• Title/Summary/Keyword: Management & Operation

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A Study on the Development of an Operation Risk Analysis Model in BTL Projects (BTL사업 운영리스크 분석 모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jeong-Sun;Lee, Jeong-Hun;Oh, Se-Wook;Yoo, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.475-480
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    • 2008
  • In BTL project, the operation cost covering upcoming 20 years is usually alloted more than construction cost although its plan is made in short time. Therefore, it is a key issue to forecast and to analyze operation risks in the process of making contract in order to successfully finish the BTL project and to ensure the profitability of business. However, only a few domestic professional management companies are capable to carry out funding and facility management. To manage the potential risks efficiently in BLT project, it's essential to prioritize the risk factors by means of considering economical risk level, non-economical risk level and occurrence frequency. Thus, this study suggests risk analysis model for improving efficiency of BTL project from operation company's perspective by means of survey. The suggested risk analysis model is expected to establish a risk management strategy which can improve the efficiency of management affairs in BTL project.

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An improvement plan of information system operational audit for database operational management based on data quality (데이터 품질에 기반을 둔 데이터베이스 운영관리를 위한 정보시스템 운영감리 개선 방안)

  • Jang, WonJae;Kim, Dongsoo;Min, Dukki
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.41-65
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    • 2018
  • With the dawn of society where individuals or enterprises based on data generate infinite profits, the significance of database operation management is growing centering on data quality. However, there are not many South Korean public or private entities managing them systematically. Against this backdrop, this study sought to investigate the current status and problems and explore how to improve from the perspective of auditors. To implement this study, audit checklist was improved and, based on it, auditors and IT experts were surveyed. The final data were analyzed to test the study hypotheses empirically. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the auditors had been highly satisfied with all of the items on the improved audit checklist for data quality-based database operation management. Moreover, non-auditors were also found to regard them within their acceptable range. This study is expected to help improve information system operation audit and enterprises data operation management.

Development of Evaluation Indicators for the Efficient Operation and Management of Traffic Safety Facilities (교통안전시설의 효율적 운영관리를 위한 평가지표 개발)

  • Hong, Kiman;Kim, Jonghoon;Ha, Jungah
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this research is to develop an evaluation index for reliable information provision and operation management of traffic safety facilities. Method: As for the analysis method, evaluation indicators were selected by grasping the current state of operation and management of traffic safety facilities, and the importance of each indicator was analyzed through the AHP survey. Result: As a result of the comprehensive importance analysis, it was found that the highest priority was given in the evaluation index for information accuracy and computer system construction. On the other hand, the evaluation index corresponding to the service management was analyzed as having the lowest priority. Conclusion: The results of this study are expected to serve as a yardstick for understanding the management level of each institution for efficient operation and management of traffic safety facilities, and it is expected to establish a foundation for providing accurate information in consideration of the commercialization of autonomous driving in the future.

Effects of Core Competence and Resource Sharing on the Relational Bond among Franchisees and on Re-contract Intention in the Franchising Parent Companies (프랜차이즈 모기업 핵심역량 자원이 가맹점 관계결속과 재계약의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Huh, Yeong-Uk;Ju, Mal-Chan
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The domestic franchise industry has made significant contributions to industry such as investment, employment, and community economy development, facilitating growth potential. The franchise industry provides management knowhow transfer between parent companies and franchisees as per contracts addressing use of business signs, franchisees' independent position, franchisor support, and royalties to be paid to the franchisors. However, many franchisors lack management knowhow and provide insufficient support because of poor control of franchisees and not having a systematic approach to support. This results in dissatisfied franchisees and failure to establish long-term relationships. Few studies have examined relational commitment and/or re-contract intention by support resources between franchisors and franchisees, despite a considerable output of theories and studies of the growth of the franchise industry. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to examine the effects of the ability to provide resources on relational commitments and re-contract intention, and to suggest causal relationships and implications. Research design, data, and methodology - The subject was domestic franchisors registered with the Association of Franchise with more than 50 franchisees. Franchisees under contract for 2 years and considering re-contract of their franchise 2 years later were used. The subjects totaled 300 franchisees in Seoul. A questionnaire survey was used to investigate the subject of franchisees' concessions during the 10 days from November 21, 2013 to November 30, 2013. After excluding 16 surveys with poor answers, 284 responses were finally used. Four areas and 44 questions were used. A nominal scale was used for four common characteristics questions including gender, ages, educational background, and franchise managing time. Questions regarding ability, relational commitment, and re-contract intention made use of a Likert 5-point scale. Data coding and data cleaning were used. SPSS 18.0 was used as follows. First, frequency analysis was done to investigate demographic characteristics. Second, exploratory factor analysis was done to verify validity of testing tools, and Cronbach's α coefficient was used to verify reliability. Third, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were done. An exploratory factor analysis was done to verify validity of concepts. A correlation analysis was done to test relationships between the variables, and multiple regression analysis was done to verify franchisor's ability, franchisees' relational commitment, and re-contract intention. Results - The following were the outcomes. First, store operation management, finance operation management, and human resource management affected the calculated bond. Second, store operation management and finance operation management affected the emotional bond. Third, store operation management, finance operation management, human resource management, and marketing management affected the prescriptive bond. Fourth, calculated bond and prescriptive bond had an effect on re-contract intention. Conclusions - As stated above, in franchise management, parent companies' offer and instruction of core competence to their franchisees as an information resource could improve the relational bond by helping them grow together through the resource sharing. Consequently, core competence factors were promoting factors that could improve franchisees' re-contract intention for a long time.

Restructuring the Public Assessment of Housing Management Toward Standardization

  • Lee, Hyunjeong
    • Architectural research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2014
  • This research is to restructure the public assessment of housing management in a standardized fashion, and a self-administered questionnaire survey was employed for data collection and analysis. In doing so, all the assessment tools nationwide were identified and assembled to extract the items included in the survey form. The survey form was mailed out to local officers in charge of housing management and professional housing managers in the nation, and the responses were statistically analyzed in order to structure the standard assessment tool of housing management. This research classified 3 main areas (General Maintenance, Operation and Community Living) in evaluating the housing management performance, and identified 35 essential items and 52 optional items. The 35 essential items were drawn from the 16 categories of the 3 areas (11 items of 5 categories for General Maintenance, 7 items of 4 categories for Operation, and 17 items of 7 categories for Community Living), and the rest 52 optional items were from the 16 categories of the 3 areas (24 items of 7 categories for General Maintenance, 26 items of 7 categories for Operation, and 2 items of 2 categories for Community Living). While all the items in the research are quantifiable, it's suggested that qualitative measurements be complementarily utilized in the assessment not only to explore the best practices of housing management but also to refine and modify the standardized tool in response to various environmental changes. As the public assessment of housing management is context-sensitive and critically related to local housing profile, the continuous implementation of the assessment will facilitate shifting the housing paradigm from production and consumption to management and reproduction.

Success Factors of Knowledge Management in the Perspective of Knowledge Management Integration into Operations (지식경영과 업무의 통합을 위한 지식경영 성공요인 도출 연구)

  • Suh, Hyun-Ju
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.147-167
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    • 2008
  • This paper aims to explore the success factors of knowledge management in the perspectives of knowledge management integration into operations and to examine the effect of those factors on the knowledge management performance of individual users and organizations in order to link knowledge management performances to operational performances. I found two factors such as "knowledge management integration into operation processes" and "knowledge management integration into application systems" and their measures by means of literature review and modified Delphi research. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that those two factors and their measures are statistically valid. Besides, the structural equation modeling analysis showed that the relationship between "knowledge management integration into operation processes" and "individual user's performance on knowledge management" and the relationship between "individual user's performance of knowledge managemen" and "organizational performance of knowledge management" are significant.

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BIM based Construction Project Case Analysis for Facility Life Cycle Management from the Perspective of the Client (발주처 관점의 시설물 생애주기 관리를 위한 BIM 기반 건설 프로젝트 사례 분석)

  • Ham, Nam-Hyuk;Kim, Woong-Gi;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2020
  • From the perspective of the client, the value of information for use in facility management is very low at the point of use. This is because the facility owner, who is a non-professional, cannot accurately request necessary information from the perspective of long-term facility life cycle management. The purpose of this study is to define the information necessary for facility management and to analyze the project operation method to procur this information to the client using BIM. To this end, this study analyzed the role of client and contractor, project delivery process, standards, and submissions in the BIM-based procurement area through USACE Air Force Hospital project case analysis. As a result of the analysis, if the client, who is the subject of facility operation, defines in advance the type and input method of necessary information in the operation stage, the client can receive the BIM optimized for operation from the contractor. The results of this study can be used to establish standards for receiving information necessary for establishment of procurement process and facility management of public institutions considering BIM introduction.

A Study on the Institutional Improvements in the Operation and Management of Underground Shopping Malls

  • KIM, Gi-Pyoung;SEO, Jung Hwa;LEE, Yong-Kyu;LEE, Geun-Woo;YOO, Chang-Kwon
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the method of calculating the usage fee, rent, and lease rights of public goods necessary for the operation and management of the underground shopping mall, and to suggest systematic improvement points for the operation of the underground shopping mall. Data and Methodology: First, ordinances and regulations related to common property were investigated. Second, previous studies were analyzed. A survey was conducted with five questions that conflict with the interests of underground shopping mall merchants among the ordinances and operating systems related to the current underground shopping malls' common property. Results: Underpass merchants wanted monthly payment for the use of common property, and merchant organizations wanted to limit the increase rate with the right to use. They asked for the property value due to donation to be excluded from the loan fee, they wanted to revise the Common Property Act on the transfer of lease rights, and they wanted to revise the loan contract renewal period. Conclusion: There is a need to improve the laws and systems for underground shopping malls, and it will have to be negotiated according to the opinions of the merchants gathered among them, and it will have to be implemented in stages in the long term.

Optimum Allocation Model of Military Engineer Equipments for Artillery Position Development (포병진지 구축을 위한 공병장비 최적배정 모형)

  • Jang, Young Cho;Lee, Moon Gul
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.103-113
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    • 2017
  • The artillery is a key element of the ground forces operation during wartime, and the military engineers support the artillery position development operation to support the smooth operation of the artillery. In establishing the artillery position development operation plan, the commander requires more than his intuition to find the best option reflecting a number of elements of the battlefield situation which changes every minute. Moreover, the number of available equipment is smaller than the number of required position developments, and the effective equipment operation becomes essential element of this issue. This study quantified the capability of the available engineering equipment, organized a number of teams enabling equipment to put out the maximum capacity based on the quantified figures, and formed the model which allocates the team to the developing points to minimize the developing time. The goal programming method was applied to resolve the problem. The developed model was applied to compare the total mission duration following the number of teams, the variable for commander's decision, and the result of this study can be used as the quantitative data for commander's decision making process in establishing the artillery position development support operation through effective equipment management.

The study on factor and model through error analysis to equipment operation (Focused on the Semiconductor industry) (설비 운영의 에러 분석을 통한 인자 및 모델연구 -반도체 산업중심-)

  • Yoon, Yong-Gu;Park, Peom
    • Proceedings of the Safety Management and Science Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.187-201
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    • 2009
  • Semiconductor industry is based on equipment industry and timing industry. In particular, semiconductor process is very complex and as semiconductor-chip width tails and is becoming equipment gradually more as a high technology. Equipment operation is primarily engaged in semiconductor manufacturing (engineers and operator) of being conducted by, equipment errors have also been raised. Equipment operational data related to the error of korea occupational safety and health agency were based on data and production engineers involved in the operator's questionnaire was drawn through the error factor. Equipment operating in the error factor of 9 big item and 36 detail item detailed argument based on the errors down, and 9 big item the equipment during operation of the correlation error factor was conducted. Each of the significance level was correlated with the tabulation and analysis. Using the maximum correlation coefficient, the correlation between the error factors to derive the relationship between factors were analyzed. Facility operating with the analysis of error factors (big and detail item) derive a relationship between the model saw. The end of the operation of the facility in operation on the part of the two factors appeared as prevention. Safety aspects and ergonomics aspects of the approach should be guided to the conclusion.

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