《삼략(三略)》에서의 초연적(超然的) 숭고(崇高) 의식(意識) 고찰(考察)

  • Received : 2020.04.28
  • Accepted : 2020.06.06
  • Published : 2020.06.30


In Sanyue, the identity of the state and the individual is discussed in terms of the class, ideology, system, moral ethics, tactical strategy, national view, Talent image, etc. and It pursues a historical approach in the world history and an attempt to self-realize in the history of mankind. This literature expresses the strength of military theory and discusses the main core points of the country as a military political and tactical strategy as follows: "Shangyue, zhongyue, and Xiayue. In the Shangyue in Sanyue, it describes how to distinguish the heroes who have been appointed through the ceremony, and it shows the accomplishment of the reason. In zhongyue, we discuss how to distinguish the contingency plan the meaning of change. In Xiayue, we discuss practical thinking of moral ethics and explain the possibility of All the officials and sages angry by considering the safety of the country."



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