• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mixed-use

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Antihyperglycemia Effect of Medicinal Plants Mixture in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats (Streptozotocin 유발 당뇨쥐에서 항당뇨 생약 복합물의 혈당강하 효과)

  • Park, Keum-Ju;Jin, Hwi-Seung;Park, Seung-Hee;Kim, Eun-Ho;Kim, Jae-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1554-1559
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to investigate the hypoglycemic effect of single and repeated oral administration of medicinal herbal mixture (AD) in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Angelica decursiva, Lycium chinense and Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara were selected by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and mixed for AD mixture. In an oral glucose tolerance test, the AD inhibited the increase in blood glucose levels at 1 hr and 2 hr and decreased incremental glycemic response area under the curve. In a single administration of AD1 (100 mg/kg) and AD2 (500 mg/kg), significant reductions by 5.3% and 12.3% were observed in fasting blood glucose level for 4 hours. During the 1 month of the experimental period, AD1 and AD2 was given to the STZ induced diabetic rats. At 4th week, the fasting blood glucose levels of AD1 and AD2 caused a fall of 25.5% and 37.9%, respectively. In addition, the body weights were decreased by 7.7% (AD1) and 1.7% (AD2), respectively, compared with diabetic control (DC, decreasing of 10.2%). This study suggests that AD could be potentially useful for fasting and post-prandial hyperglycemia treatment and all these effects concluded to the use of this plant extract to manage diabetes mellitus.

Mapping and Assessment of Forest Biomass Resources in Korea (우리나라 산림 바이오매스 자원량 평가 및 지도화)

  • Son, Yeong Mo;Lee, Sun Jeoung;Kim, Sowon;Hwang, Jeong Sun;Kim, Raehyun;Park, Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.103 no.3
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to assess forest biomass resource which is a carbon sink and a renewable resource in Korea. The total forest biomass resource potential was 804 million tons, and conifers, broadleaved forest and mixed forest accounted for 265 million tons, 282 million tons, and 257 million tons, respectively. Proportionately to regional forest stocks, biomass potential of Gangwon-do had most biomass potential, followed by Gyeongsangbuk-do and Gyeongsangnam-do. The woody biomass from the byproduct of sawn timber in commercial harvesting was 707 thousand ton/year, and that from the byproduct of forest tending was 592 thousand ton/year. The amount resulted in about 1,300 thousand ton/year of potential supplies from forest biomass resource into the energy market. It's tonnage of oil equivalent(toe) was 585 thousand ton/year. In this study, we developed a program (BiomassMap V2.0) for forest biomass resource mapping. Used system to develop this program was Microsoft Office Excel, Microsoft Office Access ArcGIS and Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Additionally, This program made use of tool such as ESRI MapObjects2.1 in order to take advantage of spatial information. This program shows the map of total biomass stock, annual biomass growth at forest land in Korea, and biomass production from forest tending and commercial harvesting. The information can also be managed by the program. The biomass resource map can be identified by regional and forest type for the purpose of utilization. So, we expect the map and program to be very useful for forest managers in the near future.

Changes in Cordycepin and Liquiritigenin Content and Inhibitory Effect on NO Production in Fermented Licorice and Dongchunghacho (동충하초균주로 발효한 감초의 주요성분 함량 변화 및 NO 생성 억제 효과)

  • Wang, Ziyu;Li, Mei;Li, Ke;Son, Beung Gu;Kang, Jum Soon;Park, Young Hoon;Lee, Yong Jae;Kim, Sun Tae;Jung, Jae-Chul;Lee, Young Guen;Choi, Young Whan
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2017
  • Traditional Korean fermented herbal plants are potential sources of new food that promote health, but they are still produced by yeast, fungi or bacteria fermentation. In the present work, mushroom (Paecilomyces tenuipes and Cordyceps militaris) fungal dongchunghacho were used to fermented Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer (licorice) or mixed with pupa. The pupa were tested as solid substrates for the production of corcycepin, liquiritin, and liquiritigenin. The fermented substrates were analyzed the content of cordycepin, liquiritin, liquiritigenin, and glycirrhizin productivity and inhibitory activity of NO. The cordycepin content of 70% EtOH extract from the fermented mixture of licorice and 50% pupa with C. militaris increased maximum at 33 times. Pupa was very excellent for the production of cordycepin. The liquiritin content was decreased in all the assays inoculated with P. tenuipes and C. militaris dongchunghachos. The liquiritigenin content was higher when fermented with P. tenuipes than C. militaris. The addition of pupa significantly reduced the liquiritin content and glycyrrhizin production. As a result, the liquiritigenin content increased in fermented P. tenuipes and C. militaris, and liquiritin and glycyrrhizin decreased. The inhibition of NO production in the different ethanolic extracts fermented with licorice and pupa was also significantly increased and higher than that of a nonfermented extract in higher polar solvent extracts. The contents of cordycepin and biological active compounds were altered in accordance with the concentration of pupa and fungi. This study provides basic data for use in developing dongchunghacho fungi as a functional food resource.

Effect of FSH Pretreatment on Follicle Development and Oocyte Recovery by Ultrasound-guided Aspiration in Holstein Heifers (젖소의 초음파 유도 채란율에 대한 FSH 전처리 효과의 비교)

  • Park, Chung-Saeng;Jo, Seong-Geun;Lee, Jeong-Gyu;Gang, Tae-Yeong;Park, Seong-Jae;Gong, Il-Geun;Choe, Min-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 1997
  • Ultrasound-guided follicular aspiration was performed in Holstein heifers once weekly with or without pretreatment of single or multiple decreasing doses using a total of 400 mg FSH. Oocytes were aspirated with a 6.5 MHz convex-array ultrasound trasducer designed for intravaginal use. All the visible follicles larger than 4 mm in diameter were punctured with a 17 gauge, 55 cm needle at each aspiration session and the follicular fluids containing oocytes were obtained by vacuum suction. The results obtained were as follows: As a preliminary experiment, the recovery rates of folicular oocytes by ultrasound-guided aspiration from the isolated ovaries of Korean native cows were compared between suction methods using manual syringe or vacuum pump. The recovery rate of oocytes using vacuum pump (80.7%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher than that using manual syringe (47.1%). The follicles were counted by their size in diameter with ultrasound image, and recovery rates and grades of follicular oocytes collected by ultrasound-guided aspiration were investigated in Holstein heifers pretreated with or without FSH. A group of heifiers were injected with multiple decreasing doses (twice a day for 3 days) of a total of 400 mg FSH. The other 2 groups were injected with a single dose of 400 mg FSH mixed with 25% PVP. Ultrasound observation of follicle population and/or ultrasound-guided transvaginal oocyte aspiration were performed 12 hrs following the last FSH injection in the multiple dose group, and 48 or 60 hrs after FSH injection in the single dose groups. Most of the visible follicles had small size of less than 3 mm in diameter in unstimulated heifers (71.0%), but medium size in all the heifers treated with FSH. (70.5 to 92.8%). The number of OPU follicles per session (4.6$\pm$1.9) were much less, compared to the vilsible follicle counts (9.7$\pm$2.2), in the nustimulated heifers due to the small dominant follicles. Among 4 goups of heifers the most visible as well as OPU follicles were observed in the heifers at 60 hrs following treatment of a single dose of 400 mg FSH (21.2$\pm$2.3 and 21.0$\pm$2.0), and the differences in both the follicle counts between the groups was found significant (P<0.05) The rates of oocyte recovery from the follicles by ultrasound-guilded aspiration were varied 46.3 to 75.0% in the heifers unstimulated and treated with a single dose of 400 mg FSH, but the group difference was not significant. The number of recovered oocytes per session a, pp.ared to be highest at aspiration at 60 hrs following single FSH (10.6$\pm$2.2) than at aspiration at 48 hrs after single FSH (7.8$\pm$2.7) or in the unstimulated heifers (3.4$\pm$3.0). The proportion of grade I and II oocytes to all oocytes collected was varied 31.8 to 64.0% between the groups. However, there was found no significant difference in both the number of oocytes recovered per session and the percentage and the percentage of grade I and II oocytes. From the above results it was concluded that the more oocytes of superior quality might be recovered economically by ultrasound-guided aspiration at 60 hrs following the pretreatment of a single dose of 400 mg FSH and by suction using a vacuum pump system of about negative pressure of 75 to 85 mmHg.

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The Present State and Problems of Hotel Buffet Styled Restaurant -II. A Survey of Ecology in Food and Nutrition of Some Urban Females Dining in Hotel Buffet Styled Restaurant- (호텔 뷔페음식(飮食)에 관(關)한 실태조사(實態調査) -제(弟) 2보(報). 여성(女性)들의 뷔페식당(食堂)에서의 끽식행동(喫食行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)-)

  • Choi, Kyung-Suk;Mo, Su-Mi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.185-197
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    • 1991
  • An eating behavior research was done with 50 females at a buffet styled restaurant during their lunch time. Of the respondents, 52.0% were professional and 54.0% were graduate school graduates. Of the respondents, 58.0% of the company were friends and 24.0% were relatives. The average time period of eating was $93.0{\pm}23.4$ minutes. The average frequency of taking food was $4.0{\pm}1.1$ and the average frequency of taking food after satiety was $1.4{\pm}0.8$. It is significant that lower frequency of food consumption was directly proportional to the age groups of respondents. The average selected food items were $30.4{\pm}7.1$ out of 175 and the average weight of the consumed food was $995.0{\pm}240.9$ g. The older age group chose a similar number of food items, but the amount of each food item was considerably less than younger. So the younger the age group was, the more they ate. The average food items at one time was $7.1{\pm}2.2$ and the average food weight time was $233.7{\pm}69.7$ g. The percentage of respondents who evaluated themselves as 'ate too much' was 70.0% and those who evaluate themselves 'ate properly' was 14.0%. Most of them were satisfied with the buffet service. The average of number of food items consumed by respondents before cooking was $50.5{\pm}8.9$. The consumption of calories and nutrients was compared with the Korean Daily Recommended Dietary Allowances. The consumed calories were 60.9% of RDAs, protein 104.4%, calcium 77.1%, iron 129.8%, vitamin A 66.5%, thiamin 96.0%, riboflavin 95.7%, niacin126.6% and ascorbic acid 112.3%. This data exceeded 1/3 of the Korean Daily RDAs tremendously and tells us extreme overeating. The energy ratio of carbohydrate: fat: protein was 51.6: 29.9: 18.5. Caloric consumption of animal food was 27.9% and the consumption rate of the other nutrients from animal food was considerably high. But the consumption rate of vitamin A was 90.9% from vegetable groups. Accoding to this study, buffet service gives some advantages. It gives customers an good opportunity to vary their food intake, which enhances eating experiences and can cause an improvemont of food habits. But overeating is a problem. Therefore, we think it is necessary for those women who have influence over their family's food selection, to have nutrition education about a desirable order of eating a meal, food selection, and health problems due to overeating at buffet styled restaurant. There should be some improvement in the management of buffet service. For example, proper temperature, texture, and freshness of the food should be maintained. Prevention of mixed food smells should be considered as well. To lower the price it is desirable to reduce the number of similar items and to use seasonal food as much as possible. A buffet styled restaurant with less food items with cheaper prices is recommended. Various traditional food should be developed for the menu items. We expect buffet services to be sutable to maintain good health and to be popular to any eater.

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Studies on Kimchi for its Standardization for the Industrial Production Part 1. Survey of Status Industrial Production (김치의 공업적(工業的) 생산(生産)을 위한 공업표준화(工業標準化)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) 제(第)1보(報) 공업적생산(工業的生産)을 위한 조사(調査))

  • Yu, Tai-Jong;Chung, Dong-Hyo
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 1974
  • 1) In Seoul, it was known that the season for preparing Kimchies (fermented vegetables) for the winter was from the middle of November to early in December, in which the preparing rates of Kimchies in the middle of November, the end of November and early in December were 32.7%, 41.3% and 12.5%, respectively. The time that the largest quantity of them was prepared was about the end of November. 2) The average cost of Kimchies prepared for the winter for a family of four, five, six and seven was $10,000{\sim}15,000$ Won, $15,100{\sim}20,000$ Won, $10,100{\sim}20,000$ Won and $10,100{\sim}20,000$ Won, respectively, and the cost did not increase in proportion to members of a family. In case of the family of $6{\sim}7$, the cost for Kimchies showed a wide range compared with those for the family of $4{\sim}5$ 3) The main raw materials of kimchi for one person for the winter required $12{\sim}20$ heads of Chinese cabbages, $14{\sim}20$ roots of radishes, $4{\sim}7$ cloves of garlics and $300{\sim}500g$ of powdered red pepper. 4) The residents living in Seoul had prepared the several kinds of the pickles for the winter as follows; (1) Chinese cabbage Kimchi (98.9%), (2) Whole Chinese cabbage Kimchi (74.7%), (3) Kkakdugi (68.6%), (4) Dongchimi (66.4%) and (5) Chong-kak Kimchi (63.3%). It has, therefore. been considered that the five kinds of Kimchies mentioned above may be industrialized. 5) Uniqueness of the raw materials used for the most popular Chinese cabbage Kimchi was to use leeks, garlics, red peppers and gingers as spices, and it was also known that proper amounts of salted shrimp pickles and oysters was mixed to the Kimchies. Therefore, it had been considered that the characteristics of Chinese cabbage Kimchies for the winter had the hot taste with freshness. 6) For keeping the Kimchies during the winter about the half of the pickle jars was buried in the ground, and another half of them were wrapped in the straw bags or styropol and they were placed on the ground or kept in the basement, 7) In most case (80.9%), the salt concentration of pickling was adjusted by one's experiences, and only 19% of them was measured with the instruments. 8) Most of remaining kimchies were usually used for other cooks, but some of them were thrown away. 9) The ratio of the people who had ever bought the market Kimchies for their own edibility was 17.8% and most of them got it only in the spring and summer season. 10) About 18% of the residents living in the general houses in Seoul had ever bought the market Kimchies. It was also known that about 48% of the residents living in the general houses and about 79% of the residents living in the apartments wanted to purchase the market Kimchies if the production of the delicious Kimchies were industrialized. The season that the people wanted to get the market Kimchies was a little different each other among the residents. About 13.4% of the residents living in the general houses wanted to purchase the Kimchies during the summer, and 11.9% of them wanted to get it throughout the year. On the other hand, in case of the apartments, 25.2% of the residents wanted to get it during the summer and 24.4% of them wanted it throughout the year (4 seasons) and 19.9% of them wanted it during two seasons. The data mentioned above have shown that many residents hope strongly an industrial production of the Kimchies. It is also true that many residents living in both the general houses and apartments want to get the market kimchies throughout the year, and particulary during the summer season that most foods are very apt to be spoiled.

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Effect of Hairy Vetch Green Manure on Corn Growth and Yield Cropping System of Corn-Oats/Hairy Vetch (옥수수-연맥 헤어리벳치 작부체계에서 옥수수에 대한 헤어리벳치 녹비효과)

  • 서종호;이호진;허일봉
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2001
  • It is possible to use hairy vetch as green manure for corn not only in corn single cropping but also in double cropping system of corn and fall oats. Fall oats and hairy vetch were mixed-sown after corn harvest and harvested as forage in the early of November, and then hairy vetch stubble was over-wintered and incorporated into soil at corn planting as green manure without N fertilizer (FO+HV-GM). Other treatments were fall oats without N fertilizer on corn (FO-0N) and with N fertilizer 200kg/ha on corn (FO-200N), hairy vetch green manure without N fertilizer on corn (HV-GM), and fell winter follow without N fertilizer on corn (WF-0N). Soil nitrate content, corn growth and nitrogen uptakes, and yield of corn were measured and compared during 2-year experimental seasons. Dry matter and N amount of hairy vetch at the plot of FO+HV-GM were 60% less than those at the plot of HV-GM. The N effect of hairy vetch green manure on corn at the plot of HV-GM was similar to that at FO-200N plot for two years. Soil nitrate at the plot of FO+HV-GM was below the half of those at plots of HV-GM and FO-200N at 6-leaf stage of corn. N uptake of corn at the plot of FO+HV-GM at silking stage was 30% less than those at plot of HV-GM and FO-200N. However, soil nitrate at 6-leaf stage of corn and the amount of nitrogen uptake of corn at silking stage increased two times and 30-40 kg/ha, respectively, compared with those at the plot of FO-0N. Corn yield at FO+HV-GM decreased about 2 ton/ha due to the decrease of corn grain weight in the first year compared with plot of HV-GM and FO-200N, but its difference was not shown in succeeding second year. Corn N uptake at FO+HV-GM decreased 60 kg/ha and 20 kg/ha in 1999 and 2000, compared with plot of HV-GM and FO-200N, respectively, but increased 30kg/ha and 45kg/ha compared with the plot of FO-0N in 1999, 2000, respectively. Therefore, it is estimated that hairy vetch green manure in fall oats-corn double cropping system can reduce nitrogen chemical fertilizer on corn as much as 50-100 kg/ha although its N effect is much lower than the N effect of hairy vetch green manure in corn single cropping of which N effect is over 200 kg/ha.

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Evaluation of Cabbage- and Broccoli-genetic Resources for Resistance to Clubroot and Fusarium Wilt (뿌리혹병 및 시들음병에 대한 저항성 양배추와 브로콜리 유전자원 탐색)

  • Lee, Ji Hyun;Jo, Eun Ju;Jang, Kyoung Soo;Choi, Yong Ho;Kim, Jin-Cheol;Choi, Gyung Ja
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2014
  • Clubroot and Fusarium wilt of cole crops (Brassica oleracea L.) are destructive diseases which for many years has brought a decline in quality and large losses in yields all over the world. The breeding of resistant cultivars is an effective approach to reduce the use of chemical fungicides and minimize crop losses. This study was conducted to evaluate the resistance of 60 cabbage (B. oleracea var. capitata) and 6 broccoli (B. oleracea var. italica) lines provided by The RDA-Genebank Information Center to clubroot and Fusarium wilt. To investigate resistance to clubroot, seedlings of the genetic resources were inoculated with Plasmodiophora brassicae by drenching the roots with a mixed spore suspension (1 : 1) of two isolates. Of the tested genetic resources, four cabbage lines were moderately resistant and 'K166220' represented the highest resistance to P. brassicae. The others were susceptible to clubroot. On the other hand, to select resistant plants to Fusarium wilt, the genetic resources were inoculated with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. conglutinans by dipping the roots in spore suspension of the fungus. Among them, 17 cabbage and 5 broccoli lines were resistant, 16 cabbage lines were moderately resistant, and the others were susceptible to Fusarium wilt. Especially, three cabbage ('IT227115', 'K161791', 'K173350') and two broccoli ('IT227100', 'IT227099') lines were highly resistant to the fungus. We suggest that the resistant genetic resources can be used as a basic material for resistant B. oleracea breeding system against clubroot and Fusarium wilt.

Strain Improvement of Leuconostoc mesenteroides as a Acid-Resistant Mutant and Effect on Kimchi fermentation as a Starter (Leuconostoc mesenteroides의 내산성 변이주의 김치발효에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim Young-Hwan;Kim Hee-Zoong;Kim Ji-Young;Choi Tae-Bu;Kang Sang-Mo
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2005
  • An organic acid tolerance mutant (M-200) was obtained from Leuconostoc mesenteroides KCCM 35471, followed by the screening procedure using a specific organic acid medium (lactic acid: acetic acid, 2:1). The characteristics of the acid tolerance M-200 and the wild type LM-W were examined at various temperature and pH ranges $(l0-30^{\circ}C$ of temp, 3.5-4.5 of pH). The growth of strain M-200 at HCl adjusted medium $(10^{\circ}C\;and\;pH 3.5)$ was observed. In the case of organic acid adjusted medium, the strain showed its growth at the pH range of 3.8. When the strain M-200 was used as a starter for Kimchi fermentation, a constant acid level (0.55) was observed during the whole fermentation period. This result indicates that the strain produces a proper level of acid content for the Kimchi fermentation. This result also indicates that the edible period of Kimchi can be extended to 3.5 fold compare to the result obtained from the LM-W used Kimchi fermentation. However the excess use of the strain M-200 showed the inhibition of growth of Lactobacillus plantarum, low lactic acid level content and low level of organoleptic test. In the case of organic acid content during the Kimchi fermentation, the strain M-200 showed relatively low production rate compare to the wild type (M-200: 3.5 mg/L at 21 days of fermentation, LM-W: 7 mg/L at 21 days of fermentation). Therefore a mixed Kimchi starter containing M-200 and other strains probably maintain a good Kimchi quality during the fermentation.

Method of Environmental-Friendly Fertilization for Rice Cultivation after Vegetable Copping in Green House Soil (시설재배 후작 벼 재배를 위한 친환경적 시비 기술)

  • Jeon, Weon-Tai;Lee, Jae-Sang;Park, Ki-Do;Park, Chang-Yeong;Roh, Sug-Won;Yang, Won-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.191-197
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    • 2005
  • Green house soils have been intensively cultivated with excessive application of compost and chemical fertilizer for vegetable growth. The objective of this study was to establish the reasonable fertilizer application system for rice cultivation in green house soil. Field experiment was carried out with rice cv. Geumo-byeo 1 in Jisan series soil (fine loamy, mixed, mesic family of Fluventic Haplaquepts) that was previously cropped with green pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) for the last 3 years. Treatment consisted of conventional fertilization $(N-P_2O_5-K_2O=11-4.5-5.7kg\;10a^{-1})$, no basal fertilization, 50% reduction of basal fertilization no top dressing, bulk blending fertilizer, and no fertilizer. The value of pH, available phosphate, and exchangeable potassium after experiment was lower than those before experiment while organic matter content was not difference in all treatment. The value of salt elusion was the highest in no basal fertilization plot. The amount of $NH_4-N$ in soil was higher in growth stage of rice as fertilizer amount increased in 1998. The changes of plant height and tiller were higher as fertilizer amount increased. Thousand-grain weight as yield component was higher in no basal fertilization plot all the year because of decreasing panicle. There was no significant difference in rice yield between treatments in 1998. However, conventional fertilization resulted in significantly increased rice yield in 1999. Nitrogen use efficiency was the highest in no basal fertilization plot in 1998 and in conventional fertilization plot in 1998. Our results suggest that no basal fertilization be best to increase salt elusion with slightly increased yield in first year for rice cropping after vegetable harvesting, which method improves fertilization efficiency. However, conventional fertilization was good for second rice cropping after vegetable harvesting in greenhouse.