• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mental Friendly

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The Effect of Social Isolation on Dementia in rural elderly: Comparison Between Young-old and Old-old Group (농촌 노인의 사회적 고립이 치매에 미치는 영향 : 전기노인과 후기노인 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Sangchul
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.143-171
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    • 2017
  • Along with the well-established evidence on the negative effect of social isolation on physical mental health and mortality, increasing attention has been paid to multi-dimensional nature of social isolation. In this study, the main effect and interaction effect of objective and subjective social isolation on heterogeneous age cohort related to the onset of dementia, which is becoming a social problem due to rapid aging of health issues, was examined through binary logistic regression analysis. Data came from the first wave of Korean Social Life, Health and Aging Project (KSHAP) (N= 814). Findings showed 1) in the young-old, objective isolation was a significant on the incidence of dementia, 2) in the old-old, subjective isolation increased the risk of dementia. In summary, the relative influence of objective and subjective social isolation related to the incidence of dementia varies depending on the young-old and old-old. On the other hand, the interaction effect of objective and subjective social isolation on dementia was not significant in both the young-old and old-old. Based on the findings, we discussed implications and suggestions for future research and relevant policy and program development(dementia-friendly communities) for ameliorating objective and subjective social isolation.

A Study on the Necessity of Vertical Garden in Public Places for Urban Environment Improvement (도시환경 개선을 위한 공공장소의 수직정원 필요성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Chul-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2021
  • (Research background and purpose) Urban development has also had a significant impact on the eco-friendly industry. In the public environment, citizens are stressed in many areas, which has really made them need a natural ecological environment. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the environment into an eco-friendly urban public facility that breathes the urban environment space inside the building with plants. To this end, we want to show that the urban environment can be improved through vertical gardens. And through this, we want to contribute to the popularization of vertical gardens. (Research Methodology) we will analyze the problems of the current public environment in the city and look at the supplementation around vertical gardens. (Result) A study of the public environment in the city found problems such as gloomy environment, poor use of space, dim color, and poor air quality, and wanted to create a vertical garden to provide a pleasant shelter. These vertical gardens have influenced urban public places with improved aesthetics, increased social value, insulation and soundproofing effects of buildings, reduced urban heat island effects, and increased urban green appearance. (Conclusion)This study uses vertical gardens in public spaces to design public spaces that are more comfortable and share mental and physical health together.

Interpretive Approaches to the Characteristics of Neighborhood Environment Using Qualitative GIS of the Elderly's Outdoor Activities - Focused on the Musugol, a Low-Income Elderly Concentrated Area in Seoul - (노인층 옥외활동의 질적 GIS를 활용한 근린환경 특성의 해석 - 서울시 저소득 노인밀집지역 무수골을 대상으로 -)

  • Yun, Ye-Hwa;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2022
  • Prior studies have shown positive effects of outdoor activities on the elderly's physical, mental and social health. 'Active aging' and 'age-friendly' neighborhood can be created by modifying the experiences and perceptions of the outdoor environment. This study aims to investigate the outdoor activities of the elderly living in a low-income elderly concentrated area and their perception of the neighborhood environment. We also explored the context of interactions between the facilitators and inhibitors of outdoor activities on the basis of temporal, spatial, and social conditions. We used a mixed method approach by collecting two different types of qualitative GIS data : observation maps of the main places and individual cognitive maps with in-depth interviews. The observational map analysis indicated that the preferred places and activity patterns differ by age, gender, and size of the group. The cognitive map and interviews demonstrated that the elderly's activity goals and perception of the landscape differ by places such as forests, parks, streams, open-spaces, vegetable gardens, and alleys. The elderly's desire for outdoor activities can be better fulfilled when their front doors and alleys are well-connected to an open-sight pleasant space. Familiarity is an important factor for the elderly, therefore it is important to remove the psychological and physical barriers by increasing the legibility and accessibility of places. In addition, social interactions and conflicts can have a significant influence on the elderly's occupation of space in the neighborhood environment.

The Study on well-aging using digital fitness technology (디지털피트니스 기술을 활용한 웰에이징에 관한 연구)

  • Seungae Kang
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2024
  • The rapid aging of the global population poses significant challenges to public health systems, as it often correlates with various physical, cognitive, and social declines among the elderly. Traditional approaches to promoting healthy aging emphasize the importance of physical activity, mental engagement, and social connectivity. However, factors such as mobility issues and resource constraints can limit the accessibility and effectiveness of these approaches. Digital fitness technologies, including wearable devices, mobile applications, virtual reality platforms, and AI-based feedback systems, present innovative solutions with the potential to enhance the physical, cognitive, and social well-being of older adults. This study analyzes the latest trends in digital fitness technologies and proposes strategies for effective utilization in promoting well-aging. Specifically, it addresses the need for improved technology accessibility through affordable devices and user-friendly interfaces, the development of personalized fitness programs, strategies to enhance ongoing participation such as social interaction and gamification, and solutions for data protection and ethical issues. Effective implementation of these strategies is expected to significantly improve the health and well-being of older adults. Future research and policy development should incorporate these elements to maximize the impact of digital fitness technologies and enhance the overall quality of life for the elderly.

The Recognition Research of The Healthy Family Act (건강가정기본법에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Park Mi-Keum;Lee Mi-Sun;Lee Young-Ho;Choi Bo-A
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.97-112
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    • 2005
  • This research has studied the people's perception and understanding of the 'Healthy Family Act' that has been enacted and practised from the year 2005. For this purpose, a survey has been conducted during October 2004 in several central and local cities in Korea, including Seoul, and a total of 741 samples have been used for the final analysis. The results of this study is as follows. The participants showed a very low level of recognition of the 'Healthy Family Act', and they Perceived that establishing a home-friendly atmosphere was of primary importance among the tasks that should be conducted by the State and local governments to encourage 'healthy families' The participants chose 'supporting the mental & physical health of family members' for the government supporting programs to make healthy families, and chose 'healthy life cultures such as clothes, food, and housing' for the government programs to support the everyday living cultures of the people. 1 Two thirds(2/3) of the participants indicated a willingness to participate in voluntary activities, and more than half of the participants said that they will participate in educational programs. Also, the participants indicated that divorce counselling should be offered only to the people who want the counselling, and as far as 'contents' are concerned, the participants indicated that 'the upbringing of children' should be the most important subject of the counselling. Finally, the participants indicated a willingness of participating educational programs in the order of parent education, family ethics education, realization of family values and family life education.

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Evaluation of Human Factors for the Next-Generation Displays: A Review of Subjective and Objective Measurement Methods

  • Mun, Sungchul;Park, Min-Chul
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2013
  • Objective: This study aimed to investigate important human factors that should be considered when developing ultra-high definition TVs by reviewing measurement methods and main characteristics of ultra-high definition displays. Background: Although much attention has been paid to high-definition displays, there have been few studies for systematically evaluating human factors. Method: In order to determine human factors to be considered in developing human-friendly displays, we reviewed subjective and objective measurement methods to figure out the current limitations and establish a guideline for developing human-centered ultra-high definition TVs. In doing so, pros and cons of both subjective and objective measurement methods for assessing humans factors were discussed and specific aspects of ultra-high definition displays were also investigated in the literature. Results: Hazardous effects such as visually-induced motion sickness, visual fatigue, and mental fatigue in the brain caused by undesirable TV viewing are induced by not only temporal decay of visual function but also cognitive load in processing sophisticated external information. There has been a growing evidence that individual differences in visual and cognitive ability to process external information can make contrary responses after exposing to the same viewing situation. A wide vision, ultra-high definition TVs provide, can has positive and negative influences on viewers depending on their individual characteristics. Conclusion: Integrated measurement methods capable of considering individual differences in human visual system are required to clearly determine potential effects of super-high vision displays with a wide view on humans. All of brainwaves, autonomic responses, eye functions, and psychological responses should be simultaneously examined and correlated. Application: The results obtained in this review are expected to be a guideline for determining optimized viewing factors of ultra-high definition displays and accelerating successful penetration of the next-generation displays into our daily life.

A Case Study on Spatial Characteristics in Collectivehouse for the Activation of the Community - Focused on Common Space - (커뮤니티 활성화를 위한 컬렉티브하우스 공간특성 사례연구 - 공동생활공간을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Ha-Yeon;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2016
  • This study analyses characteristics of space to facilitate community centering on cases of collective houses in Japan and uses the results as basic data to activate collective houses as an alternative form of housing in our country. To identify the characteristics of space for active communities with collective living space, this study conducted a theoretical examination on collective houses and housing, derived territoriality, accessibility, comfort and safety as factors of community activation and analysed various cases, and the results are presented as follows: First, territoriality is a necessary condition for formation of community, and a confined and physical space. It indicates the proper size of a space and diverse spacial areas which meet the needs of residents with the proper size and amount of space (space which can accommodate diverse generations including women, the aged and the young, flexible space which changes according to the purposes and program, space which supports leisure and hobby activities, and space which can accommodate outsiders). Second, accessibility indicates an environment which supports residents' easy use of space. As the more accessible it is, the higher the frequency of its use, spatial factors (piloti, backyards, benches and tables) should be provided, community space should be arranged in a central or decentralized way and community living space should be made for each floor. As for exits, accessibility should be considered in every way; entrances connected with community spaces, open entrances and entrances accessible from outside or individual living spaces. Third, comfort satisfies the physical and mental needs of residents through separation of floors and flows between the community and individual spaces for privacy and formation of eco-friendly spaces including vegetable gardens, gardens and plant arrangements. Fourth, safety should be considered for a higher quality environment with psychological stability and comfort, for which the following are recommended: installation of hand-rails, removal of thresholds, spacial design for the socially weak, duplex and open type structures for community space, open stages and halls, as well as indoor and outdoor openness through the use of windows.

The effects of reed pipe music listening on fatigue recovery played by Chan Bum Park (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ge9IT6ngpA&feature=youtu.be&list=PLUy01s6kWVN9GVxoZM4JDZrQr1DCKbesF)

  • Ko, Kyung Ja;Kim, Ji-Youn;Oh, Ji Yun
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.4.1-4.3
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this article was to examine the effects of reed pipe music listening on fatigue recovery. A great number of the moderns are suffering from mental and physical exhaustion these days. It was well known for leading to cause various diseases and health problems. A reed pipe is completely natural and a basic instrument. As everyone knows, spending time in nature also helps you feel better and refreshable. From old times, we rested in the bosom of nature. The author think reed pipe music is one of the most beautiful and useful gifts presented by nature to humans. Listening reed pipe music is a good way to value and enjoy the purity of nature. Also, you can find peace and stillness, and relax and rest in the woods. That way, we could feel the throbbing pulse of life in nature and we have gotten some solace and rest from natural healing power. The author think listening reed pipe music is a nice approach to sharing nature, as well as communicating with it. Therefore, the author think listening to reed pipe music is a wonderful way to recovery fatigue and you can truly relax in nature. It will heal us rest and feel better and a reed pipe music is nature-friendly music that gives you relax and heals you to recovery fatigue.

Musical Actor's Projection Pattern and Treatment System (뮤지컬 배우의 배역 투사 양태와 치유 시스템)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob;Lee, Eun-Hye
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.504-512
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed to explore the institutional treatment system by analyzing the pattern of musical actor's projection and aftereffect subsequent to the completion of performance. In-depth interviews were conducted with 22 top-class musical actors and actresses of the Republic of Korea. The result of the survey indicated that most actors and actresses suffer from projection and it's aftereffect such as depression for more than one month after performance, and that they tend to rely on self-healing based on self-diagnosis rather than seeking for professional counselling. The symptoms of projection were shown more strongly when the actors or actresses were taking on the role of main character, or acting as a negative or realistic character, or when expressing strong and extreme emotions. In this era of Korean culture, the result of this study implies that our country have to establish the actor's mental caring-related new law and private care centers supported enough funds to encourage the actors to receive more effective actor-friendly treatment service before and after the performance.

A Method of Functional Game Design for the Silver Generation (실버세대를 위한 기능성 게임 디자인 방법)

  • Kim, Eun-Seok;Lee, Hyun-Cheol;Kim, Beom-Seok;Hur, Gi-Taek
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2010
  • Because of a rising in the standard of living and the development of medical technology, Korea is expected to become an aging society more than 14% elderly population and the silver generation will be responsible for the large portion of economic activities. The silver generation has relatively diminished in perception, learning, and exercise due to the physical aging. Therefore, it is important the development of game contents which can constantly provide the maintenance function of physical and mental health and the functional exercise with spending the leisure time. In this paper, we suggest a design method for developing the game contents which are able to help the silver generation to strengthen their lower extremities and to enjoy their leisure time. The proposed method will enable to lead the silver generation to carry on the physical activities with the amusement of playing a game through the functional design concepts appropriate for the ability of the silver generation's perception and physical activities, an adaptive game process customized by the individual capability and a user-friendly sensory interface.