• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medication

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Clinical Effects of Prothinoamide, Cycloserine, Para-Aminosalicylic Acid, Ofloxasine in Retreatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (폐결핵 재치료 환자에서 Prothionamide, Cycloserine, Paraminosalicylic acid, Ofloxasine을 이용한 경구 4제 요법의 임상 효과)

  • Hong, Jae-Rak;Yoo, Min-Kyu;Jeong, Jae-Man;Kim, Young-Jun;Son, Mal-Hyeon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.693-700
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    • 1996
  • Background : Antituberculous therapy is set a short-term therpy used isoniazid(INH), rifampin(RFP), ethambutol(EMB), pyrazinamide(PZA) from 1970s' and treatment rate has been very improved. But drug interruption or irregular medication due to side effects and resistance of drug are serious problem to retreatment cases, specially. Ofloxasine(OFX), developed from Quinolone at 1980's is effective not only other respiratory infectious disease but also pulmonary tube rculosis. And this is useful drug instead of injection agents for retreatment patients who have side effects to other drugs, lived far distance from medical clinics. So, we will evaluate theffectiveness as four oral drugs involving OFX. Method : A retrospective study was made through the regular follow up of smear positive cases,who treated by four drug, namely, prothionamide (PTA) cycloserine(CS), OFX, paraminosalicylic acid(pAS). Results: 1) Out of 66case with positive sputum AFB smear, 42(64%)cases achieved the negative conversion. 2) Considering the negative conversion in all group, 34 case (52%) of sputum conversion occured within first 6 months, on the extent of diease was minimal, moderate, far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, sputum AFB smear negative response to treatment was 100%, 78%, 46% respectively. 3) The roentgenological improvement occured in 38(58%), extent of diease was minimal, moderately, far advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, Roentgenological improvement to retreatment was 75%, 64%, 46%. 4) When the drnation of patients illness was less than 1 year, 1 to 3 years, 3 10 5 years and more than 5 years, sputum AFB smear negative response to retreatment was 100%, 88%, 80%, 52 %. 5) On side effects, major problems are gastrointestinal troubles, mild liver function abnormality, psychotic problemes, and skin problem(urticaria, itching sensation). Conclusion : The duration & extents of patients illness was shorter & minimal, sputum AFB smear negative response rate was better. Radiologic response is better as shorter duration and minimal extent of diease. But, as diease is longer duration & far advanced, sputum negative conversion & Roentgenological improvement is poor and limited. The adverse reaction was mainly observed gastrointestinal troubles(indigestion, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) and are well controled by symptomatic management in most patients, as regard to tolerance to the secondary drugs.

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The Associated Factors with Xerostomia in Patients with Systemic Diseases (일부 전신질환자에서 구강건조증의 관련요인 분석)

  • Kim, Sun-Ju;Choi, Jun-Seon
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.386-392
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the factors related to xerostomia in patients with systemic diseases, and the results were analyzed through t-test, ANOVA, and multiple linear regression analysis. There were 62 respondents (56.9%) who reported dry mouth and the season of the most severe dry mouth was reported to be the highest during winter. According to the analysis made in the relationship of xerostomia with the awareness of general health and health behavior, the group that understood their own health poorly, had more than two kinds of diseases, and had been administered more than two kinds of daily medication showed higher xerostomia. Also, those who experienced desperation, had high dryness in other parts of the body, and heavy snoring were more aware of xerostomia (p<0.05). According to the analysis made in the relationship between xerostomia and awareness of oral health state, the group that understood their oral health poorly and had pain in the oral mucous membrane and halitosis was more aware of xerostomia (p<0.05). According to the analysis made in the relationship between quality of life and xerostomia, the group that showed high level of problem in daily living and stress and were self-conscious and felt tense due to halitosis reported more xerostomia (p<0.05). Finally, xerostomia was most correlated with consciousness of the eyes of others due to halitosis followed by the number of transferred systemic diseases and stress level. Based on such results, xerostomia was understood to be an obstacle in maintaining favorable social life and health. Since xerostomia was shown to be related to the number of transferred systemic diseases, the dental professions are asked to further improve their understanding not only on oral health but also systemic diseases. Therefore, these efforts are expected to prevent xerostomia and reduce various complications caused by xerostomia.

Experimental Model of Cardiac Xenograft, Mouse Heart to Rat. (이종이형의 심장이식의 실험적 모델)

  • Kim, Byung-Il;Sohn, Sang-Tae;Shin, Sung-Ho;Chung, Won-Sang;Kim, Hyuk;Kim, Young-Hak;Kang, Jung-Ho;Jee, Heng-Ok;Lee, Chul-Burm;Seo, Jung-Kuk
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-4
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    • 1999
  • Background: The transplantation of organs between phylogenetically disparate or harmonious species has invariably failed due to the occurrence of hyperacute rejection or accerelated acute rejection. But, concordant cardiac xenograft offer us an opportunity to study xenotransplantation in the absence of hyperacute rejection. Current therapeutics for the prolongation of survival of rodent concordant xenotransplantation are not ideal with many regimens having a high mortality rate. Cyclosporine A & Mycophenolate Mofetil are new immunosuppresive agent which has been shown to be effective at prolonging survival of allograft, as purine synthesis inhibitor. Material and Method: We used white mongrel rats as recipient and mice as donor, divided 4 groups(n=6), control group(Group 1) has no medication or pretreatment, Group 2 has splenectomy as pretreatment 7∼10 days before transplantation, Group 3 has Cyclosporine A treatment group, Group 4 has combined treatment of Cyclosporine A & Mycophenolate Mofetil(RS 61443). We compared survival time. Reuslt: We can't find significant difference of survival time between each groups. Conclusion: We concluded that rejection of cardiac xenograft was different from rejection of allograft, and new immunossuppresive Agent(Mycophenolate Mofetil, Cyclosporine A) was not effective for prolongation of survival time after cardiac xenograft.

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The Effect of Sahyangsohapwon on Heart Rate Variability of Healthy Subjects (사향소합원(麝香蘇合元)이 정상인의 심박변이도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Chang-Hyun;Hwang, Jae-Woong;Min, In-Kyu;Kim, Mi-Young;Byeon, Hyung-Sik;Na, Byong-Jo;Park, Sung-Wook;Park, Jung-Mi;Ko, Chang-Nam;Bae, Hyung-Sup;Jung, Woo-Sang;Moon, Sang-Kwan;Cho, Ki-Ho;Kim, Young-Suk
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: Sahyangsohapwon (SS) is a herbal medication that has been widely used with circulatory and neural diseases. This study was conducted to assess the effect of SS on the autonomic nervous system by using heart rate variability measurement. Methods: The eligible subjects were enrolled from the healthy male group of ages 20 to 35 years. They were divided into two groups, the SS group (n=26) and the control (n=24). We monitored the ECG of subjects from the time period 14:00 to 18:00. In the SS group, subjects were administered with a dose of SS at the time 15:00, whereas the control group had none. For each hour HRV measurement was monitored every 15 minutes for 512 seconds from the time period 14:00 to 18:00. The mean value, which was calculated using the 4 values during each hour (i.e. 14:00, 14:15, 14:30, 14:45), was used as the representative value for each individual hour. For the measurement values, RR-interval and SDNN (standard deviation of the NN intervals) were used as time domain analysis, and HF (high frequency), LF (low frequency), and LF/HF ratio were used as frequency domain analysis. Results: The LF value showed an increase after one hour of SS administration and showed gradual diminution for each and every hour. The repeated measures of ANOVA for the comparison of the LF value between the SS group and the control group showed significant differences. While, RR interval, SDNN, HF, and LF/HF ratio values showed no significant differences between the two groups. Conclusions: We suggest that the SS might be useful for stabilizing autonomic nervous system by inhibiting sympathetic nerve activation in healthy people.

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Diagnostic and Therapeutic Utility of Ultrasonography-guided Facet Joint Block in Chronic Cervical Spinal Pain (만성 경추 동통 환자에서 초음파를 이용한 후관절 차단술의 진단 및 치료적 유용성)

  • Kim, Tae Kyun;Shim, Dae Moo;Oh, Sung Kyun;Choi, Byong San;Han, Sang Su
    • The Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Ultrasound Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.54-58
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: In patients with chronic cervical pain, the facet joint is the source of the majority. Due to the difficulty of identifying the exact location of the joint that causes these symptoms, the possibility of complications and the placebo effect brings clinical application into question. In this study, we assessed the prevalence of patients with chronic cervical pain and report the diagnostic and therapeutic usefulness of ultrasonography - guided facet joint block therapy. Materials and Methods: Patients with nonspecific chronic cervical pain for more than 6 months were selected. Patients with disc herniation, sciatica-related pain were excluded from the study and 160 patients who failed in conservative treatment (physical therapy, chiropractic therapy, medication) were included in the study. Diagnostic Ultrasonography-guided facet joint block was performed with 1% lidocaine, and after two weeks, Bupivacaine 0.25% was used in patients who tested positive for lidocaine. Patients with more than 75% pain reduction during movement after facet joint block were considered positive. Results: Among the 160 patients with chronic cervical pain, 96 patients(60%) had a positive reaction after facet block using lidocaine. Among the 64 patients with a negative reaction to lidocaine, 48 patients(75%) had a positive reaction to bupivacaine. There were 48 false positive patients(50%) who showed a positive reaction to lidocaine but a negative reaction to bupivacaine. The mean VAS of the total 160 patients before blocks was 8.5, after 2 weeks follow up it decreased to 2.7 (p = 0.001) and after 4weeks 3.6 (p = 0.001). The 8 patients as an initial improvement of symptoms are not satisfied with the procedure and the 3 patients had been worsened during observation, were showed pain relief after additional ultrasonography-guided facet joint block at 4th week. Conclusion: A single ultrasonography-guided block to chronic cervical pain patients has relatively low diagnostic value since high false positive rate. The twice facet joint blocks is thought to be a useful method for interventional pain management of patients with chronic cervical pain.

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A study on Hospital based Home Health Care Service and the Level of Client Satisfaction (일 대학 병원의 가정간호시범사업 서비스 내용 및 만족도에 대한 조사연구)

  • Kim Chung Nam;Kwan Young Sook;Koh Hyo Jung;Kim Myung Ae;Park Chung Ja;Shin Yeong Hee;Lee Byung Sook;Lee Kyung Hee;Seo Hanng Suk
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.246-259
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to assess the provided home health care services and to evaluate the patient's satisfaction level of received home health care services. Well trained two home health care nurses interviewed with 138 respondents who received home health care by Keimyung University Hospital from January 1st to August 31st 1999. The results were summarized as follows : 1) Among 138 respondents, $55.8\%$ were mail and $44.2\%$ were female and $70.3\%$ of them were over sixty years old. Respondents main family care givers were spouse$(53.6\%)$, daughters and sons$(36.2\%)$ and parents$(7.2\%)$. 2) $60.2\%$ of cancer patients received home health care services, $23.3\%$ of cerebral­cardiovascular patients, $7.5\%$ of endocrine disorder patients, $2.3\%$ of those who have indwelling foley catheter patients, $1.5\%$ of those who have respiratory problems and others$(5.2\%)$. 3) $88.1\%$ of respondents were satisfied with the number of home visits they received. $50.5\%$ of respondents' were received 1 to 3 times of home visits by home health care nurse per month. $48.6\%$ of respondents answered they were introduced by attending doctors or nurses to home health care services. $55.8\%$ of respondents answered registration to home health care services was simple and easy. $97.4\%$ of respondents answered home health care payment system was adequate. $64.9\%$ of respondents answered the cost of home health care per visit was adequate and comfortable. 4) Health education, counselling, physical assessment was provided to most of the patients. Those who suffered with cerebral-cardiovascular disease was needed hands on direct care most of all. The least home health care service provided was medication. 5) The satisfaction measurement tool was composed with 13 items and 3 score scale. The mean score of satisfaction on provided home health care services was 2.67 out of 3. Among 13 items. 'home health care service was kind enough' was highest(2.84). 'nurse use precise word to understand and communicate'. 'nurse gave home visiting notice ahead of time and kept the home visiting promise on time' was 2.83. 'whenever I need home health care nurse I can give a call and meet the nurse' was lowest 2.41. Special Home Health care programs such as comprehensive hospice care programs for elders over sixty years old should be organized. Adequate and standardized home health care payment system should be developed as soon as possible. In korean family situation. when family members are getting sick and stay at home. family members were taking care of the patients. special program such as counselling family members are needed.

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The effects of the direct nursing care hours with establishment of the nurse substations (Nurse Substation 운영이 직접간호시간 증가에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Chug-Hee;Sung, Young-Hee;Kwon, In-Gak;Lee, Soon-Kyu;Jung, Yoen-Yi;Hoe, Sung-Hee;Ryoo, Sung-Suk;Kim, Jung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.61-80
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to measure the direct and indirect nursing care hours with establishment of nurse substations and compare the experimental nursing units with the existing nursing units For this study, two experimental nursing units: (1) a medical nursing unit and (2) a surgical nursing unit with a nurse substation were selected. And two control nursing units : (1) a medical nursing unit and (2) a surgical nursing unit without a nurse substation were selected. After a three-month experimental operation from June 1 to August 31,1996, research data were collected for three days from September 2 to 4, 1996. We investigated the effects of the direct & indirect nursing care hours with establishment of the nurse substations (improved nursing environment) without adding the staff nurses. The effect of establishment of the nurse sub-station was measured for the differences direct & indirect nursing care hours between experimental and control nursing units. An investigator measured the time for a staff nurse to practice each nursing activity and recorded it every minute. Percentage, average, standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA were used for data analysis. The results are as follows: 1. There was no significant difference between the experimental and control nursing units in staffs' working hours during their shift. 2. There were significant diffferences between the experimental and control nursing units in dierct nursing care hours (t=0.0288, p=0.0001) and indirect nursing care hours (t=0.3886, p=0.0103) per patient. 3. There was significant difference between the experimental and control nursing units in direct nursing care hours done by nurses(t=0.0012, p=0.0111) and aids(t=0.3011, p=0.0027). There was significant difference between the experimental and control nursing units in indirect nursing care hours done by head-nurses(t=0.0051, p=0.0253), nurses(t=0.0071, p=0.0024) and aids (t=0.3227, p=0.0351). There was significant difference between the experimental and control nursing units in indirect nursing care hours done by nurses(t=0.0005, p=0.0015) and aids(t=0.2400, p=0.0013) per patient. There was significant difference between the experimental and control nursing units in indirect nursing care hours done by head-nurses(t=0.0005, p=0.0379) and nurses (t=0.0035, p=0.0198) per patient. 4. Thre were significant differences between the experimental and control nursing units in direct nursing care hours (t=0.1134, p=0.0010) and indirect nursing care hours (t=0.7106, p=0.0008) per staff during the day shift. There were significant differences between the experimental and control nursing units in direct nunsing care hours during the day(t=0.0723, p=0.0003) and evening shift (t=0.0004, p=0.0285) per patient, and indirect nursing care hours during the day shift(t=0.5565, p=0.0036) per patient. 5. There were differences between the experiemental and control nursing units in dircet nursing activities including measurement and observation, medication, communication, teratment, hygiene, and nutrition, and in indirect nursing activities including confirmantion, communication, record, computer work, management of goods. But it was not statistically proven. 6. There was difference between the experimental and control nursing units in unmet-need nursing care hours per patient, but not statistically proven.

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Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Orofacial Pain (만성 구강안면통증의 사회심리적 영향)

  • Yang, Dong-Hyo;Kim, Mee-Eun
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.397-407
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    • 2009
  • The aim of the study was to evaluate psychosocial impact of non-dental chronic orofacial pain (OFP) on daily living using the graded chronic pain (GCP) scale. It is also investigated the clinical profile such as demographics, event related to initiation of OFP and prior treatments for patients. During previous 6 months since September 2008, 572 patients (M:F=1:1.5, mean age=34.7 years) with non-dental OFP attended university-based specialist orofacial pain clinic (Dankook University Dental Hospital, Cheonan) to seek care although 63% of them already experienced related treatment for their OFP problem. They visited the most frequently general dental practitioner and orthopedic doctors due to their pain problem and medication was the most commonly employed modality. Most of the patients (89.2%) had TMD and the most common related event to initiation of their pain was trauma, followed by dental treatment. Almost half of the patients (46%) suffered from chronic pain(${\geq}6\;M$) and 40% of them exhibited relatively high disability due to chronic OFP. GCP pain intensity and disability days were significantly different for age and diagnosis (p<0.05) but not for gender and duration. GCP grades were affected by all the factors including gender, age, pain duration and diagnosis.(p=0.000) Female gender, elders, and long lasting pain were closely related to high disability. The patients with neuropathic Pain and mixed OFP rather than TMD were graded as being highly disabled. Conclusively, a considerable percentage of chronic OFP patients reports high pain-related disability in their daily, social and work activity, which suggest a need for psychosocial support and importance of earlier referral for appropriate diagnosis and tailored management.

Clinical Courses of Cavitary Lesions in Pulmonary Tuberculosis (처음 진단시 발견된 공동성병변의 경과)

  • Park, Seung-Kyu;Choi, In-Hwan;Song, Sun-Dae
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 1996
  • Objective : Cavitary lesion in pulmonary tuberculosis sometimes makes problems in the course of treatment. Especially, retreatment cases tend to respond poorly to current antituberculosis agents. So, authors tried to render a guideline for clinical approach toward cavitary lesions in pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods : Retrospective analysis of 33 pulmonary tuberculosis patients with cavitary lesions was made. All the patients had got treatment at National Masan Tuberculosis Hospital from Jan. 1995 to Aug. 1995. Results: The ratio between male and female was 10:1. Age distribution was 69.7% in 3rd and 4th decades. The locations of cavitary lesion were 60.6% in right upper lung field and 36.4% in left upper lung field. In the extent of disease, there were 12 cases(36.4%) in moderate advanced and 21 cases in far advanced. Cavitary lesions were closed in 5 eases and remained in 28 eases. In the cases of closed cavity, it was happened within $10.6{\pm}4.72$ months after they took treatment, the size of cavity was $35.5{\pm}17.1$ in long diameter, $27.0{\pm}12.2$ in short diameter and $4.6{\pm}2.1\;mm$ in wall thickness. In the cases of remained cavity, the size of cavity was $31.9{\pm}12.3$ in long diameter, $21.0{\pm}9.8$ in short diameter and $5.04{\pm}2.0\;mm$ in wall thickness. In terms of negative conversion, it took $3.8{\pm}2.17$ months in the case of closed cavity but it was happened within 5 months for only 4 patients in the case of remained cavity. In the point of past medication history, there was none in closed cavities but there were none in 1 case, once in 3 cases, two times in 9 cases and more than three times in 13 cases among remained cavitary lesions. Conclusion : In the retreatment cases of pulmonary tuberculosis with cavitary lesions, they tend to respond poorly to current antituberculosis agents. So, if the lesions are localized, operative intervention may be a proper method as adjunctive treatment.

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Clinical Significance of PCR-Based Rapid Detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in Peripheral Blood (결핵 환자에서 말초혈액 결핵균 중합효소 연쇄반응 양성의 임상적 의의)

  • Kim, Gyu-Won;Lee, Jae-Myung;Kang, Min-Jong;Son, Jee-Woong;Lee, Seung-Joon;Kim, Dong-Gyu;Lee, Myung-Goo;Hyun, In-Gyu;Jung, Ki-Suck;Lee, Young-Kyung;Lee, Kyung-Wha
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.599-606
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    • 2001
  • Background : Since the advent of AIDS, tuberculosis has become a major public health problem in the western society. Therefore, it is essential that pulmonary tuberculosis be rapidly diagnosed. Light microscopic detection of acid-fast organisms in sputum has traditionally been used for rapidly diagnosing tuberculosis. However positive smears are only observed in about one-half to three-quarters of cases. Studies using PCR for diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis disclosed several shortcomings suggesting an inability to distinguish between active and treated or inactive tuberculosis. In this study, the clinical significance of a PCR-based rapid technique for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA in peripheral blood was investigated. Materials and Methods : From July 1, 1998 through to August 30, 1999, 59 patients with presumed tuberculosis, who had no previous history of anti-tuberculosis medication use within one year prior to this study were recruited and followed up for more than 3 months. AFB stain and culture in the sputum and/or pleural fluids and biopsies when needed were performed. Blood samples from each of the 59 patients were obtained in order to identify Mycobacterium Tuberculosis DNA by a PCR test. Results : 1) Forty five out of 59 patients had a final diagnosis of tuberculosis ; Twenty eight were confirmed as having active pulmonary tuberculosis by culture or biopsy. Four were clinically diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis. The other 13 patients were diagnosed as having tuberculous pleurisy (9) and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (4). 2) Fourteen patients showed a positive blood PCR test. The PCR assay correctly identified active tuberculosis in 13 out of 14 patients. The overall sensitivity and specificity of this blood peR assay for diagnosing tuberculosis were 29% and 93%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 93%, the negative predictive value was 29% and the diagnostic accuracy was 44%.3) Six out of 14(43%) patients with blood PCR positive tuberculosis were immunologically compromised hosts. 4) A simple chest radiograph in blood PCR positive tuberculosis patients showed variable and inconsistent findings. Conclusion : A peripheral blood PCR assay for Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not recommended as a screening method for diagnosing active tuberculosis. However, it was suggested that the blood PCR assay could contribute to an early diagnostic rate due to its high positive predictive value.

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