• Title/Summary/Keyword: Marketing promotion

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Relationship between Airline's Distribution Services SNS Content and Customer Satisfaction

  • YOO, Eunji;PARK, Soyeon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine the impact of characteristics of SNS content provided by airlines on customer satisfaction and to explore the effect of the personal characteristics of the customers which have a modulating effect on the relationship between content characteristics of SNS and customer satisfaction. The data were collected over a period of April 21. 2019. to July 21. 2019. for three months from the people who have experience using SNS provided by airlines. 225 samples were selected and used as final samples from a collection rate of 93.4 percent. Findings suggest that the characteristics of airline's SNS content which include a promotion, information, and communication showed a positive impact on customer satisfaction. The analysis of a modulating effect of individual characteristics on the relationship between the airline's SNS content characteristics showed that diversity pursuit propensity, innovation propensity, and information-seeking propensity control the relationship between characteristics of airline's SNS content which are publicity, information and customer satisfaction. And it was found that all three personal characteristics do not control the relationship between communication and customer satisfaction. Thus, airlines should use SNS more effectively to generate customer satisfaction and present marketing measures to help generate profits through consumer purchasing behavior. It is expected that the findings of this study will help airlines to utilize marketing implications for effective and practical marketing methods.

Developing an Efficient Promotion Strategy for a Multi-Product Retail Store : A Bayesian Network Application (빅데이터를 통한 대형할인매장 촉진활동 전략 분석 : 베이지언 네트워크기법 응용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bumsoo
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.15-33
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    • 2017
  • This paper considers a Bayesian Network analysis for understanding the heterogeneous cross-category effects of different promotion activities and developing an efficient overall promotion strategy for a large retail store. More specifically we differentiate price reduction promotion and floor promotion and study their heterogeneous effect on consumer purchase behavior under a market basket setting. We then utilize Bayesian networks in identifying complex association structure in market basket dataset by analyzing the effects of different promotional activities and also include the effects of time, family income and size. We find from our Bayesian network analysis that the dominant cross-category promotion effect of price promotion is the indirect effect whereas the dominant cross-category promotion effect of floor promotion is the direct effect. Also, among the demographic variables we find that family size of the household is linked with more product categories compared to income and see that there are differences in the extent of the effects by product category. Finally, we also show the existence of products acting as a network hub and how they can be utilized by retailers faced with a limited marketing budget and suggest a more efficient promotion strategy.

A Study on the Impact of Food Industry Marketing Communication Activities on Menu, Selection Criteris and Customer Satisfaction - Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Menu Selection Criteria - (외식업체의 마케팅 커뮤니케이션 활동이 고객만족도에 미치는 영향 연구 - 메뉴선택속성을 조절 변수로 -)

  • Kim, Seong-Soo;Kim, Chan-Woo
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.277-287
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    • 2016
  • This research was conducted over four weeks from April 1, 2016 until April 30. Data collection was of responses from customers who a self-targeting customers who have visited more than 10 eating out establishments in downtown Seoul. First, a regression analysis was conducted to analyze the effect of activity of the food service industry marketing communications on customer satisfaction. First, advertising, B=0.107 (p<.001), convenient, B=0.093 (p<.05), social B=0.294 (p<.01), PR B=0.334 (p<.001), sales promotion B=0.542 (p<.001), personnel sales each had a significant positive influence (+) on customer satisfaction B=0.111 (p<.01). Secondly, menu selection catering property between marketing communications and customer satisfaction analysis of the impact of human Sales were significantly positive (+) Publicity Department had the effect of (-). In addition, advertising and sales promotion did not have any moderating effect.

Influence of Patient's Satisfaction to Marketing Mix on Trust and Relationship Commitment (마케팅믹스에 대한 고객만족이 신뢰 및 관계몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Sik;Ji, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Won-Joong;Choi, Hyun-Ju;Kim, Kwang;Bang, Ki-Hyeon;Yi, Sun-Chan;Cho, Hee-Jung
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2013
  • This study classifies the marketing mix of LASIK eye surgery clinics into 7Ps, examines the influence of each factor of 7Ps(product, place, price, promotion, process, people and physical evidence) on customer satisfaction, and investigates the effect of customer satisfaction on trust and relationship commitment. Survey of 500 patients who received surgeries in 3 eye clinics in Busan area was conducted through self-administered questionnaires, and, with this data, path analysis was performed to estimate the study model. Main result showed that, among 7Ps, product, price, promotion, people and physical evidence had significant positive effect on customer satisfaction which, in turn, had significant positive effect on trust and relationship commitment. Also, it was found that trust positively affected relationship commitment. This result would be considered helpful in medical institution's efforts to establish trust on customer satisfaction and maintain relationship commitment. It also implies that, in order to enhance competitiveness in increasingly competitive medical market, establishment of proper marketing strategy is urgently required where the determinants of customer satisfaction are effectively administered and ultimate relationship commitment of customers based on trust can be maintained and enhanced.

study on the Marketing Mix Strategy of Venture Business in Korea -The venture business is mainly focus to the export- (국내(國內) 벤처기업(企業)의 마케팅 믹스 전략(戰略)에 관한 연구 -수출(輸出) 위주(爲主)의 벤처 기업(企業)을 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Soo;Yang, Hae-Sool
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.660-672
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    • 2007
  • Today venture holds highly skilled technical manpower and high-tech products. To maintain the superiority in competition in the market, it is necessary to complete preparations, first of all, the effectual global marketing strategy should take precedence over the others. Therefore, this research is based on the research report of the special feature, the state of affairs and marketing strategy of venture business and is made up the questionnaire to interview total 200 companies of venture that was registered in Dec. 2006 and then is made the analysis of relevance of the statistical data of 154 companies of them and set up a hypothesis. As the result of it, it is set up two hypotheses. One of them is the difference of products, price, distribution and promotion according to the growth period. And the other is the difference of distribution and promotion according to the turnover. The venture places the great deal of weight on the discriminatory products concerned technical development and marketing activity. It is pointed out that it is to be passive to seek a new market promote the products, because of limitations of manpower, funds, technology and information in the beginning with smalt turnover.

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A Review on Dynamic Changes of Consumer's Attributes and Marketing Mix Strategies of Cut Roses in Korea (장미에 대한 선호속성의 동태적 변화와 마케팅 믹스전략 탐색)

  • Kim, Bae-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.4328-4336
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to find changes of the attributes that influence the purchase of cut roses during recent five years(2007~2011) and suggest some implications on ways to promote cut roses marketing. For this purpose, a survey was conducted through the Internet among 1,100 randomly chosen people living in Seoul, Inchon and Gyeonggi Province in 2011. A total of 1,023 valid replies were received for the analysis of the survey which was carried out by the subsidiary consulting firm. The survey panels and estimation models to analyze changes of consumers' preference attributes during recent five years are same to them of Kim, et al.(2007). That is, empirical analysis tools such as ordered probit model, multinomial logit model, and conjoint analysis were used according to Kim, et al.(2007). This paper suggests several policy implications to set up the target market of cut roses and marketing mix strategy to specify the best 4P(product, price, place and promotion).

The Strategic Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Business Performance in Incheon Free Economic Zone (인천 경제자유구역내 다국적기업의 전략적 외국인직접투자 마케팅과 성과에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Nancy;Yo, Kyongchol
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.327-349
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    • 2012
  • This paper examined the strategic inward foreign direct investment and business performance in free economic zone. attractive of segment and country's competitive advantage were as proxy for the matrix of appropriateness. The marketing differentiation, inducement promotion, incentive, and business support were as proxy for the business performance. Based on the analysis of one hundred twenty cases, the following results were found. First, based on the attractive of segment and country's competitive advantage, the types of four segments was drawn. Second, the segment 4 have a significantly difference on their business performance. Third, strategic foreign direct investment have a significantly high difference on their marketing differentiation but a significantly low difference on their business support. Finally, the business performance, in order of performance, have a significantly difference on their marketing differentiation, inducement promotion, incentive, and business support. Limitation and suggestions for further are also highlighted.

Weblog Analysis of University Admissions Website using Google Analytics (구글 애널리틱스를 활용한 대학 입시 홈페이지 웹로그 분석)

  • Su-Hyun Ahn;Sang-Jun Lee
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.1_spc
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2024
  • With the rapid decline of the school-age population, the competition for admissions has increased and marketing through digital channels has become more important, so universities are investing more resources in online promotion and communication to recruit new students. This study uses Google Analytics, a web log analysis tool, to track the visitor behavior of a university admissions website and establish a digital marketing strategy based on it. The analysis period was set from July 1, 2023, when Google Analytics 4(GA4) was integrated, to January 10, 2024, when the college admissions process was completed. The analysis revealed interesting patterns such as geographical information based on visitors' access location, devices(operating systems) and browsers used by visitors, acquisition channels through visitors traffic, conversions on pages and screens that visitors engaged with and visitor flow. Based on this study, we expect universities to find ways to strengthen their admission promotion through digital marketing and effectively communicate with applicants to gain a competitive edge.

A Study on the Relationship between Marketing Activities and Brand Equity in Nonprofit Organizations : Focused on the Donation Market of Charitable Organizations (비영리조직의 마케팅 활동과 브랜드 자산 간 관계에 관한 연구: 자선모금기관의 기부시장(donation market)을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Dong-Young;Byun, An-Gie
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.303-325
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    • 2007
  • This study explores the relationship between marketing activities and brand equity in nonprofit organizations, specifically investigating the relational linkage between four selected marketing mix elements and brand equity through the mediating role of brand equity dimensions. Employing a structural equation model, the study empirically tests research hypotheses and finds some important implication for brand equity creation strategies for nonprofits. The results show that brand association is the only dimension that is positively related to brand equity, reflecting the current donation market in Korea where nonprofits have such a low presence that donors have little knowledge and chance to identify their brands and to build trust relationships with them. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance and roles of promotion and process marketing efforts, as they are proved to enhance brand association. The study also finds that promotion is positively related to brand awareness and process contributes to perceived quality and brand loyalty. Based on these findings, the study suggest that nonprofits make further efforts on active promotion and process development to create positive, differentiated images and better accessibility, and finally improve their brand equity.

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A Study on the Costumes and Collaborations in the movie (<위대한 개츠비>의 영화의상과 콜라보레이션 연구)

  • Lee, Heeseung;Kim, Jiyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.80-96
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to consider the expression of costume through the review of cinema costumes and to provide the model of cooperation between fashion and movie industry by analysis of collaboration with fashion brands in the movie . The subjects are the 1974 film directed by Jack Clayton and the 2013 version by Baz Luhrmann. Cinema Fashion was studied by analyzing the costumes of the two main characters, Gatsby and Daisy, in each scene. Gatsby's costume appeared as a model of traditional American classic suit, sensitive G-G look that symbolizes social success and traditional casual style that reflects upper-class life style. Daisy's costume expressed pastel toned luxury flapper look, oriental art deco style, and prestigious jewelry representing high class. The collaborations with fashion brands were carried out with Ralph Lauren and Cartier in 1974 film, and Brooks Brothers, Prada, and Tiffany in 2013. The value of prestige brands that matched the images of the movie was utilized, but marketing strategies for the promotion of fashion goods were not enough in 1974 version. On the other hand, in 2013 film, the effects of collaboration of the movie and fashion brands were forecasted sufficiently and marketing campaigns for promotion were performed in a various ways. The characteristics of collaborations were as follows: (1) the usage of prestige brands value, (2) collections planning and promotion using the stories of a movie, (3) the usage of multidirectional digital media, and (4) multi-dimensional promotion using entertainment factors. In collaborations with the movie, fashion brands could make cooperative relationship to produce the positive effects for promotion and prestige image strategies and draw attention of the people to the movie and fashion.