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Effect of Temperature During Grain Filling Stage on Grain Quality and Taste of Cooked Rice in Mid-late Maturing Rice Varieties (등숙기 온도변이가 중만생종 벼의 쌀 품질과 식미치에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Kyung-Jin;Park, Tae-Shik;Lee, Choon-Ki;Kim, Jung-Tae;Kim, Jun-Hwan;Ha, Ki-Yong;Yang, Woon-Ho;Lee, Chung-Keun;Kwak, Kang-Su;Park, Hong-Kyu;Nam, Jeong-Kwon;Kim, Jeong-Il;Han, Gwi-Jung;Cho, Yong-Sik;Park, Young-Hee;Han, Sang-Wook;Kim, Jae-Rok;Lee, Sang-Young;Choi, Hyun-Gu;Cho, Seung-Hyun;Park, Heung-Gyu;Ahn, Duok-Jong;Joung, Wan-Kyu;Han, Sang-Ik;Kim, Sang-Yeol;Jang, Ki-Chang;Oh, Seong-Hwan;Seo, Woo-Duck;Ra, Ji-Eun;Kim, Jun-Young;Kang, Hang-Won
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.404-412
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    • 2011
  • This experiment was conducted to clarify the effect of the temperature for grain filling duration on quality and taste of cooked rice cultivated in different region in Korea. In 2006 and 2007, 4 mid-late maturing group of rice varieties (Nampyeongbyeo, Ilpumbyeo, Junambyeo and Dongjin 1) were cultivated in 28 experimental plots of 27 different regions located in 8 provinces. The taste of cooked rice were positively correlated with 1,000 grain weight but negatively correlated with protein content of brown rice. Mean temperature for 30 days from heading was more closely correlated with grain filling and tastes of cooked rice than those for 40 days. Though, the optimum mean temperature for the best taste of cooked rice for 30 days after heading was 22.1 to 23.1C depending on varieties, in general, 1,000 grain weight and cooked rice taste were the highest in the mean temperature of 22.2C for 30 days from heading. But grains were poorly ripened in case of the mean temperature lower than 21.0C for 30 days after heading. Therefore, for the better taste of cooked rice in Korea, the developing new rice varieties and cultivation method should be focused to adjust the mean temperature within 2223C during the period of 30 days after heading.

Varietal and Locational Variation of Grain Quality Components of Rice Produced in Hilly and High Altitude Areas in Korea (중산간지와 고냉지산 쌀 형태 및 이화학적특성의 품종 및 산지간 변이)

  • Choi, Hae-Chune;Chi, Jeong-Hyun;Lee, Chong-Seob;Kim, Young-Bae;Cho, Soo-Yeon
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 1994
  • To catch the relative importance of varietal and environmental variation in various grain quality components associated with palatability of cooked rice, grain appearance, milling recovery, several physicochemical properties of milled rice and texture or eating quality of cooked rice for rice materials of five japonica cultivars, produced at four locations of the mid-mountainous and alpine area of Korea in 1989, were evaluated and analyzed the obtained data. Highly significant varietal and locational variations were detected in 1000-grain weight, amylose content, K/Mg ratio, gelatinization temperature, peak viscosity, breakdown and setback viscosities as compared with variety x location interaction variation. Also, marked locational variations were recongnized in milling recovery from rough to brwon rice, alkali digestibility and protein content, and significant varietal variation was caught in stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice. The variety x location interaction variation was especially large in quality components of grain appearance and ripening, palatability of cooked rice and consistency viscosity. One thousand kernel weight was heaviest in Jinbuolbyeo and Odaebyeo, and the unfilled grain ratio was lowest in Jinbuolbyeo. Odaebyeo showed slightly' lower ratio of intact and clear milled rice because of more chalky rice kernels compared with other cultivars. Amylose content of Jinbuolbyeo and Sobaegbyeo was about 1% lower than that of others and K/Mg ratio of Odaebyeo was the lowest one among rice materials. Odaebyeo, Sobaegbyeo and Jinbuolbyeo revealed significantly low gelatinization temperature and setback viscosity while high peak and breakdown viscosities. Cholwon rice showed the greatest kernel weight, good grain filling but lowest ratio of intact and clear milled rice while Jinbu rices exhibited the highest milling recovery from rough to brown rice and ratio of sound milled rice. Amylose content of milled rice in Jinbu rices was about 2-3% lower than those in other locations. Protein content of polished rice was about 1% lower in rice materials of middle zone than those of southern part of Korea. K/Mg ratio of milled rice was highest in Jinbu rice and potassium content was slightly higher in the rice materials of middle region than in those of southern region. Alkali digestion value and gelatinization temperature of polished rice was markedly high in Jinbu rices as compared with other locations. Breakdown viscosity was hightest in Chlown rices and next higher with the order of Hwaso>Unbong>Jinbu rices, and setback viscosity was the quite contrary tendency with breakdown. The stickiness /hardness ratio of cooked rice was relatively higher value in Cholwon rices than in the others and the palatability of cooked rice was a little better in Unbong and Cholwon rices than in Jinbu and Hwaso rices, although variety x location interaction variation was large. The rice materials can be classified largely into two groups of Jinbu and the others by the distribution on the plane of 1st and 2nd principal components (about 60% of total informations) contracted from twelve grain quality properties closely associated with eating quality of cooked rice. Also, Jinbu and the other rices were divided into two and three rice groups respectively. Varietal variation of overall rice quality was smallest in Hwaso. The most superior rice group in overall quality evaluation included Odaebyeo produced at Cholwon, Unbong and Hwaso, and Sobaegbyeo grown at Unbong

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Geology and Tectonics of the Mid-Central Region of South Korea (남한(南韓) 중부지역(中部地域)의 토질(土質)과 지구조(地構造))

  • Kim, Ok Joon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 1969
  • The area studied is a southwestern part of Okcheon geosynclinal zone which streches diagonally across the Korean peninsula in the mid-central parts of South Korea, and is bounded by Charyeong mountain chains in the north and by Sobaek mountain chains in the south. The general trend of the zone is of NE-SW direction known as Sinian direction. Okcheon system of pre-Cambrian age occupies southwestern portion of Okcheon geosynclinal zone, and Choseon and Pyeongan systems of Cambrian to Triassic age in northeastern portion of the zone. It was defined by the writer that the former was called "Okcheon Paleogeosynclinal zone" and the latter "Okcheon Neogeosynclinal zone," although T. Kobayashi named them "Metamorphosed Okcheon zone" and "Non-metamorphosed Okcheon zone" respectively and thought that sedimentary formations in both zones were same in origin and of Paleozonic age, and C.M. Son also described that Okchon system was of post-Choseon (Ordovician) and pre-Kyeongsang (Cretaceous) in age. According to the present study two zones are separated by great fault so that the geology in both zones is not only entirely different in origin and age, but also their geolosical structures are discontinuous. Stratigraphy and structure of Okcheon system are clearly established and defined by the writer and its age is definitely pre-Cambrian. It is clarified by present study that the meta-sediments in and at vicinity of Charyeong mountain chains are correlated to Weonnam series of pre-Cambrian age which occupies and continues from northeast to southwest in and at south of Sobaek mountain chains, and both metasediments constitute basement of Okcheon system. Pyeongan, Daedong and Kyeongsang systems were deposited in few narrow intermontain basins in Okcheon paleogeosynclinal zone after it was emerged at the end of Carboniferous period. Granites of Jurassic and Cretaceous ages and volcanics of Cretaceous age are cropped out in the zone. Jurassic granite is aligned generally with the trend of Okcheon geosynclinal zone, whereas Cretaceous granite lacks of trend in distribution. Many isoclinal folds and thrust faults caused by Taebo orogeny at the end of Jurassic period are also parallel with Sinian directieon and dip steeply to northwest. Charyeong, Noryeong, Sobaek, and Deogyu mountain chains are located in areas of anticlinorium, and Kyongsang system in narrow synclinal zones. Folds in Okcheon neogeosynclinal zone are generally of N 70-80W direction but deviate to Sinian direction at the western parts of the zone. This phenomena is interpreted by the fact that the folds were originated by Songrim disturbance at the end of Triassic period and later partly modified by Taebo orogeny. Thrust faults of Taebo orogeny coentinue from Okcheon paleogeosynclinal zone into neogeosynclinal zone, forming imbricated structure as previously described. Strike-slip faults perpendicular to Sinian direction and shear faults diagonally across it by 55 degrees also prevail in neogeosynclinal zone. It is concluded from viewpoints on geology and geological structure that l)Okchon geosyncline had changed its location and affected by numerous disturbances through geologic time, and 2)mountain chains in the area such as Charyeong, Noryeong, Sobaek, and Deogyu were originated as folded mountains. Differing from others, however, Sobaek range was probably formed at the time of Songrim disturbance and modified later by Taebo orogeny. It is cut by Danyang-Jeomchon fault at the vicinity of Joryeong near Munkyeong village and does not continue to southwest beyond the fault, whereas southwestern portion of erstwhile Sobaek range continues to Taebaek rangd northeastward from Deogyusan passing through Sangju, Yecheon, and Andong. From these evidences, the writer has newly defined the erstwhile Sobaek range in such a way that Sobaek range is restricted only to northeastern portion and Deogyu range is named for the southwestern portion of previous Bobaek range.

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Analysis of Fish Community Structures and Guild Compositions in Walpyung Conservation Park (월평공원 생태 보존지역의 어류군집 구조 및 어류길드 특성 분석)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kyu;Choi, Ji-Woong;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.263-270
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    • 2012
  • The objectives of the study were to determine fish fauna and compositions during 2010~2011 in Walpyung Conservation Park along with analysis of fish community structures and trophic and tolerance guilds. Total number of species and individuals sampled were 31 and 2667, respectively and dominant species was Zacco platypus (46.6%) and subdominant species was Acheilognathus lanceolatus (8.7%), which were composed of >50% of the total. Total number of Korean endemic species including Microphysogobio yaluensis was 10 and the proportion of the individuals was 8.7%. Also, natural monument No. 454 of Iksookimia choii, which is endangered species and legal protected species, was sampled and the total number of individuals was only three. According to the analysis of fish community structures, species richness index in the mid-stream reach (Mr) was 3.145, which is higher than any other stream reaches (Ur and Dr). In contrast, the richness index was 2.180 in the up-stream reach (Ur), which is minimum among the sampling sites. Species diversity index was 1.785 and 1.975, respectively in the headwater (Ur) and mid-stream reach (Mr) and the low values in the down-stream reach (Dr, 1.660) were due to the influences of pointsource (i.e., road construction) and non-point sources (sporadic agricultural spots). According to analysis of tolerance guilds, the proportion of tolerant species (TS), based on the number of individuals, was composed of 64.2% and sensitive species (SS) was only 3.3%, indicating a predominance of tolerant fishes in the compositions. The proportion of omnivore species (OS), however, was composed of 64.0% and insectivore species (IS) was 29.3%, indicating a predominance of omnivore fishes in the stream. The high proportions of tolerant and omnivore species in this stream indicates that the water quality and physical habitat environments were degradated in this system. For these reasons, especially natural monument and endemic fish species in this region should be protected from the massive constructions and required to provide efficient stream management strategies.

Possible Effect of Western North Pacific Monsoon on Tropical Cyclone Activity around East China Sea (북서태평양 몬순이 동중국해 주변의 태풍활동에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Cha, Yumi;Kim, Jeoung-Yun
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.194-208
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the correlation between tropical cyclone (TC) frequency and the western North Pacific monsoon index (WNPMI), which have both been influential in East China Sea during the summer season over the past 37 years (1977-2013). A high positive correlation was found between these two variables, but it did not change even if El Ni˜no-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) years were excluded. To determine the cause of this positive correlation, the highest (positive WNPMI phase) and lowest WNPMIs (negative WNPMI phase) during an eleven-year period were selected to analyze the mean difference between them, excluding ENSO years. In the positive WNPMI phase, TCs were mainly generated in the eastern seas of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, passing through the East China Sea and moving northward toward Korea and Japan. In the negative phase, TCs were mainly generated in the western seas of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, passing through the South China Sea and moving westward toward China's southern regions. Therefore, TC intensity in the positive phase was stronger due to the acquisition of sufficient energy from the sea while moving a long distance up to East Asia's mid-latitude. Additionally, TCs occurred more in the positive phase. Regarding the difference in 850 hPa and 500 hPa stream flows between the two phases, anomalous cyclones were strengthened in the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, whereas anomalous anticyclones were strengthened in East Asia's mid-latitude regions. Due to these two anomalous pressure systems, anomalous southeasterlies developed in East China Sea, which played a role in the anomalous steering flows that moved TCs into this region. Furthermore, due to the anomalous cyclones that developed in the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific, more TCs could be generated in the positive phase.

Stock Assessment and Management Implications of the Korean aucha perch (Coreoperca herzi) in Freshwater: (2) Estimation of Potential Yield Assessment and Stock of Coreoperca herzi in the Mid-Upper System of the Seomjin River (담수산 어류 꺽지 (Coreoperca herzi)의 자원 평가 및 관리 방안 연구: 섬진강 중.상류 수계에서 꺽지의 자원량 및 잠재생산량 추정 (2))

  • Jang, Sung-Hyun;Ryu, Hui-Seong;Lee, Jung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 2011
  • The study sought to determine the efficient management of Korean aucha perch by estimating the potential yield (PY), which means the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) based on the optimal stock, in the mid-upper region of the Seomjin River watershed from August 2008 to April 2009. The stock assessment was conducted by the swept area method and PY was estimated by a modified fisheries management system based on the allowable biological catch. Also, the yield-per-recruit analysis (Beverton and Holt, 1957) was used to review the efficient management of resource, Coreoperca herzi. The age at first capture (tc) was 1.464 age and converted body length was 7.8 cm. Concerning current fishing intensities, the instantaneous coefficient of fishing mortality (F) was estimated to be 0.061 year1; yield-per-recruit analysis estimated the current yield per recruit as 4.124 g with F and tc. The fishing mortality of Allowable Biological Catch (FABC) based on the current tc and F was estimated to be 0.401 year1, therefore, the optimum fishing intensities could be achieved at the higher fishing intensity for Coreoperca herzi. The calculated annual stock of Coreoperca herzi was 3,048 kg, the potential yield was estimated to be 861 kg with tc and FABC at the fixed current level. Using yield-per-recruit analysis, if F and tc were set at 0.643 year1 and 3 age, respectively, the yield per recruit would be predicted to increase 3.4-fold, from 4.12 g to 13.84 g.

A Study on the Spatial and Visual Composition of Yi Ung-Jae's Old House, Dundeok-ri (둔덕리 이웅재고가(李雄宰古家)의 공간 및 경관 구성적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.60-76
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the spatial and visual arrangement characteristics of Imsil Yi Ung-jae's old house's spatial and visual aspects in order to discover the value of landscape and traditional house garden. The results of this study are as follows. Dongchon-village in Dundeok-ri, where old house is located, is a typical form of with "Back to the mountain and facing the water(背山臨水)", and is located in the north of the three streams of water, forming a Jeonchaghugwan(前窄後寬). Dongchon Village, which has a traditional scenic spot between Danguidae(丹丘臺) and Samgyeseokmun(三溪石門), is understood to be the main street of Nojeokbong Peak and Gyegwanbong Peak, which is Ansan(案山), where the "A centipede flying in the sky(飛天蜈蚣形)". Yi Ung-jae's old house is the oldest existing high-priced house in the North Jeolla region and the closing price of a royal family of the Joseon Dynasty, which was arranged by Chunseongjeong(春城正), Yi Dam-son(李聃孫) in the mid-16C. The Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 and Japanese colonial era, the loyalty of the gate quarters, the filial piety of the gate quarters, and the faithfulness of the tablet(扁額) and Juryeons(柱聯) are enough to contribute to the rise of the value of a physical house. The men's quarters(Sarangchae), which are placed on a high-pocket or a layout without going against the sloping terrain, have the effect of making the distance as far as possible, enhancing its dignity and hierarchy as a royal building. In addition, the entrance to the main quarters(Anchae) through the four pillar gates(四柱門), the extensive support and the appropriation of the Chaewon(vegetable garden), and the official base for the Anchae are very unique compared to the general nobility. However, in the context of the postwar relationship, the shrine seeks to realize Confucian ideals while harmonizing with nature by arranging wide sponsorships around it. On the other hand, it is confirmed that there was a pond in the form of a circle in a square(方池圓島型) with a relatively large area, which is now disturbed and damaged. Written by the high priced planting species are sponsored pine trees, hackberry, persimmon trees, Japanese apricot flower, Ohmomiji, and plum tree in the side garden, as well as cotyledon trees in the outside garden. However, although flower bed(花階), which is built on the stone axis, is a place that clearly shows the expensive garden, it seems to have lost the texture of the plant due to the extremely high variety of species and the splendor that does not match the plant landscape of the flower world. Yi Ung-jae's old house is highly valuable as it is a portrait house of a prince of the blood in the mid-Joseon Dynasty. Based on these findings, this study proposed a plan to improve the management of high prices that could be met.

Effects of Tillage Practice and Planting Date on Maize-onion Growth and Yield in Southern Regions Paddy Field (경운방법 및 파종시기가 남부지역 논 재배 옥수수와 후작 양파의 생육과 수량에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Wonsang;Kim, Gamgon;Jeong, Yonghyun;Choi, Nayoung;Na, Chae-In
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.392-402
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    • 2021
  • The present study investigated the effects of tillage practices (deep cultivation [DC] and conventional tillage [CT]) and extended planting dates (mid-June to July) for maize-onion rotation in paddy fields. The silage corn (Zea mays L.) cultivar 'Kwangpyeongok' and the waxy corn cultivar 'Ilmichal' were planted on June 14, July 3, and July 15 in 2019. In both maize, the plant height of June 14 planted was up to 100 cm greater than that of July 15 planted on August 16 and up to 40 cm on August 30. At 30 Days after planting, the leaf area index (LAI) of silage corn planted on July 3 and 15 greater than that of corn planted on June 14 due to high temperature in the early season; however, there were no differences in the LAI of waxy corn according to the planting date. Despite favorable temperature, plants sown on July 3 and 15 experienced high moisture stress during the seedling stage due to consistent rainfall, and waxy corn was highly sensitive to high moisture stress. The total yield of silage corn was 1,232 (845 in TDN), 860 (598 in TDN), and 765 (508 in TDN) DW kg·10a-1 for plants sown on June 14, July 3, and July 15, respectively. The fresh marketable ear yield of waxy corn was 872, 814, and 525 FW kg·10a-1 for plants sown on June 14, July 3, and July 15, respectively. After the completion of maize cultivation, onion seedlings (Allium cepa L.) were transplanted on November 12, 2019, and harvested on May 27, 2020. Neither summer tillage nor maize planting date affected onion growth or yield. The marketable onion yield was 8,305 and 7,848 kg·10a-1 with DC and CT, respectively. In conclusion, DC did not improve maize growth or yield under paddy conditions. Mid-June to early July is a practical window for maize planting for growers in this region.

A study on the impact and activation plan of unmanned aerial vehicle service (무인항공기 서비스 영향성과 활성화 방안 연구)

  • Yoo, Soonduck
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of unmanned aerial vehicle service and how to activate it. The discussion on the impact of the introduction of the unmanned aerial vehicle service was examined in terms of economic, environmental, and social acceptance, and a plan to revitalize the industry was presented. In terms of economic impact, if transportation services are increased using unmanned aerial vehicles in the future, road-based transportation cargo may decrease and road movement speed may increase due to reduced road congestion. This can have a positive effect on the increase in the value of land or real estate assets, and it also provides an impact on smart city design. In terms of environmental impact, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) generally move through electricity, so they emit less exhaust gas compared to other existing devices, such as vehicles and railroads, and thus have less environmental impact. However, noise can have a negative impact on the habitat in the presence of wild animals along their migration routes. In terms of social acceptability of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) technology, areas that are declining due to the emergence of new services may appear, and at the same time, organizations that create profits may appear, causing conflicts between industries. Therefore, it is essential to form a social consensus on the acceptance of emerging industries. The government should come up with various countermeasures to minimize the negative impact that reflects the characteristics of the unmanned aerial vehicle use service. Just as various systems such as road signs were introduced so that vehicles can be operated on the ground to secure air routes in the mid- to long-term for revitalization of unmanned-based industries, development and establishment of services that should be introduced and applied prior to constructing air routes I need this. In addition, the design and implementation of information collection and operation plans for unmanned air traffic management in Korea and a plan to secure a control system for each region should also be made. This study can contribute to providing ideas for mid- to long-term research on new areas with the development of the unmanned aerial vehicle industry.

Impact of Baekrokdam precipitation observation data on improving groundwater level prediction in mid-mountainous region of Jeju Island (백록담 강수량 관측자료가 제주도 중산간지역 지하수위 예측 향상에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Mun-Ju;Kim, Jeong-Hun;Kang, Su-Yeon;Moon, Soo-Hyoung;Hyun, Eun Hee
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.10
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    • pp.673-686
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    • 2024
  • Groundwater is an important water resource used for various purposes along with surface water. Jeju Island relies on groundwater for most of its water use, so predicting and managing groundwater volume is very important for sustainable use of groundwater. In this study, precipitation data from the Baekrokdam Climate Change Observatory was additionally used to accurately predict groundwater levels. We compared and analyzed the improvement in monthly groundwater level prediction performance of the ANN and LSTM models for two observation wells located in the mid-mountainous area of the Pyoseon watershed in Jeju Island. As a result, when Baekrokdam precipitation data was not used, the NSE values of the two artificial intelligence models were over 0.871, showing very high groundwater level prediction performance. The LSTM model showed relatively higher prediction performance at high and low groundwater levels than the ANN model. We found that the prediction performance decreases as the variation characteristics of the groundwater level become more complex. When Baekrokdam precipitation data was additionally used, the NSE values of the two artificial intelligence models were above 0.907, indicating improved prediction performance, and the NSE value was improved by up to 0.036. This means that when additional rainfall in the upstream area is used, the artificial intelligence model can more appropriately interpret the fluctuating characteristics of the groundwater level. In addition, the additional use of Baekrokdam precipitation data further helped improve groundwater level prediction for observation well, where groundwater level prediction is relatively difficult, and artificial intelligence models, which have relatively low groundwater level prediction performance. In particular, when Baekrokdam precipitation data was additionally used for a specific observation well, the groundwater level prediction performance of the ANN model was improved to a level comparable to that of the LSTM model. The methods and results of this study can be useful in future research using artificial intelligence models.