• Title/Summary/Keyword: MRI examination

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Evaluation of artifacts around the breast expander according to magnetic field strength (자장의 세기에 따른 유방 확장기 주위의 인공물 평가)

  • Jung, Dong- Il;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1144-1149
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    • 2020
  • The magnetic valve of the breast tissue expander generates imaging artifacts during MRI examination, so MRI examination is limited. To evaluate the effect of imaging artifacts on the diagnosis area for patients with breast tissue expander who need MRI examination. Imaging artifacts were measured using self-made phantoms and actual clinical conditions. Imaging artifacts were measured differently depending on the environment of 1.5 Tesla and 3.0 Tesla, and the effects of imaging artifacts were less in the C-spine and L-spine tests. If MRI due to breast cancer metastasis is absolutely necessary, head & neck examination and L-spine can be examined mainly at 1.5 Tesla, but some sequences may cause distortion due to image artifacts. In terms of safety, MRI scans of patients with breast tissue expanders can be performed conditionally at 1.5T, avoiding 3.0T.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Diagnosis: Nasal Adenosquamous Cell Carcinoma in a Dog (개 비강종양의 자기공명영상학적 평가 1예)

  • Choi Chi-Bong;Cho Ik-Hyun;Kim Hwi-Yool;Bae Chun-Sik
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.15 no.4 s.71
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    • pp.668-672
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    • 2005
  • Nasal tumors have been reported frequently in dogs and nasal discharge has been the primary presenting complaint in nasal tumor patients. A 10-year-old 7 kg male mixed breed dog was presented to the animal hospital for evaluation of severe bloody nasal discharge. After physical examination, blood examination and X-ray examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination was also conducted. Based on MRI nasal tumor which does not extend cranial vault was diagnosed. The nasal tumor was confirmed as adenosquamous cell carcinoma by histopathological examination after necropsy. The invasive characteristics of the neoplasm were documented by MRI. MRI was very valuable diagnostic tool for identifying extracranial and intracranial tumor invasion in a small animal.

Comparative Study between MRI and pain, duration, physical examination in 20 patients with knee joint pain (20례 슬통환자의 통증, 이환기간, 물리적 검사법과 MRI소견과의 비교 고찰)

  • Yang, Myung-bok;Jang, Byung-sun;Lee, Dae-yong;Lee, Seung-hoon;Hwang, Byung-chun;Park, Jung-un;Guk, Ui-suk;Lee, Geon-mok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2002
  • Background and Purpose : MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) has become one of the most sensitive diagnostic tool no evaluate problems of the knee, because it enables us to identify not only osseous tissue but also soft tissues including muscle, fascia, tendon, ligament, meniscus and fat around the knee joint. Objective : To compare between MRI reading and pain, duration, physical examination in patients with pain of knee joint. Methods : 20 patients with pain of knee joint included in this study. This study researched pain-degree, duration, physical examination with pain of knee joint. Using MRI(Horizon Lx 1.0T-GE), we obtained the results. Results : 1. In the distribution of sex; Female rate was 80.0% and male rate was 20.0%. In the distribution of age, above sixty group was the largest group by each 55.0%. 2. In the distribution of MRI reading; 'Meniscus horm tear' was 70.0%, 'Osteoarthritis' was 55.5%, 'ACL partial tear' was 15.0%, 'Bone bruise at tibia, femur' was 15.0%. 3. Correlation between duration of pain and MRI reading showed that acute and subacute stage related various MRI reading, that chronic stage related 'Osteoarthritis' and 'Meniscus horn tear' by each 69.2%, 92.3%. 4. Correlation between pain and MRI reading showed that severe pain(GVI) related 'ACL partial tear, PCL partial tear' by each 100%, that mild pain(GII) related 'Osteoarthritis, Meniscus horn tear' by each 70.0%, 80.0%. 5. Correlation between physical examination and MRI reading showed that Drawer test related ACL partial tear by each 60.0%, that McMurray test related 'Meniscus horn tear' by each 75.0%. 6. Correlation between effect of treatment and MRI reading showed that 'Osteoarthritis, Meniscus horn tear' related good effect, that ACL partial tear related poor effect. Conclusions : These results suggest that acute and sever pain relate 'ACL partial tear, PCL partial tear', that chronic and mild pain related 'Osteoarthritis, Meniscus horn tear'. So it is responsibility to use MRI as a sensitive diagnostic tool in the knee problems.

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Effects of Claustrophobia, Vital Signs on Psychological Anxiety of the Patients during MRI Examination(In Patient Safety Accident) (MRI 검사 시 환자의 심리적 불안감이 폐쇄공포 및 활력징후에 미치는 영향(환자안전사고에 있어서))

  • Kim, Jae-Cheon;Bae, Seok-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2015
  • In this study, to find out the effect of psychological anxiety of the patients during MRI examination on the claustrophobia and vital signs, As for a study tool, to measure Anxiety Sensitivity Index(ASI), Kamsung Evaluation Index of Life Environmental Noise(KEI), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV) was used, and for vital signs, blood pressure and pulse rate were measured pre and post MRI examination. In conclusion, it was indicated that though the effect of the general characteristics, psychological anxiety, on noise sensitivity and claustrophobia was small, the psychological anxiety of the patients during MRI examination affected claustrophobia and vital signs.

Analysis of Medical Decisions related to Epidural Hematoma after Spinal Surgery -Focusing on the Lumbar MRI- (척추 수술 후 발생한 경막외 혈종 관련 의료 판결 분석 -요추 MRI 시행 여부를 중심으로-)

  • Lee Dongjin
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.61-86
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the importance of continuous and detailed follow-up of patients after spinal surgery by reviewing the literature on epidural hematoma and the lower court ruling on lumbar MRI during the judgment on the negligence of postoperative follow-up. In the case of neglecting MRI examination or cooperation after surgery, delaying MRI examination after pain and symptom appeal after surgery, and returning home immediately after neurological symptom development after surgery, negligence in progress observation was recognized. In the case of the case where the negligence was not recognized even after the occurrence of the aftereffects by taking measures against the symptoms, and the case where the scope of the doctor's discretion for the execution of the test was recognized, It is hoped that this study will help prevent medical accidents and disputes related to follow-up after spinal surgery by increasing awareness of the importance of prompt MRI examination, diagnosis, surgical treatment, and power, especially in the case of new neurological symptoms.

A Study on Abdomen MRI Scan Using Metronome (메트로놈을 이용한 복부 MRI 검사에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Ho-Sung;Kim, Jae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.24 no.9
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    • pp.1138-1143
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    • 2020
  • MRI scans in the abdominal area are difficult to achieve optimal images due to artificial respiration. Among 45 patients (male:female = 30:15) who underwent abdominal MRI examination, a metronome-based examination method was studied for patients whose breathing is difficult and difficult to examine. The images examined without using a metronome were divided into group A, and the images examined using a metronome were divided into group B. Image quality improvement (30%) and inspection time (approximately 50 seconds) were reduced in images using metronome. During abdominal magnetic resonance imaging (ABD MRI), the images examined using a metronome had differences in quality and examination time compared to the unused images. It is more effective to use a metronome brace that controls the patient's respiratory rate during abdominal magnetic resonance imaging under respiratory induction in patients with difficulty in respiratory-gated.

Comparative Analysis of Understanding and Satisfaction of MRI Patients after Leaflet Training (리플릿 교육 후 MRI 환자의 이해도 및 만족도 비교분석)

  • Park, Chang-Hee;Han, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the penetration rate of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is higher than the average among OECD member countries, and the number of MRI scans is increasing. However, MRI scans take longer than other medical devices, and patient movement must be minimized. Therefore, patient discomfort always follows. When the examination is performed in the discomfort of the patient, it is difficult to perform an accurate examination, and it is difficult to obtain an image of diagnostic value. So, in the past, the patient was asked to read the written guide for the risk and cooperation of MRI, but it was composed of technical terms and difficult-to-understand sentences, so it was difficult to understand. The purpose of this study is to supplement these problems and increase the understanding of MRI scans to help acquire images of diagnostic value. In addition, it is intended to evaluate the excellence of leaflet education by evaluating the understanding and satisfaction of patients. As shown in the results of this study, understanding and satisfaction scores were higher after education than before leaflet education, and it was found that there was a difference in understanding according to academic background. However, there was no difference in the number of MRI scans. That is, there was no difference in the number of inspections due to leaflet education. In the future, leaflet education will be widely used for MRI examination, and it is necessary to study the qualitative evaluation of images after leaflet education in the future.

A Comparison Study of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings and Neurological Signs in Canine Brain Diseases

  • Kim, Min-Ju;Song, Joong-Hyun;Hwang, Tae-Sung;Lee, Hee-Chun;Yu, Do-Hyeon;Kang, Byeong-Teck;Jung, Dong-In
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.178-183
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    • 2018
  • The object of this study was to compare magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings and neurological signs in canine brain diseases. Brain diseases can cause severe neurological deficits and may be life-threatening. The antemortem diagnosis of the brain diseases is difficult for the clinician, since definitive diagnosis is based upon histopathological confirmation. Brain diseases are often associated with specific clinical signs, signalment, progression, and location. Accurate lesion localization through neurological examination and MRI findings is helpful for developing a differential diagnosis. A retrospective study was performed to compare the neurological examination of dogs with suspected brain disease to the MRI findings. Based on this study, neurological examination is a reliable way to localize most brain lesions. Postural reaction deficits do not provide sufficient information to localize lesions. Additionally, not all brain lesions present clinical signs and inflammatory lesions may cause no detectable abnormalities on MRI. Therefore, in clinical practice, a combination of neurological examination and MRI findings recommended for accurate brain lesion localization.

The Clinical Reports on 3 Case of the Patient of Extruded Disc Treated by Conservative Oriental Medical Treatment (L-spine MRI로 관찰한 Disc extrution환자의 디스크 흡수 3례 보고)

  • Lee, Jin-Hyuk;Min, Kwan-Sik;Kim, Su-Young
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The propose of this study is to find out the clinical application of conservative treatment to 3 patients who has Disc Extrusion on L-spine MRI Methods: We examined 3 patients with Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Herniation (HIVD of L-spine) with Disc Extrusion who showed changes on MRI images before/after the treatment among HIVD of L-spine patients who visited Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine. Results: In this study, the first MRI examination of HIVD of L-spine patients was performed at the first visit and re-examination of MRI was done after the treatment. In each case, the size of the extruded disc was considerably reduced in MRI image. Low back and leg pain was also reduced significantly after conervative oriental medical treatment. Conclusions: Conservative oriental medical treatment can be effective for improving symptoms of HIVD, decreasing pain, also decreasing the volume of herniated disc.

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Are Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Ankle Instability Always Correlated with Operative and Physical Examination Findings? (외측 인대 손상의 자기공명영상 소견들이 수술 소견 및 신체검사와 항상 일치할까?)

  • Park, Hyun-woo
    • Journal of Korean Foot and Ankle Society
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-5
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    • 2021
  • Physical examination and surgical findings and symptoms are often inconsistent with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings when diagnosing chronic ankle lateral ligament instability, and confirmed surgical findings are used as the gold standard in most clinical studies. Anterior drawer testing is considered unreliable because normal findings are highly variable, and its accuracy ranges from 50% to 100%. Furthermore, radiographic stress imaging, such as in anterior drawer stress view, is performed under manual stress or using a stress device, and its findings also vary widely and confuse when interpreting stress views. The average accuracy of MRI findings is around 85% (range, 66%~91.7%), and thus, cannot be used as a primary indicator for surgery. For patients with suspected lateral ankle ligament instability, based on symptoms and physical examination findings, MRI may be useful for identifying lesions in ankle joints and for differentiating them from other conditions.