• Title/Summary/Keyword: Marketing promotion

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A Study on the Dynamic Purchase Response Function for Fashion Goods (패션제품의 동태적 구매반응함수에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Min Ho;Kwak, Young Sik;Hwang, Sun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2014
  • In cases of fashion businesses operating by consignment, base estimate on quantity of sales is the most essential part of merchandising. This study classified factors influential to sales into factors with systematic influence and factors with unsystematic influence. In order to find out influence of each factor on sales, non-linear regression was used with SPSS package on the basis of actual data on sales for 5 years for sport shoes brand. Major findings of this study are as follows. First, price level had significant negative(-) influence on sales. Second, price expectation effects had significant negative(-) influence on sales. Third, competitor's price effect showed significant negative(-) value. Fourth, day-of-the-week effect showed significant positive(+) effect. The theoretical marketing implications of this study are as follows. First, study on price leads to expansion of the researches from apparels to sport shoes. Field of study on price was enlarged through expansion of variable of study from price level and price expectation effect to promotion, day-of-the-week effect and rainfall effect. Second, quantitative scale of day-of-the-week effect was found and it could be confirmed that there was seasonal differences with day-of-the-week effect. Implications of above findings on marketing managers are as follows. First, it was found that an increase in competitiveness of brand power and a decline in absolute value of competitor's price effect can be realized when new product groups are developed to meet the unsatisfied needs in the market. Second, it was possible to find out the parameters scales of the price response function, making it possible to estimate sales for the next season, and in turn realize increase in rate of sales and profit rate. This research is based on the dynamic price response function, which is rare to find in the apparel business and it academic significance due to its expanding response model which was focused on price in conventional researches to non-systematic variables.

A Study on the Promotion of Curriculum & Design Department through Marketing Strategy (디자인학과 경쟁력 제고와 커리큘럼 활성화를 위한 마케팅 전략 방안에 관한 연구)

  • 여훈구
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 1999
  • Today when an age of unlimited competition is being ushered in, we are witnessing a Domino phenomenon driving many companies into insolvency due to the control of IMF bailout program and national management crisis. Amid such an extreme vortex, our companies are struggling hared to survive the crisis. As it is, it is very difficult for domestic companies to invest their capitals in the development of new technologies as they did in the past. Particularly, as knowhow or information regarding new technologies or products are databased or computerized enough to allow for its easier sharing or transmission, the conventional competitive edges are being dismissed more and more. Under such circumstances, the industrial design may be the best strategy or means for domestic companies to surmount their management crisis. For an industrial design may help to create a higher added value with a shouter-term investment or effort than other types of research and development efforts. In order to realize such a higher added value of the industrial design with a shorter-term investment, it is required to establish an educational system which can continue to supply the quality design professionals armed with sense of creativity and practical applicability. Only when such an educational system has been established, our companies can afford to advance into the world markets with their unique designs produced by their professional designers. With such a basic conception in mind, this study was aimed at providing for the data useful to establishment of a scientific and systematic industrial design education system or the prerequisite for development of our industrial designs. To this end, the educational system of domestic and foreign college design departments were investigated and analyzed, while researcher's experience at a design department of Yuhan college (hereunder called 'Y' college) were used. Based on the results of investigation and analysis, marketing strategies for design departments are put forwards together with a new pedagogic method of bringing up professional industrial designers through reinforcement of the design department curriculum.

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A Study of Influencing Sequential Relationship on the Loyalty (점포충성도의 상호순차적인 영향관계에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Geun-Ha;Youn, Ki-Ho;Yang, Yeon-Jo;Seo, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.14
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2004
  • This study is to investigate structure relationship between factors influencing or mediating store loyalty in service encounter. The result of study suggests salesperson's voluntary service has an effect on store loyalty through interpersonal relationship and store satisfaction. On the other hand, nonvoluntary service doesn't statistically influence interpersonal relationship but influences store loyalty through store satisfaction. Interestingly this results shows that store loyalty is consisted of cognitive loyalty, affective loyalty, intentional loyalty, and behavioral loyalty and each loyalty have an affect in sequence each other. Managerial implications on research result is followed as first, as an evaluation method of salesperson, it is useful to evaluate salesperson's behavioral performance. second, to build store loyalty, it must make an effort for marketer to differentiate through store promotion in terms of customer's cognitive perspectives. It is meaningful for these results to apply to current retailing situations practically.

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A Transaction Cost Approach to Analysis on Determinants of Korean SMEs' Transformation into Direct Export (거래비용이론을 이용한 중소기업의 직접수출 전환 결정요인 분석)

  • HA, Sungheun;Jeong, Yoon-Say;Park, Hyun-Hee
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.181-201
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    • 2016
  • In this study, transaction cost approach was applied to analysis on direct export determinants of SMEs by using key attributes of transactions, asset specificity, environmental uncertainty, frequency and marketing capability, with a parameter of opportunism. Typical Transaction Cost Analysis theory explains that when transaction cost with business channels(whether it is for buy or sell) increase, the firms integrate the channels. So it is a choice made by firms regarding direct versus indirect channels. The theory was extended to a model of choice of institutional form of direct or indirect export by a norm of opportunism in this empirical study. The survey result showed that lower level of asset specificity and marketing capability or higher level of environmental uncertainty were likely to expose indirect exporters to higher level of opportunism of direct exporter. And we also saw that indirect exporters were likely to choose direct export chanel when opportunism of exporters was higher. From the standpoint of theory, we can say that the basic propositions of the Transaction Cost Analysis, except the attribute of frequency, are supported. This study result could provide a profiling of target business areas and firms for government's policy on direct export promotion of SMEs.

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A Study on the Effects of Quality Evaluation Cues on Private Brands Purchasing Behavior (유통업체 상표의 구매행동에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Mahn;Kang, Seok-Jeong;Byeon, Choong-Kyu
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.7
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    • pp.353-374
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    • 2001
  • Price and brand are two major attributes of products that consumer purchases. Price is important because it is often a measure of worth and quality. Some consumers purchase only well-known national brands. However, By reason of the price competition on account of new business condition and depressions, and consumers practical and rational purchasing tendency, consumers tend to purchase private brands(PB hereafter) because as consumers they expect that producers have reasonable and acceptable quality. Accordingly, The study, with intrinsic cue, extrinsic cue, familiarity anything like these cues from the study of Richardson et aI(1994, 1996), intends to present current topics we guide in retailer's promotion strategy for PB. As for investigating how quality evaluation has on effect on the private brands purchasing behavior of discount store grocery items. This study establishes a hypotheses on the basis of the quality evaluation cues of PB and literature review for purchasing behavior and collects materials for consumers about 196, and also analyzes them using a variety of SPSS/PC+package program. Therefore, the findings of this study provide the following managerial implications. 1) Retailer will successful in increasing private brand market share through dramatic improvement in package design, labeling, advertising, and branding strategies. 2) Planned Purchasers have high intention to repurchase PB because they buy them reasonably in accordance with the estimate therefore, they might have word-of-mouth effect for the evaluation of quality and recognition. They need to acknowledge benefits for PB purchases to maintain purchase like that. 3) The main consumers are housewives in their thirties and forties and they something reasonably because they have a lot of family and retailer will work out.

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Retail Sale Advertising: Effects of Reference Price, Price Rationale and Price-Quality Inference on Evaluation of Apparel Attributes (비교가격 광고의 준거가격과 소매점의 가격할인취지 및 소비자의 가격 -품질 연상 심리 수준이 의류제품 속성 평가에 미치는 영향-)

  • Hyun, Ji-Eun;Hong, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.9
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    • pp.47-75
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of reference price, price rationale and price-quality inference of consumer on the evaluation of apparel quality. The experimental materials developed for this study were a set of stimulus and response sheet. The stimuli were six print ads, which was manipulated by reference price and price rationale for a jacket of national brand. This study used a 2(reference price: offer and non offer)$\times$3(price rationale: non offer, stock disposal, sales promotion) $\times$2(price-quality inference of consumer: high and low level) between-subjects experiment. Subjects were 371 female university students. The data were analyzed by factor analysis, ANOVA and t-test. The results were as follows. First, three apparel attributes were identified: sewing/fabrics and label by factor analysis. Second, the significant interaction effects of reference price, price rationale and price-quality inference of consumer were found on evaluating quality of sewing/fabrics and label of apparel. So, reference price effect differed to depending on type of price rationale and levels of price-quality inference. Third, the significant main effect of price-quality inference of consumer existed on evaluating construction quality of apparel.

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Design of cultural products for the promotion of Korean cultural image - Focuseed on application by traditional Korean patterns - (한국적 문화이미지 고양.확대를 위한 문화상품 개발 - 전통문양의 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • 박현택
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 1998
  • The forthcoming twenty-first century is at the mercy of information and culture. A quality of humanlife is under the control of a cultural level. A nation's creative culture and a cultural level represent all things about the nation; and a national image, as a whole result of culture, is enormously influential. This new era of culturalism gives us a significant responsibility for getting ready for the late industrial society by practically harmonizing rationality of modem culture with conception of traditional culture. Industrializing culture and culturalizing industry will be the most important strategy for existence in these days of borderless international competitiveness. Cultural products which is containing a nation's own culture can not only enhance the national image, but also become high value-added industry. While general products are developed for the purpose of convenient and practical use, cultural products are created with the intention of informing international society about a nation or a region. In order to confront with a global market system and a change of cultural environment, it is necessary to create a proper design with cultural inheritance for modem likes and senses, to produce the design on a commercial scale, and to strengthen its competitiveness on international markets. In order that a commodity is born, distributed throughout markets, and delivered to a final consumer, it is essential to understand complicated process such as development, distribution and marketing of products and to systematize each part. Although we should not neglect any part, a political and systemical plan or a distributional and marketing idea will be beside the point in this article. This article presents importance of traditional patterns as a Korean cultural image, and it shows the process of designing and developing products in order for traditional patterns to be utilized for products effectively. I expect that concrete activation and systematization for those works can be carried out successively.

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Effects of Selection Criteria for Eco-Friendly Agricultural Products on Purchase Intention (친환경농산물 선택기준이 구매의도에 미치는 영향 : 소비자 태도와 신뢰의 매개, 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Song;Kim, Dong-Hwan;Lee, Gi-Hwang;Youn, Myoung-Kil
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study investigated the effects of consumers' selection criteria for environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention and the effects of consumers' attitudes and the reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention by using the theory of planned behavior. Subjective norms of variables of behavioral intention, attitudes toward behavior and control of the behavior were used to create selection criteria, consumers' attitudes and reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products. The study investigated the effects of consumers' selection criteria, attitudes, and reliability of environment-friendly agricultural products on purchase intention constructing models and hypotheses of mediation and moderation between selection criteria for agricultural products and purchase intention by consumers' attitudes and reliability. Research design, data, and methodology - The findings were as follows: first, consumers' selection criteria for environment-friendly agricultural products had a significantly affirmative influence upon purchase intention. Health was the most important factor of selection criteria convenience was more important than quality and familiarity was next. Consumers' attitudes and trust had a significant influence on purchase intention. Second, testing showed that consumers' attitude and trust partially mediated selection criteria: sub-factors and purchase intention were important in selection criteria. Third, testing showed that consumers' attitude and trust had a significant moderation effect between selection criteria and purchase intention. In the test of the moderation effect between sub-factors of selection criteria and purchase intention, consumers' attitude had a significantly positive influence upon health, convenience, and familiarity, and had no significant influence upon quality and purchase intention. Consumers' trust had no significant influence upon health, convenience, and quality. Results - The study provided several theoretical implications: first, an empirical analysis was undertaken with selection criteria for environmental-friendly agricultural products, consumers' attitude, and trust to investigate subjective norms, attitude toward behavior and control of behavior based on the theory of planned behavior. Second, this study investigated both the mediation effect and moderation effect of consumers' subjective norms on attitudes toward behavior, the mediating effects of perceived behavior control and changes of behavioral intention depending upon size and direction of the variables. This study also provided several practical implications. Conclusions - First, consumption of environment-friendly agricultural products did not increase despite rapid increase of production therefore, promotion of consumption and distribution was needed considering the supply and demand of the products. Second, definite standards for selection criteria were suggested to build up consumers' attitude and trust. Consumers' attitude could be improved by factors including the brand of environment-friendly agricultural products, consistent quality, solving physiological problems caused by adverse effects of environmental problems, supplementary approaches, treatment of adverse effects by eating food, and the development and supply of products in accordance with changes of lifestyle. Finally, consumers' demand for sub-factors of selection criteria could be much higher than health, convenience, and quality of the products. Therefore, a process was needed that could continuously check consumers' needs for the products. Limitations were described at the end of the study.

The Influence of Exhibitions as a Marketing Tool on Business Performance - An Illustration from a Defence Industry - (전시회 참가활동이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 방위산업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jung-Han;Jeon, In-Oh
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.141-159
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    • 2009
  • In the early 1990's, international security environment bring on the change. So each countries should have renewed the defence policy. The developed countries make efforts to keep the superiority of military industry with an high technology and huge capital. One of the efforts is the defence industry exhibitions for the management performance regarded as the marketing strategic principal method. The result of the opening exhibitions has been studied by research papers and treatises. A exhibitions' goal is different from an it's characteristic, type, industry, participator, institution and participating nation. An enterprise's management performance is runs as follows. First, an exhibitions participation activation has an effect re-participation following the satisfaction. Second, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to be on sale promotion, The result of the exhibitions participation is classified with sale performance and non-sale performance. The third, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to the effective company management. The huge fund advertisement is a financial burden, but a exhibitions takes effect one-fifth economical retrenchment. Accordingly, this study researched the exhibition participation choice properties, an exhibitions participation activation properties and investigated the Korea defence industry's income statement, balance sheet, growth ratios, profitability ratios, productivity ratios, stability ratios which were substitute for the enterprise's management performance through the exhibitions participation costs and the number of times.

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The Influence of Exhibitions as a Marketing Tool on Business Performance - An Illustration from a Defence Industry - (전시회 참가활동이 기업의 경영성과에 미치는 영향 - 방위산업체를 중심으로 -)

  • Han, Jung-Han;Jeon, In-Oh
    • 한국벤처창업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.10a
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    • pp.223-243
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    • 2009
  • In the early 1990's internation al security environment bring on the change. So each countries should have renewed the defence policy. The developed countries make efforts to keep the superiority of military industry with an high technology and huge capital. One of the efforts is the defence industry exhibitions for the management performance regarded as the marketing strategic principal method. The result of the opening exhibitions has been studied by research papers and treatises. A exhibitions' goal is different from an it's characteristic, type, industry, participator, institution and participating nation. An enterprise's management performance is runs as follows. First, an exhibitions participation activation has an effect re-participation following the satisfaction. Second, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to be on sale promotion, The result of the exhibitions participation is classified with sale performance and non-sale performance. The third, an exhibitions participation activation contributes to the effective company management. The huge fund advertisement is a financial burden, but a exhibitions takes effect one-fifth economical retrenchment. Accordingly, this study researched the exhibition participation choice properties, an exhibitions participation activation properties and investigated the Korea defence industry's income statement, balance sheet, growth ratios, profitability ratios, productivity ratios, stability ratios which were substitute for the enterprise's management performance through the exhibitions participation costs and the number of times.

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