• 제목/요약/키워드: Map Applications

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Development of an Application for Mobile Devices to Analyze Data Set by a Self-Organizing Map : A Case Study on Saga Prefectural Sightseeing Information

  • Wakuya, Hiroshi;Horinouchi, Yu;Itoh, Hideaki
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.15-18
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    • 2013
  • In the preceding studies, an analysis of Saga Prefectural sightseeing information by a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) has been tried. And recent development on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) will help us to access any results via the mobile devices easily. This is why the mobile devices, e.g., smartphones and tablet computers, have an operating system installed, and we can improve their functions by downloading any applications on the Web. Then, in order to realize this basic idea, development of an application for the mobile devices is investigated through some computer simulations on the standard desktop PC in this paper. As a result, it is found that i) a developed feature map is useful to identify some candidate topics, ii) a touchscreen is suitable to show the feature map, and iii) arrangement of the feature map can be modified based on our interests. Then, it is concluded that the proposed idea seems to be applicable, even though further consideration is required to brush it up.

Hands-free Speech Recognition based on Echo Canceller and MAP Estimation (에코제거기와 MAP 추정에 기초한 핸즈프리 음성 인식)

  • Sung-ill Kim;Wee-jae Shin
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2003
  • For some applications such as teleconference or telecommunication systems using a distant-talking hands-free microphone, the near-end speech signals to be transmitted is disturbed by an ambient noise and by an echo which is due to the coupling between the microphone and the loudspeaker. Furthermore, the environmental noise including channel distortion or additive noise is assumed to affect the original input speech. In the present paper, a new approach using echo canceller and maximum a posteriori(MAP) estimation is introduced to improve the accuracy of hands-free speech recognition. In this approach, it was shown that the proposed system was effective for hands-free speech recognition in ambient noise environment including echo. The experimental results also showed that the combination system between echo canceller and MAP environmental adaptation technique were well adapted to echo and noise environment.

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An Application of MapReduce Technique over Peer-to-Peer Network (P2P 네트워크상에서 MapReduce 기법 활용)

  • Ren, Jian-Ji;Lee, Jae-Kee
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.586-590
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this paper describes the design of MapReduce over Peer-to-Peer network for dynamic environments applications. MapReduce is a software framework used for Cloud Computing which processing large data sets in a highly-parallel way. Based on the Peer-to-Peer network character which node failures will happen anytime, we focus on using a DHT routing protocol which named Pastry to handle the problem of node failures. Our results are very promising and indicate that the framework could have a wide application in P2P network systems while maintaining good computational efficiency and scalability. We believe that, P2P networks and parallel computing emerge as very hot research and development topics in industry and academia for many years to come.

A Study on the Patent Map of Apparel Design using Computer Technology

  • Lee, Keum-Hee
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2002
  • This study attempted to creat patent map 163 cases of patent for technology of apparel design using computer technology and researched the trend of Patent application by count교, technologies, applicant and filing date. In regard to application by country, the United States mark the first place with 99 cases (61%), Japan marks the second with 34 cases (21%), Korea the third with 19 cases (12%). Comparing the patent applications in specialized technologies, we find the United States is overwhelming the technologies for garment Production Process, Patterning Process and preparatory process, and Japan is currently undergoing development work in this area, while most of Korean applications are focused in the technologies for selection or substitution methods related to Purchase and sale of apparels, body image and design service Therefore, it is required to preoccupy and defend patent rights as well as develop technologies aggressively and extensively in preparation for the expansion of e-commerce market. Analysing the speed of progress in technology in terms of number of applicants and application cases, we can say it entered into developing stage from the middle of 1990s and it seems that they will continue the development work from now on. in case of Korea, they began in 1996, somewhat late, but reached a similar level with the United States in 2000.

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Validity Study of Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps

  • Huh, Myung-Hoe
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.507-517
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    • 2003
  • Self-organizing map (SOM) has been developed mainly by T. Kohonen and his colleagues as a unsupervised learning neural network. Because of its topological ordering property, SOM is known to be very useful in pattern recognition and text information retrieval areas. Recently, data miners use Kohonen´s mapping method frequently in exploratory analyses of large data sets. One problem facing SOM builder is that there exists no sensible criterion for evaluating goodness-of-fit of the map at hand. In this short communication, we propose valid evaluation procedures for the Kohonen SOM of any size. The methods can be used in selecting the best map among several candidates.

A Self-Organizing Map Based Hough Transform for Detecting Straight Lines (직선 추출을 위한 자기조직화지도 기반의 허프 변환)

  • Lee, Moon-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Institute of Industrial Engineers
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2002
  • Detecting straight lines in an image is frequently required for various machine vision applications such as restoring CAD drawings from scanned images and object recognition. The standard Hough transform has been dominantly used to that purpose. However, massive storage requirement and low precision in estimating line parameters due to the quantization of parameter space are the major drawbacks of the Hough transform technique. In this paper, to overcome the drawbacks, an iterative algorithm based on a self-organizing map is presented. The self-organizing map can be adaptively learned such that image points are clustered by prominent lines. Through the procedure of the algorithm, a set of lines are sequentially detected one at a time. The algorithm can produce highly precised estimates of line parameters using very small amount of storage memory. Computational results for synthetically generated images are given. The promise of the algorithm is also demonstrated with its application to two natural images of inserts.

Automatic Geographical Entity Recognition and Modeling for Land Registered Map (지적도를 위한 자동지형객체 인식 및 모델링)

  • 유희종;정창성
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.197-205
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    • 1994
  • In this paper, we present a vectorization algorithm for finding a vector image from a raster image of the land registered map which is used as the base map for various applications, and an automatic region creation algorithm for generating every re¬gion automatically from the vector image. We describe an ARM (automatic geographical entity recognition and modeling software) which carries out the recognition and process¬ing of geographical entities automatically using those algorithms.

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  • Park, Se-Hie
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2008
  • We introduce a new concept of convex spaces and a multimap class K having certain KKM property. From a basic KKM type theorem for a K-map defined on an convex space without any topology, we deduce ten equivalent formulations of the theorem. As applications of the equivalents, in the frame of convex topological spaces, we obtain Fan-Browder type fixed point theorems, almost fixed point theorems for multimaps, mutual relations between the map classes K and B, variational inequalities, the von Neumann type minimax theorems, and the Nash equilibrium theorems.

Analysis of Future Spectrum Sharing Ecosystem Based on Causal Map (인과지도에 기반한 미래 주파수공유 생태계 분석)

  • Song, Hee Seok;Kim, Taehan
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2013
  • There is tremendous increasing demand on spectrum resource which is boosted by spread of cloud computing and M2M telecommunication as well as smart phone and tablet PC. Recently, spectrum sharing technology has drawn attention to the spectrum policy makers as a promising way to overcome limitation of scarce spectrum resource. To succeed in commercialization of spectrum sharing technology, it is necessary to prospect the future business ecosystem of spectrum sharing and develop appropriate policies and laws at the same time along with the advance of spectrum sharing technology. The purpose of this paper is to prospect future spectrum sharing ecosystem and analyze business ecosystem of spectrum sharing with casual loop map. With the causal map and system dynamics method, it is possible to analyze feedback loops which is not limited to linear thinking and build policies which optimize positive dynamics in business ecosystem of spectrum sharing.

Implementation of Tile Searching and Indexing Management Algorithms for Mobile GIS Performance Enhancement

  • Lee, Kang-Won;Choi, Jin-Young
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2015
  • The mobile and ubiquitous environment is experiencing a rapid development of information and communications technology as it provides an ever increasing flow of information. Particularly, GIS is now widely applied in daily life due to its high accuracy and functionality. GIS information is utilized through the tiling method, which divides and manages large-scale map information. The tiling method manages map information and additional information to allow overlay, so as to facilitate quick access to tiled data. Unlike past studies, this paper proposes a new architecture and algorithms for tile searching and indexing management to optimize map information and additional information for GIS mobile applications. Since this involves the processing of large-scale information and continuous information changes, information is clustered for rapid processing. In addition, data size is minimized to overcome the constrained performance associated with mobile devices. Our system has been implemented in actual services, leading to a twofold increase in performance in terms of processing speed and mobile bandwidth.