• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mass-Spring

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A Study on the Effects of Hysteretic Characteristics of Leaf Springs on Handling of a Large-Sized Truck (판스프링의 이력특성이 대형트럭의 조종성능에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • 문일동;오재윤
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2001
  • This paper performs static and dynamic tests of a multi-leaf spring and a tapered leaf spring to investigate their hysteretic characteristics. In the static test, trapezoidal input load is applied with 0.1Hz excitation frequency and with zero initial loading conditions. In the dynamic test, sinusoidal input load is applied with five excitation amplitudes and three excitation frequencies. In these tests, static and dynamic hysteretic characteristics of the multi-leaf spring and the tapered leaf spring are compared, and, the effects of excitation amplitudes and frequencies on dynamic spring rate are also shown. In this paper, actual vehicle tests are performed to study the effects of hysteretic characteristics of the large-sized truck's handling performance. The multi-leaf spring or the tapered leaf spring is used in the front suspension. The actual vehicle test is performed in a double lane change track with three velocities. Lateral acceleration, yaw rate and roll angle are measured using a gyro-meter located at the mass center of the cab. The test results showed that a large-sized truck with a tapered leaf spring needs to have an additional apparatus such as roll stabilizer bar to increase the roll stabilizer due to hysteretic characteristics.

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Control strategy of the lever-type active multiple tuned mass dampers for structures

  • Li, Chunxiang;Han, Bingkang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 2007
  • The lever-type active multiple tuned mass dampers (LT-AMTMD), consisting of several lever-type active tuned mass dampers (LT-ATMD), is proposed in this paper to attenuate the vibrations of long-span bridges under the excitation directly acting on the structure, rather than through the base. With resorting to the derived analytical-expressions for the dynamic magnification factors of the LT-AMTMD structure system, the performance assessment then is conducted on the LT-AMTMD with the identical stiffness and damping coefficient but unequal mass. Numerical results indicate that the LT-AMTMD with the actuator set at the mass block can provide better effectiveness in reducing the vibrations of long-span bridges compared to the LT-AMTMD with the actuator set at other locations. An appealing feature of the LT-AMTMD with the actuator set at the mass block is that the static stretching of the spring may be freely adjusted in accordance with the practical requirements through changing the location of the support within the viable range while maintaining the same performance (including the same stroke displacement). Likewise, it is shown that the LT-AMTMD with the actuator set at the mass block can further ameliorate the performance of the lever-type multiple tuned mass dampers (LT-MTMD) and has higher effectiveness than a single lever-type active tuned mass damper (LT-ATMD). Therefore, the LT-AMTMD with the actuator set at the mass block may be a better means of suppressing the vibrations of long-span bridges with the consequence of not requiring the large static stretching of the spring and possessing a desirable robustness.

The Influence of Long-range Transport on Springtime Nocturnal Ozone Enhancement in Seoul (봄철 서울지역 야간 오존농도 상승에 미치는 장거리 수송의 영향)

  • 오인보;김유근
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.503-514
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    • 2004
  • In Seoul metropolitan area, nocturnal variation of surface ozone concentrations observed at 27 monitoring sites from 1998 to 2002 showed that high ozone levels occurred frequently during the spring. Frequency distributions for nighttime ozone indicated that elevated concentrations in spring were influenced by advection of different air mass compared to other seasons. Surface wind analysis during the spring revealed that relatively strong southwesterly winds were associated with nocturnal ozone enhancement, which can be attributed to the regional transport of ozone. In order to identify the origin of nocturnal ozone enhancement in spring, 3-day backward trajectories were calculated by HYSPLIT 4 for the episode days and then classified. The results showed that NW, W, and SW flows, indicating influence of polluted air masses from the China continent, have 51% in a]1 the episode days, which suggest that the nocturnal ozone enhancement can occur under the effect of long-range transport of ozone-laden air mass on a regional scale. Case study of nocturnal ozone maxima associated with long-range transport was discussed in more detail in the light of meteorological conditions. Southwesterly synoptic flow along the outer edge of moving high-pressure system was found to be the important cause of nocturnal ozone maxima in Seoul. This flow could lead to be long-range transport of ozone that had effectively accumulated in the stagnating portion of the system located eastern coast of China. Low atmosphere soundings, backward trajectories, and elevated ozone and CO levels at the back-ground tiles gave evidence for regional effects on nocturnal ozone enhancement In Seoul.

The Effect of Moving Mass on Dynamic Behavior of Cracked Cantilever Beam on Elastic Foundations (탄성기초 위에 놓인 크랙 외팔보의 동특성에 미치는 이동질량의 영향)

  • Ahn, Sung-Jin;Son, In-Soo;Yoon, Han-Ik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.826-831
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    • 2005
  • In this paper the effect of moving mass on dynamic behavior of cracked cantilever beam on elastic foundations is presented. Based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the equation of motion can be constructed by using the Lagrange's equation. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments. That is, the crack is modelled as a rotational spring. This flexibility matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory. The crack is assumed to be in the first mode of fracture. As the depth of the crack is increased, the tip displacement of the cantilever beam is increased. When the crack depth is constant the frequency of a cracked beam is proportional to the spring stiffness.

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Stability of Stepped Columns Subjected to Nonconservative Force (비보존력이 작용하는 불연속 변단면 기둥의 안정성)

  • Oh, Sang-Jin;Mo, Jeong-Man;Lee, Jae-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.801-804
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate the stability of stepped cantilever columns with a tip mass of rotatory inertia and a translational spring at one end. The column model is based on the Bernoulli-Euler theory which neglects the effects of rotatory inertia and shear deformation. The governing differential equation for the free vibration of columns with stepwise variable cross-section and subjected to a subtangential follower force is solved numerically using the corresponding boundary conditions. And the bisection method is used to calculate the critical divergence/flutter load. The frequency and critical divergence/flutter load for the stepped column with a single step are presented as functions of various non-dimensional system parameters: the segmental length parameter, the section ratio, the subtangential parameter, the mass, the moment of inertia of the mass, and the spring parameter.

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Effect of Moving Mass on Dynamic Behavior of Cracked Cantilever Beam on Elastic Foundations (탄성기초 위에 놓인 크랙 외팔보의 동특성에 미치는 이동질량의 영향)

  • Ahn, Sung-Jin;Son, In-Soo;Yoon, Han-Ik
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.10 s.103
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    • pp.1195-1201
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the effect of a moving mass on dynamic behavior of the cracked cantilever beam on elastic foundations is presented. Based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, the equation of motion can be constructed by using the Lagrange's equation. The crack section is represented by a local flexibility matrix connecting two undamaged beam segments. That is, the crack is modelled as a rotational spring. This flexibility matrix defines the relationship between the displacements and forces across the crack section and is derived by applying fundamental fracture mechanics theory The crack is assumed to be in the first mode of fracture. As the depth of crack is increased, the tip displacement of the cantilever beam is Increased. When the depth of crack is constant, the frequency of a cracked beam is proportional to the spring stiffness.

Use of the Mass-Spying Lattice Model for Simulation of Ultrasonic Waves in Austenitic Welds

  • Baek, Eun-Sol;Yim, Hyun-June
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2006
  • Feasibility is studied for an application of the mass-spring lattice model (MSLM), a numerical model previously developed for unidirectional composites, to the numerical simulation of ultrasonic inspection of austenitic welds modeled as transversely isotropic. Fundamental wave processes, such as propagation, reflection, refraction, and diffraction of ultrasonic waves in such an inspection are simulated using the MSLM. All numerical results show excellent agreement with the analytical results. Further, a simplified model of austenitic weld inspection has been successfully simulated using the MSLM. In conclusion, a great potential of the MSLM in numerically simulating ultrasonic inspections of austenitic welds has been manifested in this work, though significant further efforts will be required to develop a model with field practicality.

Position Control of Chained Multiple Mass-Spring-Damper Systems - Adaptive Output Feedback Control Approaches

  • S. S. Ge;L. Huang;Lee, T. H.
    • International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.144-155
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    • 2004
  • This paper addresses the issue of position control of a chain of multiple mass-spring-damper (CMMSD) units which can be found in many physical systems. The dynamic model of a CMMSD system with any degrees of freedom is expressed in a closed-form for the convenience of the controller design. Backstepping and model reference adaptive control (MRAC) approaches are then used to develop two adaptive output feedback controllers to control the position of a CMMSD system. The proposed controllers rely on the measurements of the input (force) and the output (position of the mass unit at the end of the chain) of the system without the knowledge of its parameters and internal states. Simulations are used to verify the effectiveness of the controllers

Considerations on Improvement of Moving Properties for Magnetic Actuator Capable of Movement in Pipe

  • Izumikawa, Tomohiro;Yaguchi, Hiroyuki
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.263-267
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    • 2011
  • The present paper proposes a novel cableless magnetic actuator with a new propulsion module that exhibits a very high thrusting force. This actuator contains an electrical inverter that directly transforms DC from button batteries into AC. The electrical DC-AC inverter incorporates a mass-spring system, a reed switch, and a curved permanent magnet that switches under an electromagnetic force. The actuator is moved by the inertial force of the mass-spring system due to mechanical resonance energy. The experimental results show that the actuator is able to move upward at a speed of 33 mm/s when using 10 button batteries when pulling a 10 g load mass. This cableless magnetic actuator has several possible applications, including narrow-pipe inspection and maintenance.

Two-Dimensional Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Ultrasonic Testing

  • Yim, Hyun-June;Baek, Eun-Sol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.649-658
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    • 2002
  • As an attempt to further improve the reliability and effectiveness of ultrasonic testing (UT), a two-dimensional numerical simulator of UT was developed. The simulator models the wave medium (or test object) using the mass-spring lattice model (MSLM) that consists of mass-points and springs. Some previous simulation results, obtained by using MSLM, are briefly reviewed in this paper, for propagation, reflection, and scattering of ultrasonic waves. Next, the models of transmitting and receiving piezoelectric transducers are introduced with some numerical results, which is a main focus of this paper. The UT simulator, established by combining the transducer models with the MSLM, was used to simulate many UT setups. In this paper, two simple setups are considered as examples, and their simulated A-scan signals are discussed. The potential of the MSLM, transducer models, and the UT simulator developed in this study to be used in the actual UT is confirmed.