• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical Information Technology

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Development of m-Health Application based on Medical Informatics Standards (의료정보 표준에 기반 한 m-Health 어플리케이션 개발)

  • Park, Hyun Sang;Kim, Hwa Sun;Jung, Hyun Jung;Cho, Hune
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.640-653
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    • 2014
  • Recently medical consumers pursue high leveled quality of life through active promotion, prevention, management activity of health as the importance of health during home life is emerged to meet the aging society and chronic diseases. In addition, people are directed to the m-Health for managing yourself their health by using smartphone and various personal health devices, if necessary transmits health data to the physician himself. In the previous studies, m-Health Application were developed and applied in the real clinical environment by adopting the medical information standards was rarely conducted. Therefore, in this study, the m-Health application platform was developed. Developed application was communicate with IEEE 11073 standard protocol using the Bluetooth Health Device Profile in personal health device via smart phone to process blood pressure information, and it converted to HL7 V2.6 ORU_R01 message for send to remote medical server. In addition, we tested the interoperability and safety of the developed application for 23 inpatient and 17 outpatient at D University Hospital. As a result, the blood pressure information has been transmitted without error.

The Management of Medical Information Quality Utilizing Big Data (빅 데이터를 활용한 의료정보 질 관리)

  • Cho, Young-bok;Woo, Sung-Hee;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.728-731
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    • 2014
  • Today, the quality of medical service has become a major concern because that sustainable development of IT technology and extending people's life expectancy. This paper, it is used as a tool for the medical information quality management that analyze tweets big data form generated by individual's daily. The result of the analyze big data offers improvement medical information based evidence based medicine. Also it has been possible for a trace observation of chronic disease and can reduce additional other complications of patients. Therefore, effective treatment of disease and prevention is possible.

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Efficient Patient Information Transmission and Receiving Scheme Using Cloud Hospital IoT System (클라우드 병원 IoT 시스템을 활용한 효율적인 환자 정보 송·수신 기법)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Su
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2019
  • The medical environment, combined with IT technology, is changing the paradigm for medical services from treatment to prevention. In particular, as ICT convergence digital healthcare technology is applied to hospital medical systems, infrastructure technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence are being used in conjunction with the cloud. In particular, as medical services are used with IT devices, the quality of medical services is increasingly improving to make them easier for users to access. Medical institutions seeking to incorporate IoT services into cloud health care environment services are trying to reduce hospital operating costs and improve service quality, but have not yet been fully supported. In this paper, a patient information collection model from hospital IoT system, which has established a cloud environment, is proposed. The proposed model prevents third parties from illegally eavesdropping and interfering with patients' biometric information through IoT devices attached to the patient's body at hospitals in cloud environments that have established hospital IoT systems. The proposed model allows clinicians to analyze patients' disease information so that they can collect and treat diseases associated with their eating habits through IoT devices. The analyzed disease information minimizes hospital work to facilitate the handling of prescriptions and care according to the patient's degree of illness.

A Development of Support Smart Application for Emergency Rescue Activities (스마트 구급 활동 지원 앱 개발)

  • Eum, Sang-hee;Kim, Gi-Ryon;Kim, Gwang-nyeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.238-240
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    • 2017
  • In the recent years, An attempts have been made to convergence medical technology and IT technology to overcome the limitations of temporal, spatial, and medical technology applications. In this study, we developed an application s/w to support emergency services for emergency medical services. The developed smart application for emergency rescue activities support can easily identify emergency situation and emergency diary. Then, it can be transmitted to a remote medical guidance doctor so that emergency treatment and hospital response can be performed quickly.

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Dental PACS development in Korea

  • Kim, Eun-Kyung
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.189-194
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    • 2008
  • Picture archiving and communication system (PACS) is an image information technology system for the transmission and storage of medical images. In Korea the first full PACS was installed at Samsung Medical Center in 1994, but, the rate of distribution was very slow. The government's approval for the medical insurance reimbursement for full PACS examinations in November 1999 became the turning point. Thereafter the number of hospitals with full PACS has steeply increased. In September of this year, PACS was installed at 906 medical institutes, including most of university hospitals and general hospitals. The first full dental PACS was installed at Wonkwang University Dental Hospital in 2002. Now ten out of eleven university dental hospitals implemented full dental PACS. The current status and technological factors of dental PACS in Korean university dental hospitals and the future perspectives of dental PACS are described. (Korean J Oral Maxillofac Radiol 2008; 38: 189-94)

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Research on Current Execution of Knowledge Management in Taiwan's Medical Organizations

  • Tien, Shiaw-Wen;Liu, Chiu-Yen;Chung, Yi-Chan;Tsai, Chih-Hung;Chen, Ching-Piao
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.29-56
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    • 2008
  • Since the execution of National Health Insurance system in Taiwan, the competition of medical industry is becoming more and more severe. The ways the hospital operate knowledge management (KM) concept, combine current human resources and professional knowledge by information techniques and upgrade the competitiveness through reinvention of organizational culture have become the important issues. This research is based on the relationship between KM and organizational operation, integrates the characteristic of medical institutions and framework of medical knowledge cycle and starts the research subject by questionnaires from three dimensions: current situation of KM construction in medical organizations, executive effect of KM activities and the challenges faced by KM; subsequently, from qualitative interview, this research attempts to understand how a medical organization executes and adjusts in the consideration of theory and reality as well as quality and costs when actually operates the organization. This research accesses to KM system application of medical institutions and the empirical executive benefits and difficulties through questionnaires. The research results are as follows: (1) having initial understanding toward current KM establishment of medical institutions; (2) confirming the most important items of KM establishment of medical organizations; (3) understanding the most difficulty which the medical organizations encounter when executing KM; (4) establishing medical knowledge cycle figure of the hospitals receiving interviews. Through case interview, this research profoundly accessed to the actual operation of KM application of medical organizations. The target hospitals intended to try many medical KM measures; however, during to complicated hospital organizations and cultural characteristics, the promotion was not successful and the results were not apparent. The most difficulty was to change the employees’ behavior. The targets believed that only the continuous promotion of KM can allow it to be an important aspect of organizational culture and the competitiveness could constant be upgraded.

Extraction of evoked potentials using the shrinkage of wavelet coefficients (Wavelet 계수 억제에 의한 유발전위 뇌파 신호의 추출)

  • Lee, Y.H.;Park, H.S.;Kim, K.H.;Kim, S.I.;Lee, D.S.
    • Proceedings of the KOSOMBE Conference
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    • v.1996 no.11
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    • pp.229-232
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    • 1996
  • we propose the shrinkage of wavelet coefficients and the averaging method. The wavelet analysis decomposes the measured evoked potentials into scale coefficients and wavelet coefficients as a resolution level, respectively. And in the course of synthesis of evoked potentials, the presented method shrinks the wavelet coefficients, and then reproduces the evoked potentials and lastly averages it. we measured VEP signal to simulate the presented method, and compared it with averaged signal and LMS algorithm. As a result of simulations, the proposed method gets improved VEP about 0.2-1.6db in comparison with the result of averaging method.

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Risk Perception and Safety Knowledge of Scuba Divers

  • Cho, Byung-Jun;Ko, Jang-Sik;Kim, Gyoung-Yong;Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.131-137
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    • 2019
  • This study was aimed to identify a study on risk perception and safety knowledge and awareness of scuba diver. In order to achieve this purpose, a total of 310 customers over the age of 20 were selected as study participants form diving pools and dive resort in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Gyeongsang area using the convenience sampling method. However, only data from 295 customers were used after screening the data for reliability. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire, and descriptive statistics, inter-item consistency reliability, t-test, ANOVA, post hoc test, correlation analysis, pearson chi-square test were conducted on the data using the SPSS 21.0 version statistical package program. The followings are the results: First, risk perception differs significantly according to age, education level, occupation and participation period. Second, participation period and safety knowledge have positive correlation.

Performance Enhancement of Optimum Combine scheme in System Level (수신단 최적결합 알고리즘을 적용한 시스템 레벨의 성능개선기법)

  • Song, Jong-Ik;Kim, Young-Hwan;Park, Chang-Won
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.1250-1252
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    • 2009
  • Cellular 망에서의 무선통신은 일반적으로 하나의 송수신안테나를 사용하거나 둘 이상의 송수신 안테나를 사용한다. MRRC(Maximum Ratio Receiver Combining)기법의 경우 여러 안테나를 사용하여 신호룰 수신하는 시스템이며, 이 경우 각 안테나의 채널에 따른 이득과 손실을 고려한 수신기가 제안되었다. Cellular model에서의 SINR 값에 따른 추정을 통해 최적 결합 기법을 적용한 MRRC 수신기를 사용하는 경우, 이에 따른 Cellular modeling을 이용하여 시스템 레벨에서의 MRRC 기법과 Optimum-MRRC 기법을 도입으로 인한 성능의 개선을 알 수 있다.

A Study on Emergency Medical Information Management Methods for Elderly Patients using QR code and Finger-print Recognition (QR 코드와 지문인식을 이용한 고령 환자의 응급 의료정보 관리 방법에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-hyun;Cho, Myeon-gyun
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.135-141
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    • 2017
  • Recently, as elderly people suffering from chronic diseases have increased and disasters such as traffic accidents have increased, urgent rescue workers and doctors need to respond effectively to such emergencies. For elderly people, the difficulty in communicating their condition especially the health condition during disaster is one of the problems in which delay on immediate handling by rescue team can cause death. Providing a solution for this problem is one of the main issues in our research. In this paper, we use the QR code to communicate the minimum personal information and medical history needed for emergency medical treatment to emergency medical personnel, and to transmit the medical history and treatment data to the doctors of the hospital through QR code and fingerprint recognition, respectively. Especially, by using both QR code of smart phone and fingerprint of individual, we can protects personal information and strengthens privacy and security of medical information by allowing only authorized physicians to check medical records of the old patient.