• Title/Summary/Keyword: Low Achievement Student

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The Effects of 'Climbing learning Method' in the Learning of Mathematics in Elementary School (학습구조차트를 활용하는 등산학습법의 초등수학 적용과 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Baik, Min-Ho;Kim, Pan-Soo
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.177-197
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    • 2007
  • This study discussed the climbing learning method which studied and practiced by Professor Saito Noboru. This is the learning method which is devised to know not only the relationship of the learning factors but the systemic or structural connection of whole studying contents- affects children's math learning ability through practical class to both the lower and the higher grades. To achieve the purpose of this study, these following issues were set; A. Develop the teaching and learning course of mathematics by applying the climbing learning method. B. Execute the mathematics lesson according to the climbing learning method and analyze the learning achievement. C. Analyze the difference between application of the climbing learning method and that of the learning method by student's level in mathematics. D. Analyze what the climbing learning method gives a shift of the recognition of learning mathematics. In order to accomplish these study issues, we analyzed the text book of math not only for children but also for teachers and developed the teaching and learning course applied the climbing learning method with advice of experts. It was chosen two different homogeneous groups each, third year for lower grade group and fifth year for higher grade group. It was done the experimental group lesson applying the climbing learning method and general lesson for the control group. After then, t-test against independent samples was done depending on the result of the student's assessment(T1, T2). These two groups' students were divided into smaller groups based on result of achievement level regardless of gender. These subgroups were confirmed the difference of learning ability between upper and lower level group. As regarding the result making out grades of faith and attitude for math, t-test was used on independent sample. At the same time, experimental groups were tested using learning attitude with the learning structure chart. Through this study the following results are obtained and the conclusion was drawn. Firstly, although applying the climbing learning method to the lesson does not have significant effect to the lower grade of elementary school student's achievement it has significant influence on the higher grade student's achievement. Second, as a result of analyzing the difference between the climbing learning method and the learning method by student's level in mathematics, it is of no beneficial effect to the lower grade both upper level and lower level. However, it has appreciable effect to the higher grade classes both upper level and low level. Especially, upper level students have higher effect than low level students. Third, climbing learning method does not affect to the faith and attitude of the lower grade students positively, but it has affirmative effect to the higher grade students'. As a result of the survey of the experimental groups which were applied to the climbing loaming method, the lesson by using the learning structure chart proved to be helpful to the both the lower and higher grade. The best advantage of using the learning structure chart, children say, is easily understood whole contents of studying and is useful for review. Furthermore, using the learning structure chart is more efficient compared with previous learning method and is given the successful result to self-directed learning. In conclusion, keeping up with the current of the thought of education, we suggest a scheme as a new teaching method from the constructive learning method which emphasize the self-directed learning.

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Efficient Teaching Method for the Underachieving Students through Level Differentiated Classes (수학 기초학력 미달자의 수준별 수업에서 효율적인 지도 방법)

  • Shin, Joonkook;Yun, Sang-In;Kim, Yang-Hee
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.81-96
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    • 2014
  • Now, most of programs developed were presented as form of item pool by dividing problems by section and level for the level differentiated course, so the utilization is decreasing at the field caused by unconsidered school underachievement elements by achievement. Especially, the study on teaching materials and effective measures map for mid-low level students with low utilization is more urgent. Therefore, in this study we will promote teaching method for improving learning achievement at high school. The development teaching materials(the performance evaluation and diagnostic assessment, reconstruction of textbooks) will be applied to classes for the underachieving students directly, and the achievement in the experimental class was significantly improved compared to the comparative class and the meaningful conclusions could be drawn as results of conducting same assessment based on the experimental class and the comparative class.

Math-disliking Types and the Correlation Coefficients between Mathematical Achievements and Them-Focused on the 8th Graders (수학 기피유형의 분류 및 수학 성취 수준과의 상관성 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Kuk
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.33-50
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    • 2007
  • Positive attitude toward mathematics is gaining bigger recognition as an important contributing factor to mathematical ability. As a strategy for strengthening affective domain and betterment of mathematics teaching and loaming, classifying students by their causes for liking or disliking mathematics can be an effective way In this study the author tried to devise methods to classify students by their types of math disliking and investigate correlations between mathematical achievements and these math-disliking types from a sample group of 8th graders. To identify the types of reasons why 8th graders dislike mathematics, a questionnaire with 30 items was made firstly. Then by applying the 'Factor analysis' of SPSS, the 30 items were divided into five partitions. Through abstraction of each partition, five math-disliking types, 'Competences', 'Basics', 'Confidences', 'Usefulness', and 'Teachers' were defined. They are expected to help teachers for describing each student's tendency of math-disliking. Further, correlation coefficients between mathematical achievements and each of the five math-disliking type were investigated against 4 groups which were made from sample group by the discrimination of gender and two levels (high and low) of mathematical achievements in cognitive area. As results, the following facts were found. (i) The trends of correlations between cognitive achievement and the five math disliking types were different across the 4 groups at statistically meaningful degrees. (ii) Most of the male students who had math-disliking types were proved to be in the low achievement level. But for the female students, only 50% of students who had math-disliking types were in the low achievement level. (iii) Compared to male students, higher portion of female students had math-disliking types despite their high achievement in cognitive area.

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An Analysis on the Error According to Academic Achievement Level in the Fractional Computation Error of Elementary Sixth Graders (초등학교 6학년 학생이 분수 계산문제에서 보이는 오류의 학업성취수준별 분석)

  • Park, Miyeon;Park, Younghee
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.23-47
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the types of errors that may occur in the four arithmetic operations of the fractions after classified according to the level of academic achievement for sixth-grade elementary school student who Learning of the four arithmetic operations of the fountain has been completed. The study was proceed to get the information how change teaching content and method in accordance with the level of academic achievement by looking at the types of errors that can occur in the four arithmetic operations of the fractions. The test paper for checking the type of errors caused by calculation of fractional was developed and gave it to students to test. And we saw the result by error rate and correct rate of fraction that is displayed in accordance with the level of academic achievement. We investigated the characteristics of the type of error in the calculation of the arithmetic operations of fractional that is displayed in accordance with the level of academic achievement. First, in the addition of the fractions, all levels of students showing the highest error rate in the calculation error. Specially, error rate in the calculation of different denominator was higher than the error rate in the calculation of same denominator Second, in the subtraction of the fractions, the high level of students have the highest rate in the calculation error and middle and low level of students have the highest rate in the conceptual error. Third, in the multiplication of the fractions, the high and middle level of students have the highest rate in the calculation error and low level of students have the highest rate in the a reciprocal error. Fourth, in the division of the fractions, all levels of students have the highest r rate in the calculation error.

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Analysis of the Analogies on Three States of Matter Generated by Middle School Students (물질의 세 가지 상태에 대하여 중학생들이 만든 비유의 분석)

  • Hyeoksoon Kwon;Eunkyu Choi;Taehee Noh
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.265-272
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    • 2003
  • This study investigated the types of analogies that 7th graders generated to explain three states of matter, the difference of analogies by achievement level, and the misconceptions that might be induced from the analogies. The results revealed that many students made the enriched and storytelling analogies with concrete materials or events from their everyday experiences. However, they made analogies without considering causal relationship such as the change of particular arrangement based on latent heat or molecular movement. The students of high achievement level considered the arrangement and the movement of molecules and made the enriched and storytelling analogies more than the students of low achievement level. The students made the analogies that might induce misconceptions such that the molecules don't move in solid state or the particles could be changed according to the states.

An Analysis of High School Student's Understanding Level about Basic Concepts of Special Relativity through in-depth interview (심층 면담을 통한 고등학생들의 특수 상대론 기초 개념에 대한 이해 수준 분석)

  • Kim, Jaekwon;Jung, Jinkyu;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.569-584
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    • 2014
  • The Purpose of this study was an analysis of high school student's understanding level about concepts of special relativity through in-depth interview. The 8 participants were 10th grade students in H high school in Ulsan city, who were interviewed and analyzed in the results of the interview about basic concepts of special relativity using achievement checklist in 6 situations(principle of constancy of light velocity, principle of relativity, relativity of simultaneity, garage paradox, rocket paradox). As results of the checklist, the participants showed high achievement in the content level of simple phenomena and simple concepts related to special relativity. But they showed low achievement in the concept level for fundamental understanding of special relativity. As results of the interview, it was found that the participants decided the order of events depending on their intuition and had a difficulty to apply the coordinate system to real situation, even though they mathematically understood it. In addition, some participants who could not understand the inertial coordinate system explained paradoxes of relativity depending on their intuition and had learner's chaos. Finally, though high school students usually being in formal operational stage, some students had difficulty to draw phenomena of space and time in two dimensional plane.

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A Curricular Comparison Study with TIMSS (우리 나라 수학교육과정 현황 및 TIMSS 연구결과와의 비교분석)

  • 김민경;노선숙
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.137-156
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    • 2001
  • IEA's Third International Mathematics and Science Study(TIMSS) from 1994-1995 has placed Korea as one of the top three countries among 45 countries that participated in the study in mathematics achievement for the 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 8th grade students. While the test scores were excellent, the study also showed that mathematics education in Korea needed improvements in student attitudes, technology incorporation, and gender difference in achievement. An analysis of the a survey conducted as part of the mathematics curriculum research program showed that very little progress has been made in these areas for the past 5 years. Moreover, the progressively declining attitudes towards mathematics for high school students is a problematic phenomena for educators as we believe that mathematics is becoming even more important in an information technology based society. A comparison between the top three TIMSS scoring countries (Korea, Singapore, and Japan) and low scored country (U.S.) was made In this paper. We also compare some of problematic results from TIMSS to those from EERI Curriculum Study implemented in 2000. The study shows that simply using technology and improving student attitudes do not necessarily guarantee improved performance. Most of educators agree that potential for technology is great for both changing the way students learn and improving the attitudes of students. However, improperly implemented technology can hinder rather than help the educational process. Therefore, as we begin to implement and use more and moore technology, it is critical to develop the proper curriculum, training for teachers and research programs to track the progress and to make the necessary adjustments to provide the best possible education for our students. Another TIMSS result shows for all four grade levels(3rd, 4th, 7th, 8th), Korea shows the highest gender difference among all the participating countries. TIMSS data such as this is valuable to benchmark all types of information to get a better understanding about what is happening for improvements in math curriculum in Korea. More research needs to be done in comparing the performance of Korean mathematics education to understand both the strengths and weaknesses of our curriculum so that improvements can be made.

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Early Prediction Model of Student Performance Based on Deep Neural Network Using Massive LMS Log Data (대용량 LMS 로그 데이터를 이용한 심층신경망 기반 대학생 학업성취 조기예측 모델)

  • Moon, Kibum;Kim, Jinwon;Lee, Jinsook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2021
  • Log data accumulated in the Learning Management System (LMS) provide high-quality information for the learning process of students. Until now, various studies have been conducted to predict students' academic achievement using LMS log data. However, previous studies were based on relatively small sample sizes of students and courses, limiting the possibility of generalization. This study developed and validated a deep neural network model for the early prediction of academic achievement of college students using massive LMS log data. To this end, we used 78,466,385 cases of LMS log data and 165,846 cases of grade data. The proposed model predicted the excellent-grade students with a high level of accuracy from the beginning of the semester. Meanwhile, the prediction accuracy for the moderate and underachieving groups was relatively low, but the accuracy improved as the time points of the prediction were delayed. This study is meaningful in that we developed an early prediction model based on a deep neural network with sufficient accuracy for practical utilization by only using LMS log data.

Analysis of learning preferenece using student's sympathetic-parasympathetic response (학습자의 교감/부교감 반응 분석에 의한 학습 선호도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Bo-Yeon;Cha, Jae-Hyuk
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.355-363
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    • 2007
  • One of major factors for learning achievement is the student's learning preference according to his character type. In course of learning, if a student studies e-learning contents opposed to his preference, then he would be under stress and his blood pressure and heart beat be changed. For measuring unwillingness, we used spectral components in frequency domain known as stress measure. For 13 children attending kindergarten we examined S(sensing)/ N(intuition) of MBTI and presented same learning contents during 10 minutes. During learning we gathered ECG signals, changed into HRV(heart rate variability), transformed time-varying HRV signal into spectral density in frequency domain. And then, we divided it into three areas of low(LF), middle(MF), and high-frequency(HF) and calculated stress measures by rates of those frequency area. We compared estimated stress measures of S group with them of N group whether students in different group preferred different contents or not. Experimental shows that students according to MBTI type prefer different contents.

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Effects of Cornell Typed Science Journal Writing on Elementary Students' Science-Related Attitude (코넬식 과학일지 쓰기가 초등학생의 과학 관련 태도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yeo, Sang-Ihn;Lee, Dae Han
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.415-426
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to investigate the effects of Cornell typed science journal writing on elementary students' science-related attitude by gender and academic achievement. The subjects of study were 109 elementary students (5th grade). The experimental group performed Cornell typed science journal writing and the control group maintained traditional lectures for one semester. Science-related attitudes of this study are classified into scientific attitudes (7 sub-domains) and attitudes toward science (5 sub-domains). The collected data were analyzed by ANCOVA with SPSS. The results of study were as follows: Several sub-domain (voluntariness, cooperation, perception about science and scientist) of science-related attitudes positively changed in experimental group. Cornell typed science journal writing was especially effective on improving scientific attitude in male students, and attitude toward science in female students. Also, science journal writing was effective on improving science-related attitude (both scientific attitude and attitude toward science) in high-achieving group, but not effective in low-achieving group.