• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mid-region

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Failure Mode and Flexural Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with Different Bond Length of CFRP Strips (탄소섬유판으로 보강된 RC부재의 부착길이 변화에 따른 파괴모드 및 휨 보강성능)

  • Choi, Ki-Sun;You, Young-Chan;Kim, Keung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.173-176
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    • 2006
  • The one of the commonly reported failure mode of the RC beam strengthened with FRP was caused by the separation of the concrete cover, so called delamination. Therefore, ACI440 recommended that concrete cover delamination can be prevented in strengthened beams if bond length of FRP composite be exteneded over a point of cracking moment. In this study, the failure mode and the flexural performance of RC beam with different bond length of FRP are estimated. Each bonded length is calculated based on the point of cracking moment with addition or subtraction of specific length(=150mm). The results of this study show that mid-span debonding occurs in the specimen strengthened with CFRP strips which are bonded over the point of cracking moment, while concrete cover deliamination occurs at the termination point of CFRP in the specimen with less bonded length than the point of cracking moment region.

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Sound Intensity Control in a Duct Using Smart Foam (스마트 폼을 이용한 덕트 내의 음향 인텐시티 제어)

  • 한제헌;강연준
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.1132-1137
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    • 2001
  • The smart foam that is first proposed by Fuller(2) is not applicable to active noise control in a duct having flow. Thus. this paper presents the ring-type smart foam as an alternative. The ring-type smart foam consists of polyurethane acoustic foam of lining shape and PVDF film embedded along the mid-surface of the foam lining. A feedforward adaptive filtered-x LMS controller is used to minimize the signal from the error microphone. To enlarge quiet sound region. two error microphones are used to update system modeling filter (SIMO method). Sound intensity control using the ring-type smart foam is also discussed

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Vehicle tire Noise/Vibration Characteristic Analysis using SEA(Statistical Energy Analysis) (SEA를 이용한 승용차 타이어의 소음/진동 특성 해석)

  • 김윤철;채장범;강기석;이상주;이승규
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.719-724
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    • 2001
  • The study on reducing vehicle noise and vibration has gained much attention to ensure the comfortability as well as the safety. These days. in this paper, we applied Statistical Energy Analysis(SEA) to characterize the tire assembly, which is useful analytical tool for mid- and high-frequency range. First, the SEA tire model was developed by dividing the tire and the wheel into several subsystems. The material properties were estimated experimentally. Finally. the SEA model was validated by comparing the estimated and the measured. In addition, we investigated the energy level and the energy transfering paths through the tire assembly in different frequency region.

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Extreme Rainfall and Flood related to Tropical Moisture Exports Related Extreme in Korea

  • Uranchimeg, Sumiya;Kwon, Hyun-Han;Kim, Kyung-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.170-170
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    • 2018
  • In some case studies, the heavy precipitation events and rapid cyclogenesis in the extratropics can be caused by moist and warm tropical air masses. Tropical Moisture Exports (TME) correspond to the meridional transport of moist air masses, primarily born in tropical oceanic areas, to higher latitudes; and are closely related to flood events, especially in the mid-latitudes. The TME for the region of interest is mostly estimated by the back tracking approach using Lagrangian Analysis Tools (LAGRANTO) from ECMWF Re-Analysis (ERA) data. In this study, we aim to estimate the TME that are related to rainfall in Korea. The major moisture sources of the TME that contribute to heavy rainfall and extreme floods in Korea are identified. The TME is found to have significant connection with extreme events in Korea such as heavy rainfall and extreme flood events. The results show the most of the moisture sources comes from the west Pacific during the warm half of the year and it contributes significantly to the annual TME and is linked to the East Asian monsoon.

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2 - 5 μm Spectroscopy of Red Point Sources in the Galactic Center

  • Jang, DaJeong;An, Deokkeun;Sellgren, Kris;Ramirez, Solange V.
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.67.4-67.4
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    • 2019
  • We present preliminary results of our long-term (2009-2017) observing campaign using the NASA IRTF at Mauna Kea, to obtain 25μm spectroscopy of ~200 red point sources in the line of sight to the Galactic center. Point sources in our sample were selected from the mid-infrared images of the Spitzer Space telescope, and include candidate massive young stellar objects, which have previously been identified from our Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy. We show high foreground extinction of these sources from deep 3.1μm H2O ice and aliphatic hydrocarbon absorption features, suggesting that they are likely located in the central 300 pc region of the Galactic center. While many sources reveal photospheric 2.3μm gas CO absorption, few of them clearly indicate 3.54μm CH3OH ice absorption, possibly indicating a large dust column density intrinsic to a massive young stellar object.

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Grooming Behavior and a Possible Morphological Structure for Secretions from Abdominal Glands of a Korean Wood-eating Cockroach, Cryptocercus kyebangensis (Insecta: Blattodea)

  • Park, Yung-Chul;Kim, Joo-Pil;Choe, Jae-Chun
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2006
  • Cryptocercus nymphs periodically groom ventral surface of their parents. The grooming might be licking-behavior to obtain secretions from the ventral surface of their parents, and some essential nutrients or hormones that facilitate nymphal development might be included in the secretions. We tried to find morphological structures for secretion outlets on the ventral surface. The deep depressions around setae were present, and their shape was an external morphological structure that liquid secretions from internal glands are likely to be well seized. There were also small holes on the depressions that might be external openings for secretions from the sternal glands. Another possible region on body surface for outlets of secretions might be the apophyses. In Cryptocercus individuals, mucous liquid on body surface was relatively highly present around coxa. The intercoxal apodemes, to which muscles are attached and which open externally between the mid and hindcoxae, might have evolved a secondary function of producing nourishment for the young.

A Study on Construction of Region-Based Cartoon Creation & Production Center (지역 중심의 만화 창· 제작센터 구축에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin-hee;Kim, Byoung-Soo
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.45
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    • pp.147-175
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    • 2016
  • This thesis aims to research ways for the regional balanced development of cartoon creation & production environment being centered in metropolitan area in Korean cartoon industry which has rapidly changed since 2013. As a cartoon can not only be produced with relative lower production cost comparing to those of other cultural contents industries, but also can be produced only if the minimal requirements for cartoon production is prepared, so the cartoon is a field that the decentralization can be accomplished very easily. Currently, most cartoon-relevant companies and cartoon promotion institutions are located in Seoul an Bucheon, etc. However, cartoon artists live nationwide, and even cartoon artists producing their works abroad are reached to a significant number. In some regions like Daejeon, Busan, Suncheon and Gyeongbuk (Gyeongsangbuk-do), there have been appeared full-scale movement to construct regional cartoon creation & production centers since 2015. This thesis aimed to investigate each region's movement to construct cartoon creation & production center with oversea cases, and to check how such movement could be balanced and harmonized with each region's unique features. First of all, this thesis analyzed the status quo of government's policy nurturing the cartoon industry. Korean government's cartoon-promotion policy around the axis of the Cartoon Industry's Mid.Long-Term Development Plan has been developed around the Korea Creative Content Agency and the Korea Manwha(cartoon) Contents Agency in Bucheon, but as the webtoon industry has rapidly grown up, the necessity for building a cartoon promotion institution in each region has been raised since 2015. With the establishment of 4th Cartoon Industry Mid.Long-Term Development Plan to be executed from 2019, it seems that full-scaled support framework for cartoon regional balanced development should be occupied. For the case of foreign countries, cartoon promotion institutions and relevant events have been developed around regions from early times like San-Diego, USA(Comicon), Angouleme, France(National Image Center), Kyoto (Cartoon Museum), Sakaiminato(Misuki Sigeru Road), Japan gave a lot of implications. In the section of conclusion, this study aimed to suggest the importance of and necessity for establishing a cartoon creation & production center in each region appropriately for the region's identity and characteristics with specific plans. Based on that, this thesis aimed to suggest a vision for cartoon & webtoon industry that regional creation & production system can be settled almost only in the cultural contents industry.

The Modem Transformation of Spatial Structure in the Changjiang Delta Region: 1978~2006 (장강삼각주지구(長江三角洲地區) 공간구조(空間構造)의 현대적(現代的) 변용(變容) : 1978~2006)

  • Ryu, Je-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2011
  • Today, the name of Changjiang (Yangtze) Delta Region is used to designate an economic region which consists of sixteen cities including Shanghai City. The region has achieved the highest rate of economic growth in the world as well as in China since China its opened its toward the world market. The aim of this study is to examine the modern transition of spatial structure in the region after the opening (1978) and the membership of WTO (2000). In the examination, the study divides the spatial structure into three aspects: industrialization, urbanization and economic integration. The outcome of examination suggests that spatial division of industry, horizontally and vertically, has not reached a satisfactory level even if it is still in progress. The study proposes that the intervention of government in the market and company activity has hindered the spatial division of industry including service sector between the cities, and thus the economic integration. It further suggests that the specialization of urban function has not entered into the maturing stage, with the shortage of mid-size cities that would mediate spatial-economically between the large-size cities and the small-size cities in the urban hierarchy.

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  • Toba, Yoshiki;Oyabu, Shinki;Matsuhara, Hideo;Ishihara, Daisuke;Malkan, Matt;Wada, Takehiko;Ohyama, Youichi;Kataza, Hirokazu;Takita, Satoshi
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.335-338
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    • 2012
  • We present the 18μm luminosity function (LF) of galaxies at 0.006 < z < 0.8 (the average redshift is ~ 0.04) using the AKARI mid-infrared All-Sky Survey catalogue. We have selected 243 galaxies at 18μm from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic region. These galaxies then have been classified into five types; Seyfert 1 galaxies (Sy1, including quasars), Seyfert 2 galaxies (Sy2), low ionization narrow emission line galaxies (LINER), galaxies that are likely to contain both star formation and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) activities (composites), and star forming galaxies (SF) using optical emission lines such as the line width of Hα or the emission line ratios of [OIII]/Hβ and [NII]/Hα. As a result of constructing the LF of Sy1 and Sy2, we found the following results; (i) the number density ratio of Sy2 to Sy1 is 1.64±0.37, larger than the results obtained from optical LF and (ii) the fraction of Sy2 in the entire AGN population may decrease with 18μm luminosity. These results suggest that most of the AGNs in the local universe are obscured by dust and the torus structure probably depends on the mid-infrared luminosity.

A Study on the Research Condition and Efficiency of Artificial reefs of Rokdo Sea region of Chungnam Province (충청남도 녹도해역의 인공어초 효과와 상태에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Soo;Seo, Man-Seok;Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2001
  • 1. The bottom mean size of the research area had been showed 86.8% in, 13.2% in mud artificial sector, but and 82.4% in mud at comparative sector. 2. The water temperature had been showed 11.212C in surface, 10.9C in mid layer, 10.610.8C in lower layer. also, The salinity had been showed 31.8531.95psu in surface, 31.8231.97psu in mid layer, 31.8531.97psu at lower layer. The transparency was showed 3.6~5.6m. 3. The conservation condition of reefs was partially grooved and buried the lower part of reefs established '95~'96years but was good condition generaly. 4. The attached fauna has been appeared fisheres botanical specise 6, fisheries animate species 5. 5. The lure of fisheres has been appeared 17 species in reefs sector, 10 species in comparative sector(natural fishing ground). 6. The catchs of C.P.U.E by fishery was catched 2.2~3.3 times in reefs sector than the natural fishing ground. but the individuals was much catched in traps. The jumbo type reefs gill netter were much catched in square artificial reefs. The weight of fishery was much captured in jumbo type reefs.

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