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A Study on the Changes of Mid.Small Korean Commercial Area and Japanese Commercial Area in Naju City from 1900 to 1945 - Focused on Naju-myeon, Maju City & Youngsanpo-myeon (1900~1945년 나주의 중.소규모 한식상가와 일식상가의 변천연구 - 나주면과 영산포면을 중심으로 -)

  • Ahn, Kug-Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2011
  • Existing research for store has been localized in that of Seoul area, and research for the Japanese style store built under the rule of Japanese Imperialism has not been done properly owing to national sentiment. This research established Naju that inland pillage is available along Yeongsan River after opening of Mokpo harbor. I will compare modernization developmental process of building of Korean style store with that of Japanese Style store, so obviously try to make clear the activities of modernization by linking social and economical change with Joseon merchants' life. I will try to light up the position of korean style store in Naju area in history of architecture by analyzing two styles of stores into urban architectural element, putting process of change in order and translating it according to flow of age. The development process of Korean restaurant stores and that of Japanese counterparts are rather relative. Whereas Japanese accumulated wealth through oppression and exploitation of the people of Joseon the former dynasty of present day Korea, the people of Joseon could not but be oppressed and depressed. On the other hand, while the dynamic liberation movements of Joseon merchants managed to develop based on the vitality that was growing ever more, Japanese chose to back down to some degree by exercising appeasing policy. The efforts to take initiative by shattering off the submissive attitude can be found from the ability fostering movement, Gwangju students campaign and new construction or remodeling of hanok the traditional Korean house as commercial building in the 1920s. The changing phase of the people breaking away from subjugated relation to subjective attitude can be found in the commercial districts.

Export Strategies Against Decreasing Demand of Fukushima's Agricultural Porducts (후쿠시마산(産) 농산물 수요감소에 대비한 농산물 수출전략)

  • Hong, Gil-Jong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2018
  • In 1995, the WTO started to ease the trade barriers. Globalization has accelerated. The opening of the agricultural products market is rapidly gaining momentum with the conclusion of an FTA. The acceleration of this FTA is expected to be a threat to Korea's agriculture, and a new strategy is needed. At the beginning of the nuclear accident, mainly radioactive materials are found in the surface layer of the soil. Over time, the concentration of the plant gradually increases. After 5 years, it becomes noticeable. In March 2016, it will be five years after the nuclear accident. Radioactive contamination is very likely to occur in agricultural products produced in the Fukushima area at this time. In this period, agricultural products produced in the Fukushima region are expected to generate supply disruptions in Japan, and imports to replace them will increase. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a mid- and long-term strategy for exporting to Japan by analyzing the competitiveness of Korean agricultural products. In this study, standardization index was derived by using agricultural price ratio, TSI, export CAC. Based on this, we analyzed the competitiveness of each item in the Japanese market. The analysis shows that garlic is the most competitive product in the Japanese market. Also, strawberry, tomato, and cucumber were found to be competitive. On the other hand, Kiwi, pineapple, soybean, onion, potato, etc. As a result of the analysis, the following strategies were proposed for the export of agricultural products with high competitiveness. First, it is necessary to develop technology to suppress deterioration of export transportation quality. Second, continuous supply of local consumption pattern information is required. Third, it is necessary to expand exports by processing fresh food. Fourth, it suggested the establishment of export base and strengthening of support system.

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Effects of Industrial Location Policies on the Locational Changes of Individual Firms (산업입지정책과 개별입지 변화에 관한 연구)

  • 김태환
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.2 no.1_2
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    • pp.47-61
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    • 1999
  • This study focuses on the impact of government deregulation policies since the early 1990s on the change of industrial location anti the accompanying problems, especially of land use and environment. Since 1960s, the planned industrial location has played a leading role for the development of industrial location. However. since mid-1990s, individual(unplanned) industrial location has been increasing, especially in semi-agricultural area and in the Capital region, reflecting the impact of the deregulation policies on the industrial location. The effective policies are required to solve the problems caused by the increase of the individual industrial location. in that the standard of the environmental control for individual industrial location is much lower than for the planned industrial location.

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Numerical Simulation of the Effects of Moisture on the Reinforcement of a Tropopause Fold

  • Lee, Hong-Ran;Kim, Kyung-Eak;Lee, Yong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.630-645
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    • 2009
  • The tropopause fold event that took place on January 1, 1997 over mid-region on the Korean Peninsula is examined by means of a numerical simulation based on a Mesoscale Model (MM5). The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effects of moisture in reinforcing a tropopause fold linked to an explosive cyclone. Two types of simulations were carried out; 1) simulations for moist conditions in which full physical and dynamic processes are considered and 2) simulations for dry conditions in which cumulus parameterization and cloud microphysics process are excluded. The results of the moist condition simulations demonstrate that the intensity of the central pressure of the cyclone was overestimated compared with the observed values and that the location of the center and the pressure deepening rates (-17 hPa/12 hr) complied with the observed values. The potential vorticity (PV) anomaly on the isentropic surface at 305 K continued to move in a southeast direction on January 1, 1997 and thus created a single tube of tropopause fold covering the northern and the middle area of the Korean Peninsula and reaching the ground surface at 0300 UTC and 0600 UTC. The results of the dry condition simulations show that the tropopause descended to 500 and 670 hPa in 0300 and 0600 UTC, respectively at the same location for the moist condition simulation; however, there was no deep tropopause fold observed. A comparison of the simulated data between the moist and the dry conditions suggests that a deep tropopause fold should happen when there is sufficient moist in the atmosphere and significantly large PV in the lower atmosphere pulls down the upper atmosphere rather than when the tropopause descends itself due to dynamic causes. Thus, it is estimated that moisture in the atmosphere should have played a crucial role in a deep tropopause fold process.

Genetic parameters for marbling and body score in Anglonubian goats using Bayesian inference via threshold and linear models

  • Figueiredo Filho, Luiz Antonio Silva;Sarmento, Jose Lindenberg Rocha;Campelo, Jose Elivalto Guimaraes;de Oliveira Almeida, Marcos Jacob;de Sousa, Antonio Junior;da Silva Santos, Natanael Pereira;da Silva Costa, Marcio;Torres, Tatiana Saraiva;Sena, Luciano Silva
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.31 no.9
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    • pp.1407-1414
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters for categorical carcass traits using Bayesian inference via mixed linear and threshold animal models in Anglonubian goats. Methods: Data were obtained from Anglonubian goats reared in the Brazilian Mid-North region. The traits in study were body condition score, marbling in the rib eye, ribeye area, fat thickness of the sternum, hip height, leg perimeter, and body weight. The numerator relationship matrix contained information from 793 animals. The single- and two-trait analyses were performed to estimate (co) variance components and genetic parameters via linear and threshold animal models. For estimation of genetic parameters, chains with 2 and 4 million cycles were tested. An 1,000,000-cycle initial burn-in was considered with values taken every 250 cycles, in a total of 4,000 samples. Convergence was monitored by Geweke criteria and Monte Carlo error chain. Results: Threshold model best fits categorical data since it is more efficient to detect genetic variability. In two-trait analysis the contribution of the increase in information and the correlations between traits contributed to increase the estimated values for (co) variance components and heritability, in comparison to single-trait analysis. Heritability estimates for the study traits were from low to moderate magnitude. Conclusion: Direct selection of the continuous distribution of traits such as thickness sternal fat and hip height allows obtaining the indirect selection for marbling of ribeye.

Distribution of Fish Larvae and Juveniles in the East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in Spring during 1994-1997 (1994-1997년 봄철 동중국해 및 황해 자치어 분포)

  • KIM Jin Koo;KANG Chung Bae;AHN Geon;OKI Daiju;KIM Yong Uk;TABETA Osame
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2005
  • The distributions of fish larvae and juveniles from the East China Sea, Yellow Sea and near Tsushima Island were investigated in Spring using the Maruchi (1994-1995) and Unagi (1996-1997) nets. A total of 94 species of fish larvae and juveniles belonging to 49 families under 17 orders were identified, of which Engraulis japonicus was dominant in every year except 1995 where Trachurus japonicus was dominant. Cluster analysis based on abundance and species composition by sampling stations (St.) revealed that the similar stations formed an arcuate group from Tsushima Island to southern Jeju Island in 1994, and from the Yellow Sea to southern Jeju Island in 1996. We concluded that these patterns resulted from the influence of the Tsushima Current prevailing in the east, and the Chinese Continental Waters and/or Hwanghae Cold Waters prevailing in the west, with Jeju Island exerting an influence in the centre. The diversity and composition of St. 97-3 and St. 97-5, both located where the Tsushima Current splits from the Kuroshio Current, was greatly different despite their close proximity. However, the former is located on the continental shelf, with the latter on the continental slope. This suggested that both topography and the Kuroshio Current have the most influence on the distribution of fish larvae and juveniles in this region. Furthermore, the weak Hwanghae Cold Waters of 1997 may have also limited the mixing of fish larvae and juveniles between the two stations.

Reproductive Cycle of Marsh Clam, Corbicula leana (Prime) in Hyongsan Estuary (형산강하구에 서식하는 참재첩 (Corbicula leana (Prime))의 생식주기)

  • Kim Jin-Hee;YOO Myong-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.184-191
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    • 2000
  • Gametogenesis and the reproductive cycle of the marsh clam, Corbicula leana(Prime} were investigated monthly Hyongsan estuary, Korea from January to December 1998 by histological observation. C. leana had separate sexes, and oviparous. The gonads were located between the sub-region of mid-intestinal gland in visceral cavity and reticular cennective tissue. The ovary and testis were composed of a number of ovarian and testicular tubules, respectively, Mature oocytes were characterized by germinal vesicles with nucleoli and their sizes ranged 70to80μm in diameter. A number of mesenchymal tissues and pigment granular cells were distributed in the growing oocytes and spermatocytes during early developmental stages. With the further development of gonad, these tissuse and cells gradually disappeared. The monthly changes in the fatness index were closely related to reproductive cycle. Minimun size for sexual maturity was reached over 10.0 mm in shell length. The reproductive cycle could be classified into 6 stages : multiplicative (March to April): early growing and growing (May to June), mature (July to August), spent (September), degenerative (October) and recovery (November to February).

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Productivity and Profitability for Direct Seeding Culture of Rice in Mid and Southern Regions (중부와 남부지역 벼 건답직파재배의 생산성과 수익성)

  • 이호진;김수형;이석순
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.512-518
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    • 1994
  • One of most laborious work in rice farming is transplanting of rice seedling which has been required preparation of nursury bed and care of seedling during one month period. In this research, direct seeding in dry paddy(DS) was practiced to compare with traditional tansplanting(TP) in Suwon and Milyang. Growth stages in DS were delayed as its planting time was about 36 days later than TP. Heading stage of DS at Suwon was delayed about 15 days as compared to transplanting culture. Rice yield in DS was decreased 8.2%(Suwon) and 0.11%(Milyang), repectively. Working-hour saving in DS was about 34.0%(Suwon) and 54.0%(Milyang). Production cost of DS was decreased 19%(Suwon) and 29% (Milyang), repectively. Amount of rice production per a unit working-hour in DS could incresed 37%(Suwon) and 113%(Milyang) compared to that of TP, respectively. Therefore, DS was decreased little in rice yield, but it could save working hour and production cost, significantly. Warm region like Milyang had more advantage in DS than Suwon. But, DS needs varietal selection for better emergence in low temperature, and more research in weed control and water management.

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Prevailing Synoptic Patterns for Persistent Positive Temperature Anomaly Episodes in the United States (장기간 지속되는 이상고온기의 종관패턴: 미국을 사례로)

  • Choi, Jong-Nam;Choi, Gwang-Yong;Williams, Thomas
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.701-714
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    • 2008
  • This study examines the prevailing synoptic-scale mechanisms favorable for long-lived summer Persistent Positive Temperature Anomalies (PPTAs) as well as winter PPTAs in the United States. Such long-lived PPTAs usually occur in the south-central region of the United States in summer, but in the southwestern part of the United States in winter. Composite analyses of surface and pressure level data demonstrate that the formation of both winter and summer PPTAs is closely related to the movement of subtropical high pressure systems in the Pacific Ocean and Atlantic Ocean, respectively. The occurrence of long-lived summer PPTAs usually coincides with an extremely stable atmospheric condition caused by persistent blocking by mid- to upper-tropospheric anticyclones. Significant surface forcing is also easily identified through relatively high Bowen ratios at the surface. Warm air advection is, however, weak and appears to be an insignificant element in the formation of long-lived summer PPTAs. On the other hand, synergistic warming effects associated with adiabatic heating under an anticyclonic blocking system as well as significant warm air advection characterize the favorable synoptic environments for long-lived winter PPTAs. However, the impact of surface forcing mechanisms on winter PPTAs is insignificant.

Difference in Severity of Acute Rejection Grading between Superfical Cortex and Deep Cortex in Renal Allograft Biopsies

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Kim, Young-Ki;Kim, Kee-Hyuck
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.152-160
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    • 2007
  • Twenty-six renal allograft biopsies which showed acute rejection and had renal capsule and medulla in the same specimen were selected in order to compare the severity of acute rejection between superficial cortex, deep cortex and medulla. Disregarding the mid cortical region, the superficial cortex was considered as being one-third of the distance from the renal capsule to the medulla and the deep cortex as being that one-third of the cortex which was adjacent to the medulla. Using semiquantitative histologic analysis the following parameters were compared in superficial cortex, deep cortex, and medulla: interstitial inflammation, edema, tubulitis, and acute tubulointerstitial rejection grade. Also, the presence of lymphocyte activation and polymorphonuclear leukocytes was evaluated. Significantly greater histologic changes of acute rejection were found in the deep cortex vs. supeficial cortex for the following parameters: interstitial inflammation(P=0.013), edema (P=0.023) and tubulointerstitial rejection grade(P=0.016). These findings support the view that biopsies in which deep cortex is not included may result in underestimation of the severity of renal allograft rejection.

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