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Mitochondrial COI sequence-based population genetic analysis of the grasshopper, Patanga japonica Bolívar, 1898 (Acrididae: Orthoptera), which is a climate-sensitive indicator species in South Korea

  • Jee-Young Pyo;Jeong Sun Park;Seung Hyun Lee;Sung-Soo Kim;Heon Cheon Jeong;Iksoo Kim
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2023
  • Patanga japonica Bolívar, 1898 (Orthoptera: Acrididae) is listed as a climate-sensitive indicator species in South Korea and is called southern group of insects in that the main distributional range is southern region of South Korea and Asian continent. In South Korea, thus, the species was distributed mainly in southern region of South Korea including southward a remote Jeju Island, but recently the species has often been detected in mid to northern region of South Korea, implying northward range expansion in response to climate change. Understanding the characteristics of the changes in genetic diversity during range expansion in response to climate change could be a foundation for the understanding of future biodiversity. Thus, in this study, we attempted to understand the changing pattern of the genetic diversity of the P. japonica in newly expanded regions. For the purpose of study, we collected 125 individuals from seven localities throughout South Korea including two newly distributed regions (Pyeongtaek and Yeongwol at ~37° N). These were sequenced for a segment of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and analyzed for genetic diversity, haplotype frequency, and population genetic structure among populations. Interestingly, northward range expansion accompanied only haplotypes, which are most abundant in the core populations, providing a significant reduction in haplotype diversity, compared to other populations. Moreover, genetic diversity was still lower in the expanded regions, but no genetic isolation was detected. These results suggest that further longer time would take to reach to the comparable genetic diversity of preexisting populations in the expanded regions. Probably, availability of qualified habitats at the newly expanded region could be pivotal for successful northward range expansion in response to climate change.

Distribution and Origin of the Mid-depth Cold Water Pools Observed in the Jeju Strait in the Summer of 2019 (2019년 여름철 제주해협에서 관측된 중층 저온수의 분포와 기원)

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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-40
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    • 2023
  • To investigate the role of water masses in the Jeju Strait in summer on the shallow coastal region and the characteristics of water properties in the strait, temperature and salinity were observed across the Jeju Strait in June, July, and August 2019. The cold water pool, whose temperature is lower than 15℃, was observed in the mid-depths of the central Jeju Strait and on the northern bottom slope of the strait. The cold water pools have the lowest temperature in the strait. To identify water masses comprising the cold water pool in the Jeju Strait, mixing ratios of water masses were calculated. The mid-depth cold water pool of the Jeju Strait consists of 54% of the Kuroshio Subsurface Water (KSSW) and 33% of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water (YSBCW). Although the cold water pool is dominantly affected by the KSSW, the YSBCW plays a major role to make the cold water pool maintain the lowest temperature in the Jeju Strait. To find origin of the cold water pool, temperature and salinity data from the Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and Korea Strait in the summer of 2019 were analyzed. The cold water pool was generated along the thermohaline frontal zone between the KSSW and YSBCW in the East China Sea where intrusion and mixing of water masses are active below the seasonal thermocline. The cold water in the thermohaline frontal zone had similar mixing ratio to the cold water pool in the Jeju Strait and it advected toward the Korea Strait and shallow coastal region off the south coast of Korea. Intrusion of the mid-depth cold water pool made temperature inversion in the Jeju Strait and affected sea surface temperature variations at the coastal region off the south coast of Korea.

Growth and Yield Responses of Soybean to Planting Density in Late Planting (남부지방 콩 만파 재배 시 재식밀도에 따른 생육 및 수량변이)

  • Park, Hyeon-Jin;Han, Won-Young;Oh, Ki-Won;Ko, Jong-Min;Bae, Jin Woo;Jang, Yun Woo;Baek, In Youl;Kang, Hang-Won
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    • v.60 no.3
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    • pp.343-348
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    • 2015
  • Soybean is one of the important food crop around the world. Especially in East Asia, it is the main ingredient for traditional food like soy sauce and soy paste. The double cropping system including soybean following onion, Chinese cabbage, and potato is widely adopted in Southern region of Korea. In this system, sowing date of second crop (soybean) can be delayed depending on first crops' growth period and weather condition. When planting date is delayed it is known that soybean yield is declined because of shorter vegetative growth period and earlier flowering induced by warm temperature and changes in photoperiod. The objective of this study was to determine soybean growth and yield responses as plant populations at late planting date. Field experiment was conducted at Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA located in Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-Do for two years ('13-'14) in upland field with mid-late maturity cultivar Daewon. A split-plot block design was used with three replications. Main plots were three sowing dates from June 20 to July 20 with 15 days intervals, and subplots were 4 levels of planting densities. Data of maturity (R8) was recorded, yield components and yield were examined after harvesting. Experimental data were analyzed by using PROC GLM, and DMRT were used for mean comparison. Optimum planting population for maximizing soybean yield in late planting which compared with standard population. In mid-June planting, higher planting density causes increased plant height and decreased diameter which lead to higher risk of lodging, however, reduced growth period due to late planting alleviated this problem. Therefore higher seeding rates can provide protection against low seedling emergence caused by late planting in this region.

The preliminary study for three-dimensional alveolar bone morphologic characteristics for alveolar bone restoration

  • Cho, Hyun-Jae;Jeon, Jae-Yun;Ahn, Sung-Jin;Lee, Sung-Won;Chung, Joo-Ryun;Park, Chang-Joo;Hwang, Kyung-Gyun
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.41
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    • pp.33.1-33.7
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    • 2019
  • Background: The concept of the ideal morphology for the alveolar bone form is an important element to reconstruct or restore the in maximizing esthetic profile and functional alveolar bone restoration. The purpose of this preliminary study is to evaluate the normal alveolar bone structure to provide the standard reference and guide template for use in diagnosing for implant placement, determining the correct amount of bone augmentation in actual clinical practice and producing prostheses based on three-dimensional imaging assessment of alveolar bone. Methods: This study was included 11 men and 11 women (average age, 22.6 and 24.5 years, respectively) selected from among 127 patients. The horizontal widths of alveolar bone of maxilla and mandible were measured at the crestal, mid-root, and root apex level on MDCT (multi-detector computed tomography) images reconstructed by medical imaging software. In addition, tooth dimensions of the central incisors, canines, second premolars, and first molars of maxilla and mandible, including the horizontal width of the interdental alveolar bone crest, were also measured and statistically analyzed. Results: The horizontal alveolar bone width of the palatal side of maxilla showed a distinct increment from the alveolar bone crest to the apical region in both anterior and posterior areas. The average widths of the maxillary alveolar ridge were as follows: central incisor, 7.43 mm; canine, 8.91 mm; second premolar, 9.57 mm; and first molar, 12.38 mm. The average widths of the mandibular alveolar ridge were as follows: central incisor, 6.21 mm; canine, 8.55 mm; second premolar, 8.45 mm; and first molar, 10.02 mm. In the buccal side, the alveolar bone width was not increased from the crest to the apical region. The horizontal alveolar bone width of an apical and mandibular border region was thinner than at the mid-root level. Conclusions: The results of the preliminary study are useful as a clinical guideline when determining dental implant diameter and position. And also, these measurements can also be useful during the production of prefabricated membranes and customized alveolar bone scaffolds.

Deceasing Trend of Summertime TC Frequency in Japan (여름철 일본에 영향을 주는 태풍빈도의 감소추세)

  • Choi, Jae-Won;Park, Ki-Jun;Lee, Kyungmi;Kim, Jeoung-Yun;Kim, Baek-Jo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.851-864
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed the climate regime shift using statistical change-point analysis on the time-series tropical cyclone (TC) frequency that affected Japan in July to September. The result showed that there was a significant change in 1995 and since then, it showed a trend of rapidly decreasing frequency. To determine the reason for this, differences between 1995 to 2012 (9512) period and 1978 to 1994 (7894) period were analayzed. First, regarding TC genesis, TCs during the 9512 period showed a characteristic of genesis from the southeast quadrant of the tropical and subtropical western North Pacific and TCs during the 7894 period showed their genesis from the northwest quadrant. Regarding a TC track, TCs in the 7894 period had a strong trend of moving from the far east sea of the Philippines via the East China Sea to the mid-latitude region in East Asia while TCs in the 9512 period showed a trend of moving from the Philippines toward the southern part of China westward. Thus, TC intensity in the 7894 period, which can absorb sufficient energy from the sea as they moved a long distance over the sea, was stronger than that of 9512. Large-scale environments were analyzed to determine the cause of such difference in TC activity occurred between two periods. During the 9512 period, anomalous cold and dry anticyclones were developed strongly in the East Asia continent. As a result, Korea and Japan were affected by the anomalous northerlies thereby preventing TCs in this period from moving toward the mid-latitude region in East Asia. Instead, anomalous easterlies (anomalous trade wind) were developed in the tropical western Pacific so that a high passage frequency from the Philippine to the south China region along the anomalous steering flows was revealed. The characteristics of the anomalous cold and dry anticyclone developed in the East Asia continent were also confirmed by the analysis of air temperature, relative humidity and sensible heat net flux showing that most regions in East Asia had negative values.

A Comparative study on Sanjiao(三焦) and Sacho(四焦) in 'Dong-Eui-Su-Se-Bo-Won(東醫壽世保元)' (삼초(三焦)와 동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元) 사초(四焦)의 비교고찰(比較考察))

  • Lee, Kyung-Ae;Park, Seong-Sik;Lee, Won-Chul
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this is to understand the concept of Sacho on the basis of 'Sa-Sang philosophy(四象哲學)'. In oder to achieve this purpose, Sanjiao and Sacho were investigated, centering on the philophicalbasis, region. action. The conclusion would be summerized as follows. 1. Viewed in the light of a philosophical basis, Sanjiao is first recorded in Nae-Kyung(內經), a concept that Yin-Yang(陰陽), Oh-Hang(五行) in Nae-Kyung Medcine, the cosmos's order and it's moving rule could be directly applied to human body. On the contrary Sacho is a term first used by Lee Jae-Ma, a human-oriented concept that formed in Confucianism system. based on Sa-Sang type classifying in Sa-Sang Medicine. 2. Viewd in the light of a region, the upper part of Sacho is similar to the upper-jiao of Sanjiao, the mid-upper part of Sacha to the middle-jiao of Sanjiao, the mid-lower and the lower parts of Sacha to the lower-jiao of Sanjiao. But these regions are not equal to anatomical regions. Sanjiao and Sacha is similar concept from the view point of the upper and lower oder, but Sanjiao has only a concept of the upper and lower order, doesn't have a concept of the front and the rear, inside and outside. 3. Viewed in the light of a action, Sanjiao and Sacho is a similar concept from the view point of a large boundary in the life activity.Sanjiao explains the region of human body, setting imfortance on the viscera physiology, on the contrary Sacho explains the whole function of human body including one's heart's desire, physical constitution and the visceral physiolosy. 4. Viewed in the light of produsing-wasting activity. sanjiao and Sacho have both produsing action and wasting action. but Sacho has a more concrete concept of produsing action by using a term-Sa Hae(四海) 5. Viewed in the light of vital energy(氣)'s action, Sajiao give the first consideration to the rising and falling action of vital energy, on the contrary Sacho give the first consideration to the transversal circulation of vital energy and the deviation of it in each part. According to the above results, Sacho must be discussed separately from Sanjiao, it is recommended that further study is necessary to understand the concept of Sacho on the basis of Sa-Sang philosophy.

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Agricultural Climatology of Cheju Island II. Potential Evapotranspiration Based on Near-Real Time Data Measured by Automated Weather Stations (제주도의 농업기후 분석 II. 무인관측강에 의한 기상실황자료 수집 및 증발산위 계산)

  • 윤진일
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.504-511
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    • 1990
  • Weather data acquisition and potential evapotranspiration (PET) calculation procedure were investigated to support the agricultural development efforts in the mid-altitude mountainous region of Cheju Island. Automated weather stations (AWS) were installed at two points representing the east and the west of the study area. A personal computer was employed to collect the near-real time weather data from AWS through the public telephone line. Hourly data were available for solar radiation, air and soil temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, and precipitation. Based on the data for the month of June 1989, daily climatic features were comparatively analyzed for the two areas and the Penman equation was used to calculate PET. Air temperature was higher by 1 to 2 degree C in the east due mainly to the higher solar radiation and partly to the Fohn effect caused by the daytime southwesterly blowing over Mt. Halla. Diurnal march of soil temperature lagged by 4 hours behind that of air temperature and the diurnal range for 10cm subsurface soil was 3 degree C. Wind was consistently stronger and a marked sea-land breeze circulation was detected in the west. Calculated PET values were higher in the east by 6% than in the west. Overall values from the east and the west of the mid-altitude mountainous region were higher by 30% than those of the coastal region, which were estimated from the Class A Pan evaporation measured by the Korea Meteorological Service Offices.

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P012 Introduce of agronomic characteristics, forage yields and quality of sorghum × sudangrass hybrids 'Cadan 99B' and 'Sweet Sioux WMR' in middle and south region of Korea

  • Hwang, Tae-Young;Chung, Hee;Kim, Ki-Yong;Lee, Ki-Won;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Park, Hyung Su;Choi, Gi Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Crop Science Conference
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    • 2017.06a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 2017
  • This study was carried out to introduce of agronomic characteristics, forage yields and quality of Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrids 'Cadan 99B' and 'Sweet Sioux WMR' from 2015 to 2016 in middle and southern regions of Korea. The field experiment design was randomized compete block in seven varieties with three repetitions. Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrids were sown in mid-May in middle region, and end-May in southern region of Korea, 2015 and 2016. And, the first harvests were from the end of July to the beginning of August, and the second harvests were from the end of September to the beginning of October in middle and southern regions of Korea. The observed average heading date of Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrids Cadan 99B and Sweet Sioux WMR were July 22. The heading date of Cadan 99B and Sweet Sioux WMR were 8 days earlier than heading control variety SX-17 and 5 days earlier than BMR control Revolution. The sugar contents of Candan 99B and Sweet Sioux WMR were 6.5 and 6.9Brix, respectively. Comparison with brown mid-rid (BMR) variety, the sugar contents of Cadan 99B and Sweet Sioux WMR were 0.2 and 0.6Brix higher than Revolution, respectively. The average of dry matter (DM) yield for 2 years and 2 regions of Cadan 99B (24,587kg/ha) was the highest among the seven varieties, but there was no significant difference among other varieties except headless control variety Jumbo (19,119kg/ha) and test variety LATTE (20,778kg/ha) (p>0.05). The crude protein (CP) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD) of Cadan 99B were 7.5% and 60.2%, and Sweet Sioux WMR were 6.9% and 60.7%, respectively. The results of this study indicated that Sorghum × Sudangrass hybrids Cadan 99B and Sweet Sioux WMR were recommended that earlier heading date than other varieties, suitable for silage because of high sugar contents, and high yields of DM in middle and southern regions of Korea.

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Relationship between Korean Drought and North Pacific Oscillation in May (한국 5월 가뭄과 북태평양진동의 연관성)

  • Choi, Ki-Seon;Kim, Do-Woo;Lee, Ji-Sun;Byun, Hi-Ryong
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-78
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    • 2009
  • A strong negative correlation has been detected between the North Pacific Oscillation Index (NPI) and the Effective Drought Index (EDI) in May over Korea. In May of positive NPI year, anomalous patterns caused a drought in Korea as follows: the anomalous south-low, north-high low-level pressure patterns in the northeast and southeast of Korea have strengthened the anomalous northerlies to Korea. In addition, these anomalous northerlies have prevented western North Pacific (WNP) high from moving northward. As a result, anomalous descending flows have strengthened in the mid-latitude region in East Asia. In the WNP, the anomalous south-high, north-low sea surface temperature (SST) has been widely distributed, which has strengthened anomalous south-low, north-high low-level pressure patterns. These anomalous characteristics of pressure and SST patterns observed in May of positive NPI years have already been detected in previous winter (December-February) and early spring (March, April). In addition, the anomalous negative sea ice concentration in the North Pacific during two seasons has strengthened the anomalous anticyclonic circulation in the same region and in turn made a contribution to formation of anomalous south-low, north-high pressure patterns in May.


  • Sano, Hidetoshi;Amatsutsu, Tomoya;Kondo, Toru;Nakamichi, Keichiro;Yamagishi, Mitsuyoshi;Ishihara, Daisuke;Oyabu, Shinki;Kaneda, Hidehiro;Tachihara, Kengo;Fukui, Yasuo
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.21-23
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    • 2017
  • We present a comparative study of CO and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) emission toward a region including the massive star-forming regions of NGC 6334 and NGC 6357. We use the NANTEN 12CO(J=10) data and the AKARI 9μm All-Sky diffuse map in order to evaluate the calibration accuracy of the AKARI data. We confirm that the overall CO distribution shows a good spatial correspondence with the PAH emission, and their intensities exhibit a good power-law correlation with a spatial resolution down to 4' over the region of 10×10. We also reveal poorer correlation for small scale structures between the two quantities toward NGC 6357, due to strong UV radiation from local sources. Larger scatter in the correlation toward NGC 6357 indicates higher ionization degree and/or PAH excitation than that of NGC 6334.