• Title/Summary/Keyword: Medical Doctor Local Clinics

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The Mediation Effect of Job Burnout on the Relationship between Role Stress and Depression among Local Clinic Medical Doctor : Gender's Moderated Mediation Effect (개원의 역할스트레스와 우울 간 관계에서 직무소진의 매개효과 : 성별의 조절된 매개효과)

  • Song, Young-Ah;Kim, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The objective of the present study was to investigate whether gender mederates the mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between role stress and depression among medical doctors in Local clinics in South Korea. Methods: Questionnaires that assess role stress, job burnout, and depression were administered to. 265 medical doctors who worke in local clinics in Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, and Gyeonggi provinces. Data analysis was conducted using the PROCESS macro in Statistical Package for the Social Sciences(SPSS). Results: Job burnout mediated the relationship between role stress and depression. Further, gender moderated the relationship between role stress and job burnout. Finally, gender moderated the mediating effect of job burnout on the relationship between role stress and depression. Conclusions: On the basis of the emergent findings, effective coping strategies that can alleviate role stress are articulated. However, the findings also suggest that the selection of a suitable intervention must be based on the gender of the medical doctor.

A Study on the Development and Validation of the Local Clinic Medical Doctor Role Stress Scale: Focusing on Local Clinic Medical Doctor (개원의 역할스트레스 척도 개발 및 타당화 연구: 1차 의료기관 개원의를 중심으로)

  • Song, Young-Ah;Kim, Ji-Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : This study developed and validated the local clinic Medical Doctor Role Stress Scale(MDRS). Methods : The interviews were conducted with 12 local clinic medical doctors to develop final preliminary questions. The scale was developed using statistical item analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis surveys with local clinic medical doctors in Seoul, Busan, Daejeon, and Gyeonggi province. Results : The MDRS developed in this study consisted of 14 items and three factors. The factors were role conflict, role ambiguity and role overload. The three factors explained 56.71% of the total variance, and the internal consistency of this scale was .90. The internal consistency for each factor was .81 ~ .90. Confirmatory factor analysis through a separate sampling met the fit criteria (CFI = .941, TLI = .927, RMSEA = .079, SRMR = .069). Conclusions : The results indicate that this scale is a reliable instrument for assessing local clinic medical doctor role stress.

Comparison of Patients' Satisfactions with General Korean Medicine Clinics and Networked Korean Medicine Clinics in Seoul, Korea (서울지역 일반 한의원과 네트워크 한의원의 환자만족도 및 추천의사에 미치는 영향요인 비교)

  • Han, Hyukkyu;Oh, Chiseok;Ryu, Jiseon;Lim, Byungmook
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2014
  • Objective : This study aimed to compare the patients' satisfactions with local Korean Medicine(KM) clinics and networked KM clinics, and to find out which factors had an effect on it. Method : Six local KM clinics and six networked KM clinics were selected, and patients' questionnaires on the satisfaction with KM clinic use were administered using exit poll method. The questionnaires were developed to measure satisfactions with facility, doctor and staffs, and services. 240 patients completed the questionnaires, and the data were statistically analyzed. Results : There was more diversity in patients' diseases among networked KM clinics users, however, treatments provided were not differentiated clinically between two types of KM clinics. Patients' satisfaction scores for local KM clinics were significantly higher than those for networked KM clinics in the aspects of doctors/staffs (9.35 vs 8.92, p<.01) and services (8.76 vs 8.42, p<.05). 90.0% of local KM clinic users expressed their willingness to recommend the clinics they used to others, while 75.0% of networked KM clinics users did. For both the local and networked clinics, 'KM doctors' kindness', and 'process and waiting time' were statistical factors affecting patients' satisfaction. Conclusion : The patients' satisfactions with general KM clinics were higher than those with networked KM clinics. Networked KM clinics need to develop services to meet the diverse medical demands which were created by them selves.

A study on standardization & completion of transfer consultation record for patients transferred to emergency medical center (응급의료센터로 전원된 환자의 진료의뢰서 표준화 및 충실도에 관한 연구)

  • Yoou, Soonkyu;Kim, Kwang Hwan;Cho, Hae Kyung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.177-198
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research which was conducted by surveying the transfer consultation records from 360 medical institutions such as general hospitals, hospitals, clinics to the Emergency Medical Center at E University Hospital for six months(Jan. 1, 2000 - Jun. 30, 2000) are to standardize & complete transfer consultation record of hospitals at the 1st & 2nd referral level and to give patients transferred emergency medical center medical information services on a better quality. The conclusions and suggestions from this study were summarized as follows; (1) Examing the distribution of the referral medical consultation(transfer) sheet type, surgery part local clinic sheet types were 34.4%, medical part local clinic sheet types were 26.7%, undifferentiated local clinic sheet types were 23.9% and hospital level sheet types were 15.0%. (2) The items of the transfer consultation records had been standardized more than 75% in the order of patient's name, date, doctor's name, diagnosis, patient's status, impressions. (3) That the degree of recording completion on these items is in the order of patient's name, date, diagnosis, impressions was revealed. (4) Because the standardization and the degree of recording completion are very low in the patient's gender, age, address, electronic recording system was needed for more perfect input of initial patient informations. (5) This standardizing & complete recording on examination and medication will prevent re-examination and abuse of medication for patients transferred emergency medical center. (6) EMT Transfer System should be fixed in all medical institute for the standardizing & complete recording on care period and departure time will give many emergency patients the proper treatments at the proper time. (7) It was revealed that developing new standardized transfer consultation record & using electronic recording system are needed. (8) The complete recording & Fast Track System were needed for higher rate of bed operation at emergency medical center and more hospital profit.

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The Levels of Psychosocial Stress, Job Stress and Related Factors of Medical Doctors Practicing at Local Clinics (일부 개원의사들의 사회심리적 스트레스 및 직무 스트레스 관련 요인)

  • Kang, Moon-Kuk;Kim, Jang-Rak;Jeong, Baek-Geun;Park, Ki-Soo;Kam, Sin;Hong, Dae-Yong;Kang, Yune-Sik
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : This study was conducted to investigate the levels of psychosocial stress, job stress and their related factors among medical doctors practicing at local clinics. Methods : A survey using a self administered questionnaire was administered to 1,456 doctors practicing at private clinics via post for 2 months (2006. 1 - 2006. 3). Psychosocial stress, job stress, demographic factors, job related factors and health related behaviors were investigated. Among the eligible study population, the respondents were 428 doctors (29.4%). Results : The average scores of psychosocial stress and job stress were 2.19 and 3.13, respectively. The levels of psychosocial stress and job stress were statistically lower in older respondents, those who worked shorter or who were more satisfied with their job, and those with higher socioeconomic status. The level of psychosocial stress was related with smoking status, drinking status and exercise. The level of job stress was related with smoking status and exercise. In multiple linear regression analysis using psychosocial stress as a dependent variable, age, working hours per day, job satisfaction and perception on socioeconomic status were significant independent variables. In analysis using job stress as a dependent variable, age, working hours per day and job satisfaction were significant independent variables. Conclusions : Stress affects the doctor-patient relationship, productivity and overall health level of people. Therefore, it is important to manage and relieve the stress of doctors. It is suggested that more advanced studies on stress level and related factors and ways to improve the stress and health related behaviors of medical doctors should be conducted.

The Effect of the Degree of Competition of the Hospital Market Regions on Clinic's Rate of Antibiotics Prescription (병원시장지역 내 경쟁 정도가 의원급 의료기관의 항생제 처방률에 미치는 영향)

  • Jo, Changik;Lim, Jae-Young;Lee, Soo Yeon
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.129-155
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    • 2008
  • The rate of antibiotics prescription for an acute airway infection significantly varies depending upon the diagnosis type, specialty, and the location of the hospital along with many other related factors. The objective of this study is to empirically investigate the possible relationship between the antibiotics prescription rates for an acute airway infection and the degree of competition in the hospital market regions of mainly the providers of primary medical care services such as clinics, internal medicines, pediatrics and otorhinolaryngology department. Using the data from Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service (HIRA) regarding the hospitals' antibiotics prescription rates for the acute airway infection and controlling for selected variables of demand and supply sectors, this study tries to figure out that the degree of competition in the hospital market, regardless of what type of competition indexes we employed, has a statistically significant effect on the variations of antibiotics prescription rate of the clinics in local areas. This result implies that as an economic consideration itself, the change in the degree of competition in the hospital market can play a crucial role influencing the treatment behaviors of the medical doctors. More specifically, this study reveals that as the degree of competition increases the antibiotics prescription rate goes up. This result means that if the market becomes more competitive in a specific region so that it might cause a reduction in doctor's income, doctors with rational decision-making process, recognize that the benefit created from inducing patients' seemingly unnecessary demand for medical care (income effect) would be higher than the costs associated with sustaining their targeted income (substitution effect). It is because that the doctors are more likely to prescribe antibiotics which create relatively higher margins than other medical care services in order to sustain their targeted income when the hospital market competition becomes tighter. Even though this study empirically confirms that antibiotics prescription can be affected by the economic incentives, it still raises following issues as limitations of the study: first issue is about the representativeness of the hospital regions segregated for this study, which might be weak in explaining whether these regions are mutually exclusive in reality. Patients actually consider the quality of services, transportation cost, time costs, and any other related factors choosing the doctors or hospitals, and in that sense, this study rules out 'border-crossing' in using the medical care services. Second issue arises in capturing the data of antibiotics prescription rate. Since we use the average rate for each medical institution, we cannot figure out the average rate for each patient so that we are not able to control for the variation of patients' medical conditions. It is because of the unavailability of data regarding each patient's medical condition from HIRA. Thirdly, since this study mainly analyzes the medical institutions providing primary care such as clinics, internal medicines, pediatrics, and otorhinolaryngology department, it is skeptical of whether those institutions can represent the hospital market in respective regions and truly reflect the degree of competition. It needs to extend the study areas and disease types as well as any micro data for future studies.

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A study of the Medical System in the Early Chosun-Dynasty (조선시대(朝鮮時代) 전기(前期)의 의료제도(醫療制度)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Dae-Hee;Kang, Hyo-Shin
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.9
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    • pp.555-652
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    • 1996
  • Up to the present the scholastic achievements in the history of the medical system have been rather scare despite its importance in the Korean History. Hence, this dissertation attempts to examine the significance of the institute in the Korean History, covering the period from the ancient times through the early Chosun-Dynasty. In the ancient times, the medical practice relied primarily upon human instincts and experiences at the same time, shaman's incantations were widely believed to cure diseases, the workings of evil spirits supposedly. For the period from the Old Chosun through Samhan(巫堂), Chinese refugees brought a long medical knowledge and skills of the continent. New Chinese medicine, traditional practices and incantations were generally used at this time. Medicine and the medical system were arranged by the period of the Three Countries(三國時代). No definite record concerning Koguryo remains now. As for Paekje, however, history shows that they set up the system under the Chinese influence, assigning medical posts such as Euibaksa(medical doctor), Chaeyaksa(pharmacist), and Jukeumsa(medicine man) within Yakbu(department of medicine). Scientifically advanced, they sent experts to Japan, giving a tremendous influence on the development of the science on ancient Japan. After the unification of the three countries, Shilla had their own system after the model of Dang(唐). This system of the Unified Shilla was continued down to Koryo and became the backbone of the future ones. In the ancient time religion and medicine were closely related. The curative function of the shaman was absolute. Buddhism played a notable part in medical practice, too, producing numerous medical monks. The medical system of Koryo followed the model of Dang with some borrowings from Song(宋). Sangyakkuk(尙藥局) was to deal exclusively with the diseases of the monarch whereas Taeeuigam(太醫監) was the central office to handle the national medical administration and the qualification test and education for doctors. In addition, Dongsodaebiwon(東西大悲院), Jewibo(濟危寶), and Hyeminkuk(惠民局) were public hospitals for the people, and a few aristocrats practiced medicine privately. In 987, the 6th year of Songjong(成宗), local medical operations were installed for curing the sick and educating medical students. Later Hyonjong(顯宗), established Yakjom(clinics, 藥店) throughout the country and officials were sent there to see patients. Foreign experts, mainly from Song, were invited frequently to deliver their advanced technology, and contributed to the great progress of the science in Korea. Medical officials were equipped with better land and salary than others, enjoying appropriate social respect. Koryo exchanged doctors, medicine and books mainly with Song, but also had substantial interrelations with Yuan(元), Ming(明), Kitan(契丹), Yojin(女眞), and Japan. Among them, however, Song was most influential to the development of medicine in Koryo. During Koryo Dynasty Buddhism, the national religion at the time, exercised bigger effect on medicine than in any other period. By conducting national ceremonies and public rituals to cure diseases, Taoism also affected the way people regarded illness. Curative shamanism was still in practice as well. These religious practices, however, were now engaged only when medication was already in use or when medicine could not held not help any more. The advanced medical system of Koryo were handed down to Chosun and served the basis for further progress. Hence, then played well the role to connect the ancient medicine and the modern one. The early Chosun followed and systemized the scientific and technical achievement in medicine during the Koryo Dynasty, and furthermore, founded the basis of the future developments. Especially the 70 years approximately from the reign of Sejong(世宗) to that of Songjong(成宗) withnessed a termendous progress in the field with the reestablishment of the medical system. The functions of the three medical institute Naeeuiwon(內醫院), Joneuigam(典醫監), Hyeminkuk(惠民局) were expanded. The second, particualy, not only systemized all the medical practices of the whole nation, but also grew and distributed domestic medicaments which had been continually developed since the late Koryo period. In addition, Hyeminso(惠民局, Hwarinwon(活人院)) and Jesaenwon(濟生院)(later merged to the first) played certain parts in the curing illness. Despite the active medical education in the capital and the country, the results were not substantial, for the aristocracy avoided the profession due to the social prejudice against technicians including medical docotors. During the early Chosun-Dynasty, the science was divided into Chimgueui (acupuncturist), Naryogeui(specialist in scrofula) and Chijongeui (specialist in boil). For the textbooks, those for the qualification exam were used, including several written by the natives. With the introduction on Neoconfucianism(性理學) which reinforced sexual segregation, female doctors appeared for the female patients who refused to be seen by male doctors. This system first appeared in 1406, the sixth year of Taejong(太宗), but finally set up during the reign of Sejong. As slaves to the offices, the lowest class, female doctors drew no respect. However, this is still significant in the aspect of women's participation in society. They were precedents of midwives. Medical officials were selected through the civil exam and a special test. Those who passed exams were given temporary jobs and took permanent posts later. At that time the test score, the work experience and the performance record of the prospective doctor were all taken into consideration, for it was a specialized office. Most doctors were given posts that changed every six months, and therefore had fewer chances for a goverment office than the aristocracy. At the beginning the social status of those in medicine was not that low, but with the prejudice gradully rising among the aristocracy, it became generally agreed to belong to the upper-middle technician class. Dealing with life, however, they received social respect and courtesy from the public. Sometimes they collected wealth with their skills. They kept improving techniques and finally came to take an important share in modernization process during the late Chosun-Dynasty.

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A Study on Actual Conditions for Prevention of Infections by Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 감염 예방 실태 조사)

  • Nam, Young-Shin;Yoo, Jung-Sook;Park, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2007
  • This study aimed to provide basic information on dental hygienists' practicing the prevention of infections by figuring out their actual conditions in dental clinics. The subjects of the study were the dental hygienists who participated in the continuing medical education of Incheon & Gyeonggi-do association and Seoul city association in October and November 2005 and the self-administered surveys were used for the prevention of infections. The results were as below. 1. In terms of education experiences of infection prevention, those who answered "there were" were 72 persons (42.9%) and those who followed the educational route for infection prevention were "through the in-house education from the hospital" and they were 42 persons (58%), which were highest. 2. In terms of the injury experiences, those who answered "there were" were 147 persons (87.5%) and the number of annual injury out of 147 persons with injury experiences was 7.7 time. For the tools that were damaged, 125 persons (75%) damaged the "explorer," which was highest. 3. For the experiences of being infected with contagious diseases, those who answered "there were" were 6 persons (3.6%) and there were four persons for "hepatitis B", one person for "rubella" and one person for "TB." 4. The questions with high practice scores were as in the following: "2. I wash my hands after conducting medical examinations (1.86 points)," "7. I always close the lid of a shot of Novocain after doing local anesthesia (1.86 points)" and "20. I separate and collect the wastes and give them to those who treat accumulated materials (1.85 points)". Meanwhile, the questions with low practice scores were as below: "16. I change my medical gowns (doctor wears) once a day (0.24 point)" and "I wash my medical gowns every time after examining patients with contagious diseases (0.52 points)." 5. The question with high knowledge was as below: "1. The contagion during the dental treatment is determined by source of infection, infection methods, infection routes and the host that is prone to infection (0.95 point)" and the question with the lowest knowledge was "5. HBV(hepatitis B) is destroyed after adding 95oC of heat for more than 5 minutes (0.27 points)." 6. The question with the highest organization-related factors was "I am always ready to use a mask, gloves, etc. if necessary" (0.89 points)" and the question with the lowest score was "There is a guideline that I can refer when I am exposed to dangerous situations related to the contagion in my workplace (0.33 point)." 7. In terms of the equipment conditions of protectors in medical environments, 168 persons for (disposable) mask (100%), 167 persons for disposable gloves (Latex) (99.4%), which meant that most of them were equipped with them. On the contrary, 108 persons (64.3%) are equipped with the protectors for frontal faces, which is the lowest and 165 persons (98.2%) said that they had autoclave in their disinfecting and sterilizing devices.

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