• Title/Summary/Keyword: Military Strategy

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A Study for the Development Strategy of CITIS Standard (CITIS표준 개발전략에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Ki-Tae;Im, Chun-Sung;Jeon, Dong-Wook;Kim, Eun
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 1998
  • We followed the below procedure to establish the development strategy of CITIS standard. At first, we investigated Military CITIS and Commercial CITIS to establish the concept of CITIS and examined several implemented examples. And using the previous analysis, We analyzed the structure of the functions, the technologies and the standards. To establish the development strategy of CITIS standard, we divided CITIS standards into three category, These are infrastrucure standard, data standard and process standard. In the process standard, we analyzed how we develop a formulated process and which item we select to make formulated official documents. And finally, We explained the implementation plan and extension strategy of government-enterprise and inter-enterprise CITIS respectively.

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Challenges of Republic of Korea Navy : How to Cope with Old and New Threats from North Korea and Others. (북한 및 지역 해양안보 위협 극복과 대한민국 해군발전)

  • Bai, Hyung-Soo
    • Strategy21
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    • s.37
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    • pp.32-64
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    • 2015
  • This paper examines the types and trends of North Korea's military provocations and regional maritime threats against South Korea, and is focusing on the Republic of Korea's naval development and modernizations by the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) on future actions, what directions of the ROKN has taken thus far in response, as well as an examination of how the ROKN might respond to vulnerabilities identified throughout modern history. Importantly, this paper does not consider the domestic, bilateral, multilateral, regional and global political dimensions of the situation on the Korean Peninsula; nor does it consider the North Korea's transitional power politics, but including North Korea's nuclear program and submarine-launched ballistic missile developments, as a caveat, this paper is based on open sources in Korean and English language, and thus information concerning provocations is indicative only.

Causes of Change Orders in the Military Facility Construction Projects and Suggestions for Improvement (군사시설 건설사업의 설계변경 요인분석 및 개선방향)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Han;Choi, Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.263-271
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    • 2013
  • Change orders have been widespread in both the private and public construction sectors. In particular, in the case of G2B (Government to Business) contracts, adjustment of contract price and/or schedule extension is a frequent occurrence due to change orders. To uncover the causes of change orders and suggest an appropriate strategy, this study analyzed 296 cases of change orders in military facility construction projects from 2008 to 2010. The analysis revealed that the major causes of change orders are users' additional requirements (28.38%), a change of finishing materials (23.99%), and change of footing type (17.57%), in that order. Building on the results of this analysis, the authors suggest plans for practical improvements. Specific recommendations include 1) reflect user requirements at the early stage, 2) minimize the use of additional budget due to change orders, and 3) reduce the process and time for contract amendment, among others. The results of this study may provide significant implications to those involved in military construction projects, particularly project owners (i.e., the Ministry of Defense) and contractors.

The Effect of MDM Understanding on MDM Acceptances : A Cross-COI Study on Military and Non-military Users (마스터데이터관리 이해도가 국방 마스터데이터관리시스템 수용에 미치는 사용자 집단별 차이 분석)

  • Kim, Jung-Cheol;Lee, Choon Yeul;Seog, Lee In;Kang, Hee Joo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2013
  • It has been found that users' characteristics are important variables that explain information systems adoption. These user groups, which are called COIs (Community Of Interests), might show different behaviors to each other to the same information system. We study differences in MDM (master data management) system adoption between military users and SI developers using TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). In case of military users, the perceived usefulness of an MDM system does not have impacts on intention to use an MDM system. Only the ease of use of an MDM system has impacts on intention to use an MDM system. However, in case of SI developers, both the perceived usefulness and the ease of use of an MDM system have impacts on intention to use an MDM system, which are similar to findings in previous studies. These results might be interpreted that users do not pay much attention to the usefulness in adopting a new information system in a centralized organization. They are obligated to use an information system whether it is useful or not. Thus the ease of use has more impacts on users than the usefulness.

A Study on a Way to Utilize Big Data Analytics in the Defense Area (국방분야 빅데이터 분석의 활용가능성에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Seong-Woo;Kim, Gak-Gyu;Yoon, Bong-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2014
  • Recently, one of the core keywords in information technology (IT) as well as areas such as business management is big data. Big data is a term that includes technology, personnel, and organization required to gather/manage/analyze collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to manage and analyze using traditional tools. The military has been accumulating data for a long period due to the organization's characteristic in placing emphasis on reporting and records. Considering such characteristic of the military, this study verifies the possibility of improving the performance of the military organization through use of big data and furthermore, create scientific development of operation, strategy, and support environment. For this purpose, the study organizes general status and case studies related to big data, traces back examples of data utilization by Korean's national defense sector through US military data collection and case studies, and proposes the possibility of using and applying big data in the national defense sector.

Cyber Threat Military Response Strategy Using Information Security Risk Management (정보보안 위험관리를 활용한 사이버 위협 군사 대응 전략)

  • Jincheol Yoo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.173-179
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    • 2023
  • The 4th Industrial Revolution technology has emerged as a solution to build a hyper-connected, super-intelligent network-oriented operational environment, overcoming the obstacles of reducing troops and defense budgets facing the current military. However, the overall risk management, including the increase in complexity of the latest inform ation technology and the verification of the impact with the existing information system, is insufficient, leading to serious threats to system integrity and availability, or negatively affecting interoperability between systems. It can be inhibited. In this paper, we suggest cyber threat response strategies for our military to prepare for cyber threats by examining information security risk management in the United States in order to protect military information assets from cyber threats that may arise due to the advancement of information technology.

Posttranscriptional deregulation of Src due to aberrant miR34a and miR203 contributes to gastric cancer development

  • Hao, Qiang;Lu, Xiaozhao;Liu, Nannan;Xue, Xiaochang;Li, Meng;Zhang, Cun;Qin, Xin;Li, Weina;Shu, Zhen;Song, Bin;Wang, Qing;Song, Liqiang;Zhang, Wei;Zhang, Yingqi
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.316-321
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    • 2013
  • Gastric cancer remains the main cause of cancer death all around the world, and upregulated activation of the nonreceptor tyrosine kinase c-SRC (SRC) is a key player in the development. In this study, we found that expression of Src is also increased in clinical gastric cancer samples, with the protein level increased more significantly than that at the RNA level. Further study revealed that miR34a and miR203, two tumor suppressive miRNAs, inversely correlate with the expression of Src. Restoration of miR34a and miR203 decreased Src expression in gastric cancer cell lines, which in turn inhibited cell growth and cell migration. In summary, our study here revealed that posttranscriptional regulation of Src contributes to the deregulated cell growth and metastasis in gastric cancer, and targeting Src by miR34a or miR203 mimics would be a promising strategy in therapy.

A study on the guidelines for the Military Continuity of Operations Plan (군 COOP전략 지침 수립을 위한 연구)

  • Park, Chanyoung;Park, Seongsu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.291-298
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    • 2022
  • Unexpected massive disasters have occurred around the world, causing enormous socio-economic damage. The military has long been enacting laws, organizing organizations and establishing systems for crisis and disaster management, but it did not consider the situation when military essential functions were suspended due to unpredictable and massive disasters. With the September 11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. military has developed COOP strategy aimed at continuing military essential functions in all crisis, and is contributed to national continuity by ensuring uninterrupted national security functions. Korean military has established a crisis and disaster management system, but focuses on managing and controlling disasters and crisis situations. Korean military needs a system to guarantee military essential functions even in national crisis beyond its management capabilities. In this study, We compared and reviewed the U.S. administration and military COOP guidelines and directives, ISO22301 international standards., and developed planning guidelines suitable for the Korean military situation by responding to detailed items based on ISO22301. In particular, the U.S. military(DoD, Army, Navy, Air Force) COOP guidelines were drawn and incorporated into the guidelines(such as protection and succession of command authority, the fulfillment of essential functions and operational security, etc.). The planning guidelines are expected to be used as reference materials for the introduction of COOP systems in the military and the establishment of plans in the future.

PRC Maritime Operational Capability and the Task for the ROK Military (중국군의 해양작전능력과 한국군의 과제)

  • Kim, Min-Seok
    • Strategy21
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    • s.33
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    • pp.65-112
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    • 2014
  • Recent trends show that the PRC has stepped aside its "army-centered approach" and placed greater emphasis on its Navy and Air Force for a wider range of operations, thereby reducing its ground force and harnessing its economic power and military technology into naval development. A quantitative growth of the PLA Navy itself is no surprise as this is not a recent phenomenon. Now is the time to pay closer attention to the level of PRC naval force's performance and the extent of its warfighting capacity in the maritime domain. It is also worth asking what China can do with its widening naval power foundation. In short, it is time to delve into several possible scenarios I which the PRC poses a real threat. With this in mind, in Section Two the paper seeks to observe the construction progress of PRC's naval power and its future prospects up to the year 2020, and categorize time frame according to its major force improvement trends. By analyzing qualitative improvements made over time, such as the scale of investment and the number of ships compared to increase in displacement (tonnage), this paper attempts to identify salient features in the construction of naval power. Chapter Three sets out performance evaluation on each type of PRC naval ships as well as capabilities of the Navy, Air Force, the Second Artillery (i.e., strategic missile forces) and satellites that could support maritime warfare. Finall, the concluding chapter estimates the PRC's maritime warfighting capability as anticipated in respective conflict scenarios, and considers its impact on the Korean Peninsula and proposes the directions ROK should steer in response. First of all, since the 1980s the PRC navy has undergone transitions as the focus of its military strategic outlook shifted from ground warfare to maritime warfare, and within 30 years of its effort to construct naval power while greatly reducing the size of its ground forces, the PRC has succeeded in building its naval power next to the U.S.'s in the world in terms of number, with acquisition of an aircraft carrier, Chinese-version of the Aegis, submarines and so on. The PRC also enjoys great potentials to qualitatively develop its forces such as indigenous aircraft carriers, next-generation strategic submarines, next-generation destroyers and so forth, which is possible because the PRC has accumulated its independent production capabilities in the process of its 30-year-long efforts. Secondly, one could argue that ROK still has its chances of coping with the PRC in naval power since, despite its continuous efforts, many estimate that the PRC naval force is roughly ten or more years behind that of superpowers such as the U.S., on areas including radar detection capability, EW capability, C4I and data-link systems, doctrines on force employment as well as tactics, and such gap cannot be easily overcome. The most probable scenarios involving the PRC in sea areas surrounding the Korean Peninsula are: first, upon the outbreak of war in the peninsula, the PRC may pursue military intervention through sea, thereby undermining efforts of the ROK-U.S. combined operations; second, ROK-PRC or PRC-Japan conflicts over maritime jurisdiction or ownership over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands could inflict damage to ROK territorial sovereignty or economic gains. The PRC would likely attempt to resolve the conflict employing blitzkrieg tactics before U.S. forces arrive on the scene, while at the same time delaying and denying access of the incoming U.S. forces. If this proves unattainable, the PRC could take a course of action adopting "long-term attrition warfare," thus weakening its enemy's sustainability. All in all, thiss paper makes three proposals on how the ROK should respond. First, modern warfare as well as the emergent future warfare demonstrates that the center stage of battle is no longer the domestic territory, but rather further away into the sea and space. In this respect, the ROKN should take advantage of the distinct feature of battle space on the peninsula, which is surrounded by the seas, and obtain capabilities to intercept more than 50 percent of the enemy's ballistic missiles, including those of North Korea. In tandem with this capacity, employment of a large scale of UAV/F Carrier for Kill Chain operations should enhance effectiveness. This is because conditions are more favorable to defend from sea, on matters concerning accuracy rates against enemy targets, minimized threat of friendly damage, and cost effectiveness. Second, to maintain readiness for a North Korean crisis where timely deployment of US forces is not possible, the ROKN ought to obtain capabilities to hold the enemy attack at bay while deterring PRC naval intervention. It is also argued that ROKN should strengthen its power so as to protect national interests in the seas surrounding the peninsula without support from the USN, should ROK-PRC or ROK-Japan conflict arise concerning maritime jurisprudence. Third, the ROK should fortify infrastructures for independent construction of naval power and expand its R&D efforts, and for this purpose, the ROK should make the most of the advantages stemming from the ROK-U.S. alliance inducing active support from the United States. The rationale behind this argument is that while it is strategically effective to rely on alliance or jump on the bandwagon, the ultimate goal is always to acquire an independent response capability as much as possible.

Republic of Korea Navy's Long-Term Development Plan to Acquire Operational Capabilities at Distant Ocean - Focused on Introduction of Aircraft Carrier and Nuclear-powered Submarine - (원양 작전 능력 확보를 위한 한국 해군의 장기(長期) 발전 방안 - 항공모함 및 원자력 잠수함 도입제안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeop
    • Strategy21
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    • s.34
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    • pp.149-177
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    • 2014
  • Today distant oceans around the world are regarded as a major 'global commons' for international trade and transportation. Korea is not an exception, because Korea hugely depends on sea lines of communication (SLOC) for supplying vital commodities such as food and energy resource. As a result, assuring a free and safe use of distant ocean beyond territory is also an important agenda for Korea's maritime security. However there are a number of challenges for Korea to enjoy a free and safe use of distant ocean; dangers of regional maritime conflict in East Asia, naval arms race of China and Japan, and concerns on possible decline of U.S naval presence and power projection capabilities. These factors provide a reasonable basis for Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) to pursue capabilities for major naval operations at distant ocean in a long-term perspective toward the year 2030. The introduction of aircraft carrier and nuclear-powered submarine is a key requirement for achieving this goal. ROKN needs to acquire a 'multi-role strategic landing platform' type of light aircraft carrier, which takes a role to escort naval task force by providing air superiority at distant ocean. Additionally nuclear-powered submarine will offer ROKN a formidable power to carry out offensive missions effectively at distant ocean.