• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Point

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XSLT Stylesheet Design for Building Web Presentation Layer (웹 프리젠테이션 레이어 생성을 위한 XSLT 스타일쉬트 설계)

  • 채정화;유철중;장옥배
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.255-266
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    • 2004
  • In the Web-based information systems, separating the business process logic from the data and presentation logic brings about a wide range of advantages. However, this separation is not easily achieved; even the data logic may be not separated from the presentation layer. So, it requires to define an model for business processes, and then to map the model into the user's dynamic interface using the logic separating strategy. This paper presents a stylesheet method to recognize the process by extending XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), in order to achieve the logic separation. To do this, it provides an specification of the business process, and a scheme that extracts business model factors and their interactions using a Petri-net notation to show the business model into the process point of view. This is an attempt to separate users' interaction from the business process, that is, dynamic components of interaction Web document from the process structure of Web applications. Our architecture consist mainly of an XSLT controller that is extended by a process control component. The XSLT controller is responsible for receiving the user requests and searching the relevant templet rule related to different user requests one by one. Separation of concerns facilities the development of service-oriented Web sites by making if modular. As a result, the development of service-oriented Web sites would be very easy, and can be changed without affecting the other modules, by virtue of the modularization concept. So, it is easy to develop and maintain the Web applications in independent manner.

Study on the Geographic and Geologic Centers in South Korea Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 남한의 지리 및 지질 중심에 관한 연구)

  • Cheong, Won-Seok;Hwang, Jae-Hong;Kang, Yong-Sock;Na, Ki-Chang
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.416-424
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    • 2006
  • Because there is no generally accepted definition of a geographic center and no completely satisfactory method to determine one, there may be as many geographic centers of a country as there are many definitions. The geographic center of an area may be defined as the center of gravity on a surface, or that point on which the surface of an area would balance if it were a plane of uniform thickness. This research uses geographic information system (GIS) analysis and there are places where it defines the geographical and the geological centers in the inland of South Korea. To compute the geo-centers in South Korea: 1) firstly, we collected existing reaserch data related to digital map data. 2)Secondly, we analyzed a geological center and data collection examples of Korea and other nations-the Europe and America. 3) Thirdly, we carried out numerous processes to build a geodatabase, short for geograhic database, so that GIS analysis and the constructed geodatabase is covered within the inland in South Korea. Where geodatabase is a kind of spatial database. 4) Fourthly, in order to determine the geographical center, we supposed that the condition of continental surface is the plane of homogeneous or irregular density. 5) Consequently, we chose a few resonable conditions and produced a variety of geographical centers that is geometric and gravitational in South Korea. As a result of the analysis, center points are massed to southern part of Chungbuk province, Korea.

Porcine LMNA Is a Positional Candidate Gene Associated with Growth and Fat Deposition

  • Choi, Bong-Hwan;Lee, Jung-Sim;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Seung-Chang;Kim, Sang-Wook;Kim, Kwan-Suk;Lee, Jun-Heon;Seong, Hwan-Hoo;Kim, Tae-Hun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.25 no.12
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    • pp.1649-1659
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    • 2012
  • Crosses between Korean and Landrace pigs have revealed a large quantitative trait loci (QTL) region for fat deposition in a region (89 cM) of porcine chromosome 4 (SSC4). To more finely map this QTL region and identify candidate genes for this trait, comparative mapping of pig and human chromosomes was performed in the present study. A region in the human genome that corresponds to the porcine QTL region was identified in HSA1q21. Furthermore, the LMNA gene, which is tightly associated with fat augmentation in humans, was localized to this region. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping using a Sus scrofa RH panel localized LMNA to a region of 90.3 cM in the porcine genome, distinct from microsatellite marker S0214 (87.3 cM). Two-point analysis showed that LMNA was linked to S0214, SW1996, and S0073 on SSC4 with logarithm (base 10) of odds scores of 20.98, 17.78, and 16.73, respectively. To clone the porcine LMNA gene and to delineate the genomic structure and sequences, including the 3'untranslated region (UTR), rapid amplification of cDNA ends was performed. The coding sequence of porcine LMNA consisted of 1,719 bp, flanked by a 5'UTR and a 3'UTR. Two synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified in exons 3 and 7. Association tests showed that the SNP located in exon 3 (A193A) was significantly associated with weight at 30 wks (p<0.01) and crude fat content (p<0.05). This association suggests that SNPs located in LMNA could be used for marker-assisted selection in pigs.

Comparative Performance Analysis of Feature Detection and Matching Methods for Lunar Terrain Images (달 지형 영상에서 특징점 검출 및 정합 기법의 성능 비교 분석)

  • Hong, Sungchul;Shin, Hyu-Soung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2020
  • A lunar rover's optical camera is used to provide navigation and terrain information in an exploration zone. However, due to the scant presence of atmosphere, the Moon has homogeneous terrain with dark soil. Also, in extreme environments, the rover has limited data storage with low computation capability. Thus, for successful exploration, it is required to examine feature detection and matching methods which are robust to lunar terrain and environmental characteristics. In this research, SIFT, SURF, BRISK, ORB, and AKAZE are comparatively analyzed with lunar terrain images from a lunar rover. Experimental results show that SIFT and AKAZE are most robust for lunar terrain characteristics. AKAZE detects less quantity of feature points than SIFT, but feature points are detected and matched with high precision and the least computational cost. AKAZE is adequate for fast and accurate navigation information. Although SIFT has the highest computational cost, the largest quantity of feature points are stably detected and matched. The rover periodically sends terrain images to Earth. Thus, SIFT is suitable for global 3D terrain map construction in that a large amount of terrain images can be processed on Earth. Study results are expected to provide a guideline to utilize feature detection and matching methods for future lunar exploration rovers.

Development of a Water Sampling System for Unmanned Probe for Improvement of Water Quality Measurement (수질측정 방법 개선을 위한 무인 탐사체의 채수장치 개발방안)

  • Jung, Jin Woo;Cho, Kwang Hee;Kim, Min Ji
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to develop unmanned equipment that can automatically move to the desired point and measure water quality at the correct depth. For this purpose, we constructed a water sampling lift and water sampling container, an unmanned vessel equipped with a VRS-GPS, an acoustic echo sounder, and a water quality sensor. Also, we developed an automatic navigation algorithm and program, an automatic water sampling program, and a water quality map generation program. As a result of the experiment in the detention pond, the unmanned vessel sailed along the planned route with an accuracy of about 93% within the error range of 3m. In addition, the water quality sensor installed in the lift was able to acquire the water quality of the target area in real time and transmit it to the server via wireless Internet, and it was possible to monitor the water quality of each site in real time. Through field experiments, the water sampling lift was able to control the desired length with an accuracy of about 94%. The stretch length accuracy experiment of the water sampling lift was impossible to measure directly in the water, so it was replaced land-based experiment. We also found some unstable problems due to the weight of the water sampling lift and the weight of the air compressor to operate the water container. Except these two problems, we accomplished purpose of this study. An automated water quality measurement method using an unmanned vessel can be used to measure the quality of water in a difficult to access area and to secure the safety of the worker.

Geocoding of the Free Stereo Mosaic Image Generated from Video Sequences (비디오 프레임 영상으로부터 제작된 자유 입체 모자이크 영상의 실좌표 등록)

  • Noh, Myoung-Jong;Cho, Woo-Sug;Park, Jun-Ku;Kim, Jung-Sub;Koh, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2011
  • The free-stereo mosaics image without GPS/INS and ground control data can be generated by using relative orientation parameters on the 3D model coordinate system. Its origin is located in one reference frame image. A 3D coordinate calculated by conjugate points on the free-stereo mosaic images is represented on the 3D model coordinate system. For determining 3D coordinate on the 3D absolute coordinate system utilizing conjugate points on the free-stereo mosaic images, transformation methodology is required for transforming 3D model coordinate into 3D absolute coordinate. Generally, the 3D similarity transformation is used for transforming each other 3D coordinates. Error of 3D model coordinates used in the free-stereo mosaic images is non-linearly increased according to distance from 3D model coordinate and origin point. For this reason, 3D model coordinates used in the free-stereo mosaic images are difficult to transform into 3D absolute coordinates by using linear transformation. Therefore, methodology for transforming nonlinear 3D model coordinate into 3D absolute coordinate is needed. Also methodology for resampling the free-stereo mosaic image to the geo-stereo mosaic image is needed for overlapping digital map on absolute coordinate and stereo mosaic images. In this paper, we propose a 3D non-linear transformation for converting 3D model coordinate in the free-stereo mosaic image to 3D absolute coordinate, and a 2D non-linear transformation based on 3D non-linear transformation converting the free-stereo mosaic image to the geo-stereo mosaic image.

Greedy Heuristic Algorithm for the Optimal Location Allocation of Pickup Points: Application to the Metropolitan Seoul Subway System (Pickup Point 최적입지선정을 위한 Greedy Heuristic Algorithm 개발 및 적용: 서울 대도시권 지하철 시스템을 대상으로)

  • Park, Jong-Soo;Lee, Keum-Sook
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.116-128
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    • 2011
  • Some subway passengers may want to have their fresh vegetables purchased through internet at a service facility within the subway station of the Metropolitan Seoul subway system on the way to home, which raises further questions about which stations are chosen to locate service facilities and how many passengers can use the facilities. This problem is well known as the pickup problem, and it can be solved on a traffic network with traffic flows which should be identified from origin stations to destination stations. Since flows of the subway passengers can be found from the smart card transaction database of the Metropolitan Seoul smart card system, the pickup problem in the Metropolitan Seoul subway system is to select subway stations for the service facilities such that captured passenger flows are maximized. In this paper, we have formulated a model of the pickup problem on the Metropolitan Seoul subway system with subway passenger flows, and have proposed a fast heuristic algorithm to select pickup stations which can capture the most passenger flows in each step from an origin-destination matrix which represents the passenger flows. We have applied the heuristic algorithm to select the pickup stations from a large volume of traffic network, the Metropolitan Seoul subway system, with about 400 subway stations and five millions passenger transactions daily. We have obtained not only the experimental results in fast response time, but also displayed the top 10 pickup stations in a subway guide map. In addition, we have shown that the resulting solution is nearly optimal by a few more supplementary experiments.

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Evaluation of near surface Vs distribution by using SPT uphole method (SPT 업홀기법을 이용한 지반의 2차원 전단파 속도 분포 도출)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Bang, Eun-Seo;Kim, Jong-Tae
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.09a
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    • pp.93-116
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    • 2005
  • SPT-Uphole tomography method was introducedand verified in this paper. In SPT-Uphole method, SPT (Standard Penetration Test) which is common in site investigation, was used as a source and several surface geophones in line were used as receivers. Shear wave velocity (Vs) distribution map which has triangular shape around the boring point can be obtained by tomography inversion. The factors for obtaining reliable result of SPT-Uphole tomography are exact travel time information and accurate inversion method. To establish of the SPT-Uphole tomography procedure, the most reliable method for obtaining exact travel time information and verification of tomography inversion method were studied by using theoretical travel time information and finite element method (FEM) analysis. finally, SPT-Uphole tomography method was performed at the weathered soil site in Kimje. By comparing with several boring data including SPT-N value, feasibility of this method was verified in the field.

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The Development of STEAM Program with the Unit 'Energy and Transportation Technology' on the Subject of Technology.Home Economics (기술.가정 교과 '에너지와 수송 기술' 단원에서 활용할 STEAM 프로그램 개발)

  • Kim, Ki Yeol;Ham, Hyung In;Kim, Ki Soo
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.29-48
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to provide a desirable case of STEAM education utilizing 'Energy and Transportation Technology' unit on the subject of technology home economics. The middle school students learned with the integrated approach based on STEAM integrated education, and through production process they had the opportunity for application and expression in diverse forms. The results of this process to achieve the purpose are as follows. First, as the procedural model to develop STEAM program utilizing 'Energy and Transportation Technology' unit on the subject of technology home economics, the five stages: preparation, development, verification, practice, and evaluation, were presented. The preparation stage was composed of requirement analysis, the selection of program subject, and STEAM program curriculum analysis, the selection and organization of STEAM program lesson. The development stage was composed of the development of lesson plan, multimedia teaching materials, worksheet and worksheet answer key. In the verification stage, the verification of validity by experts was conducted, and in the practice stage, the developed program was applied to the middle school students in the educational field, and in the evaluation stage, based on the evaluations received from learners and teachers, it was revised and supplemented. Second, the STEAM program was developed into the program summary map, lesson plan, multimedia teaching materials, worksheet and worksheet answer, etc., and after the validity was secured through experts' verification, it was revised and supplemented and applied to actual classes. Third, the results of the learners' evaluation of the developed STEAM program showed that the degree of satisfaction with the program was high with the average score of the entire questions being 4.00 on a five-point scale. As the teachers also evaluated the developed STEAM program as very effective, the opinions of learners and teachers were collected and the program was finally improved and completed.

Digital Camera Identification Based on Interpolation Pattern Used Lens Distortion Correction (디지털 카메라의 렌즈 왜곡 보정에 사용된 보간 패턴 추출을 통한 카메라 식별 방법)

  • Hwang, Min-Gu;Kim, Dong-Min;Har, Dong-Hwan
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2012
  • Throughout developing digital technology, reproduction of image is growing better day by day. And at the same time, diverse image editing softwares are developed to manage images easily. In the process of editing images, those programs could delete or modify EXIF files which have the original image information; therefore images without the origin source are widely spread on the web site after editing. This matter could affect analysis of images due to the distortion of originality. Especially in the court of law, the source of evidence should be expressed clearly; therefore digital image EXIF file without deletion or distortion could not be the objective evidence. In this research, we try to trace the identification of a digital camera in order to solve digital images originality, and also we focus on lens distortion correction algorism which is used in digital image processing. Lens distortion correction uses mapping algorism, and at this moment it also uses interpolation algorism to prevent aliasing artifact and reconstruction artifact. At this point interpolation shows the similar mapping pattern; therefore we want to find out the interpolation evidence. We propose a minimum filter algorism in order to detect interpolation pattern and adjust the same minimum filter coefficient in two areas; one has interpolation and the second has no interpolation. Throughout DFT, we confirm frequency character between each area. Based on this result, we make the final detection map by using differences between two areas. In other words, thereby the area which has the interpolation caused by mapping is adjusted using minimum filter for detection algorism; the second area which has no interpolation tends to different frequency character.