• Title/Summary/Keyword: Map Application Productivity

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Drupal-based Map Application Generator(MapAppGen): an Application Generation Example for Famous Restaurants (Drupal 기반 맵 응용 생성기 (MapAppGen) : 맛집탐방 응용 생성 사례)

  • Eum, Doo-Hun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.19D no.3
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2012
  • The demand for map applications in both Web and mobile environments has been rapidly increased with the population of Web and smart phone usage. Web-based map applications are mostly developed on such environments as ArcGIS and MapServer and mobile map applications are developed on such API levels as Google Maps and Yahoo Maps. But many parts of map applications are still constructed by coding because these environments don't support high level of automation. Our MapAppGen that we have designed and implemented enhances the Web-based map application productivity by generating the map related modules that can be applied to the Drupal that is one of popular content management systems(CMS's). Comparing the applications that are constructed by the Drupal-supported GMap or NodeMap, the applications that are constructed by MapAppGen provide information on not only the interested geographical feature but also its related geographical features. MapAppGen uses Google Maps API and Drupal is a module-based system that supports the creation, composition and management of contents. We are now working on automatic generation of mobile map applications with MapAppGen.

AR-based 3D Digital Map Visualization Support Technology for Field Application of Smart Construction Technology

  • Song, Jinwoo;Hong, Jungtaek;Kwon, Soonwook
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.1255-1255
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    • 2022
  • Recently, research on digital twins to generate digital information and manage construction in real-time using advanced technology is being conducted actively. However, in the construction industry, it is difficult to optimize and apply digital technology in real-time due to the nature of the construction industry in which information is constantly fluctuating. In addition, inaccurate information on the topography of construction projects is a major challenge for earthmoving processes. In order to ultimately improve the cost-effectiveness of construction projects, both construction quality and productivity should be addressed through efficient construction information management in large-scale earthworks projects. Therefore, in this study, a 3D digital map-based AR site management work support system for higher efficiency and accuracy of site management was proposed by using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) in wide earthworks construction sites to generate point cloud data, building a 3D digital map through acquisition and analysis of on-site sensor-based information, and performing the visualization with AR at the site By utilizing the 3D digital map-based AR site management work support system proposed in this study, information is able to be provided quickly to field managers to enable an intuitive understanding of field conditions and immediate work processing, thereby reducing field management sluggishness and limitations of traditional information exchange systems. It is expected to contribute to the improvement of productivity by overcoming factors that decrease productivity in the construction industry and the improvement of work efficiency at construction sites.

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The Actual Vegetation Map, Standing Crop Biomass and Primary Productivity of Salix spp. in the Upo Wetland (우포늪 지역에서 버드나무류 군집의 현존식생도, 현존량 및 1차 생산성)

  • Kim, Tae-Geun;Lee, Pal-Hong;Oh, Kyung-hwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2007
  • Distribution area, actual vegetation map, standing crop biomass, relative growth, and primary productivity of Salix spp.were investigated to provide the basic data necessary for conservation and ecotechnological application of Salix community in the Upo wetland, Changryeong County, Gyeongsangnamdo Province, Korea from April 2005 to April 2006. 1. Among seven Salix species, the dominant species was S. nipponica and S. glandulosa was subdominant. There were six kinds of Salix communities such as S. nipponica, S. glandulosa, S. koreensis, S. nipponica-S. glandulosa, S. glandulosa-S. nipponica, and S. nipponica-S. koreensis. 2. Distribution area of S. nipponica community was largest as 28.46 ha among Salix communities and those of S. nipponica-S. glandulosa community, S. glandulosa-S. nipponica community, S. nipponica-S. koreensis community, S. glandulosa community, and S. koreensis community were 6.12 ha, 6.12 ha, 2.92 ha, 1.86 ha, and 0.81 ha, respectively. 3. The tree age, tree height, and DBH of S. nipponica were 5~13year, 4.1~7.2 m, and 3.0~14.0 cm and those of S. glandulosa were 2~36year, 3.5~10.1 m, and 3.2~26.0 cm, respectively. 4. The standing crop of S. nipponica was 408 ton and that of S. glandulosa was 336 ton in the study area. 5. The productivity of S. nipponica was $235g\;m^{-2}yr^{-1}$ and the annual production was 86.4 ton, and those of S. glandulosa were $1,006g\;m^{-2}yr^{-1}$ and 80.3 ton in the study area.

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Preparation and Application of Cultivation Management Map Using Drone - Focused on Spring Chinese Cabbage - (드론 기반의 재배관리 지도 제작 및 활용방안 - 봄배추를 대상으로 -)

  • Na, Sang-il;Lee, Yun-ho;Ryu, Jae-Hyun;Lee, Dong-ho;Shin, Hyoung-sub;Kim, Seo-jun;Cho, Jaeil;Park, Jong-hwa;Ahn, Ho-yong;So, Kyu-ho;Lee, Kyung-do
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.637-648
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    • 2021
  • In order to support the establishment of a farming plan, it is important to preemptively evaluate crop changes and to provide precise information. Therefore, it is necessary to provide customized information suitable for decision-making by farming stage through scientific and continuous monitoring using drones. This study was carried out to support the establishment of the farming plan for ground vegetable. The cultivation management map of each information was obtained from preliminary study. Three cultivation management maps include 'field emergence map', 'stress map' and 'productivity map' reflected spatial variation in the plantation by providing information in units of plants based on 3-dimensions. Application fields of the cultivation management map can be summarized as follows: detect miss-planted, replanting decision, fertilization, weeding, pest control, irrigation schedule, market quality evaluation, harvest schedule, etc.

A Development of performance criteria tool for lightweight dry wall (건식경량벽체 요구성능 도출 도구 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Ji, Suk-won;Yoon, Sang-chun;Choi, Soo-kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2019.11a
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    • pp.215-216
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    • 2019
  • The following conclusions were reached through the research on the development of the required performance extraction tools for the application and utilization of various construction methods of lightweght dry wall. 1) Performance required for walls of apartment buildings can be divided into safety, habitation, durability and productivity. Among these, horizontal load resistance, shock resistance, anti-seismic performance, insulation, and acoustic characteristics are the main performance that correspond to dry walls. In addition, safety related to toxic gases and contaminants are required according to recent eco-friendly requirements. 2) To select a wall according to the required performance of an inner wall applied to an apartment, a map tool in the form of 2D matrices was constructed to enable the required performance to be applied, indicating that the wall location and wall material and its differentiating according to the old method.

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Analysis of Forward Osmosis Membrane Technology Using International Patent Classification (국제특허분류에 의한 정삼투막 기술의 현황과 전망)

  • Im, Eun-Jung;Kim, Sung-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Gon
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.900-907
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    • 2012
  • Research and development is entering on more complicated aspect gradually and tends to increase sharply in a quantitative manner. Technology competition is getting higher. This study intends to raise recognition of a necessity of productivity in a rapidly-changing research and development field and to suggest alternatives for improving its research productivity. For it, the research productivity was analyzed by utilizing two processes of patent and paper analysis. In this paper, we propose a patent analysis method for technology forecasting of the Forward Osmosis Membrane using objective patent data. The application status of patents showed a tendency to increase slightly. The current of FOM technology development in such countries as Korea, USA, Japan, China and EU was analyzed by classifying the patents for 1990 through 2011 according to registration country, assignee, calendar year and technology area.

Automation Review of Road Design Standard using Visual Programming (비주얼 프로그래밍 기법을 활용한 도로설계기준 자동검토 방안)

  • Hyoun-seok Moon;Hyeoun-seung Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.891-898
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: There is not much time left for mandatory BIM implementation for all sectors and stages of the construction industry. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to secure technology to substantially improve the productivity of BIM work. In the research, we proposed a method to automatically verify related construction standards for major objects produced by BIM modeling procedures so that engineers can verify construction standards in the BIM-based design process. Method: We defined a modeling work procedure for BIM-based road design work and prepared a method for constructing related design standards in a database. In addition, a process map for developing a BIM-based design basis review automation system was also presented. Result: A BIM-based design standard review automation module was developed using Civil3D and Dynamo. And it was confirmed by the test application that it is possible to quickly judge whether the BIM object manufactured in the design process conforms to the construction design standard. Conclusion: BIM-based design standard review automation technology can improve the productivity of BIM model production work and secure the quality of the BIM model.

A Review of the Application of Constructed Wetlands as Stormwater Treatment Systems

  • Reyes, Nash Jett;Geronimo, Franz Kevin;Guerra, Heidi;Jeon, Minsu;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.162-162
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    • 2022
  • Stormwater management is an essential component of land-use planning and development. Due to the additional challenges posed by climate change and urbanization, various stormwater management schemes have been developed to limit flood damages and ease water quality concerns. Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly used as cost-effective measures to manage stormwater runoff from various land uses. Specifically, constructed wetlands were already considered as socially acceptable green stormwater infrastructures that are widely used in different countries. There is a large collection of published literature regarding the effectiveness or efficiency of constructed wetlands in treating stormwater runoff; however, metadata analyses using bibliographic information are very limited or seldomly explored. This study was conducted to determine the trends of publication regarding stormwater treatment wetlands using a bibliometric analysis approach. Moreover, the research productivity of various countries, authors, and institutions were also identified in the study. The Web of Science (WoS) database was utilized to retrieve bibliographic information. The keywords ("constructed wetland*" OR "treatment wetland*" OR "engineered wetland*" OR "artificial wetland*") AND ("stormwater*" or "storm water*") were used to retrieve pertinent information on stormwater treatment wetlands-related publication from 1990 up to 2021. The network map of keyword co-occurrence map was generated through the VOSviewer software and the contingency matrices were obtained using the Cortext platform (www.cortext.net). The results obtained from this inquiry revealed the areas of research that have been adequately explored by past studies. Furthermore, the extensive collection of published scientific literature enabled the identification of existing knowledge gaps in the field of stormwater treatment wetlands.

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Scientometrics-based R&D Topography Analysis to Identify Research Trends Related to Image Segmentation (이미지 분할(image segmentation) 관련 연구 동향 파악을 위한 과학계량학 기반 연구개발지형도 분석)

  • Young-Chan Kim;Byoung-Sam Jin;Young-Chul Bae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2024
  • Image processing and computer vision technologies are becoming increasingly important in a variety of application fields that require techniques and tools for sophisticated image analysis. In particular, image segmentation is a technology that plays an important role in image analysis. In this study, in order to identify recent research trends on image segmentation techniques, we used the Web of Science(WoS) database to analyze the R&D topography based on the network structure of the author's keyword co-occurrence matrix. As a result, from 2015 to 2023, as a result of the analysis of the R&D map of research articles on image segmentation, R&D in this field is largely focused on four areas of research and development: (1) researches on collecting and preprocessing image data to build higher-performance image segmentation models, (2) the researches on image segmentation using statistics-based models or machine learning algorithms, (3) the researches on image segmentation for medical image analysis, and (4) deep learning-based image segmentation-related R&D. The scientometrics-based analysis performed in this study can not only map the trajectory of R&D related to image segmentation, but can also serve as a marker for future exploration in this dynamic field.

Analysis of Rice Field Drought Area Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and Geographic Information System (GIS) Methods (무인항공기와 GIS를 이용한 논 가뭄 발생지역 분석)

  • Park, Jin Ki;Park, Jong Hwa
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2017
  • The main goal of this paper is to assess application of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) remote sensing and GIS based images in detection and measuring of rice field drought area in South Korea. Drought is recurring feature of the climatic events, which often hit South Korea, bringing significant water shortages, local economic losses and adverse social consequences. This paper describes the assesment of the near-realtime drought damage monitoring and reporting system for the agricultural drought region. The system is being developed using drought-related vegetation characteristics, which are derived from UAV remote sensing data. The study area is $3.07km^2$ of Wonbuk-myeon, Taean-gun, Chungnam in South Korea. UAV images were acquired three times from July 4 to October 29, 2015. Three images of the same test site have been analysed by object-based image classification technique. Drought damaged paddy rices reached $754,362m^2$, which is 47.1 %. The NongHyeop Agricultural Damage Insurance accepted agricultural land of 4.6 % ($34,932m^2$). For paddy rices by UAV investigation, the drought monitoring and crop productivity was effective in improving drought assessment method.