• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mid-region

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Wave Models and Experimental Studies of Beam-plate-beam Coupled Systems for a Mid-frequency Analysis (중주파수 대역 해석을 위한 Beam-plate-beam 연성 구조물의 웨이브 모형 연구와 시험적 규명)

  • Yoo, Ji-Woo;Thompson, D.J.;Ferguson, N.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.17 no.2 s.119
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2007
  • There has been much effort to find suitable methods for structural analysis in the mid-frequency region where traditional low frequency methods have increasing uncertainties whilst statistical energy analysis is not strictly applicable. Systems consisting of relatively stiff beams coupled to flexible plates have a particularly broad mid-frequency region where the beams support only a few modes whilst the plate has a high modal density and modal overlap. A system of two parallel beams coupled to a plate is investigated based on the wave method, which is an approximate method. Muller's method is utilised for obtaining complex roots of a dispersion wave equation, which does not converge in the conventional wave method based on a simple iteration. The wave model is extended from a single-beam-plate system, to a plate with two identical beams which is modelled using a symmetric-antisymmetric technique. The important hypothesis that the coupled beam wavenumber is sufficiently smaller than the plate free wavenumber is experimentally verified. Finally, experimental results such as powers and energy ratios show the validity of the analytical wave models.

Esophageal manometry in the patients with foreign body sensation on the pharyngo-esopgageal region (인두 및 상부식도부 이물감 환자의 식도내)

  • 한승세
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.280-285
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    • 1984
  • Although it is suspected that the foreign body sensation on the pharyngoesophageal region is caused by motility disturbance of upper esophageal sphincter, its pathophysiology is not yet clear. Esophageal manometry has become an important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of esophageal motor disorders such as dysfunction of upper esophageal sphincter. Intraluminal esophageal pressures were measured by perfusion manometry in fifteen patients with foreign body sensation on the pharyngoesophageal region and in twenty six controls. In upper esophageal sphincter, mean value of resting pressure of the patients by rapid pull-through technique was 45,9\ulcorner 15.6mmHg and 80.9\ulcorner9.7mmHg in the controls. The difference between the two groups was statistically significant. The distance from nostril to sphincter, length of sphincter, and resting pressure by station pull-through technique were not significantly different. The amplitude of esophageal peristalsis in the patients was reduced significantly at the level of the upper, mid and lower esophagus. The wave duration of the patients was reduced significantly at the level the upper and mid esophagus. The speed showed no difference between two groups. Length and resting pressure of lower esophageal sphincter revealed almost same values in two groups.

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  • Okada, Mari;Yanagihara, Hiroshi
    • Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.957-965
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    • 2018
  • We study the class CV(Ω)CV(Ω) of analytic functions f in the unit disk D={zC : z < 1} of the form f(z)=z+n=2anzn satisfying 1+zf(z)f(z)Ω,zD, where Ω is a convex and proper subdomain of C with 1Ω. Let ϕΩ be the unique conformal mapping of D onto Ω with ϕΩ(0)=1 and ϕΩ(0) > 0 and kΩ(z)=\smashmargin20zexp\(\smashmargin20tζ1(ϕΩ(ζ)1)dζ\)dt. Let z0,z1D with z0z1. As the first result in this paper we show that the region of variability {logf(z1)logf(z0):fCV(Ω)} coincides wth the set {logkΩ(z1z)logkΩ(z0z):z1}. The second result deals with the case when Ω is the right half plane H={ωC : Re ω > 0}. In this case CV(Ω) is identical with the usual normalized class of convex univalent functions on D. And we derive the sharp upper bound for logf(z1)logf(z0), fCV(H). The third result concerns how far two functions in CV(Ω) are from each other. Furthermore we determine all extremal functions explicitly.

Traumatic Coronary Artery Dissection in a Young Woman after a Kick to Her Back

  • Ipek, Emrah;Ermis, Emrah;Demirelli, Selami;Yildirim, Erkan;Yolcu, Mustafa;Sahin, Bingul Dilekci
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2015
  • We present the case of a 38-year-old woman admitted to our outpatient clinic with accelerating back pain and fatigue following a kick to her back by her husband. Upon arrival, we detected ST segment elevation in the D1, aVL, and V2 leads and accelerated idioventricular rhythm. She had pallor and hypotension consistent with cardiogenic shock. We immediately performed coronary angiography and found a long dissection starting from the mid-left main coronary artery and progressing into the mid-left anterior descending (LAD) and circumflex arteries. She was then transferred to the operating room for surgery. A saphenous vein was grafted to the distal LAD. Since the patient was hypotensive under noradrenaline and dopamine infusions, she was transferred to the cardiovascular surgery intensive care unit on an extracorporeal membrane oxygenator and intra-aortic balloon pump. During follow-up, her blood pressure remained low, at approximately 60/40 mmHg, despite aggressive inotropic and mechanical support. On the second postoperative day, asystole and cardiovascular arrest quickly developed, and despite aggressive cardiopulmonary resuscitation, she died.

Seasonal Occurrence of Tobacco Cutworm, Spodoptera litura Fabricius and Beet Armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hübner Using Sex Pheromone Traps at Different Locations and Regions in Yeongnam District (영남지방 지역 및 지대별 담배거세미나방과 파밤나방 성충의 발생소장)

  • Bae, Soon-Do;Kim, Hyun-Ju;Lee, Geon-Hwi;Park, Sung-Tae
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.46 no.1 s.145
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2007
  • Seasonal occurrences of tobacco cutworm, Spodoptera litura and beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua were observed using sex pheromone traps at different locations and climatic regions in Yeongnam district. In Gyeongnam province, S. litura male adults kept occur from mid or late March to mid or late November Whereas in Gyeongbuk province, S. litura occurred from mid or late April to early or mid November with exception at Uljin where it was late May to late October. According to the climatic regions, the peak occurrence of S. litura was middle September at the southern coast region, late August at the inland and the basin region, middle August at the inland mountainous region, and early September at the eastern middle coast region. The occurrence rate of S. litura was the highest at Jinju with 20.0% and the lowest at Changyeong with 8.6% in Cyeongnam province, while it was the highest at Sungju with 3.3% and the lowest at Uljin with 0.8% in Gyeongbuk province. In accordance with the climatic regions, the occurrence rate of S. litura was the highest at the inland region with 43.7%, and followed by the southern coast region (36.3%), the basin region (8.4%) and the inland mountainous region (7.0%), and was the lowest at the eastern middle coast legion with 4.6%. On the other hand, S. exigua occurred from early March to middle November with the exception of the eastern middle coast region including Pohang, Yeongdeog and U]ien in Cyeongbuk province where it occurred from mfd April to middle November. The peak occurrence of s. exigua was early August at the inland region, the basin region and the inland mountainous region, and was late of August at the southern coast region and the eastern middle coast region. The occurrence of S. exigua was the highest at Changyeong with 1.6% and the lowest at Busan with 0.4% in Gyeongnam province, while it was the highest at Sungju with 37.2% and the lowest at Uljin with 2.7% in Gyeongbuk province. The climatic regional occurrence rate of S. exigua was the highest at the basin region with 54.3%, and followed by the inland mountainous region (29.9%), the eastern middle coast region (9.3%) and the inland (3.9%), and was the lowest at the southern coast region with 2.6%. As a whole, S. litura occurred more in Gyeongnam province than Cyeongbuk province, while S. exigua occurred more in Gyeongbuk province than Gyeongnam province. According to the regions grouped by climatic differences, the occurrence of S. litura and S. exigua was the highest at the inland region in Gyeongnam province and at the basin region in Gyeongbuk province. The total number of S. litura captured by sex pheromone trap was 2.4 times higher than that of S. exigua. However, the first occurring time and the peak occurrence of S. exigua were slightly earlier than those of S. litura.

Normal Corpus Callosum Dimensions Measured by MRI (MR Midsagittal 영상을 이용한 정상 뇌량의 크기 측정)

  • Kim, Ham-Gyum
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.277-285
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    • 2008
  • As a result of measuring the size of corpus callosum in normal Korean people by using MRI, the following conclusions were obtained. 1. Maximum, minimum, and mean values by the region in whole subjects 1) Anteroposterior length amounted to the mean with 69.30mm, the minimum with 50.70mm, and the maximum with 80.40mm. 2) Diameter of genu amounted to the mean with 11.93mm, the minimum with 6.00mm, and the maximum with 18.50mm. 3) Diameter of mid body amounted to the mean with 7.00mm, the minimum with 3.40mm, and the maximum with 10.40mm. 4) Diameter of narrowing portion amounted to the mean with 4.51mm, the minimum with 0.80mm, and the maximum with 9.50mm. 5) Diameter of splenium amounted to the mean with 12.17mm, the minimum with 6.90mm, and the maximum with 17.20mm. 2. Comparison by region according to the gender in the whole subjects 1) Anteroposterior length was bigger in men than in women, and showed the significant difference depending on gender. 2) Diameter of genu, diameter of mid body, and diameter of narrowing portion were bigger in men than in women, but there was no significant difference. 3) Diameter of splenium was bigger in men than in women, and showed the statistically significant difference. 3. Comparison by region according to the age in the whole subjects 1) Anteroposterior length was the biggest in the 50s at the age, and was smaller in heir 10s than other age levels. In addition, the significant difference was indicated depending on age. 2) Diameter of genu and diameter of mid body were the biggest in their 30s, and were smaller in the 60s than other age levels. And, the statistically significant difference was indicated. 3) Diameter of narrowing portion was the thickest in their 20s, and was thinner in their 60s than other age levels. And, the significant difference was indicated depending on age. 4) Diameter of splenium was the thickest in their 30s, and was thinner in their 10s than other age levels. And, the statistically significant difference was indicated. 4. Correlation by region in whole subjects 1) Diameter of genu showed the statistically significant positive correlation with anteroposterior length. 2) Diameter of mid body showed the statistically significant positive correlation with anteroposterior length and diameter of genu. 3) Diameter of narrowing portion didn't show the statistically significant correlation with anteroposterior length, but showed the statistically significant positive correlation with diameter of genu and diameter of mid body. 4) Diameter of splenium showed the statistically significant positive correlation with anteroposterior length, diameter of genu, diameter of mid body, and diameter of narrowing portion.

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Effect of Climate on the Yield of Different Maturing Rice in the Yeongnam Inland Area over the Past 20 Years (영남내륙 지역 과거 20년간 기후와 벼 조만성별 쌀 수량 변화)

  • Shin, Jong-Hee;Han, Chae-Min;Kwon, Jung-Bae;Kim, Sang-Kuk
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    • v.64 no.3
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    • pp.193-203
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between rice yield and climate elements in Daegu (southern plain area) and Andong (inland mountainous area) regions. Over the past 20 years, rice yield has increased in both regions. The rice yield of middle and mid-late maturing cultivars in the recent 5 years increased by about 10% and 18%, respectively, compared to that produced in the early 2000s in the Daegu region. In the Andong region, the rice yield of mid-late maturing rice cultivars in the recent 5 years was higher by about 7% than that of the early 2000s. The number of panicles per hill and grain ripening rate significantly affected rice yield in mid-late maturing cultivars. In addition, the grain weight and grain ripening rate significantly affected rice production in middle maturing cultivars grown in the Daegu region. With regard to the middle maturing cultivars, the relationship between grain weight and rice yield had a positive significant correlation in both regions. To understand the effect of climate factors on rice yield, the milled rice yield of several rice cultivars produced over the past 20 years (1999-2018) at both locations, Daegu and Andong, were evaluated. The rice yields increased owing to long sunshine duration during the grain filling stage in the Daegu region. In Andong, rising maximum temperature during the vegetative stage increased rice yield of early and mid-late maturing cultivars. Long sunshine hours increased yield of mid-late maturing cultivars in both regions.

Comparisons of the Physicochemical Characteristics of Korean Traditional Soy Sauce with Varying Soybean Seeding Periods and Regions of Production (원료콩의 파종시기와 산지에 따른 재래식 간장의 품질 특성 비교)

  • Kang, Sun-Hee;Lee, Seul;Ko, Jong-Min;Hwang, In-Kyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.761-769
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the physicochemical properties of Korean traditional soy sauces made with soybeans sown in different producing regions(Hadong, Paju) and in different seeding periods(late-May, mid-June, late-June). The total acidity, salt content, chromaticity, browning, amino nitrogen content and the reducing sugar content of the soy sauce samples were compared. It was found that the total acidity level and the amino nitrogen contents were significantly lower in the soy sauce made with mid-June soybeans, and that these properties increased as the sauce aged. Salt content increased with the aging period regardless of the region of production. The reducing sugar content of Paju soy sauce was the highest in late -June, and for the Hadong region, highest in late-May. The sauce made with Hadong soy beans showed an increase in reducing sugar content positively correlated with the aging period. Reducing sugar content in the samples of Paju soy sauce decreased up to 60 days of aging, but increased after this point. In Paju soy sauce, the brightness(L value) was significantly higher in mid-June, and the Hadong variant it was higher in late -May. The yellowness(b value) at the beginning of the aging process was high in late -June for Hadong soy sauce, but overall it was higher in the mid-June period. The more matured soy sauce samples were darker and showed both higher a and b values. The browning was the lowest in the mid -June regardless of the regions and it increased with the aging period regardless of the production regions. The salt, amino nitrogen contents, browning and yellowness showed significant correlations among the samples. In conclusion, the seeding period of soy beans may affect the characteristics of produced soy sauce alongside the aging conditions.

Flight Activity and Injury Characteristics of Beet Armyworm, Spodoptera exigua(Hubner), (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in Southern Region of Korea (남부지방에서 파밤나방의 비산활동 및 가해특성)

  • 박종대;고현관;이재휴;이운직;김규진
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.124-129
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    • 1991
  • This study investigated seasonal occurrence and daily flight activity using synthetic sex pherom mone and injury characteristics of 야et armyworm, Spodoptera exigua in Chonnam area of K Korea in 1990. Male adults were attracted to phermone trap from mid-June to late November w with the peaks at mid-late August, mid-late September and early-mid November in vinyl i house and also were attracted from mid October to late November in field. Primary peak of occurrence in vinyl house was 20 days sooner than field. It seems to have 6 generations a year in C Chonnam region based on the estimation of larval biomass. Daily male flight was active from m midnight to before sunrise with the peak at 4-6 A.M .. In injury characteristics at various host plants, damage was great in early growing stage at below 10 cm of plant height in Allium fistulsum. Chrysanthemum morifolium was damaged at mostly upper part of leaves reaching to m the extent up to 70%. In case of Gypsophila paniculata, plants injured at early growing stage do n not grow and flower normally.

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Study on the Korea Consonont by Frequency Analyzing (한글 자음의 주파수 분석적인 연구)

  • 신용철;최진태
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 1973
  • It was found that the rapidly changeable consonant's conlponents of the Korean speech can not be analyzed precisely by the method of frequency analysis, but only by the method of frequency synthesis based on the speech pattern obtained from sona-graph. The following two methods mer mainly: One was to extract the frequency region of Consortarts, and the other was to observe how the mode of the Formant of the Korean Vowel, , following after some consonants. changes both by the articulation manner and by the articulation position.

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