• Title/Summary/Keyword: Military Strategy

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《삼략(三略)》에서의 초연적(超然的) 숭고(崇高) 의식(意識) 고찰(考察)

  • Lee, Jeong-Mi
    • 중국학논총
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    • no.66
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    • pp.227-264
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    • 2020
  • In Sanyue, the identity of the state and the individual is discussed in terms of the class, ideology, system, moral ethics, tactical strategy, national view, Talent image, etc. and It pursues a historical approach in the world history and an attempt to self-realize in the history of mankind. This literature expresses the strength of military theory and discusses the main core points of the country as a military political and tactical strategy as follows: "Shangyue, zhongyue, and Xiayue. In the Shangyue in Sanyue, it describes how to distinguish the heroes who have been appointed through the ceremony, and it shows the accomplishment of the reason. In zhongyue, we discuss how to distinguish the contingency plan the meaning of change. In Xiayue, we discuss practical thinking of moral ethics and explain the possibility of All the officials and sages angry by considering the safety of the country."

China's Pursuit for Seapower and New U.S.-China Relationship (중국의 해양강국 추구와 새로운 미중관계)

  • KIM, Heung-Kyu
    • Strategy21
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    • s.36
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    • pp.59-93
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    • 2015
  • A Paradigm shift is in process in China's foreign policies during Xi Jinping's era. Such changes occur with changing national identities from developing country to great power, and from continental power to continental-maritime power. China's pursuit for sea power embraces its global strategy. Accommodating the new identity of maritime power, China is developing its maritime strategy. New silk-road strategy actively utilizes China's advantage in economy, while avoiding direct military challenges against the U.S. China seeks an associated balance of power with the U.S. On the other hand, China make its determination clear to protect its core national interests, particularly Taiwan straits issue, deploying Anti-Access and Area-Denial strategy. 'Pax-Americana 3.0' and 'China's rise 2.0' have convoluted and evolved in complexity. South Korea faces much tougher challenges ahead in its foreign and security environments.

Nuclear-First Politics of Kim Jung Un Regime and South Korea's Deterrence Strategy (김정은 정권의 선핵(先核) 정치와 한국의 억제전략)

  • Kim, Tae Woo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.39
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    • pp.5-46
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    • 2016
  • North Korea's 4th nuclear test on Jan. 6 and following developments once again awakened the world into seriousness of the nuclear matters on the Korean peninsula. On March 2, UNSC adopted Resolution 2270 which is complemented by Seoul government's measures such as withdrawal from the Gaesung Industrial Complex (Feb. 9) and announcement of unilateral sanction (March 8). Seoul government also strongly urged the international community to strangle North Korea's 'financial resources.' The U.S., Japan, China, and other countries have issued unilateral sanctions to complement the UNSC measure. South Korea and the U.S. conducted their annual joint military drill (Resolve-Foal Eagle) in the largest-ever scale. North Korea, however, responded with demonstration of its nuclear capabilities and announcement of de facto 'nuclear-first' politics. North Korea test-fired a variety of delivery vehicles, threatened nuclear strikes against South Korea and the U.S., and declared itself as an 'invincible nuclear power armed with hydrogen bombs' at the 7th Workers 'Party Congress held in May, 2016. Considering the circumstantial evidences, the North's 4th nuclear test may have been a successful boosted fission bomb test. North Korea, and, if allowed to go on with its nuclear programs, will become a nuclear power armed with more than 50 nuclear weapons including hydrogen bombs. The North is already conducting nuclear blackmail strategy towards South Korea, and must be developing 'nuclear use' strategies. Accordingly, the most pressing challenge for the international community is to bring the North to 'real dialogue for denuclearization through powerful and consistent sanctions. Of course, China's cooperation is the key to success. In this situation, South Korea has urgent challenges on diplomacy and security fronts. A diplomatic challenge is how to lead China, which had shown dual attitudes between 'pressure and connivance' towards the North's nuclear matters pursuant to its military relations with the U.S, to participate in the sanctions consistently. A military one is how to offset the 'nuclear shadow effects' engendered by the North's nuclear blackmail and prevent its purposeful and non-purposeful use of nuclear weapons. Though South Korea's Ministry of Defense is currently spending a large portion of defense finance on preemption (kill-chain) and missile defense, they pose 'high cost and low efficiency' problems. For a 'low cost and high efficiency' of deterrence, South Korea needs to switch to a 'retaliation-centered' deterrence strategy. Though South Korea's response to the North's nuclear threat can theoretically be boiled down into dialogue, sanction and deterrence, now is the time to concentrate on strong sanction and determined deterrence since they are an inevitable mandatory course to destroy the North' nuclear-first delusion and bring it to a 'real denuclearization dialogue.'

The analysis on Japan's New Maritime Strategy and the Development of its Naval Forces - focusing on Japan's countermeasure to China's pursuing of maritime hegemony - (일본의 신(新) 해양전략과 해상전력 발전 동향 분석 - 중국의 해양패권 추구에 대한 대응을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Joon-Hyung
    • Strategy21
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    • s.40
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2016
  • Recently, the Japanese government revised the three guidelines of its security policy, the National Security Strategy(NSS), the National Defense Program Outline and Midterm Defense Buildup Plan, exceptionally at one time. This means Japan has been seeking the new strategy and strengthening military power considering changing regional security environment. Moreover, Japan revised the security laws for the right to collective self-defense, which authorized the use of force even when Japan is not under attack. Also, Japan renewed the Guidelines for Japan-U.S. Defense Cooperation in twenty years, and has expanded JSDF's scope of activity to a worldwide level. These changes imply Japan would constantly seek to build military forces focusing on naval forces. Because Japan's naval forces, the JMSDF is the means that allow Japan to use its force at anywhere overseas and expand its roles and missions in international society by the basis of the right to collective self-defense. This research will analyze Japan's new maritime strategy and trend of force development and eventually look for the implication on our maritime security These days, Japan has perceived Chinese rapid increase of naval power and pursuing of maritime hegemony as a grave threat. In response to this, Japan is designing new maritime strategy, which are "remote islands defense and recapture" and proactively develop a new type of naval forces to accomplish this new strategy. The Japan's "remote island defense and recapture strategy" is to harden its defensive posture in Nansei islands which correspond to China's 1st island chain for chinese A2/AD strategy and directly encounter with China and to protect its own dominium and maritime interest while supporting US national strategy in East Asia. Japan continues to build compact, multi-functional ship to accomplish "remote island defense and recapture strategy" and keep strengthening its maritime power projection capability to include build of new amphibious ship, and large, multi-functional ship which can provide effective C2. These changes imply that Japan is shifting its strategy from passive and defensive to proactive and aggressive way and continues to pursue naval buildup.The implication of Japan's new maritime strategy and naval buildup needs to be observed carefully and we need to keep developing naval power required to protect our maritime sovereignty and interest.

A Study on Optimal Allocation of Short Surface-to-Air Missile (단거리 지대공 미사일의 최적배치에 관한 연구)

  • 이영해;남상억
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.34-46
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    • 2000
  • The object of this study is to construct a model for an optimal allocation of short surface to air missile defending our targets most efficiently from hostile aircraft´s attack. For the purpose of this, we analyze and establish facility allocation concept of existing models, apply set covering theory appropriate to problem´s properties, present the process of calculating the probability of target being protected, apply Sherali-Kim´s branching variable selection strategy, and then construct the model. As constructed model apply the reducing problem with application, we confirm that we can apply the large scale, real problem.

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US-China Hegemony Competition and Gray-Zone Conflict in the Post-Coronavirus Era: Response strategies of the Korean Navy and Coast Guard (포스트 코로나시대 미중 패권경쟁과 회색지대갈등: 한국 해군·해경의 대응전략)

  • Lee, Shin-wha;Pyo, Kwang-min
    • Maritime Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.149-173
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    • 2020
  • While the United States and other Western states are in trouble with COVID-19 crisis, China is continuing its aggressive ocean expansion with its Gray-zone strategy. The Gray-zone strategy, which China uses around the South China Sea, refers to a strategy that promotes a change in international politics by creating an unclear state, neither war or peace. China, which is trying to expand its influence across East Asia, will also try to project a Gray zone strategy on the Korean Peninsula. The possible scenarios are as follows: 1) South Korea is accidentally involved in a dispute in the South China Sea, 2) Military conflicts between South Korea and China is caused by illegal fishing of Chinese boats in Yellow Sea, 3) China tries to interfere with Socotra Rock, 4) Unlikely, but possible in the future that China induce the military conflicts between Korea and Japan on the Dokdo issue. In order to cope with these scenarios, Korea should prepare the following measures from a long-term perspective: the creation of an Asian maritime safety fleet, the integ rated operation of the navy and the coast guard in the framework of the national fleet, and strengthening the conflict control system for China's provocations.

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A Study on SCM System Construction Strategy Using a Statistical Method (통계기법을 이용한 SCM 시스템 구축 전략에 관한 연구)

  • 서장훈;김용범;김우열
    • Journal of the military operations research society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.17-28
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    • 2002
  • Recently, To define an enterprise's survival strategy is a difficult task, because the competition of a business is a complexity. The reason is the original research uses a statistical survey method. On a conceptual point of SCM, - as an order of development, physical distribution, logistics management, basic supply chain management and advanced supply chain management etc - a supervisor is magnifying gradually as well as confusing with information and analysis techniques which seems possible. On executing this, however, it has many problems since it is hard and wide; therefore, The Manager don't aware a total executable solution even though the enterprise knows necessity of SCM. On this paper focus on a proposal of alternatives with reasonableness of manufacturing and making a profit of sales department like most of enterprises are willing to overcome such as carelessness and unready strategy of investment additionally, the thesis should effort to find an element through an analysis of cases, a statistical method of effective SCM, and actual survey to propose an alternative; moreover, this paper proved the facts that it could be a guiding company, which has an ability of cooperation with entities through the founding of supply chain. As a conclusion, this essay showed the variation that influences the capacity entities and alternative to define an element which basically influence for a cause and effect.

Time-varying Proportional Navigation Guidance using Deep Reinforcement Learning (심층 강화학습을 이용한 시변 비례 항법 유도 기법)

  • Chae, Hyeok-Joo;Lee, Daniel;Park, Su-Jeong;Choi, Han-Lim;Park, Han-Sol;An, Kyeong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a time-varying proportional navigation guidance law that determines the proportional navigation gain in real-time according to the operating situation. When intercepting a target, an unidentified evasion strategy causes a loss of optimality. To compensate for this problem, proper proportional navigation gain is derived at every time step by solving an optimal control problem with the inferred evader's strategy. Recently, deep reinforcement learning algorithms are introduced to deal with complex optimal control problem efficiently. We adapt the actor-critic method to build a proportional navigation gain network and the network is trained by the Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO) algorithm to learn an evasion strategy of the target. Numerical experiments show the effectiveness and optimality of the proposed method.

Analysis of the Causes of the Israel-Hamas War and Strategic Implications (이스라엘-하마스 전쟁원인 분석과 전략적 함의)

  • Il Soo Bae;Hee Tae Jeong
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2024
  • With the Russia-Ukraine war ongoing, the war broke out due to a surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, 2023. Israel and Hamas had a conflict with similar causes and aspects in 2021, which was immediately resolved with a peace agreement. It is no exaggeration to say that 'human history is the history of war.' War accounts for a significant portion of human history. According to Kenneth Waltz, the violent and selfish nature of humans, the nature of nations pursuing their own interests, and the international system act simultaneously as causes of war. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of the Israel-Hamas war using Kenneth Waltz's three image theories to derive implications and provide implications for Korea's military strategy.