• Title/Summary/Keyword: Machine Status

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Efficient Verification of X-ray Target Replacement for the C-series High Energy Linear Accelerator

  • Cho, Jin Dong;Chun, Minsoo;Son, Jaeman;An, Hyun Joon;Yoon, Jeongmin;Choi, Chang Heon;Kim, Jung-in;Park, Jong Min;Kim, Jin Sung
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.92-100
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    • 2018
  • The manufacturer of a linear accelerator (LINAC) has reported that the target melting phenomenon could be caused by a non-recommended output setting and the excessive use of monitor unit (MU) with intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT). Due to these reasons, we observed an unexpected beam interruption during the treatment of a patient in our institution. The target status was inspected and a replacement of the target was determined. After the target replacement, the beam profile was adjusted to the machine commissioning beam data, and the absolute doses-to-water for 6 MV and 10 MV photon beams were calibrated according to American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Task Group (TG)-51 protocol. To verify the beam data after target replacement, the beam flatness, symmetry, output factor, and percent depth dose (PDD) were measured and compared with the commissioning data. The difference between the referenced and measured data for flatness and symmetry exhibited a coincidence within 0.3% for both 6 MV and 10 MV, and the difference of the PDD at 10 cm depth ($PDD_{10}$) was also within 0.3% for both photon energies. Also, patient-specific quality assurances (QAs) were performed with gamma analysis using a 2-D diode and ion chamber array detector for eight patients. The average gamma passing rates for all patients for the relative dose distribution was $99.1%{\pm}1.0%$, and those for absolute dose distribution was $97.2%{\pm}2.7%$, which means the gamma analysis results were all clinically acceptable. In this study, we recommend that the beam characteristics, such as beam profile, depth dose, and output factors, should be examined. Further, patient-specific QAs should be performed to verify the changes in the overall beam delivery system when a target replacement is inevitable; although it is more important to check the beam output in a daily routine.

Studies of Automatic Dental Cavity Detection System as an Auxiliary Tool for Diagnosis of Dental Caries in Digital X-ray Image (디지털 X-선 영상을 통한 치아우식증 진단 보조 시스템으로써 치아 와동 자동 검출 프로그램 연구)

  • Huh, Jangyong;Nam, Haewon;Kim, Juhae;Park, Jiman;Shin, Sukyoung;Lee, Rena
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.52-58
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    • 2015
  • The automated dental cavity detection program for a new concept intra-oral dental x-ray imaging device, an auxiliary diagnosis system, which is able to assist a dentist to identify dental caries in an early stage and to make an accurate diagnosis, was to be developed. The primary theory of the automatic dental cavity detection program is divided into two algorithms; one is an image segmentation skill to discriminate between a dental cavity and a normal tooth and the other is a computational method to analyze feature of an tooth image and take an advantage of it for detection of dental cavities. In the present study, it is, first, evaluated how accurately the DRLSE (Direct Regularized Level Set Evolution) method extracts demarcation surrounding the dental cavity. In order to evaluate the ability of the developed algorithm to automatically detect dental cavities, 7 tooth phantoms from incisor to molar were fabricated which contained a various form of cavities. Then, dental cavities in the tooth phantom images were analyzed with the developed algorithm. Except for two cavities whose contours were identified partially, the contours of 12 cavities were correctly discriminated by the automated dental caries detection program, which, consequently, proved the practical feasibility of the automatic dental lesion detection algorithm. However, an efficient and enhanced algorithm is required for its application to the actual dental diagnosis since shapes or conditions of the dental caries are different between individuals and complicated. In the future, the automatic dental cavity detection system will be improved adding pattern recognition or machine learning based algorithm which can deal with information of tooth status.

Development of a Framework for Anti-Collision System of Moving Drilling Machines on a Drill Floor (시추 작업장의 이동식 시추 장비 충돌 방지 시스템을 위한 프레임워크 개발)

  • Lee, Jaeyong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2020
  • An anti-collision system between equipment is essential on a drill floor where multiple moving machines are operated simultaneously. This is to prevent accidents by halting the machines when required, by inspecting possibility of a collision based on the relative position data sent by the equipment. In this paper, we propose a framework for an Anti-Collision System (ACS) by considering expandability of the number of machines and computational speed, to promote development of drilling machines and corresponding ACS software. Each drilling equipment is represented as an object in the software with its own message format, and the message is constructed with serialization/deserialization to manage any additional equipment or data. The data handling process receives the current status of machines from the drilling control network, and relays a collision related message (including bypass signal) back to the machines. A commercial visualization software shows the bounding boxes moving with the equipment and indicates probable collision. It has been determined that the proposed system maintains total execution time below 5ms to process data from the network and relay the information hence, the system has no effect on the machine control systems having 100ms control cycle.

Characteristics of Sweet and Super Sweet Corn Seeds Shelled at Different Seed Moisture and Threshing Method Conditions (단옥수수와 초당옥수수 탈곡 시 종자 수분함량과 탈곡방법에 따른 종자 특성)

  • Lee, Suk-Soon;Yun, Sang-Hee;Yang, Seung-Kyu;Hong, Seung-Beom
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.632-638
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    • 2006
  • Characteristics of sweet (sugary, su) and super sweet (shrunken-2, sh2) corn seeds shelled by different threshing methods at different moisture content status were studied. Hybrid seeds of a su (Early Sunglow ${\times}$ Golden Cross Bantam 70, GCB 70) and a sh2 (Xtrasweet 82 ${\times}$Fortune) were dried to moisture content of 12, 15, 18, and 21%. Hand shelling did not give any mechanical damages to seeds, while an electrical corn thresher gave some visible mechanical damages. The emergence rate of hand shelled seeds was higher than that of machine shelled seeds by $6{\sim}14%$ for a su and by $9{\sim}18%$ for a sh2 hybrid depending on seed moisture contents in cold test. The optimum seed moisture content to reduce mechanical threshing damages and to improve seed quality was 15% for su and 12% for sh2 hybrid seeds. At the optimum seed moisture contents, germination rate at $25^{\circ}C$, emergence rate in the cold test and ${\alpha}-amylase$ activity were highest, while the percentage of damaged seeds and leakage of total sugars and electrolytes in soaking water were minimized.

Field Test and Performance Verification of On-board Oriented Train Control System (차상중심 열차제어시스템의 현장시험을 통한 성능검증)

  • Baek, Jong-Hyen
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.8
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    • pp.5513-5521
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    • 2015
  • There is an operational efficiency problem about wayside equipment applied to the domestic low-density branch as the equipment has been installed and operated similarly in the mainline. On-board oriented train control system, which has been developed for train safety and operation efficiency, ensures safe train operation without expensive ground control signal devices. Such system consists of on-board control system, wayside control system, and local control system. In this paper, the details of tests such as suitability test, communication test, and interface test are described by installing the on-board control system and wayside control system in field. Installation tests include checking power, voltage, cable connection, LED status, etc. Field applicability of the developed system is also verified through the dynamic operation tests with diverse scenarios, which are performed on the virtual line similar to the real environment including switch machine and level crossing gate. Dynamic operation tests were conducted for total 7 scenarios, and several tests were repeated for each scenario. The elapsed time for each operation was computed by analyzing main process log, and we could check that each operation was accomplished within several seconds. Furthermore, the developed system was verified through field test with an accredited institute, and testing certificates were issued.

A Study on Practical Applications of Environmental Education related to Food Waste Collected from Elementary School Foodservices(I) (초등학교 급식에서 배출되는 음식물쓰레기의 환경교육적 활용(I) - 음식물쓰레기 현황 및 환경교육적 활용 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • 서현창;김인호;이태근
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.130-143
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted as a preliminary step to establish a model for the practical application of environmental education related to food wastes collected from elementary school foodservices. Methods of treatment and present recycling status of food wastes in elementary schools in Kyonggido were surveyed. The consciousness of dieticians who have been serving for elementary school foodservices was also analyzed through the survey questions concerning environmental education for the reduction and recycling of food wastes. The results derived from this survey were as follows: The major portion of food wastes from elementary school foodservices was constituted with vegetables and soup, and an average amount of food wastes per day was highest in June and July. Therefore environmental education related to reduction of wastes was needed in the first semester of school terms, and the possible reduction of food wastes achieved through the proper planning of school foodservice menu was also needed. In most cases food wastes were collected and treated by animal growing farmers or composted by machines in school. In operating composting machines microorganism inoculant was mostly used but dieticians pointed out the problem of a nasty odor, insects, and high energy consumption. This situation means it has not been operated efficiently and suggests an efficiency problem of machine composting in elementary schools because composting itself is based on the aerobic digestion and high temperature fermentation which kills insects and harmful microorganisms. Elementary school dieticians in Kyonggido were aware that food wastes cause main pollution problem, and that food wastes are valuable resources which can be recycled, and recycling of food wastes is inevitable. But more than half of the schools surveyed have not been reused food wastes in school, so a proper model for recycling and reuse of food wastes in school grounds was thought to be needed. Environmental education programs related to food wastes have not been peformed in more than half of the schools surveyed. It was concluded that the following three plans will be helpful to reduce school food wastes. First, environmental education should be enforced, second, teachers' and dieticians' intensive teaching concerning food wastes should be needed, and finally establishment of a model for recycling and reuse of food wastes in school grounds and its application to environmental education would offer a valuable field experience to school students.

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The Present State of Occupational Injuries and Prevention on East Side of Korea Fishing (동해안 연근해 어업의 산재현황과 예방대책)

  • Song, Jae-Seok;Choi, Hong-Soon;Seo, Jong-Chul;Kwak, Youn-Hee;Park, Woong-Sub;Kim, Sang-Ah;Yoon, Yi-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.78-82
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    • 2005
  • Fishermen have higher risk of occupational injuries and disease due to frequent machine usage and direct contact to live biological materials. Moreover, growing elderly workers makes the susceptibility to occupational injuries and disease higher. This study was performed to investigate the occupational safety and health status among fishermen. The interview was carried out at Jumunjin and Geojin ports which were representative port at North East side of Korea. The structured questionnaire were used to interview the fishermen from AM 6:00 to PM 11:00 and total respondent were 97 workers. The results were followed; 7 fishermen of all respondents experienced occupational injuries during their work, 5 fishermen were needed to admission longer than 4 days. The injury types were contusion(4 persons), fracture(1 persons) and amputation(2 persons). The cause of injury might be the lack of caution and the unstability of working condition. These results suggested the ergonomical evaluation of working condition and proper management. But there was limited concern and studies on the policy on occupational safety and health on fishermen. So, further study was required to establish the sound policy of fishermen's occupational safety and health.

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The Philosophy of Martin Buber(I and Thou) and Nursing Philosophy (마르틴 부버의 사상(나와 너)과 간호철학)

  • Lee, Myoung-Suk;Han, Sung-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.95-107
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    • 1997
  • For nursing as a science to establish a unique system of knowledge, nursing researchers should include the philosophical activities such as establish of nursing philosophy. For establish of philosophy nursing, the nature and realms and essential characteristics of nursing science should be made clear at first. The purpose of this study identify alienation and the situation of happen to alienation and Martin Buber Philosophy(I and Thou). Understanding of this concept should enlighten nurses to interaction and relationship problems between patients and nurse and thus lead to further toward enhancing these interaction and relationship. The alienation was serious problem in present society which was cultural, political, economical, mechanical, religious classified. The overcome of alienation in nursing situation was caring and interpersonal relationship based on Martin Buber philosophy. The essential philosophy of Martin Buber was "I and Thou" relationship. I and Thou relationship are consist of five characteristics ; 1)mutuality 2)directness 3)presentness 4)intensity 5)ineffability As health care technology becomes more sophisticated, there is a tendency to rely on monitors and machines to assess the patient's status. Therefore focus on the functioning and care of machine can result in less meaningful communication with patients. This study points to the need for health professional and patient relationship based on Martin Buber philosophy(I and Thou). This relationship may suggest that professional shoud have sincerity, concerning, respect and warm emotional toward their patients. Ultimately this study provide the basic information to contribute understanding of "I and Thou" relationship and nursing philosophy development in nursing education.

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A Study on Smart Factory System Design for Screw Machining Management (나사 가공 관리를 위한 스마트팩토리 시스템 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Kyu;Kim, Dong-Wan;Lee, Sang-Wan;Kim, Jae-joong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2018.10a
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    • pp.329-331
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a monitoring system that starts with the supply of raw materials for threading, is processed into a lathe machine, and checks for defects of the product are automatically performed by the robot with Smart Factory technology through assembly and disassembly. Completion check according to the production instruction quantity and production instruction is made by checking the production status according to whether or not the raw material is worn by the displacement sensor, and checking the pitch and the contour of the processed female and male to determine OK and NG. The robotic system acts as a relay for loading and unloading of raw materials, pallet transfer, and overall process, and it acts as an intermediary for organically driving. The location information of the threaded products is collected by using the non-contact wireless tag and the energy saving system Production efficiency and utilization rate were checked. The environmental sensor collects the air-conditioning environment data (temperature, humidity), measures the temperature and humidity accurately, and checks the quality of product processing. It monitors and monitors the driving hazard level environment (overheating, humidity) of the product. Controls for CNC and robot module PLC as a heterogeneous system.

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Part I Advantages re Applications of Slab type YAG Laser PartII R&D status of All Solid-State Laser in JAPAN

  • Iehisa, Nobuaki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Laser Processing Conference
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    • 1998.11a
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    • pp.0-0
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    • 1998
  • -Part I- As market needs become more various, the production of smaller quantities of a wider variety of products becomes increasingly important. In addition, in order to meet demands for more efficient production, long-term unmanned factory operation is prevailing at a remarkable pace. Within this context, laser machines are gaining increasing popularity for use in applications such as cutting and welding metallic and ceramic materials. FANUC supplies four models of $CO_2$ laser oscillators with laser power ranging from 1.5㎾ to 6㎾ on an OEM basis to machine tool builders. However, FANUC has been requested to produce laser oscillators that allow more compact and lower-cost laser machines to be built. To meet such demands, FANUC has developed six models of Slab type YAG laser oscillators with output power ranging from 150W to 2㎾. These oscillators are designed mainly fur cutting and welding sheet metals. The oscillator has an exceptionally superior laser beam quality compared to conventional YAG laser oscillators, thus providing significantly improved machining capability. In addition, the laser beam of the oscillator can be efficiently transmitted through quartz optical fibers, enabling laser machines to be simplified and made more compact. This paper introduces the features of FANUC’s developed Slab type YAG laser oscillators and their applications. - Part II - All-solid-state lasers employing laser diodes (LD) as a source of pumping solid-state laser feature high efficiency, compactness, and high reliability. Thus, they are expected to provide a new generation of processing tools in various fields, especially in automobile and aircraft industries where great hopes are being placed on laser welding technology for steel plates and aluminum materials for which a significant growth in demand is expected. Also, in power plants, it is hoped that reliability and safety will be improved by using the laser welding technology. As in the above, the advent of high-power all-solid-state lasers may not only bring a great technological innovation to existing industry, but also create new industry. This is the background for this project, which has set its sights on the development of high-power, all-solid-state lasers with an average output of over 10㎾, an oscillation efficiency of over 20%, and a laser head volume of below 0.05㎥. FANUC Ltd. is responsible for the research and development of slab type lasers, and TOSHIBA Corp. far rod type lasers. By pumping slab type Nd: YAG crystal and by using quasi-continuous wave (QCW) type LD stacks, FANUC has already obtained an average output power of 1.7㎾, an optical conversion efficiency of 42%, and an electro-optical conversion efficiency of 16%. These conversion efficiencies are the best results the world has ever seen in the field of high-power all-solid-state lasers. TOSHIBA Corp. has also obtained an output power of 1.2㎾, an optical conversion efficiency of 30%, and an electro-optical conversion efficiency of 12%, by pumping the rod type Nd: YAG crystal by continuous wave (CW) type LD stacks. The laser power achieved by TOSHIBA Corp. is also a new world record in the field of rod type all-solid-state lasers. This report provides details of the above results and some information on future development plans.

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