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A Numerical Simulation of 1983 East Sea Tsunami (1983년(年) 동해(東海)쓰나미의 산정(算定))

  • Choi, Byung Ho;Lee, Ho Jun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.207-219
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    • 1993
  • Tsunamis along the east coast of Korea accompanying the 1983 East Sea central region earthquake is hindcasted with numerical models for tsunami propagation and inundation. Both linear and nonlinear models were used to compute propagation and elevation of tsunami waves on the coastal area of Korea. For the mesh refinement, grid system was divided into two sub-regions in Korean coastal area with final 10m grid resolution at interior area where serious inundation was observed. Calculated tsunami height distribution showed a general agreement with coastal observation. With interior detailed mesh system at mid-east coast region, the inundatin at the port of Imwon were qualitatively well reproduced by inundation and runup model.

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A Study on Constructing Bottom-up Model for Electric Sector (전력부문 온실가스 감축정책 평가를 위한 상향식 모형화 방안)

  • Kim, Hugon;Paik, Chunhyun;Chung, Yongjoo;Ahn, Younghwan
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.114-129
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    • 2016
  • Since the release of mid-term domestic GHG goals until 2020, in 2009, some various GHG reduction policies have been proposed to reduce the emission rate about 30% compared to BAU scenario. There are two types of modeling approaches for identifying options required to meet greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement targets and assessing their economic impacts: top-down and bottom-up models. Examples of the bottom-up optimization models include MARKAL, MESSAGE, LEAP, and AIM, all of which are developed based on linear programming (LP) with a few differences in user interface and database utilization. The bottom-up model for electric sector requires demand management, regeneration energy mix, fuel conversation, etc., thus it has a very complex aspect to estimate some various policies. In this paper, we suggest a bottom-up BAU model for electric sector and how we can build it through step-by-step procedures such that includes load region, hydro-dam and pumping storage.

A case report : Iguana iguana with cystic calculus (녹색 이구아나의 방광결석증)

  • ;;Michael Fehr
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.472-475
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    • 1998
  • A female Green iguana (Iguana iguana) was brought to the small animal clinic in Hannover Veterinary school because of anorexia and convulsion. Two months ago, the owner bought two iguanas, one female and one male and had to take a female to the one of local small animal clinic because she, born in 19931 didn't eat well and showed the tremor of the legs. The veterinarian suspected it to have a calcium deficiency and gave an injection of calcium and vitamin D3. But still during the last two months, the female iguana did only eat some lettuce while the other male ate lettuce, fruits and commercial cat-food (Whiskas®, Effem, Verden). It was not possible to evaluate the rations of these different "food-components". They are kept in the terrarium with water container. By palpation of the abdomen, hard thing like stone was palpated in the mid-region. The blood test wasn't carried out because of the difficulties of getting blood and because of her bad condition. It was firmly diagnosed as cystic calculus through radiography. Since the animal is in shock state already, the prognosis after surgery was bad. It was assumed to be too late to expect its surviving with the surgery carried out or without it. Cystotomy was performed in the cranial ventral paramedian incision in order to preserve the large ventral abdominal vein in the linen alba region. After two stay sutures ("holding suture" ) with 5-0 polyglactin 910 (Vicryl®,Ethicon) on the bladder, cystotomy was carried out and the stone inside was removed. Then, the bladder was closed in one-layer sutures. The abdomen was closed in simple interrupted suture with same material after the instillation of 10 ml saline solution into the abdominal cavity. The cystic calculus was in a size of 5.8×5.O×3.5cm. The analysis of the stone was carried out in two ways which are the infrared spectroscopy of the stone and quick analysis by Merckognost®(Diagnostica Merck, Merck). In the result of the infrared spectroscopy, the stone wee composed of 10% ammonium urate and 90% dihydrated uric acid. This iguana wasn't able to survive.n't able to survive.

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Fish Fauna and Community Structure in the Mid-Upper Region of the Seomjin River (섬진강 중.상류 수계의 어류상과 군집구조)

  • Jang, Sung-Hyun;Ryu, Hui-Seong;Lee, Jung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.394-403
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    • 2009
  • The fish fauna and community structures were investigated at 15 stations in the midupper region of the Seomjin River watershed from August in 2008 to April in 2009. During the studying period, 42 species belonging to 11 families were collected. Dominant family in the all sites was Cyprinidae (28 species, relative abundance: 66.7%) during the study. Total of 42 species (primary freshwater: 40 species, peripheral freshwater: 2 species) were found with the primary freshwater fishes being the highest. Dominant species was Zacco platypus (22.3%), and subdominant species was Coreoferea herzi (10.8%). Also, Pseudogobio esocinus (9.0%) and Carassius auratus (5.8%) were numerous. There were 17 Korean endemic species (40.5%), including Rhodeus ocellatus, Acheilgnathus koreensis, A. somjinensis, Coreoleuciscus splendidus and Sarcocheillichthys variegatus wakiyae. Among them, Acheilgnathus somjinensis was identified for designation required to protect under a wildlife category. In conclusion, we could define that the Seomjin River watershed has a very good water conditions as habitat of fish.

Stress Distribution following Rapid Maxillary Expansion using Different Finite Element Model according to Hounsfield Unit Value in CT Image (CT상의 HU 수치에 따른 유한요소모델을 이용한 RME 사용에 따른 응력분포에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Byung-Sun;Cha, Kyung-Suk;Chung, Dong-Hwa
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.313-326
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    • 2007
  • With rising prevalency of mouth breathing children caused by developing civilization and increasing pollution, there are many maxillary transverse discrepancy patients with undergrowth of maxilla. For improving this, maxillary mid-palatal suture splitting was often performed. The purpose of this study was to analyse the stress distribution on the craniofacial suture and cranium after rapid maxillary expansion by finite element model. The boy(13Y6M) was chosen for taking computed-tomography for finite element model. Three-dimensional model of maxilla, first premolar, first molar, buccal and lingual part of rapid maxillary expansion were constructed. 1. The alveolar bone adjacent to the first molar and the first premolar that was affected directly by rapid maxillary expansion was displaced laterally approximately 4.04mm at maximum. The force decreased toward anterior region and frontal alveolar bone displaced laterally about 3.18mm. 2. A forward maximum displacement was exhibited at zygomatic process middle region. 3. At maximum, maxillary median part experienced 0.973mm downward repositioning and 0.65mm upward repositioning at lateral alveolar bone. 4. Von mises stress was observed the largest stress distribution around teeth and zygomatic buttress. 5. The largest tensile force was observed around alveolar bone of teeth, while compression force was observed at zygomatic buttress.

A Study of Purchase, Actual Wearing Conditions and Design Preferences of Sports Casual Wear -Examination of 19~39 year-olds throughout Korea- (국내 스포츠 캐주얼웨어의 구매 및 착용현황과 디자인 선호도에 관한 연구 -전국의 만 19~39세 성인남녀를 대상으로-)

  • 김선희;도월희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.8
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    • pp.1286-1297
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    • 2002
  • This study was aimed at conducting a survey and analyzing its results on the purchase and wearing conditions and design preference of sports casual wear among women and men in their twenties and thirties according to region, gender, age and income. The survey was administered using a website and was conducted among the persons who purchased sports casual wear more than once a year. The statistical results were analyzed from 497 questionnaires of respondents residing in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, six metropolitan cities and other cities and provinces. The results of this study were summarized as follows. 1) Results of wearing conditions and preference of sports casual wear : The respondents of the survey answered that they had purchased 1 or 2 clothing items for a year and the order of buying the popular wear ranked sport shirt, jacket, trousers respectively. They chose mostly shades of gray, and the most favored design type were a chin collar, a set-in sleeves, a mixed type of band cuffs and elastic band, side zip-pockets, a full-zip front fastener, alight warm-up hood, and a small front upper chest type logo; 2)Analysis of the differences in purchase and wearing conditions in accordance with region, gender, age and income : The largest proportion of respondents who answered thar had purchased 4 or more clothing items for a year were Seoul residents and in particular the residents south of the Han river. The customers under thirty usually obtained their information about sports casual wear by visiting stores in person. The men obtain a variety of information through printed materials and related Internet sites; 3) Analysis of preferential differences of the detailed partial design : The purchasers in their 20's preferred black white, and gray patterns, however that preference shifted for those in their late 20's and the preference for pastel colors increased. The purchasers in their 20's and mid 30's had a preference for a chin collar and an eight-shaped zip type pockets. The men preferred a band cuff and a detachable hood type but women favored an elastic band and a light warm-up hood type.

Midinfrared Pulse Compression in a Dispersion-decreasing and Nonlinearity-increasing Tapered As2S3 Photonic Crystal Fiber

  • Shen, Jianping;Zhang, Siwei;Wang, Wei;Li, Shuguang;Zhang, Song;Wang, Yujun
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.250-260
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    • 2021
  • A tapered As2S3 photonic crystal fiber (PCF) with four layers of air holes in a hexagonal array around the core is designed in this paper. Numerical simulation shows that the dispersion D decreases and the nonlinearity coefficient γ increases from the thick to the thin end along the tapered PCF. We simulate the midinfrared pulse compression in the tapered As2S3 PCF using the adaptive split-step Fourier method. Initial Gaussian pulses of 4.4 ps and a central wavelength of 2.5 ㎛ propagating in the tapered PCF are located in the anomalous dispersion region. With an average power of assumed input pulses at 3 mW and a repetition frequency of 81.0 MHz, we theoretically obtain a pulse duration of 56 fs and a compression factor of 78 when the pulse propagates from the thick end to the thin end of the tapered PCF. When confinement loss in the tapered PCF is included in the simulation, the minimum pulse duration reaches 72 fs; correspondingly, the maximum compression factor reaches 61. The results show that in the anomalous-dispersion region, midinfrared pulses can be efficiently compressed in a dispersion-decreasing and nonlinearity-increasing tapered As2S3 PCF. Due to confinement loss in the tapered fiber, the efficiency of pulse compression is suppressed.

Population genetic analysis of Salurnis marginella (Hemiptera: Flatidae)

  • Choi, Hyun-Seok;Jeong, Su Yeon;Lee, Keon Hee;Jeong, Jun Seong;Park, Jeong Sun;Jeong, Na Ra;Kim, Min Jee;Lee, Wonhoon;Kim, Iksoo
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2021
  • Salurnis marginella Guérin-Méneville, 1829 (Hemiptera: Flatidae) is an invasive species first reported in 2003 in Iksan, which is located in the mid-western region of South Korea, and subsequently found in the nearby regions in 2005. However, molecular-perspective reports on their invasive characteristics are not yet available. In this study, population genetic characteristics of Korean S. marginella were evaluated using the mitochondrial COI region and sequencing 124 individual samples collected in 11 Korean localities. A total of 12 haplotypes were identified with a maximum sequence divergence of 1.368% (9 bp). Haplotype diversity was relatively higher than that of other insect species invaded into Korea, providing 2-6 haplotypes per populations, indicating that introduction to Korea may have happened rather extensively and consistently. Nucleotide diversity (π) was the highest in Iksan but owing to the limited sample size (three individuals) from this locality, additional studies are required for drawing conclusive inference regarding the place of entry to Korea. Ulsan, the easternmost population in the present study, revealed nearly the lowest diversity estimates, such as the lowest H and the second-lowest π; a unique haplogroup with a higher frequency; and an independent genetic cluster, suggesting that the introduction of S. marginella to Ulsan was an independent event. Further collection in Korea and neighboring countries, including the original distributional range is necessary to elucidate the invasive dynamics of S. marginella

Mechanical behaviour between adjacent cracks in CFRP plate reinforced RC slabs

  • Yuan, Xin;Bai, Hongyu;Sun, Chen;Li, Qinqing;Song, Yanfeng
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.84 no.3
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    • pp.375-391
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    • 2022
  • This paper discussed and analyzed the interfacial stress distribution characteristic of adjacent cracks in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) plate strengthened concrete slabs. One un-strengthened concrete test beam and four CFRP plate-strengthened concrete test beams were designed to carry out four-point flexural tests. The test data shows that the interfacial shear stress between the interface of CFRP plate and concrete can effectively reduce the crack shrinkage of the tensile concrete and reduces the width of crack. The maximum main crack flexural height in pure bending section of the strengthened specimen is smaller than that of the un-strengthened specimen, the CFRP plate improves the rigidity of specimens without brittle failure. The average ultimate bearing capacity of the CFRP-strengthened specimens was increased by 64.3% compared to that without CFRP-strengthen. This indicites that CFRP enhancement measures can effectively improve the ultimate bearing capacity and delay the occurrence of debonding damage. Based on the derivation of mechanical analysis model, the calculation formula of interfacial shear stress between adjacent cracks is proposed. The distributions characteristics of interfacial shear stress between certain crack widths were given. In the intermediate cracking region of pure bending sections, the length of the interfacial softening near the mid-span cracking position gradually increases as the load increases. The CFRP-concrete interface debonding capacity with the larger adjacent crack spacing is lower than that with the smaller adjacent crack spacing. The theoretical calculation results of interfacial bonding shear stress between adjacent cracks have good agreement with the experimental results. The interfacial debonding failure between adjacent cracks in the intermediate cracking region was mainly caused by the root of the main crack. The larger the spacing between adjacent cracks exists, the easier the interfacial debonding failure occurs.

Derivation of Coherent Reflection Coefficient at Mid and Low Frequency for a Rough Surface (불규칙 경계면에 대한 중저주파수 간섭 반사 계수 유도)

  • Chu, Young-Min;Seong, Woo-Jae;Byun, Sung-Hoon;Kim, Sea-Moon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.174-186
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    • 2009
  • When we apply a propagation model to the ocean with boundaries, we can calculate reflected wave using reflection coefficient suggested by Rayleigh assuming the boundaries are flat. But boundaries in ocean such as sea surface and sea bottom have an irregular rough surface. To calculate the reflection loss for an irregular boundary, it is needed to compute the coherent reflection coefficient based on an experimental formula or scattering theory. In this article, we derive the coherent reflection coefficients for a fluid-fluid interface using perturbation theory, Kirchhoff approximation and small-slope approximation respectively. Based on each formula, we can calculate coherent reflection coefficients for a rough sea surface or sea bottom, and then compare them to the Rayleigh reflection coefficient to analyze the reflection loss for a random rough surface. In general, the coherent reflection coefficient based on small-slope approximation has a wide valid region. Comparing it with the coherent reflection coefficients derived from the Kirchhoff approximation and perturbation theory, we discuss a valid region of them.