC (mixed ionic electronic conductor) properties. The ASR (area specific resistance) of PSCM3773 was $0.174{\Omega}{\cdot}cm^2\;at\;700^{\circ}C$. The activation energy of PSCM3773 was also lower than other compositions of PSCM. The TEC(thermal expansion coefficient) was decreased by addition of Mn. The ASR values were increased gradually during the thermal cycling test of PSCM37773 due to the delamination between electrolyte and cathode materials. The delamination was caused by the difference of TEC.

Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2, Ni, and graphene-added Mg by reactive mechanical grinding processing for hydrogen storage and comparison with Ni and Fe2O3 or MnO-added Mg

  • Song, Myoung Youp;Choi, Eunho;Kwak, Young Jun
    • Journal of Ceramic Processing Research
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.609-616
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    • 2019
  • The optimum powder to ball ratio was examined, which is one of the important conditions in reactive mechanical grinding processing. Yttria (Y2O3)-stabilized zirconia (ZrO2) (YSZ), Ni, and graphene were chosen as additives to enhance the hydriding and dehydriding rates of Mg. Samples with a composition of 92.5 wt% Mg + 2.5 wt% YSZ + 2.5 wt% Ni + 2.5 wt% graphene (designated as Mg-2.5YSZ-2.5Ni-2.5graphene) were prepared by grinding in hydrogen atmosphere. Mg-2.5YSZ-2.5Ni-2.5graphene had a high effective hydrogen-storage capacity of almost 7 wt% (6.85 wt%) at 623 K in 12 bar H2 at the second cycle (n = 2). Mg-2.5YSZ-2.5Ni-2.5graphene contained Mg2Ni phase after hydriding-dehydriding cycling. Mg-2.5YSZ-2.5Ni-2.5graphene had a larger quantity of hydrogen absorbed for 60 min, Ha (60 min), than Mg-2.5Ni-2.5graphene and Mg-2.5graphene. The addition of YSZ also increased the initial dehydriding rate and the quantity of hydrogen released for 60 min, Hd (60 min), compared with those of Mg-2.5Ni-2.5graphene. Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2, Ni, and graphene-added Mg had a higher initial hydriding rate and a larger Ha (60 min) than Fe2O3, MnO, or Ni and Fe2O3-added Mg at n = 1.

Cathode Characteristics of Co3(PO4)2-Coated [Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2 for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries (Co3(PO4)2로 표면코팅한 Li[Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2의 리튬 2차전지용 양극재 특성 )

  • Lee, Sang-Hyo;Kim, Kwang-Man;Koo, Bon-Keup
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.112-118
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    • 2008
  • To prepare the high-capacity cathode material with improved electrochemical performances, nanoparticles of $C0_3(PO_4)_2$ were coated on the powder surface of $Li[Co_{0.1}Ni_{0.15}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.55}]O_2$, which was already synthesized by simple combustion method. The coated powders after the heat treatment at >$700^{\circ}C$ surely showed well-structured crystalline property with nanoscale surface coating layer, which was consisted of $LiCOPO_4$ phase formed from the reaction bwtween $CO_3(PO_4)_2$ and lithium impurities. In addition, cycle performance was particularly improved by the $CO_3(PO_4)_2$-coating for the cathode material for lithium rechargeable batteries.