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Recent Changes in Sex Ratio at Birth and Simulations on Sex-Selective Reproductive Behavior: With a Special Focus on Youngnam Region (출생성비의 최근 변화와 시뮬레이션을 통한 성선별 출산행위의 추정: 영남 지역을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Doo-Sub
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2011
  • Korea has been widely recognized as the most successful country for reversal of the rise in sex ratio at birth (from the mid-1980s to the mid-1990s) in a short period of time. However, unusually high sex ratios at birth are still observed in most regions as parity increases. Given that imbalanced sex ratios at high birth orders are mostly due to son-selective abortion, it still remains questionable whether son-selective reproductive behavior has vanished in Korea. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the pattern of changing trends and socioeconomic differentials in sex ratio at birth. Micro-data from birth registration for 2009 are utilized. Attention is focused on analyzing sex ratios at birth in Youngnam region according to age of mother, parity, educational attainment of parents, and occupation of parents. A series of simulations are also conducted in this paper to show how prenatal sex screening and son-selective abortion have affected the level of sex ratio at birth for years 1994, 2005 and 2009.

Delineation of Provenance Regions of Forests Based on Climate Factors in Korea (기상인자(氣象因子)에 의한 우리 나라 산림(山林)의 산지구분(産地區分))

  • Choi, Wan Yong;Tak, Woo Sik;Yim, Kyong Bin;Jang, Suk Seong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 1999
  • As a first step for delineating the provenance regions of the forest trees in Korea, horizontal zones have been deduced primarily from the various climatic factors such as annual mean temperature, extremely low temperature, relative humidity, annual gum of possible growing days, duration of sunshine and dry index. The basic concept to the delineation of the provenance regions was based on the ecological regions, which was likely to be more practical than that on the basis of the typical provenance regions at the species level. Primary classification of the regions has been based on the forest zones(sub-tropical, warm-temperate, mid-temperate and cool-temperate) as a broad geographic region. Further classification has been carried out using cluster analyses among the basic regions within forest zone. On the basis of clustering, a total of 19 regions including 3 from sub-tropical, 6 from warm-temperate, 8 from mid-temperate and 2 from cool-temperate was horizontally delineated. Of the mean values of 6 climate factors at the broad geographic region level, three factors such as annual mean temperature, extremely low temperature, annual growing days showed directional tendencies from subtropical to cool-temperate, while the others didn't. The values of relative humidity, duration of sunshine and dry index varied among the provenance regions within forest zone. These three factors might he more sensitive by the micro-environment condition than by the macro-environment condition. Present study aimed to delineate the primary provenance regions for tentative application to forest practices. These will be stepwise revised through the supplement using accumulated information regard to genecological data.

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Transmission Noise Seduction Performance of Smart Panels using Piezoelectric Shunt Damping (압전감쇠를 이용한 압전지능패널의 전달 소음저감 성능)

  • 이중근
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2002
  • The possibility of a transmission noise reduction of piezoelectric smart panels using piezoelectric shunt damping is experimentally studied. Piezoelectric smart panel is basically a plate structure on which piezoelectric patch with shunt circuits is mounted and sound absorbing materials are bonded on the surface of the structure. Sound absorbing materials can absorb the sound transmitted at mid frequency region effectively while the use of piezoelectric shunt damping can reduce the transmission at resonance frequencies of the panel structure. To be able to reduce the sound transmission at low panel resonances, piezoelectric damping using the measured electrical impedance model is adopted. Resonant shunt circuit for piezoelectric shunt damping is composed of register and inductor in series, and they are determined by maximizing the dissipated energy throughout the circuit. The transmitted noise reduction performance of smart panels is investigated using an acoustic tunnel. The tunnel is a tube with square crosses section and a loud-speaker is mounted at one side of the tube as a sound source. Panels are mounted in the middle of the tunnel and the transmitted sound pressure across panels is measured. Noise reduction performance of a smart panels possessing absorbing material and/or air gap shows a good result at mid frequency region but little effect in the resonance frequency. By enabling the piezoelectric shunt damping, noise reduction of 10dB, 8dB is achieved at the resonance frequencise as well. Piezoelectric smart panels incorporating passive method and piezoelectric shunt damping are a promising technology for noise reduction in a broadband frequency.

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A Study on the Establishing a Mid-to Long-term Comprehensive Development Plan Based on Jeongseon-gun's Library Policy Innovation Strategy (정선군의 도서관 정책혁신전략을 기반으로 한 도서관 중장기 종합발전계획 수립연구)

  • Inho Chang;Younghee Noh;Ji Hei Kang;Woojung Kwak
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.295-320
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    • 2023
  • Jeongseon-gun has the SaBuk Public Library, 17 small libraries, and the Jeongseon Educational Library. In 2023, with the completion of the Jeongseon County Public Library, there is a need to establish innovative library policy strategies that consider balanced development by region. The primary goal of this study was to set the direction for the future of Jeongseon County's public libraries and provide appropriate strategies. To achieve this, an examination of the local situation and characteristics of Jeongseon County was conducted, followed by an analysis of the operational status of the public libraries. Additionally, a satisfaction survey and demand analysis were conducted among the residents of Jeongseon County regarding the libraries, to analyze directions for library improvements. Ultimately, taking into account the local characteristics, library status, and residents' needs, an optimized strategy for the region was presented. As a result of the study, the operational goal to achieve the vision was set as "a life-friendly library that shares the healthy lives of residents of Jeongseon-gun," and emphasized its role as a companion close to daily life for the healthy lives of Jeongseon-gun residents. The four strategic tasks to promote the operational goals were expressed as "a library that grows with local residents," "a library that provides multicultural exchange," "a sustainable future-oriented library," and "a library that cooperates with the local community."

Structure of the Male Reproductive System in the Freshwater Prawn Macrobrachium nipponense (징거미새우, Macrobrachium nipponense 수컷 생식기의 구조)

  • 김대현;한창희
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.582-588
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    • 1998
  • The male reproductive system of Macrobrachium nipponense consists of a pair of lobulate testes enveloped within a mesenteric sheath extending the length of the carapace. The paired vasa deferentia originated from the mid-lateral region of each testis and extended to the genital pores at the base of the fifth walking legs. The vas deferens has four morphologically distinct regions, i.e., a short and slender proximal region, a long convoluted region, an elongate distal region and an ejaculatory duct that terminates at the genital pore. The sperm mass produced in the testes is surrounded by a basophilic matrix adjacent to the high columnar epithelium and an eosinophilic matrix adjacent to the simple columnar epithelium. The sperm cord is stored in the ejaculatory duct until it is ejaculated. Androgenic gland is found near the subterminal region of the ejaculatory duct between the muscles of the coxopodite of the last thoracic leg. The cell of the androgenic gland is about 6~8 μm in length, characterized by with extended chromatin in the large nucleus that stained weakly with hematoxylin and there is a large quantity of cytoplasm. The sperm of M. nipponense are typical of the palaemonid type, having a convex, cup shaped head and an elongated spike extending from the centre of the convex head. The spermatophore consisted of an eosinophilic matrix, a basophilic matrix and paired sperm masses which was surrounded by the basophilic matrix. It generally shows a bilaterally symmetrical structure.

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Interdecadal Change of Summer Rainfall in the Region of Korea and Northern China (한국-중국 북부지역에서 여름 강수량의 십년간 변동)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Cha, Yumi;Kim, Jeoung-Yun;Lu, Riyu
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.35-48
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed the obvious increasing tendency of summer (June to August) rainfall in the region of Korea- and northern China (3540N, 110130E) in the late 1990s. In order to investigate the causes of the increase in summer rainfall since 1998, we analyzed the difference of the rainfall average between 1998-2012 and 1981-1997. The analysis of the 850 hPa stream flows showed that the huge anomalous anticyclonic circulations were developed in North Pacific and eastern Australia. In both hemispheres, the anomalous easterlies (anomalous trade winds) were strengthened from the equatorial central Pacific to the tropical western Pacific by the anomalous circulations, which was an anomalous circulation pattern shown in La Ni˜na years. As for the 200 hPa stream flows, the huge anomalous cyclonic circulations were also developed in both South Pacific and North Pacific. These two anomalous circulations reinforced the anomalous westerlies in the equatorial central and western Pacific, leading to the increase in summer rainfall in the region of Korea- and northern China since the late 1990s in association with La Ni˜na pattern, which was resulted in strengthening the Walker circulation. Recently in East Asia, the local Hadley circulation has been strengthened in which upward flows in the equatorial western Pacific and mid-latitude region of East Asia have descended in the subtropical western Pacific.

Low-salinity Water and Circulation in Summer around Saemangeum Area in the West Coast of Korea (하계 서해안 새만금 연안역 주변 저염수와 순환)

  • 이상호;최현용;손영태;권효근;김영곤;양재삼;정해진;김종구
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.138-150
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    • 2003
  • In the mid-west coast of Korea where Mankyung and Dongjin rivers discharge fresh water, Saemangeum tidal dyke of 33 km long is under construction to reclaim the very shallow estuary region of 41,000ha. Main source of freshwater in this coastal area is Keum River locating closely north of the dyke. At present, the dyke connected with Gogunsan-Gundo separates this area into three regions; northwestern, southwestern and eastern (Saemangeum) region of the dyke, and the water in Saemangeum region is exchanged through one gap in the northern dyke and two gaps in the southern dyke. We have observed distributions and structures of temperature and salinity to examine the summer circulation related with low-salinity water in this coastal area in 1998 and 1999. In the surface layer off the northern dyke a tongue-like distribution of low-salinity extends 60 km long from Keum River estuary mouth to the northwest, forming plume front bounded by offshore water. In the inner region of Saemangeum dykes salinity distributions show that two river waters are merged together and the low salinity water is deflected toward northern gap of the dyke. In the surface layer off the southern dyke we observed small tongue-like distribution of another low-salinity water extending to the north from Gomso Bay. Based on the analysis of distributions of low-salinity water and frontal structures, we can suggest an anticlockwise circulation of coastal water around the dyke, composed by the estuarine water outgoing from the inner region of the dyke through the northern dyke's gap and the inflow through two gaps of southern dyke from offshore. After completing the dyke construction, this coastal circulation around the dyke will be, however, changed because fresh water discharge of Mankyung and Dongjin rivers will be routed artificially and directly into the area offshore of the southern dyke.

Variations of Biogenic Components in the Region off the Lutzow-Holm Bay, East Antarctica during the Last 700 Kyr (지난 70만 년 동안 동남극 Lutzow-Holm만 주변 해역의 생물기원 퇴적물 함량 변화)

  • Kim, Yeo-Hun;Katsuki, Kota;Suganuma, Yusuke;Ikehara, Minoru;Khim, Boo-Keun
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2011
  • Contents of biogenic components [opal, CaCO3, TOC (total organic carbon)] were measured in Core LHB-3PC sediments collected off Lutzow-Holm Bay, in order to understand glacial-interglacial cyclic variation of the high-latitude surface-water paleoproductivity, in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean. An age model was established from the correlation of ARM/IRM ratios of Core LHB-3PC with LR04 stack benthic δ18O records, in complement with radiocarbon isotope ages and biostratigraphic Last Appearance Datum (LAD). The core-bottom age was estimated to be about 700 ka. Although the CaCO3 content is very low less than 1.0% throughout the core, the opal and TOC contents show clear glacial-interglacial cyclic variation such that they are high during the interglacial periods (7.2-50.3% and 0.05-1.00%, respectively) and low during the glacial periods (5.2-25.2% and 0.01-0.68%, respectively). According to the spectral analysis, the variation of opal content is controlled mainly by eccentricity forcing and subsequently by obliquity forcing during the last 700 kyrs. The opal contents of Core LHB-3PC also represent the apparent Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT)-related climatic variation in the glacial-interglacial cycles. In particular, the orbital variation of the opal contents shows increasing amplitudes since marine isotope stage (MIS) 11, which defines one of the important paleoclimatic events during the late Quaternary, called the "Mid-Brunhes Event". Based on the variation of the opal contents in Core LHB-3PC, we suggest that the surface-water paleoproductivity in the Indian Sector of the Southern Ocean followed the orbital (glacial-interglacial) cycles, and was controlled mainly by the extent of sea ice distribution during the last 700 kyrs.

A Study on the Recognition of Mid- to Long-term Comprehensive Development Plan for the Library in Gimpo City (김포시 도서관 중장기 종합발전계획 수립을 위한 인식조사 연구)

  • Noh, Younghee;Chang, Inho;Kang, Ji-Hei;Shin, Youngji;Kwak, Woojung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.227-253
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to establish a mid-to-long-term comprehensive development plan for the Gimpo library, and to lay out the overall system of the library scattered by region in Gimpo, and to present Gimpo library's unique vision and strategy to differentiate it from other regions. As a research, surveys and interviews were conducted for the residents of Gimpo-si (library users and beneficiaries) and library personnel. As a result, first, all libraries in Gimpo-si have a user-centered multicultural space service with differentiated concepts and themes of each library based on the functions and roles of data collection, information services, and various programs as public libraries. Seems to be oriented. Second, with regard to Gimpo library collections, it is necessary to first collect books with high usage rate by library and expand them to the needs of consumers. Third, in order to provide the services of the Gimpo library, it is necessary to develop a service that can raise satisfaction by using the citizens' participation and utilizing them in order to derive the service by analyzing other local library programs or services.

Regional Trend Analysis for Groundwater Quality in Jeju Island - Focusing on Chloride and Nitrate Concentrations - (제주도 지하수 수질의 광역적 추세 특성 분석 - 염소 및 질산성질소를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Gyoo-Bum;Kim, Ji-Wook;Won, Jong-Ho;Koh, Gi-Won
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.40 no.6 s.179
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    • pp.469-483
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    • 2007
  • Nitrate and chloride are the most common contaminants in groundwater and their concentrations increase easily due to fertilizer consumption and urbanization. The number of time series data for groundwater quality at a single site was not sufficient to analyze trends on Jeju Island. Therefore rectangle grids were drawn for the whole island and single grid was determined to be 500m×500m after considering similar stream density, homogeneous hydraulic coefficients, geologic features of volcanic rock and low topographic slopes. All data within each lattice were collected and arranged in time series order and analyzed using Sen's method. 10.6 % of the total lattices for chloride and 22.4% for nitrate showed upward trends from the early 1990's to the early 2000's. Especially, upward trends for nitrate concentration are distinct in the low mid-mountainous areas of western and southern watersheds. Many septic tanks and much domestic waste from the urbanization of the low mid-mountainous area have produced this upward trend. Additionally, the agricultural region has dramatically increased since the 1990's and this has led to an increase of fertilizer consumption and, as a result, nitrate concentration. Therefore, the target of any management plan for groundwater quality on Jeiu Island needs to be focused on careful land use decisions in the mid-mountainous areas which are near Halla Mountain.