• Title/Summary/Keyword: Meaning of work

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Mathematical Expressions and their Meanings in Lee Sang's Poetry (이상(李箱)의 시(詩)에 나타난 수학적 표현과 의미)

  • Shin, Kyunghee
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.89-102
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    • 2016
  • Lee Sang, one of the representative poets of Korean Modern Poetry, wrote poems which present the existentialistic modernism in the 1920s, the chaotic era of Korean history. The characteristics of his works have been shown by various points of view. This paper especially explored the meaning and feature of mathematical expressions by numbers, symbols and other signs of mathematics in Lee's poems. His poems are composed by scientific and abstract rules in mathematics which are expressed as mathematical symbols. The paper focuses on analyzing seven poems which maximizes mathematical expressions among his poetry. This kind of work would be the one of ways to figure out the features of mathematics through literature.

A Study on the Process of the Housing by User's Participation - A case of Hakmaeul in Taebaek City - (이용자(利用者) 참여(參與)에 의한 주택단지(住宅團地)의 건축과정(建築過程) 연구(硏究) - 태백시 학마을을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Seung-Joon;Oh, Young-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • There are some studies about user's participation to reflect their desire and value on the planning of house by this time. These were constitution of unit space focused on the apartments, which is mostly theoretical. In architectural planning process, it takes time for continuous discussion and revision between architects and users. Also changes of plan must of necessity be so because of in or outside conditions. So, user's participation has its meaning that they take part in each step and portion of process faithfully on whole architectural processes. In this case, tenants of single houses were decided and they already buy building site and lay out rules jointly. With this circumstance I've researched a kind of test the reflection on various desires and its acceptance in each steps through completion of a construction work, which is based on their participation.

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A New Topology of Solutions of Chemical Equations

  • Risteski, Ice B.
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.176-203
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    • 2013
  • In this work is induced a new topology of solutions of chemical equations by virtue of point-set topology in an abstract stoichiometrical space. Subgenerators of this topology are the coefficients of chemical reaction. Complex chemical reactions, as those of direct reduction of hematite with a carbon, often exhibit distinct properties which can be interpreted as higher level mathematical structures. Here we used a mathematical model that exploits the stoichiometric structure, which can be seen as a topology too, to derive an algebraic picture of chemical equations. This abstract expression suggests exploring the chemical meaning of topological concept. Topological models at different levels of realism can be used to generate a large number of reaction modifications, with a particular aim to determine their general properties. The more abstract the theory is, the stronger the cognitive power is.

An Inquiry into the Significance of the Proofread Version of Euibangyoochui(Sejo Edition), Seen from the Compilation Process (편찬과정을 통해 본 교정본(校正本) 『의방유취(醫方類聚)『 (세조본(世祖本))의 의의)

  • Kim, Jong-seok;Cha, Woongseok;Kim, Namil
    • The Journal of Korean Medical History
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this paper is to inquire into the significance of Euibangyoochui, Sejo Edition. One cannot study Euibangyoochui, Sejo Edition firsthand since it does not exist today. Instead, this writer looked into the process by which the Sejo Edition had been proofread and the historic figures who led the proofreading process. The quantities of the Sejong Edition and Sejo Edition have been compared, of which the meaning has also been studied. 1. The compilation of Sejo Edition began in 1459(5th year of Sejo), the year King Sejo entrusted the work of proofreading of Euibangyoochui to Yang Seong Ji. This was not a continuance from the work of King Sejong, but a whole new business ignited by the will and necessity conveyed by King Sejo himself. 2. King Sejo regarded medicine important and emphasized its practicality. The fact that the 365 volumes of the Sejong Edition was reduced to 266 volumes reflects the emphasis put on practicality. 3. Yang Seong Ji, who led the proofreading process, played an important role in managing state documents from the time of King Sejo. His compilation, Euibangyoochui, Sejo Edition, is a work that can be discriminated from its Chinese counterpart in that it had been proofread.

A Study on the Meaning and Role of Columes in Mies's Works (Mies van der Rohe 건축에서 기둥의 역할과 의미에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Wook;Kim, Yong-Seung;Park, Yong-Hwan
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2007
  • This paper Is to reconsider his architectural significance by understanding the role and moaning of the columns shown in the works of Mies. The reason of such an approach is to reflect the tendency to overlook the various significances of Mies's works as we interpret his architecture simply as a simplified work by abstraction. The process of simplification often neglects open interpretation so that it offers partial and unified cognition frame and causes remaking of closed meanings. It removes some possibilities of new interpretation for Mies's works. The study suggests that his columns are a medium to show the solid body transferring architectural significance in contrast to the immaterialization of body as transparency of modem architecture. It can be said that all the human cognition is usually made within the material limit of visibility and tangibility.

A Study on the esthetic analysis for the Digital Image (Digital Image의 미학적 해석)

  • 최성원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.169-176
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    • 2002
  • All kinds of artwork, including multimedia and digital image that has been subliminated into an af mediating two numbers 0 and 1 in recent age, are self-sufficient and autonomous in themselves. Nevertheless, each of those artworks can be realized as a real entity only if its appreciator is capable enough to explore some potential meaning out of it through his or her own perceptual work. According to Mikel Dufrenne, an artwork is composed of three existential tiers: "le sensible" or the sensible material; "fe representation" or the subject(le sujet), and "1′expression." Dufrenne contends that our esthetic perception can be realized by way of three steps that are comparable to those three tiers: perception of the presence of the body("le sensible"), contemplative perception by way of imagination("le representation"), and reflective perception ("1′expression") as a result of dialectics of sense and sensibility. This paper argues on the aesthetic perception with regard to digital image expressed by two numbers 0 and 1, putting focus on the epistemological role of sensibility(감) that explores "1′expression" a la Dufrenne.

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도서기호상의 판차표시 방법에 관한 연구

  • 김남석
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.6
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 1979
  • The book number, among various steps of book processing works, needs more careful attention and better-organized knowledge, and it is more sensitive than other parts of cataloging. This paper will give some suggestions on ways of constructing a book number, including the definition and the types of edition indication within a book number, and analyse some problems related to their application into real situation. Three possible ways of edition indication with in a book number were explained, and examples were given for each of them. Problems occurring when these codes were applied to books were analysed. In addition to the generally recognized meaning of the book number as a mean of differentiating similar works, the edition indication can make it possible for both the library staffs and the users to identify the characteristics of a work only with the book number. Searches for mere convenient and effective ways of edition indication might be related to the cost-effectiveness of book processing, and of library operation.

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Epistemoligical and psychological foundation for computer mathematics education (컴퓨터 수학교육론의 인식론적, 심리학적 기초)

  • 류희찬;조완영
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.621-634
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    • 1998
  • Emthusiasm about the introduction of computers into mathematics education is widespred. But, the perspectives about the relationship between mathematics education and computer are diverse. The purpose of this study is to examine theoretical background for using computers in mathematics education. In spite of the pedagogical possibilities of computers. only a small minority of mathematics teachers are using computers in mathematics classroom. It is natural to seek this obstacles within theoretical background of the teachers who manage computers, In this study, We discuss the problems in the two sides. First, due to increased computer activity, relationship of mathematics in school with mathematics in society is changing. It is tension between academic mathematics and practical mathematics. School mathematics have to be changed toward stressing practical mathematics. Second problem is the dialectical relationship between the individual and the collective. While maintaining a respect for the individuality of student contributions. We take into account the social dimension of mathematical meaning-making. We discussed theoretical clarification of work collaborative learning. We propose the case study for the roles of computer in collaborative mathematics learning.

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Analysis of Internal Loading at Multiple Robotic Systems

  • Chung Jae Heon;Yi Byung-Ju;Kim Whee Kuk
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1554-1567
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    • 2005
  • When multiple robotics systems with several sub-chains grasp a common object, the inherent force redundancy provides a chance of utilizing internal loading. Analysis of grasping space based internal loading is proposed in this work since this method facilitates understanding the physical meaning of internal loadings in some applications, as compared to usual operational space based approach. Investigation of the internal loading for a triple manipulator has been few as ,compared to a dual manipulator. In this paper, types of the internal loading for dual and triple manipulator systems are investigated by using the reduced row echelon method to analyze the null space of those systems. No internal loading condition is derived and several load distribution schemes are compared through simulation. Furthermore, it is shown that the proposed scheme based on grasping space is applicable to analysis of special cases such as three-fingered and three-legged robots having a point contact with the grasped object or ground.

Opening and Closure Body Space Expressed in the Fashion Art

  • Huh Jung-Sun;Geum Key-Sook
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.14-25
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    • 2005
  • The objective of this study is to understand bodily extension and identity in contemporary fashion art through the analysis of 'the fashion acting on the body' among the fashion theory excluding body and the conspicuous works on the opening and covering images as a fashion art as a body-space'. This study also investigated identity problems where there are poles apart in opening and closure their bodies and body-space in which its clothing types were distorted by being de-bodilization out of the traditional and ideological expression method in contemporary fashion art from a opening and closure point of view. Image of opening and closure among body-space in fashion art can be classified into opposing structure of opening and closure. Destroying the boundary between bodily opening and closure for a primary function of clothing and dismantling the role and boundary between body and clothing, opening body-space in appearance as a reemergence of body image or the border between inner and outer are being ambiguous because of transparent material. Being representative work of this study opening body-space was expressed as an opening space image using transparency. On the contrary, closure body-space was isolated from external environment and confined in the certain space, which could limit or restraint body- action. Excluding boundary of body and clothing on the whole or in part, boundary of work becomes body-space. However, these were appeared to be a work inducing unlimited curiosity and meaning from the audience. The interpretation of artistic and body-space in fashion art are indicating the role and function of the fashion art exceeding the suggestible dimensions in the every day life of fashion. The body-space of fashion art showing similar aspect of body art today could be understood that it is substituted into an metaphorical, critical space by seeing it as a symbol system connected with social space. Therefore, contemporary fashion art should be interpreted as an equivocal space looking at the body-space with open mind.