• Title/Summary/Keyword: Meaning Discrimination

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On the Distinction between Picea koraiensis Nak. and Picea abies(L.) Karsten based on the Discriminant Function (I) (판별식(判別式)에 의한 수목분류법(樹木分類法)에 관(關)하여 (I) -독일(獨逸)가문비와 종비(樅榧)나무와의 판별분석(判別分析)-)

  • Lee, Kwang-Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.58 no.1
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 1982
  • This experiment was carried out to distinguish between picea abies (L.) Karsten and Picea koraiensis Nak by the method of discriminant analysis which is used the metrical continuous characteristic on current inorphological plant taxanomy. The results are summarized as follows 1) The discriminant function and discriminant region from the experiment are Z(x)=Z($x_1,\;x_2$)=$0.000379x_1+0.004354x_2-0.311061$ or Z(x)=Z($x_1,\;x_2$=$0.000379(x_1-60.442800)+0.004354(x_2-66.185100)$, $$R_1=(x{\mid}0.000379x_1+0.004354x_2-0.311061{\geq_-}0)$$, $R_2$=($x{\mid}0.000379x_1+0.004354x_2-0.311061$ <0). 2) The probability of misclassification based on the above discriminant region is P($2{\mid}1$)=$P(1{\mid}2)$=0.444 therefore the probability of simultaneous misclassification of P($2{\mid}1$) and $P(1{\mid}2)$ is about 44.4%. 3) the probability of misclassification by the discriminant function resulted from the experiment if recorded as high but it is thought that there is a considerable meaning to perceive the probability of confidence about the discrimination better than its precision.

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Male nursing students' Practicum Experiences on Delivery Room (남자 간호학생의 분만실 실습 체험)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Ah;Won, Mi-Hwa;Shin, Sun-Hwa;Go, Gee-Youn;Choi, Junkyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.458-469
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    • 2016
  • The special education setting in nursing practicum is required for male nursing students to become professional registered nurses. Therefore, this study identifies how male nursing students find and recognize the meaning of the practicum in a delivery room. Eight male nursing students were selected randomly in junior and senior grade. They had finished delivery room practicum within a month and were interviewed from Jul. 20th, 2012 to Dec. 28th, 2012 until the narrative data were fully saturated. The phenomenological method of Colaizzi was used. Thirty themes, nine theme clusters, and three categories were identified. The three categories were frightened in the 'female privacy first' environment, sexual inequality for male students, and only one observation chance of the delivery process. From this study, male students did their best against the gender role and female-only field. A strategy to improve the image of professional nursing is required to enlighten the social conventions regarding the gender role. In addition, multilateral efforts are expected to eliminate the gender discrimination in the nursing education system to establish the correct role of professional registered nurses.

The Proportion and Its Meaning of Characters with Immigration Background in Children's and Young Adult Books: Focusing on Books Published Since 2000 (어린이·청소년책에 등장하는 이주배경 등장인물의 비중과 그 의미 - 2000년 이후 출간된 작품을 대상으로 -)

  • Lim, Yeojoo
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.43-66
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    • 2020
  • This study analyzed Korean children's books that include ethnically and racially diverse characters, focusing on representation of ethnic minority and cultural sensitivity. Drawing from fiction recommendations by Happy Morning Reading from 2005 to 2017, only 32 books out of 3,214 books, less than 1%, include people with racially and ethnically diverse background. Among the 32 books, 23 featured educative messages inspired by the belief of social justice; four could be categorized as so-called 'melting pot' books, five depicted stories featuring characters that respect different cultures from their own. The issue tackled in the stories differed with the economical standing of the character's country of origin. When a character or her/his parent is from a developing country, the main issues of the book were racial discrimination, bullying, hostility against foreign-born parents, or harsh experience of migrant workers. On the other hand, when a character or her/his parent is from a developed country, the plots often surround the character's hopes, wishes, or personal worries. Only one book was illustrated by a person with immigration background; the others were all written and illustrated by Koreans with no immigration background.

Construction of Parent attachment Scale for Children (초등학생용 부모애착척도의 구성)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook;Hong, Sang-Hwang
    • The Korean Journal of Elementary Counseling
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.143-162
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to construct Parent Attachment Scale for Children. Adapting the item consisting method used in Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised(ECR-R), Parent Attachment Scale for Children was constructed to measure child's attachment style with their parent, reliably and validly. Also, reliability and item trait informations based on item response theory were reviewed. First preliminary items were derived from the original items of ECR-R and existing Attachment Inventories. These items were modified and complemented to be easier and keep the original meaning of each item. Second preliminary items were administrated to 4~6th grades students(N=576). Finally, Parent Attachment Scale for Children were consisted with 30 items based on two-parameter graded response model. Internal consistency ranges of the scales of Parent Attachment Scale for Children are as follows : Avoidance scale is .94~.96; Anxiety scale is .85~.88. Test-retest reliability ranges are as follows; Avoidance scale is .71~.80; Anxiety scale is .53~.68. Item discrimination and item information value were within an appropriated range. Hierarchical cluster analysis with Ward's Method revealed four types of attachment style : Secure, Dismissing, Preoccupied, Fearful. Other implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

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A Case Study on the Game Behavior of Medical School Students (의과대학생들의 게임행위에 관한 사례연구)

  • Cha, Myeong-Hee;Sang, Chong-Ryel
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore what causes medical college students to play games they will play and use them as academic foundation material. And lay a complex foundation for game addicts. To achieve this objective, an approach was taken as a method of exploratory case study. The participants in the study were recruited by their consent at the R meeting of the College of Medicine. Data collection was collected through a one-on-one interview with FGI. The data analysis was read repeatedly and classified into semantic units to derive the essential meaning. The study produced two essential topics and seven revealed topics. It is 'my job to play games' and 'know the importance of discrimination.'According to the analysis, the game behavior played by medical students was able to quit due to the self-efficacy experienced during the course of growth. When one's expectations were met and self-strengthened, one could see that self-control was possible through self-efficacy. It suggested that measures for sound game culture and complex strategy should be explored and measures to improve self-efficacy should be explored.

Study on the Lived Experience of Elderly Men Living Alone in a Single Room Occupancy(Chokbang) (쪽방지역에 홀로 사는 남성 노인의 삶의 경험)

  • Heo, so young
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.241-260
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to fully understand the experience of elderly men living alone in a single room occupancy(Chokbang) by identifying the meaning and essence of their experiences. This research used purposive sampling. The data were collected for 7 months from september 2008 to march 2009. Eight elderly men participated in the interview. Mainly the semi-structured in-depth interview and focus group interview were used. The data analysis was based on Giorgi's 4 types of specific steps. As a result, 4 components and 16 subordinate components were drawn from the analysis. The components resulted from the analysis are: , , , . Based on these results, I discussed the attitudes of the elderly men living alone in Chokbang in meaningful and gender-sensitive ways. Moreover, I provided social welfare connotation and future research suggestions.

A Study on the Impact of Motives for Participating in Gyeongsangbuk-do Experience Tourists on Satisfaction with Experiential Tourism Programs and Intention to Participate (경상북도 체험관광객의 참여 동기가 체험 관광프로그램 만족 및 참여 의사에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sun-Min;Kim, Ho-Suk;Kang, Hee-Seog
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we tried to present suggestions to the Gyeongsangbuk-do tourism officials to satisfy them with experiential tourism resources and to revitalize their participation in the program. Therefore, the implications of this study are as follows. First, research on the satisfaction of experiential tourism programs and the willingness to participate in them is carried out, suggesting that it is a prerequisite for the transformation of the perception of tourists' participation in the Corona era. Second, it is necessary to make it a small experience tourist space that can provide non-face-to-face service utilizing the characteristics of contact technology, and to provide tourists with unique attractions against product discrimination and customer service. Third, through the introduction of non-face-to-face experience programs and expansion of services, the limited and macroscopic environment and social phenomenon of tourism activities in the Corona era, a new perception can be instilled. Fourth, visitors can expect to revitalize the tourism industry through the development and discovery of various programs. Thirdly, it will be possible to revitalize the local economy by giving meaning to the satisfaction of experiential tourism programs to tourists from all over the region's tourism business.

Making Sports Star and Social Aspects by Analysis of Dialogues in Film [Blind Side] (영화 [블라인드 사이드]의 대사분석을 통한 사회상과 스포츠스타 만들기)

  • An, Dong-Su
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.107-119
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    • 2020
  • This study was designed to analyze the social and institutional problems that may arise in the early 2000s of the United States and in the scholarship program for university student-athletes by analyzing Dialogues in the Film [The Blind Side] and to derive the meaning of this to Korean society and education field. In summary, the first is that there is a need for fundamental change in the thinking about gender discrimination and racist expressions expressed in everyday life including a Sport field not only in the United states but also in Korean society. Second, the Korea University Sports Federation(KUSF), like NCAA, is working on the right to study and human rights of university athletes, but in the commercialism of modern sports related to the capitalism, these systems and regulations could be a bigger obstacle to the process of growing young players. And finally, like the case of "Flower-loving Ferdinand" who having a lot in common with the main character, Michael in the Film, I hope that there will be a "Sports Ferdinand" that likes the sport itself, which is fully satisfied with its life and lives happily even if it is not a sports star.

A Study on Deep Learning Model for Discrimination of Illegal Financial Advertisements on the Internet

  • Kil-Sang Yoo; Jin-Hee Jang;Seong-Ju Kim;Kwang-Yong Gim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.8
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2023
  • The study proposes a model that utilizes Python-based deep learning text classification techniques to detect the legality of illegal financial advertising posts on the internet. These posts aim to promote unlawful financial activities, including the trading of bank accounts, credit card fraud, cashing out through mobile payments, and the sale of personal credit information. Despite the efforts of financial regulatory authorities, the prevalence of illegal financial activities persists. By applying this proposed model, the intention is to aid in identifying and detecting illicit content in internet-based illegal financial advertisining, thus contributing to the ongoing efforts to combat such activities. The study utilizes convolutional neural networks(CNN) and recurrent neural networks(RNN, LSTM, GRU), which are commonly used text classification techniques. The raw data for the model is based on manually confirmed regulatory judgments. By adjusting the hyperparameters of the Korean natural language processing and deep learning models, the study has achieved an optimized model with the best performance. This research holds significant meaning as it presents a deep learning model for discerning internet illegal financial advertising, which has not been previously explored. Additionally, with an accuracy range of 91.3% to 93.4% in a deep learning model, there is a hopeful anticipation for the practical application of this model in the task of detecting illicit financial advertisements, ultimately contributing to the eradication of such unlawful financial advertisements.

The Regime of Peron(1943-1955) and the Apparition of the People as Social Subjects - from the Perspective of the Populist Discourse of Laclau - (페론체제(1943-1955)와 '대중'의 사회적 주체의 출현 - 라클라우의 포퓰리즘 담론의 시각에서 -)

  • Ahn, Tae-hwan
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.123-152
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    • 2011
  • The long standing people's culture of Latin America based on social solidarity of the communities makes the political relations between the leader and the people very different from them of the european societies based on the representative democracy. At any rate, the main stream of the Populist Discourses sees the real populist political processes with the pejorative senses attributing the demagogue style of the leaders. In these sense, it is very important to re-consider the populism discourses of Ernesto Laclau who thinks that the populism is a way of interpreting the emergence of the people to establish the social demands in the context of populist real politics. According to Laclau, "the populism seeks for the radical reconfiguration of the revolt of the 'Status Quo' and new order". This work will confirm if this interpretation of Laclau can be applied to Peronist political regime. Meanwhile the first group of the orthodox line of the discourses on populism including Gino Germani shows that the populism is a political movement based on the manipulation and demagogue by the charismatic leader of the irrational mass during the period in transition after the crises of the traditional oligarchy in Latin America. And another line of the main stream of discourses on populism including Cardoso and O'Donnell says that the populism is a political phenomena in a period of transition towards the modernization and the national development by means of the industrialization through the substitution of the imports and the alliance between the classes after the 1930's. But these principal interpretations on populism disregards that in Argentina many urban poor working class people had lived under the racist, unequal painful social relations due to the underestimation and the discrimination by the upper and the middle class with many intellectuals. But Peronism had considered them as the new social subjects with human dignities. And so we have to rethink the clientelism also with another meanings. In this sense, the theories of Ernesto Laclau on populism is very helpful to illuminate the sensitive and ambiguous meanings of Peronism. Especially Peronism makes the urban working class maintain their life styles more tended to them of the traditional communities and go towards the anti-Status Quo. That is a key of success of Peronism not only that time but until these days. And so this study will show that it is the most important thing that Peronist regime had made the emergence of the 'people' in the meaning of advancing the democracy in Argentina.