• Title/Summary/Keyword: Mass-Spring

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Dynamic Response of a Beam Structure with Discrete Supports Subjected to a Moving Mass (이동질량에 의한 이산지지 보 구조물의 동적응답)

  • Oh, B.J.;Ryu, B.J.;Lee, G.S.;Lee, Y.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.264-270
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    • 2011
  • This paper deals with dynamic response of a beam structure with discrete spring-damper supports under a moving mass. Governing equations of motion taking into account of all inertia effects of the moving mass were derived by Galerkin's mode summation method, and Runge-Kutta integration method was applied to solve the differential equations. The effects of the speed of the moving mass, spring stiffness, damping coefficient, span number of a beam structure, mass ratio of the moving mass on the dynamic response of the beam structure have been studied. Some numerical results provide design engineers for the beam structure design with discrete supports under a moving mass.

Influence of Surfactant on Mass Transfer of Vertical Absorber (수직관 흡수기의 물질전달에 미치는 계면활성제의 영향)

  • Kwon, Oh-Kyung;Yoon, Jung-In;Yun, Jae-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.604-611
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    • 2003
  • This study was concerned with the enhancement of mass transfer by surfactant added to the aqueous solution of LiBr. Different vertical inner tubes were tested with and without an additive of normal octyl alcohol. The test tubes were a bare tube, groove tube, corrugate tube and inserted spring tubes. The additive concentration of normal octyl alcohol as a surfactant is about 0.08mass%. The Sherwood number was measured as a function of film Reynolds number 20~200. The experimental results were compared with those which use no surfactant. The enhancement of mass transfer by Marangoni convection effect which was generated by addition of the surfactant is proved for each testing tube Especially, it is clarified that the tube with the spring has the highest enhancement effect. A correlation of the experimental mass transfer data for the bare, groove, corrugate and insert spring tubes results expressed as the form of Sh=cㆍ Re$_{f}$ $^{n}$ .

An approximate formula to calculate the fundamental period of a fixed-free mass-spring system with varying mass and stiffness

  • Kim, Juwhan;CoIIins, Kevin R.;Lim, Yun Mook
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.717-732
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    • 2007
  • A formula to approximate the fundamental period of a fixed-free mass-spring system with varying mass and varying stiffness is formulated. The formula is derived mainly by taking the dominant parts from the general form of the characteristic polynomial, and adjusting the initial approximation by a coefficient derived from the exact solution of a uniform case. The formula is tested for a large number of randomly generated structures, and the results show that the approximated fundamental periods are within the error range of 4% with 90% of confidence. Also, the error is shown to be normally distributed with zero mean, and the width of the distribution (as measured by the standard deviation) tends to decrease as the total number of discretized elements in the system increases. Other possible extensions of the formula are discussed, including an extension to a continuous cantilever structure with distributed mass and stiffness. The suggested formula provides an efficient way to estimate the fundamental period of building structures and other systems that can be modeled as mass-spring systems.

Vibration Analysis of Vertical Pumps (수직펌프의 진동해석)

  • 홍진선
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.928-935
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    • 1999
  • Vertical pumps are widely used owing to the fact that they occupy small floor space. In this type of pumps, however, the vibrational problems are very important, since, in many cases, they have less stiffness in comparison with lateral pumps. This study presents a simple solution method for calculating the natural frequencies and modes of vertical pumps. In this study, a mode of a vertical pump was developed and the nondimensional parameters for the vibrational characteristics of it were determined. Added mass was calculated for the effects of water and the transfer matrix method was used.

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Effects of a Human Impedance and a First-Order-Hold Method on Stability of a Haptic System with a Virtual Spring Model (인간 모델과 1차 샘플-홀드 방식이 가상 스프링 모델 시스템의 안정성에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Kyungno
    • Journal of Institute of Convergence Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2013
  • When a human operator interacts with a virtual wall that is modeled as a virtual spring model, the lager the stiffness of the virtual spring is, the more realistic the operator feels that the virtual wall is. In the previous studies, it is shown that the maximum available stiffness of a virtual spring to guarantee the stability can be increased when the first-order-hold method is applied, however the effects of a human impedance on the stability are not considered. This paper presents the effects of a human impedance on stability of haptic system with a virtual spring and a first-order-hold (FOH) method. The human impedance model is modeled as a linear second-order system model. The relations between the maximum available stiffness of a virtual spring and the human impedance such as a mass, a damping and a stiffness are analyzed through the MATLAB simulation. It is shown that the maximum available stiffness is proportional to the square root of the human mass or damping respectively.

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A Study on the Particles Density Estimation in Seoul Metropolitan (서울시 미세먼지의 밀도 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Shin-Do;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Hwang, Ui-Hyun
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2008
  • The variation of the particle size distribution and density as well as the chemical composition of aerosols is important to evaluate the particles. This study measured and analyzed airborne particles using a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) system and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) at the University of Seoul during every season. The highest particle number concentration of airborne particles less than $0.9\;{\mu}m$, occurred in winter, while the highest particle number concentration of airborne particles more than $0.9\;{\mu}m$, occurred in spring. Mass concentration appeared highest at spring. Also, when we compared $\beta$-ray's mass concentration with calculated mass concentration by using the SMPS-APS system during each season, density of the winter is $1.92\;g/cm^3$, spring density is $1.64\;g/cm^3$, fall density is $1.57\;g/cm^3$. We found out that PM10 density was differ every season. However, while the calculated density is whole density for PM10 the density of each diameter was different. In this study the density estimation equation of the QCM cascade impactor measured mass concentration of each diameter.

Effects of a Virtual Mass with a Low-pass Filter on Stable Boundaries of a Haptic System with First-order Hold (가상질량과 저주파통과필터가 일차홀드를 포함한 햅틱 시스템의 안정성 영역에 미치는 영향)

  • Kyungno Lee
    • Journal of Institute of Convergence Technology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents the effects of a virtual mass with a low-pass filter on stability boundaries of a virtual spring in the haptic system with first-order hold. A virtual mass is required to improve the realism of a virtual environment. However the second derivative of a displacement of a haptic device is needed while the inertia forces are computed, which causes the reflective force to change quickly and then makes the haptic system unstable. A low pass filter is added to resolve this problem and the stability region of a haptic system depends on the characteristics of the filter. In this paper the finite impulse response filter (FIR filter) is applied as one of low pass filters and the effect of the FIR filter on the stable region of a haptic system with first order hold is analyzed. When compared to stable region of the system without the FIR filter, the region of available virtual mass is increased by 20% and the maximum of the stable virtual spring is reduced by 32%, irrespective of the sampling time. Besides it is shown that the stable region of a virtual spring is proportional to the inverse square of the sampling period.

Numerical Evaluation of Phase Velocity and Attenuation of Ultrasonic Waves in Fiber-Reinforced Composites Using the Mass-Spring-Dashpot Lattice Model

  • Baek, Eun-Sol;Yim, Hyun-June
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.483-495
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    • 2008
  • The paper presents a numerical study to evaluate the phase velocities and attenuations of the average longitudinal and shear ultrasonic waves resulting from multiple scattering in fiber-reinforced composites. A computational procedure developed in this work is first used to produce a random, yet largely even distribution of fibers. Both the viscoelastic epoxy matrix and lossless randomly distributed graphite fibers are modeled using the mass-spring-dashpot lattice model, with no damping for the latter. By numerically simulating ultrasonic through-transmission tests using this direct model of composites, phase velocities and attenuations of the longitudinal and shear waves through the composite are found as functions of frequency or fiber concentration. The numerical results are observed to generally agree with the corresponding results in the literature. Discrepancies found in some detail aspects, particularly in the attenuation results, are also addressed.

Evaluation of high performance isolation spring mount by attached masses (부가질량 효과에 따른 고효율 방진마운트의 진동저감 성능평가)

  • Ho, Kyoung-Chan;Lee, Byoung-Chul;Lee, Yong-Hyun;Lee, Young-Je;Kim, Min-Bae
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.1247-1252
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    • 2007
  • The machine equipment of the building inside occurs the vibration. In order to reduce this vibration spring, rubber pad is used. But efficiency of this classical mount is restricted at specific frequency. Also maximum efficiency design is complicated. This paper proposes and examines a attached mass isolation system that is used to reduce transmitted vibrations from machines onto their floor support. With attached mass the low frequency performance is improved overall. The performance is showed in 2 degree of freedom model test. And the proposed isolator has been validated by dynamic test and good agreement between theoretical and experimental results has been obtained.

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Seasonal characteristics of Elemental and Orgainc Carbon (미세입자 ($PM_{2.5}$) 에 포함된 탄소농도계절 특성)

  • 강병욱
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2000
  • Elemental carbon(EC) and organic carbon(OC) in fine particles (PM2.5) were collected from October 1995 through August 1996 in the Chongju area. The annual mean concentrations of EC and OC were 4.44 and 4.99 $\mu\textrm{g}$/m3 respectively. EC showed seasonal variation (p<0.01) The magnitude of the seasonal mean EC concen-tration progresses in the following manner : fall>winter>spring>summer. However OC was not statistically seasonal difference(p=0.20) The annual average OC/EC ratio was 1.12 suggesting that organic carbon measured may by emitted directly in particulate form(primary aerosol) The contribution of EC to PM2.5 mass follows a general pattern in which fall(14.6%) > winter (9.8%) >spring(7.8%) =summer(7.8%) and the contribution of OC to the PM2.5 mass varies in order fall(13.8%) >winter(11.3%) >spring(10.5%) >summer (9.4%) Total carbona-ceous particles(EC and OC) accounted for 17-28% of the PM2.5 mass.

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