• Title/Summary/Keyword: Middle School Career Education

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A Study on the Importance of Contents in Middle-School Home-Economics (중학교 남.녀학생이 인식한 가정과 교육내용의 중요성에 관한 연구 - 전라북도 남.녀학생을 중심으로-)

  • 박일록
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the contents that students want to learn the most on Home-Economics. Participants were 710 middle school students(359 boys and 351 girls) from 9 schools located in 4 cities and 5 counties in CholaBukDo. The results are as follows: 1. Of 32 contents on Family life, boys were interested in 'the puberty', 'pregnancy and the ethics on sex', 'social needs', 'the importance of family relationship', and 'adolescents' physical development'. On the other hand, girls were more intered in 'pregnancy' and 'the ethics on sex', 'the puberty', 'development of career consciousness' and 'career preparation', 'the adolescents' physiolosical and physical development', and 'the importance of family relationship'. 2. Of 37 contents of Managing home resource and Consumer life subarea, boys showed their interests on 'environmental problems', 'environmental conservation', 'environmental pollution', 'management of time and work', 'knowledge', 'management of their abilities'. And girls were more interested in 'environmental conservation', 'environmental pollution', 'environmental problems', 'adolescents life', and 'management of time and work'. 3. Of 49 contents on Dietary life, boys were more interested in 'puberty and the development', 'importance of nutriment', 'nutrition and health' and 'smoking and the health'. However, girls were more interested in 'smoking and health', 'puberty and the development', 'the importance of nutriment', 'nutrition and health', 'a realistic plan to reduce the food-based environmental pollution'. 4. Of 40 contents on Clothing life subarea, while boys were interested in 'the suitable cloths on oneself', 'clothing design', 'regulation of temparature', physical protection' 'merchandising for ready-made clothing'. On the other hand, girls were mostly interested in 'the suitable cloths on oneself', and next 'the clothing design', 'merchandising for ready-made clothes','physical protection', and 'the appropriate posture and physical adornment'. 5. Of 18 contents on Residence life subarea, teachers emphasized the importance of ventilation for adjusting the room environment and students were more interested in the effective use of the residing space. In general, those middle school students in Cheolabukdo showed the biggest interest on 'Clothing life', 'Residence life' the second, 'Eating life' the third, 'Human development and Family relationship' the fourth, and Management of family resource and Consuming life' was their fifth interest. Such result was consistent with Ⅱ-Rok Park's previous research(1997). Since the participants for this study were sampled form 9 schools located in CheolaBukDo, it is not suitable to apply the results nationwide. The restricted sampling must be considered and further studies are needed to make comparisons among areas.

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Development and Application of a Tool for Measuring on a Scientist Image by the Semantic Differential Method (의미분석법에 의한 과학자 이미지 측정도구 개발 및 적용)

  • Youngwook Song;Hyukjoon Choi
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2024
  • Knowing the learner's image of a subject-related occupation is good data for determining the direction of a teacher's teaching and learning. Existing drawing image analysis tools have the limitation that it takes a long time to analyze images and drawings of a scientist's appearance. The semantic differential method is a widely used method to analyze images of specific objects. However, research using the semantic differential method has the limitation of failing to reflect terms or factors that change over time by using the adjective pairs used in the initial study as they were in accordance with the research content. In this study, we use the semantic differential method to develop a tool to measure middle school students' scientist image and apply it to middle school students to discuss educational implications regarding the usefulness of measuring scientist image.

Social Network Analysis of Changes in YouTube Home Economics Education Content Before and After COVID-19 (SNA(Social Network Analysis)를 활용한 코로나19 전후의 가정과교육 유튜브 콘텐츠 변화 분석)

  • Shim, Jae Young;Kim, Eun Kyung;Ko, Eun Mi;Kim, Hyoung Sun;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents a social network analysis of changes in Home Economics education content loaded on YouTube before and after the outbreak of COVID-19. From January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2021, a basic analysis was conducted of 761 Home Economics education videos loaded on YouTube, using NetMiner 4.3 to analyze important keywords and the centrality of video titles and full texts. Before COVID-19, there were 164 Home Economics education videos posted on YouTube, increasing significantly to 597 following the emergence of the pandemic. In both periods, there was more middle school content than high school content. The content in the child-family field was the most, and the main keywords were youth and family. Before COVID-19, a performance evaluation indicated that the proportion of student content was high, whereas after the outbreak of the disease, teacher content increased significantly due to the effect of distance learning. However, compared with video use, the self-expression and participation of users were lower in both periods. The centrality analysis indicated that in the title, 'family' exhibited a high degree of both centrality and eigenvector centrality over the entire period. Degree centrality of the video title was found to be high in the order of class, online, family, management, etc. after the outbreak of COVID-19, and the connection of keywords was strong overall. Eigenvector centrality indicated that career, search, life, and design were influential keywords before COVID-19, while class, youth, online, and development were influential keywords after COVID-19.

A Study on Design Direction of e-Portfolio Based on the Current State Analysis of Portfolio Application of Domestic Elementary, Middle, and High School (국내 초.중등학교의 포트폴리오 활용 실태 분석에 기반한 e-포트폴리오 설계 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Su;Kim, Young-Hak
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2007
  • The portfolio can be used as a methodology supporting the learning of constructivism. Recently, the use of portfolios has been increased gradually in the education field, but a study on the current state analysis and design direction of portfolios leaves much to be desired. In this paper, we analyze statistical data on the portfolio application of teachers in domestic elementary, middle, and high school. We also propose a design direction of e-portfolio needed in the society of knowledge information based on this analysis. The results of research show that the following problems will be improved: understanding portfolio, analyzing the current state according to the types of portfolio application, designing a distinguished system according to the level of school, expanding education of teachers with high career, and developing a guide helper. The design of total system that combines the learning and evaluation is needed to improve a problem that spends lots of time to make portfolio, and operates temporally and formally achievement evaluation. In addition, the design of e-portfolio supporting efficiently interaction and self-directed teaming is required.

A Case Study on the Growth of Learners through the Changemaker TEMPS Program (체인지메이커(Changemaker) TEMPS 프로그램을 통한 학습자의 성장에 대한 사례연구)

  • Kim, Nam Eun;Heo, Young Sun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.91-116
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the meaning of Changemaker education and to investigate the significance of Changemaker education in home economics education through a study of growth of learners applying the TEMPS program. To this end, first, the concept of Changemaker education was defined. Changemaker education is an education that changes society in a positive direction through a process of thinking about, learning about, making, and participating(playing) in various problems that we face in real life and drawing out solutions and share he solutions with others. Second, in this reasearch, the direction of Changemaker education is to make them interested in social problems and solve it and to make both the family and the career life happy and healthy by collaborating with other people. The scope of the contents is defined as "the selection of the content elements of the five domains of the child family, diet nutrition, clothing, housing and consumer life". As a way of teaching, we suggested that the TEMPS phase is followed so that the session purpose is achieved. Third, the Changemaker program consists of five steps of TEMPS among the five key ideas of Changemaker education. T(Thinking) is the step of understanding the problem and thinking about how to solve it, and E(Education) is getting the background for the next step. M(Making) is a step to create a target for problem solving, and P(Participation) and P(Play) are steps to Participation and enjoy. S(Share) is a step of changing the society through the result display, SNS sharing, and class presentation. In this study, 12 programs for middle school and 15 programs for high school were developed on the basis of TEMPS level. Each of the programs consists of 2 to 12 unit hours, which add up to 68 hours in the middle school program and 68 in high school. The learners who participated in the Changemaker program for one year (March 2, 2018~December 31, 2018) will experience improvement in many aspects including the linkage of life and education, practical ability, self-directed learning, self-esteem, sense of achievement and self-reflection, sensory observation, and so on.

Does Science Motivation Lead to Higher Achievement, or Vice Versa?: Their Cross-Lagged Effects and Effects on STEM Career Motivation (과학 학습 동기가 높은 학생이 과학 학업 성취도가 높아지는가, 또는 그 역인가? -양자가 지닌 교차지연 효과 및 이공계 진로 동기에 미치는 효과-)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;Mun, Seonyeong;Han, Moonjung;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2022
  • This study causally investigates whether high school student with high science learning motivation becomes to achieve more or vice versa, and also how those two factors affect STEM career motivation. Research participants were 1st year students in a high school at Seoul. We surveyed their science learning motivation three times in the same time interval in the fall semester of 2021, and once a STEM career motivation in the third period. We collected data from 171 students with their mid-term and final exam scores, with which, we constructed and fitted an autoregressive cross-lagged model. The research model shows high measurement stability and fit indices. All the autoregressive and cross-lagged paths were statistically significant. However, standardized regression coefficients were larger in path from motivation to achievement compared to the opposite. Only science learning motivation shows significant direct effect on STEM career motivation, rather than achievement. For indirect effects, the first science learning motivation affected the final exam score and STEM career motivation, and the final exam score affected STEM career motivation. However, the final exam score did not have a total effect toward STEM career motivation. The result of this study shows reciprocal and cyclic causality between science learning motivation and achievement - in comparison, the effect of motivation for the opposite is larger than that of achievement. Also the result of this study strongly reaffirms the importance of science learning motivation. Instructional implications for strengthening science learning motivation throughout a semester was discussed, and a study for the longitudinal effect of science learning motivation and achievement in high school student toward future STEM vocational life was suggested.

An Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) on the Leadership Competency of Rural Community Leaders (지역사회리더 리더십역량의 중요-성취도 분석)

  • Park, Eun-Shin;Lee, Chae-Shik;Park, Duk-Byeong;Ko, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.12 no.1 s.30
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to identify leadership competences of rural leaders and to analyze leadership competency of leaders. The study carried out by questionnaire and focus group interview on expert panels. To analyze leadership competency, the data was collected from 273 rural leaders by stratified random sampling. SPSSWIN/ver10 program was used for analyzing data with t-test and IPA method. The study suggests twenty low types of leadership competences which were information, vision, decision making, motivation communication, education residents, managing residents, loaming, flexibility, problem solving, presentation program management, customer orientation service knowledge, making relationship, creative idea, business understanding, brand development, conflict resolution negotiation, assessment, business management, coaching and feed back. Whereas leaders with middle school educational career required developing program management, maintaining achievement and benchmarking, leaders with high school were morel likely to develope self-learning, to benchmark their knowhow and brand development competency. Whereas leader with less low years experiences as leader have been considered as developing coaching/feedback brand development and program development, leaders with more five years as leader should consider developing benchmarking, resident education, and brand development. The study suggests that the extension agents on public should develop leadership program according to the competency differences of leaders.

A Study of the Index Development and Measurement for School Health Promoting Behaviors (학교건강증진 지표개발 및 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young Im
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.189-201
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    • 1998
  • The objectives of this study are first to develop the index of school health promoting behaviors, two, to measure those, third, to analysis the relative importance of factors that effect on school health promoting behaviors. School health promotion indexes were composed of 60 components of six areas which modify the element of health promoting schools are developed by world health organization. The survey data were collected by questionnaires from June to September in 1998. The number of subjects was 294 school nurses. The SAS-PC program was used for the statistical analysis. The major results were as follows: 1. The six areas of school health promoting behaviors are: school health politics (20 components), the school physical environment (17 component), the school social environment (7 component), community relationships (6 component), personal health skills (7 component) and health services (3 component). 2. The mean of total school health promotion indexes was highest at elementary school as 3.46. The order of area was health services, the school physical environment, school health politics, the school social environment, personal health skills, community relationships. 3. The regression model used in this analysis presented significant relationships between school health promoting behaviors and independent variables. The important variable affecting the area of school physical environment was education level of school nurses. The important variable affecting the area of the school social environment and personal health services were the location of school, credential education program. Age or career also were significant variables affect the community relationships and health services. In summary, The health promoting behavior of elementary school was higher than other school. It is mean that have to perform active promoting behavior at middle school and high school. Health service level was highest among areas of school health promoting behaviors. It is mean also that school nurse teachers is interested in activity for other areas to improve of school health. Furthermore, it is necessary to develop the specific program for school health promoting behavior.

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Historical Review of Park Myungja, very Pioneering and Creative Registered Nurse who winned the Florence Nightingale Medal (나이팅게일 기장 수상자 박명자의 창조적이고 개척적인 간호업적 고찰)

  • YI, Ggodme
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a model for R.N. and nursing students. Methods: Main primary sources were certificates, writings, news and articles. On the basis of them, her life was described over time and analyzed on the secondary sources. Results: Park Myungja faced Korean War as a nursing student and became the military officer of nursing. In 1950s and 1960s she worked hard to improve the operation room nursing. And she devoted herself to improve nursing education and help her students. Park Myungja became a military training teacher in 1972 and included first aid with the military training course. As a researcher of Korean National Open University, she tried to develop a course that R.N.s can receive a bachelor's degree in Nursing. Her last formal career was the head of a middle school, and she established the first nursery facility for the teachers. After the retirement, she devoted herself to the volunteer works, especially such as the hospice care, free clothes making, and Taichi teaching to arthritis patients. Conclusion: Park's life has been that of a R.N and volunteer. She has been very creative to find what she could do and pioneering to accomplish them.

Analysis of Nurse Teachers대 Attitudes toward School Health Computerization (학교보건업무 전산화에 대한 서울시 양호교사의 태도 분석)

  • 권미옥
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.729-740
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for school health computerization by investigating the nurse teacher's attitudes toward school health computerization. For this study, the questionnaires were given to 559 nurse teachers from 3. March to 17. March, 1995. Among them, 338 were returned and included for the analysis. The results of the study were as follows : 1. In general characteristics, the results showed average of 38.6 years in age ; and average of 11.1 years in education experience. In distribution of school, the result showed 47.0% in elementary school, 30.5% in middle school and 22.5% in high school ; 75.4% national and public school vs 26.4% private school. 2. In attitudes of computerization, the score was varied from 19 to 76 point. The attitudes was generally positive with the average of 60.23±7.63(SD) score. The respondents are willing to participate in computer education(the highest score, 3.69), they worry about electromagnetic waves by computer (the lowest score : 2.30). 3. 92.6% of the respondents want to participate in computer education. The major reason the respondents have not yet learned computer is that they had little chance to learn. While 58.0% of them answered that they had an experience of computer use in school health works, few schools had computer in dispensary. In computer use, nurse teachers in public school have more experience than ones in private school. Word processing was the major function that the most respondents can do(62.7%). They answered that they have little knowledge of computer (84.0%). 4. Computer can be utilized in school health works as follows in order : message from school to home, reports, annual plan and statistics. 65.4% of them answered that computer can be used in 10 items of 13 items. 5. The attitudes of computerization showed differences in the following variables career, age, existence of computer in school health clinic, experience of computer use, intention to participate in computer education, computer knowledge, frequent computer use, ability of computer use, school health computerization areas, experience of computer education. Among there variables, age, existence of computer in school health clinic, intention to participate in computer education, ability of computer use, school health computerization areas showed significant explanation(28.3%) for the attitudes of computerization in multiple regression analysis The younger. the higher degree of intention, the more functions they can perform, the more school health computerization areas, and the more computers in school health clinic, the more positive attitude on school health computerization. In conclusion, to achieve the successful computerization of school health works, the positive attitudes of nurse teachers should be encourged for school health computerization. For this purpose, the chance of computer education should be given as many times as possible. And administerial as well as financial support are essential for enlarging the knowledge and ability of computer.

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