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중국(中國) 수출(輸出) 남성(男性) 기성복(旣成服) 치수에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) -한국(韓國) 남성복(男性服) 치수를 중심(中心)으로 한 중국(中國) 남성복(男性服) 대응(對應)치수의 설정(設定) 및 제시(提示)-

  • Shim, Boo-Ja
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.155-171
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    • 2007
  • This research aims to present the corresponding dimensions of China men's clothes on the basis of size specification of Korea men's suits. The results of this study, with the cooperation of Sejung Company exporting men's clothes to Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province in China, are as follows: 1. Based on the drop standard of KS K 0050, the body types of Chinese men in their 20s were classified. A body types were 55.77%, Y body types were 32.16%, B body types were 11.55% and BB body types were 1.51%. 2. According to the criteria of ready-made dimensions of normal body type suggested in Korea Standards, and in consideration of the basic distribution reality of body dimensions, representative 5 sizes were selected. 3. Research jackets by different sizes were produced and went through wearing tests. The means of 1st wearing test were 3.86, 4.09, 4.09, 3.57, and 3.69. The mean of 2nd wearing test of 88-73-170 size was 4.32. 4. The corresponding size specification of China men's clothes based on those of Korea men's suits were presented here, showing product sizes and physical items in detail.

A Research on the Suit Wearing Conditions for Men - Based on Urban Workers - (성인(成人) 남자(男子)의 슈트 착용(着用) 실태(實態) 조사(調査) - 도시근로자(都市勤勞者)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Choi, Hye-Ock;Sohn, Hee-Soon
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this research is to offer basic data for study of men's suits by investigating the wearing conditions of men's suits. For data collection, a questionnaire was composed of a number of times and the reason of the suit wearing, and a number of suits they posses etc. The subjects of this research were male who aged 20-59 and resided in Seoul and the capital region. The results of the research are summarized as the following : 1. The mean age of suit wearing for the first time is 22.7 years old. The younger began to wear the suits earlier than the older. 2. A number of times of suit wearing for a week is more than 5 days mostly. Being educated higher, the ratio of suit wearing is getting higher. And In the case of job, office men, sales men and men whose job of specialization are wearing suits many a time more than a graduate student and a technician. Most of tne men especially 30's$\sim$40's is wearing the suit as a working garment. 3. Most of men is wearing jacket, dress-shirt and necktie in spring and fall, dress-shirt and necktie in summer, and jacket, vest, dress-shirt and necktie in winter. 4. As a general rule, men have about 2 suits for spring/fall and winter, and about 1 suit for summer. Also male has more than 6 ready-made suits and about 1 custom suit. The last, men almost do not use the suspender with suits.

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The Diagnosis for Educational Behavioral Strategies of Community Health Nurse-Community Health Worker for Control of Hypertensive Urban Young Black Men in America (간호사-지역사회건강상담자팀의 미국 도시지역 젊은 흑인 남자 집단의 고혈압 관리를 위한 전략 활동의 교육-행위진단)

  • Park, Kyung-Min
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.80-99
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    • 1996
  • Young black men(YBM) have the most severs levels of high blood pressure(HBP) and, in all reports but one, the lowest of HBP control of any age /sex /race group. To increase entry into care, remaining in care, and BP control for young(18-49 years) Black men, It is needed to review socio-demographic, medical characteristics, and behaviors(importance of and difficulty with HBP control behaviors, or worry about mdication) for experimental intervention study(educational- behavior strategies) of hypertensive urban young black men. The 204 participants had an average age of 38.8+7.0 years and an average educational level of $11.0{\pm}2.4$ years; only 23.1% were employed full- or part-time while 26% were on disability ; and 6% were married. Only 35.3% had an MD for HBP care and 37.3% had some form of health insurance. The average BP of those men currently being in care on medication(35.3%) was $148.2/95.1{\pm}19.5/11.3$ compared to those men not taking HBP care $153.7/99.1{\pm}14.0/9.8(p<.05)$. The average creatinine level was 1.3(excluding 3 marked elevations of 15.9, 9.6, and 7.7) for the 163 men consenting to have their blood drawn. Self-reported co-morbidity induded heart disease 7.8%, diabetes 8.9%, high cholesterol 18.2%, CVA 3.4%, alcohol and drug related problems 27.9% and 22.5% respectively. The kidney disease of those men currently being in care & on medication was 9.7 compared to those men not taking HBP care 0.8(p<.05). The problems of with sex life, physicl activity and dearly thinking of those men currently being in care & on medication was higher compared to those men not taking HBP care(p<.05). Questions of 'during the past month, on how many days did you have 5 or more drinks (bottles) of any alcoholic beverag?' and smoking of those men currently being in care & on medication was 18.1% and 72.2% compared to those men not taking HBP care 27.3 and 82.6%, respectively. HBP control behaviors was assessed with 1-5 point Likert subscales(5=extreme, 1-none at all), In general, th men reportd low levels of perceived psychological barrier to HBP care and control behaviors; importance of and difficulty with HBP control behaviors, or worry about mdication. For example, on a five point scale(1=none at all, 5=extreme), average ratings for perceived important and difficulty with BP care and behaviors were 2.8(SD=1.2) and 2.5(SD=1.1). Average ratings for perceived benefit with BP care and behaviors worry about medication of those men currently being in care on medication was 4.0(SD=0.9) and 2.2(SD=1.1) compared to those men not taking HBP care 3.6(SD=0.8), 2.8 (SD=1.6) respectively(p<.05). These data support the need for educational-behavioral strategies of community health nurse to improve high blood pressure control in this high risk group through perceived barriers to treatment, health care skills and use of resources, and social support.

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The Effect of Economic State, Health State, and Sex-Role Identity on Self-Esteem of the Elderly Men and Women (남녀 노인의 경제상태, 건강상태, 성역할 정체감에 따른 자아존중감)

  • 이신숙;이경주
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of the study was to investigate relationships among self-esteem of the elderly men and women in the economic state, health state, and degree of sex role identity. The subjects were 246 elderly men and women living in Chonnam. Statistics were Frequency, Percentage. Mean, Standard Deviation, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, ANOVA and Regression analysis. Major results obtained were as follows ; 1) The mean scores of self-esteem in the elderly men and women were 19.26 and 18.84 respectively 2) There were meaningful differences in self-esteem according to health state. economic state. sex role identity in both elderly men and women. And. in the elderly men and Women. the highest influencing variables on their self-esteem were the economic state and health state, and the sex role identity respectively.

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A Study on Nutritional Status and Its Related Factors in Elderly Koreans with Ages (연령증가에 따른 남녀노인들의 영양상태 및 이에 영향을 미치는 요인 분석)

  • 강남이;조미숙
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.361-372
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    • 1994
  • Elderly Koreans(<60 year old) living in Seoul were surveyed with questionnaire to Investigate their nutritional status and those factors affected. The result could be summarized as follows : Mean energy intakes of elderly men and women were 1,528 and 1,292 kcal, and 79.1 and 65.5% of RDA, respectively. Below 215 of RDA were Ca and vile. A in men and Ca, vile. A and riboflavin in women. Compared with elderly men, elderly women showed lower quality of diet. In men intakes of nutrients were markedly decreased after 80 years old but in women these tendency showed more early stages of ages. The factors that had effect on nutrient intakes were age, height in men and SES, body weight and BMI in women.

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The Image of 'New Man' in Men's Fashion in the mid-1980s (1980년대 중반 남성 패션에 나타난 '뉴 맨(New Man)' 이미지)

  • Yum, Hae-Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2011
  • This paper is purposed to clarify that an increase of the matter of concern about men's fashion in the mid-1980s was coincided with rapid change of images for men and diversification within the context of economy, society, culture and to analyze the characteristic of each fashion and the meaning. Findings are as follows: 'New men' played a key role creating and communicating the new male image through the media, as a new masculine appeared in the middle of 1980s. Especially it was spreaded into with British as a center between the generations of young men described as a white-collar worker about the ages from 18 to 35 specifically and appeared by the cultural background in accordance with the spread of consumerism, materialism and post modern feminism and the development of men's fashion. There were 2 types of fashion styles for 'New men' image on the media in the mid-1980s. The First is 'power suit look style' which is self-conscious, including 'corporate formal suit look' and 'soft & sexy suit look'. The Second is 'extravagant body conscious style' which characterize the decolletage and androgynous, including 'tough sports look' and 'sexy skirt look'. Lastly, the 'New men' image means a man as a visible object and a man in the image world.

Analysis of Articles on Design.Aesthetics and Beauty Aspects in Domestic Men's Fashion (디자인.미학 및 뷰티 분야를 중심으로 본 국내 남성 패션 연구동향)

  • Shin, Myung-Jin;Nam, Yoon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.61 no.3
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate trend of articles on men's fashion in Korea as seen through clothing-related academic journals from 1990 to 2009. For a total of 478 research papers on men's fashion published in 18 clothing-specialized learned society journals, which are KCI-cited journals or candidates thereof The results were as follows: First, With respect to the number of papers on men's fashion from 1990 to 2009, that of the 2000s rapidly increased to 5.2 times that of the 1990s. Second, The number of each area research was ranked aw follows: social psychology marketing 34.1%(163), clothing construction 32.2%(154), design aesthetics 19.7%(94), beauty 7.7%(37), history of clothing 4.8%(23), textile science 1.5%(7.7). Third, Studies on the aesthetics in men's fashion showed a steady increase from 1995, resulting in the number of papers in the 2000s being 12 times that of the 1990s. And, in the 2000s, the subjects explored in the 1990s, such as feminization of men's clothes, gender images, men's suit, etc. were deepened and expanded.

Study on the Perception of Somatotype for Men's Lower Body in the 60s and the 20s (60대와 20대 남성의 하반신 체형에 대한 인식 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Ju;Kim, Hyun-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.777-786
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the perception of men's lower body shape in the 60s with that in the 20s. On hundred and seven men in the 60s and 178 men in the 20s participated in the survey and measurements. The results were as follows : 1. It was perceived that men in the 60s had broader girth but lighter weight than men in the 20s. The research revealed that men in the 60s was more satisfied with their lower body shape than men in the 20s. 2. It was also found that the ideal size of men in the 60s was broader in the girth of their waist and hip, shorter in their height, and lighter in their weight compared to men in the 20s. 3. It showed a difference in the satisfaction with their body shape between men in the 60s and the 20s. The satisfaction with their lower body shape of men in the 60s was more affected by their perception than by their real measured size. On the other hand, the satisfaction of men in the 20s was affected by their perception as much as by their measured size. 4. If we look at the perception and satisfaction in relation with their body types, we found that there was a difference in the girth of their waist, abdomen, hip, and weight depending on their body types. And men in the 20s showed greater differences in their perception and satisfaction depending on their body types, compared to men in the 60s. 5. The measured size of men in the 20s had greater differences depending on their body types than that of men in the 60s. On the contrary, the ideal size of men in the 60s had greater differences than that of men in the 20s.

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Gender-Based Differences in Expository Language Use: A Corpus Study of Japanese

  • Heffernan, Kevin;Nishino, Keiko
    • Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2020
  • Previous work has shown that men both explain and value the act of explaining more than women, as explaining conveys expertise. However, previous studies are limited to English. We conducted an exploratory study to see if similar patterns are seen amongst Japanese speakers. We examined three registers of Japanese: conversational interviews, simulated speeches, and academic presentations. For each text, we calculated two measures: lexical density and the percentage of the text written in kanji. Both are indicators of expository language. Men produced significantly higher scores for the interviews and speeches. However, the results for the presentations depend on age and academic field. In fields in which women are the minority, women produce higher scores. In the field in which men are the minority, younger men produced higher scores but older men produced lower scores than women of the same age. Our results show that in academic contexts, the explainers are not necessarily men but rather the gender minority. We argue that such speakers are under social pressure to present themselves as experts. These results show that the generalization that men tend to explain more than women does not always hold true, and we urge more academic work on expository language.

Complex Sample Analysis of the Effect of Alcohol Drinking and Smoking Period on Bone Mineral Densities in Korean Men Aged 50 Years and Over (50세 이상 한국 남성의 알코올과 흡연력이 골밀도에 미치는 영향에 대한 복합표본 분석)

  • Kim, Moon Ja;Lee, Eun Nam
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.157-166
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify the effect of the level of alcohol drinking and smoking period on the occurrence of lumbar and femoral neck osteoporosis in men aged 50 years and over. Methods: This study analyzed the data of 1,410 men based on results of a National Survey on Nutritional Health for the period 2010-2012. Complex sample multi-variate logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine whether alcohol drinking and smoking period were associated with osteoporosis in men aged 50 years older. Results: The risk of osteoporosis in the femoral neck was 3.43 times (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.15~10.29) higher in men who consumed less alcohol and smoked for a long time compared to men who smoked more than 40 years and consumed much alcohol at once. The risk of osteoporosis in the lumbar spine was 3.45 times (95% confidence interval [CI]=1.69~7.04) higher respectively. Men who consumed much alcohol at a time and smoked less than 40 years were 1.54 (1/0.65) times (95% confidence interval [CI]=0.45~0.93) more likely to be classified as normal than the men who consumed much alcohol and had a long smoking period. Conclusion: The interaction of excessive drinking and smoking has a more detrimental effect on bone mineral density.