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Academic Development Status of Climate Dynamics in Korean Meteorological Society (한국기상학회 기후역학 분야 학술 발전 현황)

  • Soon-Il An;Sang-Wook Yeh;Kyong-Hwan Seo;Jong-Seong Kug;Baek-Min Kim;Daehyun Kim
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.125-154
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    • 2023
  • Since the Korean Meteorological Society was organized in 1963, the climate dynamics fields have been made remarkable progress. Here, we documented the academic developments in the area of climate dynamics performed by members of Korean Meteorological Society, based on studies that have been published mainly in the Journal of Korean Meteorological Society, Atmosphere, and Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences. In these journals, the fundamental principles of typical ocean-atmosphere climatic phenomena such as El Niño, Madden-Julian Oscillation, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Atlantic Multi-decadal Oscillation, their modeling, prediction, and its impact, are being conducted by members of Korean Meteorological Society. Recently, research has been expanded to almost all climatic factors including cryosphere and biosphere, as well as areas from a global perspective, not limited to one region. In addition, research using an artificial intelligence (AI), which can be called a cutting-edge field, has been actively conducted. In this paper, topics including intra-seasonal and Madden-Julian Oscillations, East Asian summer monsoon, El Niño-Southern Oscillation, mid-latitude and polar climate variations and some paleo climate and ecosystem studies, of which driving mechanism, modeling, prediction, and global impact, are particularly documented.

Effects of heavy metal lead on differential cell counts in occupationally-exposed subjects from Saudi Arabia

  • Abjal P. Shaik;Abbas H. Alsaeed;Asma S. Shaik;Abdullah A. Alyousef;Vamsee K. Bammidi;Kiranmaye Sampathirao
    • Advances in environmental research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.31-38
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    • 2022
  • The current observational epidemiological study analyzed blood lead levels (BLLs) in occupationally exposed workers from Riyadh region, Saudi Arabia and correlated them with the alterations in the differential cell populations of the WBC panel (lymphocytes [Lym %], mixed [Mid %] cells, and neutrophils [Neu %]). In addition, we examined the effect of confounding factors and their relation to BLLs. BLLs were estimated using the LeadCare II analyzer and hematological parameters using the ADVIA 120 analyser. An inferential analysis was conducted to detect association between the observations and the subjects' clinical characateristics. A total of 132 male subjects were included in the final analyses. Based on CDC guidelines, the subjects were categorized as Group I (BLL <10 ㎍/dL; n=118) or Group II (BLL >10 ㎍/dL; n=14) with average BLLs of 4.4 ㎍/dL and 18.1 ㎍/dL, respectively (p <0.0001). The percentages of Mid cells (p <0.0001) and neutrophils (p=0.048), were significantly altered in subjects with High BLL. A regression analysis indicated that subjects > 50 years of age had significantly higher BLLs (53.2 ㎍/dL) than younger age sub-groups (p <0.0001). Age, education, and profession were significant predictors for lead toxicity. Pb exposure is a major public health issue in Saudi Arabia and calls for further investigations on the cellular and molecular effects on hematological system.

The Pagan-Period and the Early-Thai Buddhist Murals: Were They Related?

  • Poolsuwan, Samerchai
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.27-65
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    • 2014
  • Flourishing in the Central Dry Zone of Burma during a period from the mid-eleventh to the late-thirteenth century A.D., the historical kingdom of Pagan was one of the major Buddhist centers in Southeast Asia. The significance of Pagan as an important pilgrimage site of the region, where numerous relics of the Buddha were enshrined, had been maintained until long after the fall of its civilization. It is evident that the artistic influences of Pagan, particularly in the architectural and decorative domains, had been transmitted to various other Buddhist civilizations in the area. This study provides a detailed analysis on the relationships between the mural tradition of Pagan and those of its neighboring civilizations in Thailand-of the Ayutthayā, Lānnā and Sukhothai schools-dating from after the Pagan Period in the fourteenth century to the sixteenth century. Surprisingly, as the analysis of this study has suggested, such relationships seemed to be trivial, more on a minor stylistic basis than on substantial ideological and iconographic grounds. They suggest that transmission of the complex idea and superb craftsmanship of the mural tradition would not have been maintained adequately at Pagan after its civilization, probably due to the lack of royal patronage. It would have been extremely difficult for foreign pilgrims who visited Pagan after its dynastic period to appreciate the surviving murals of this lost tradition in terms of their complex programs and associated symbolism. Also, there had been a new center of the Sinhalese Buddhism firmly established in the Martaban area of lower Burma since the mid-fourteenth century that outcompeted Pagan in terms of supplying the new Buddhist ideas and tradition. Its fame spread wide and far among the Buddhist communities of Southeast Asia. Later, these Buddhist communities also established direct contact with Sri Lanka. The Sukhothai murals and the Ayutthayā murals in the crypt of Wat Rātchaburana, dating from the fourteenth/fifteenth century, show obvious Sri Lankan influence in terms of artistic style and Buddhist iconography. They could be a product of these new religious movements, truly active in Southeast Asia during that time.

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Development of a Deep Learning-based Midterm PM2.5 Prediction Model Adapting to Trend Changes (경향성 변화에 대응하는 딥러닝 기반 초미세먼지 중기 예측 모델 개발)

  • Dong Jun Min;Hyerim Kim;Sangkyun Lee
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.251-259
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    • 2024
  • Fine particulate matter, especially PM2.5 with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers, poses significant health and economic risks. This study focuses on the Seoul region of South Korea, aiming to analyze PM2.5 data and trends from 2017 to 2022 and develop a mid-term prediction model for PM2.5 concentrations. Utilizing collected and produced air quality and weather data, reanalysis data, and numerical model prediction data, this research proposes an ensemble evaluation method capable of adapting to trend changes. The ensemble method proposed in this study demonstrated superior performance in predicting PM2.5 concentrations, outperforming existing models by an average F1 Score of approximately 42.16% in 2019, 58.92% in 2021, and 34.79% in 2022 for future 3 to 6-day predictions. The model maintains performance under changing environmental conditions, offering stable predictions and presenting a mid-term prediction model that extends beyond the capabilities of existing deep learning-based short-term PM2.5 forecasts.

Utilization of Tissue Compensator for Uniform Dose Distribution in Total Body Irradiation (전신방사선조사시 균등한 선량분포를 이루기 위한 조직보상체의 이용)

  • Park, Seung-Jin;Chung, Woong-Ki;Ahn, Sung-Ja;Nam, Taek-Keun;Nah, Byung-Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 1994
  • Purpose : This study was performed to verify dose distribution with the tissue compensator which is used for uniform dose distribution in total body irradiation(TBI). Materials and methods : The compensators were made of lead(0.8mm thickness) and aluminum(1mm or 5mm thickness) plates. The humanoid phantom of adult size was made of paraffin as a real treatment position for bilateral total body technique. The humanoid phantom was set at 360cm of source-axis distance(SAD) and irradiated with geographical field size(FS) 144×144cm2(40×40cm2 at SAD 100cm) which covered the entire phantom. Irradiation was done with 10MV X-ray(CLINAC 1800, Varian Co., USA) of linear accelerator set at Department of Therapeutic Radiology, Chonnam University Hospital. The midline absorbed dose was checked at the various regions such as head, mouth, mid-neck, sternal notch, mid-mediastinum, xiphoid, umbilicus, pelvis, knee and ankle with or without compensator, respectively. We used exposure/exposure rate meter(model 192, Capintec Inc., USA) with ionization chamber(PR 05) for dosimetry, For the dosimetry of thorax region TLD rods of 1x1x6mm3 in volume(LiF, Harshaw Co., Netherland) was used at the commercially available humanoid phantom. Results : The absorbed dose of each point without tissue compensator revealed significant difference(from 11.8%to21.1%) compared with the umbilicus dose which is a dose prescription point in TBI. The absorbed dose without compensator at sternal notch including shoulder was 11.8% less than the dose of umbilicus. With lead compensator the absorbed doses ranged from +1.3%to5.3% except mid-neck which revealed over-compensation(7.9%). In case of aluminum compensator the absorbed doses were measured with less difference(from 2.6%to5.3%) compared with umbilicus dose. Conclusion : Both of lead and aluminum compensators applied to the skull or lower leg revealed a good compensation effect. It was recognized that boost irradiation or choosing reference point of dose prescription at sternal notch according to the lateral thickness of patient in TBI should be considered.

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A Study on the Vegetation of the Present-day Potential Natural State of Water for Flood Plain Restoration in South Korea (홍수터복원을 위한 국내 현재잠재자연하천 식생에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hyea-Ju;Shin, Beom-Kyun;You, Young-Han;Kim, Chang-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.564-594
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    • 2008
  • For this study, which was conducted in summer from 20062007, 25 places of stream area in Korea, which were not affected by human, were selected by considering variable environmental factors. Plant surveys were performed in five qaudrats per each place of stream area(stream length=about 1km) on the basis of Braun-Blanquet(1964) and in four belt(length=20m) per each place of stream area by using belt-transect method in order to study the vegetation of the present-day potential natural state of water. In the results of the plant survey, the common plant communities in the mid-northern district(latitude3737.9N) were Quercus mongolica community and Fraxinus rhynchophylla community(with Quercus mongolica and Quercus aliena), and the common plant communities in the southern district(latitude3535.9N) were Quercus serrata community, Styrax japonica community and Quercus variabilis community. The common plant communities in the central district(latitude3636.9N) were Quercus serrata community, Fraxinus rhynchophylla community and Quercus aliena community, which have the middle characteristic between mid-northern and southern district. Also, in the results of correlation analysis between environmental factors and appearance of plant species in the survey places of stream area, Eco region showed the most significant correlation, but for the plan to restore flood plain, it is necessary to clarify the vegetation of potential natural stream by increasing the number of study cases considering variable environmental factors, in the future.

Quantitative Flood Forecasting Using Remotely-Sensed Data and Neural Networks

  • Kim, Gwangseob
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.43-50
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    • 2002
  • Accurate quantitative forecasting of rainfall for basins with a short response time is essential to predict streamflow and flash floods. Previously, neural networks were used to develop a Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting (QPF) model that highly improved forecasting skill at specific locations in Pennsylvania, using both Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) output and rainfall and radiosonde data. The objective of this study was to improve an existing artificial neural network model and incorporate the evolving structure and frequency of intense weather systems in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States for improved flood forecasting. Besides using radiosonde and rainfall data, the model also used the satellite-derived characteristics of storm systems such as tropical cyclones, mesoscale convective complex systems and convective cloud clusters as input. The convective classification and tracking system (CCATS) was used to identify and quantify storm properties such as life time, area, eccentricity, and track. As in standard expert prediction systems, the fundamental structure of the neural network model was learned from the hydroclimatology of the relationships between weather system, rainfall production and streamflow response in the study area. The new Quantitative Flood Forecasting (QFF) model was applied to predict streamflow peaks with lead-times of 18 and 24 hours over a five year period in 4 watersheds on the leeward side of the Appalachian mountains in the mid-Atlantic region. Threat scores consistently above .6 and close to 0.8 ∼ 0.9 were obtained fur 18 hour lead-time forecasts, and skill scores of at least 4% and up to 6% were attained for the 24 hour lead-time forecasts. This work demonstrates that multisensor data cast into an expert information system such as neural networks, if built upon scientific understanding of regional hydrometeorology, can lead to significant gains in the forecast skill of extreme rainfall and associated floods. In particular, this study validates our hypothesis that accurate and extended flood forecast lead-times can be attained by taking into consideration the synoptic evolution of atmospheric conditions extracted from the analysis of large-area remotely sensed imagery While physically-based numerical weather prediction and river routing models cannot accurately depict complex natural non-linear processes, and thus have difficulty in simulating extreme events such as heavy rainfall and floods, data-driven approaches should be viewed as a strong alternative in operational hydrology. This is especially more pertinent at a time when the diversity of sensors in satellites and ground-based operational weather monitoring systems provide large volumes of data on a real-time basis.

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Broadband Transmission Noise Reduction Performance of Smart Panels Featuring Piezoelectric Shunt Damping and Passive Characteristics (압전감쇠와 수동적 특성을 갖는 압전지능패널의 광대역 전달 소음저감성능)

  • 이중근;김재환
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2002
  • The possibility of a broadband noise reduction of piezoelectric smart panels is experimentally studied. Piezoelectric smart panel is basically a plate structure on which piezoelectric patch with shunt circuits is mounted and sound absorbing material is bonded on the surface of the structure. Sound absorbing materials can absorb the sound transmitted at mid frequency region effectively while the use of piezoelectric shunt damping can reduce the transmission at resonance frequencies of the panel structure. To be able to tune the piezoelectric shunt circuit, the measured electrical impedance model is adopted. Resonant shunt circuit composed of register and inductor in stories is considered and the circuit parameters are determined based on maximizing the dissipated energy through the circuit. The transmitted noise reduction performance of smart panels is investigated using an acoustic tunnel. The tunnel is a square crosses sectional tunnel and a loud speaker is mounted at one side of the tunnel as a sound source. Panels are mounted in the middle of the tunnel and the transmitted sound pressure across the panels is measured. Noise reduction performance of a double smart panel possessing absorbing material and air gap shows a good result at mid frequency region except the first resonance frequency. By enabling the piezoelectric shunt damping, noise reduction is achieved at the resonance frequency as well. Piezoelectric smart panels incorporating passive method and piezoelectric shunt damping are a promising technology for noise reduction in a broadband frequency.

A Proposition of Site Coefficients and Site Classification System for Design Ground Motions at Inland of the Korean Peninsula (국내 내륙의 설계 지반 운동 결정을 위한 지반 증폭 계수 및 지반 분류 체계 제안)

  • Sun Chang-Guk;Chung Choong-Ki;Kim Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.101-115
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    • 2005
  • For the site characterization at two inland areas, Gyeongju and Hongsung, which represent geomorphic and geologic characteristics of inland region in Korea, in-situ seismic tests containing borehole drilling investigations and resonant column tests were peformed and site-specific seismic response analyses were conducted using equivalent linear as well as nonlinear scheme. The soil deposits in Korea were shallower and stiffer than those in western US, from which the site coefficients and site classification system in Korea were derived. Most sites were categorized as site classes C and D based on the mean shear wave velocity (Vs) of the upper 30 m (Vs30), ranging between 250 and 650 m/s. According to the acceleration response spectra determined from the site response analyses, the site coefficients specified in the current Korean seismic design guide underestimate the ground motion in the short-period band and overestimate the ground motion in mid-period band. These differences can be explained by the differences in the bedrock depth and the soil stiffness profile between Korea and western US. The site coefficients, Fa for short-period and Fv for mid-period, were re-evaluated and the site classification system, in which sites C and D were subdivided according to Vs20,Vs15,andVs10 together with the existing Vs30 was introduced accounting for the local geologic conditions at inland region of the Korean peninsula. The proposed site classification system in this paper is still rudimentary and requires modification.

Archaeomagnetic Secular Variation of the Neolithic Age in Korea: Focusing on the Mid-Western Region Sites (한반도 신석기시대의 고고지자기 변동: 중서부지역 유적을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Hyong Mi
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2013
  • It is not known in details for the A.D. period as the archaeomagnetic dating method to be fully facilitated in Korea but it has prepared for the revised shape of standard curve to trace the geomagnetic field variation, and there were cases to increase the survey on relics on the B.C. period to find out for the detailed archaeomagnetic field variation on the Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. Furthermore, the survey cases on the relics on the Neolithic Age began to emerge a little by little archaeomagnetic field variation of the Neolithic Age through 34 pieces of the archaeomagnetic measurement data as making active advancement around mid-western region. Data is insufficient yet that it is difficult to find out the detailed trend of modification but it is estimated for approximate appearance. The archaeomagnetic field variation of the Neolithic Age made changes without breaking away from the scope of changes in the A.D. period as in the same way with the Bronze Age, and comparing to the variation of archaeomagnetic field for the Bronze Age, the magnetic inclination shifted within the scope of having almost no difference, but the declination is shown to skewed toward the east in its overall appearance. In addition, the comparison was made with the data of the Jomon Age in Japan and the archaeomagnetic measurement data of Korea has a little bit more depth for while the declination is skewed toward the east for 10 degree or more compared to those of Japan. However, in the part where the data is concentrated most intensely, the data for both countries has significant part to overlap to each other that the archaeomagnetic field variation of the Neolithic Age of Korea showed overall similar variation with certain partial changes when compared to those of Japan.