• Title/Summary/Keyword: Longitudinal Slope

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Planning of Alternative Forest Road Network Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 대안별 임도노망의 계획에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Kwon-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.11 no.1 s.24
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2003
  • This study was aimed at suggest a proper planning method to select a optimal forest road network in mountains forest using GIS(Geographic Information System). To examine the field applicability, the method was applied to the National Forest at Mt. Kumsan in Namhae-gun, Gyungsangnam-do. The main results from altogether six alternative road route plans were derived from these criteria obtained the alternative route plan No.2 has two layout criteria, longitudinal gradient and earth work volume, and it showed similar pattern of existing forest road network which was designed mainly ground slope and longitudinal gradient. The alternative route plan No.6 has four criteria, longitudinal gradient, earth work volume, investment effect and landscape impact. It was different for the lowest forest road density among the alternatives and the pattern of the forest road layout was radial form, which was also quite different to other alternatives. For optimal forest road network planning, GIS provide the efficient and resonable solutions for decision making to provide the support for evaluation about various alternative road networks. If detailed inventory and relevant data are provided and also clear and objective indicators for evaluations are set up, it could be applied to preliminary analysis and detail planning stage to prevent undesirable effect such the land slide and soil erosion due to inadequate planning for forest road network.

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GIS Application for the Analysis of Geomorphic Surfaces of Marine Terrace at Gampo, Gyeongju City (경주 감포지역 해안단구의 지형면분석을 위한 GIS의 적용)

  • Hwang, Sang-Ill;Jung, Hye-Kyung;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2000
  • This study is aimed to clarify the distribution chracteristics of marine terraces and extract the specific surface at Gampo-eup, Gyeongju city on the map of 1:5,000 using GIS. The effects and problems occurred on the process of using GIS were investigated for the research of marine terrace. The longitudinal profile analysis was carried out along the 12 sections on the geomorphic surfaces of the study area, and actually High higher surface(HH-surface) was found over 100m a.s.l., which has not been reported till now. And the occupancy rate could be calculated by substitution on the height between 4m and 87m a.s.l. for each mean slope degree $1-5^{\circ}$ obtained from the actual measuring along four sections. Consequently the lower-I surface was highly reliable to use as the key bed for studying marine terraces. The accurate and detail analysis about the marine terraces is able to be accomplished on the basis of meaningful actual measuring, though its general possible distribution area can be extracted from GIS with the less effort. Namely the quantified results obtained from GIS could offer the basis for the objective analysis of the geomorphic surfaces. And we can look over the landscape and investigate the surfaces with reliefs effectively in relation to the real geomorphology on the study area, where in situ approach is difficult. But the digital map with a large scale should be offered first of all in order to raise the accuracy of the analysis.

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The Optimal Seeding Quantity of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya Miquel and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria MATSUMURA as Leguminous Woody Plants for the Cut-slope Revegetation (훼손비탈면 복원을 위한 콩과목본류로서 참싸리 및 낭아초의 적정파종량에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Byeong-Deuk;Shim, Sang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of the research is to identify the optimal seeding quantity of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria as leguminous woody plants for the cut-slope revegetation. To investigate the coverage ratio and appearance frequency, we divided Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria into five treatment groups with various quantities of $0.0g/m^2$, $1.0g/m^2$, $2.4g/m^2$, $3.8g/m^2$, and $5.2g/m^2$. For each treatment group, we mixed the identical quantities of herbaceous flowers (Lotus corniculatus var. japonicus, Dianthus sinensis, Aster yomena and Pennisetum alopecuroides) seeds and cool-season turfgrasses (Festuca arundinacea and Poa pratensis) seeds. In this result, as the seeding quantity of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria increased in the spray, the coverage ratio for leguminous woody plants appeared to increase whereas the coverage ratio decreased in herbaceous flowers and cool-season turfgrasses. However, when the seeding quantity of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria exceeded $3.8g/m^2$ in the spray, the coverage ratio of leguminous woody plants rather decreased compared to four treatment groups less than $3.8g/m^2$ seeding ratio. Based on the longitudinal data of coverage ratio in five treatment groups, we observed the gradual process of a short-term succession in which the dominant species shifted in the following order: First, cool-season turfgrasses; Second, herbaceous flowers; Third, leguminous woody plants. Comparing the appearance frequency of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya appeared more frequent in 2014 whereas Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria appeared to be relatively more frequent in 2015. As a result, Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria was discovered to be a dominant species among woody plants. In this study, we observed that the optimal seeding quantity of Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and Indigofera pseudo-tinctoria was $2.4g/m^2{\sim}3.8g/m^2$. Moreover, the coverage ratio of 29.1%~35.4% and appearance frequency of 4.6plants~5.8plants were found in the condition of optimal seeding quantity.

Trajectories of Drinking problems of the elderly: A Longitudinal Multi-level Growth Curve Model for Change (노인의 음주문제 발달궤적의 예측요인 : 다수준 성장곡선 모형의 적용)

  • Ahn, Jun Hee;Jang, Soo Mi
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.389-411
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    • 2012
  • A new era of research has focused on examining the growth of change in drinking problems among the elderly. Thus, the purpose of the present study was two fold: (1) to investigate trajectories of drinking problems(CAGE) among the Korean elderly(age$${\geq_-}65$$); and (2) to identify the predicting factors for the intercept and the slope of alcohol problems using multi-level growth curve model. Data come from three waves(1st wave(2006)~3rd wave(2008) of the Korea Welfare Panel(KWP) study. The results indicated that the levels of drinking problems decreased over time and that age, gender, marital status, religion, poverty, self-rated health, and social relationship satisfaction were associated with the baseline CAGE. Further analysis showed that social relationship satisfaction affected the declining slope of drinking problems over time. Specifically, among those who satisfied social relationship, there was a sharp decline of CAGE over time. Overall findings highlight the importance of developing and implementing effective alcohol prevention programs for the elderly in the community settings to mitigate the harmful effects of various psycho-social stressors. Especially, programs to maintain and form healthy social support network are suggested as critical interventions for prevention as well as recovery of alcohol problems in late life.

A Theoretical Study on the Landscape Development by Different Erosion Resistance Using a 2d Numerical Landscape Evolution Model (침식저항도 차이에 따른 지형발달 및 지형인자에 대한 연구 - 2차원 수치지형발달모형을 이용하여 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Eun
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.5
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    • pp.541-550
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    • 2022
  • A pre-existing landform is created by weathering and erosion along the bedrock fault and the weak zone. A neotectonic landform is formed by neotectonic movements such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and Quaternary faults. It is difficult to clearly distinguish the landform in the actual field because the influence of the tectonic activity in the Korean Peninsula is relatively small, and the magnitude of surface processes (e.g., erosion and weathering) is intense. Thus, to better understand the impact of tectonic activity and distinguish between pre-existing landforms and neotectonic landforms, it is necessary to understand the development process of pre-existing landforms depending on the bedrock characteristics. This study used a two-dimensional numerical landscape evolution model (LEM) to study the spatio-temporal development of landscape according to the different erodibility under the same factors of climate and the uplift rate. We used hill-slope indices (i.e., relief, mean elevation, and slope) and channels (i.e., longitudinal profile, normalized channel steepness index, and stream order) to distinguish the difference according to different bedrocks. As a result of the analysis, the terrain with high erosion potential shows low mean elevation, gentle slope, low stream order, and channel steepness index. However, the value of the landscape with low erosion potential differs from that with high erodibility. In addition, a knickpoint came out at the boundary of the bedrock. When researching the actual topography, the location around the border of difference in bedrock has only been considered a pre-existing factor. This study suggested that differences in bedrock and various topographic indices should be comprehensively considered to classify pre-existing and active tectonic topography.

Bar Development in Gravel-bed River (자갈하상하천의 bar지형 발달에 관한 연구 -골지천을 사례로-)

  • Yang, Hee-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.435-444
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    • 1997
  • Bars in a river bed show the flow of the river, the shape of a river bar can be easily measured in any river. The purpose of this study is to research the morphological characteristics of river bars. The case study area is the lower Golgi River, six bars were examined. All six bars are gravel bars with a grain size in excess of 2 millimeters. Four of the bars are longitudinal bars, in which the direction of the bar follows the river current. After analyzing the gravel in the bars, it was determined that as the gravel flows down the river, gravel grain size decreases while grain roundness increases. The shape of bar varies locally according to flow regime, channel slope, and w/d ratio.

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A Study on the Distribution Patterns of Salix gracilistyla and Phragmites japonica Communities according to Micro-landforms and Substrates of the Stream Corridor (하천 미지형 및 하상저질에 따른 갯버들과 달뿌리풀군락의 분포특성에 관한 연구)

  • 전승훈;현진이;최정권
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.58-68
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to verify the distribution patterns of Salix gracilistyla and Phragmites japonica communities known as obligatory riparian species according to physical factors such as micro-landforms, substrates, etc., at Soo-ip stream corridor. Firstly four vegetation types - Salix gracilistyla dominant type, Phragmites japonica dominant type, mixed type of two species, and mixed type of two species to other species, were classified by cluster analysis based on UPGMA-Euclidean distance. Also these vegetation types showed many different distribution patterns in response to the longitudinal and lateral view along the stream corridor and substrate composition. Salix gracilistyla was major component of dominant vegetation types developed at attack point of bending reach and on substrates composed of rock fragments, but contrastly Phragmites japonica was most important component of dominant vegetation types at point bar of bending reach and floodplain, and on substrates composed of soil materials. Secondly the species and environment biplot form CCA strongly supported the vegetation types divided by classification. Namely Salix gracilistyla was closely correlated with rock fragments and steep slope, which is resistant to physical action even though located near running water. But Phragmites japonica showed a high correlation with soil particles sedimented at floodplain by divergent flow.

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The Effect of Density Gradient on the Self-modulated Laser Wakefield Acceleration with Relativistic and Kinetic Effects

  • Yoo, Seung-Hoon;Kim, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Uk;Seo, Ju-Tae;Hahn, Sang-June
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2009
  • The propagation of an intense laser pulse through an upward density-gradient plasma in a self-modulated laser wakefield acceleration (SM-LWFA) is investigated by using particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. In the fully relativistic and kinetic PIC simulations, the relativistic and kinetic effects including Landau damping enhance the electron dephasing. This electron dephasing is the most important factor for limiting the energy of accelerated electrons. However, the electron dephasing, which is enhanced by relativistic and kinetic effects in the homogeneous plasma, can be forestalled through the detuning process arising from the longitudinal density gradient. Simulation results show that the detuning process can effectively maintain the coherence of the laser wake wave in the spatiotemporal wakefield pattern, hence considerable energy enhancement is achievable. The spatiotemporal profiles are analyzed for the detailed study on the relativistic and kinetic effects. In this paper, the optimum slope of the density gradient for increasing electron energy is presented for various laser intensities.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 1999
  • In this study we present a new improved nonlinear calibration method for vector magnetograms made by the Solar Flare Telescope of BOAO. To identify Fe I 6302.5 line, we have scanned monochromatic images of the line integrated over filter passband, changing the location of the central transmission wavelength of a Lyot filter. Then we obtained a filter-convolved line profile, which is in good agreement with spectral atlas data provided by the Sacramento Peak Solar Observatory. The line profile has been used to derive calibration coefficients of longitudinal and transverse fields, employing the conventional line slope method under the weak field approximation. Our improved nonlinear calibration method has also been used to calculate theoretical Stokes polarization signals with various angles of inclination of magnetic fields. For its numerical test, we have compared input magnetic fields with the calibrated ones, which have been derived from the new improved non-linear method and the conventional method respectively. The numerical test shows that the calibrated fields obtained from the improved method are consistent with the input fields, but not with those from the conventional method. Finally, we applied our new improved method to a dipole model which characterizes a typical field configuration of a single, round sunspot. It is noted that the conventional method remarkably underestimates the transverse field component near the inner penumbra.

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Types and Geomorphic Development of Large Landslides in the Kokomeren River Basin, Kyrgyzstan (키르기스스탄 코코메렌강 유역의 대규모 산사태 유형과 지형 발달)

  • Oh, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • Large landslide is a type of mass movement that causes drastic landform changesin a short period, and it causes huge human and property damage over a large area. The purpose of this study is to categorize the types and characteristics of large landslides around the Kokomeren River basin, Kyrgyzstan and to discuss the geomorphic development after the large landslides. The topographic analysis about a total of 20 landslides documented collapsed volumes of 0.01 to 1.10 km3, height drops of 180 to 1,770 m, and runout distances of 1,200 to 5,400 m. Rock avalanche and rockslide are identified as major types of large-scale landslides in the study area. Rock avalanches can be divided into P-type, J-type, and S-type based on the features of slope failure and kinematic characteristics of rock debris. Landslide synchronistic landforms such as trimlines, transverse ridges, longitudinal ridges, levees, and hummocks are well developed in the rock avalanche. The pieces of evidence of landslide dam, landslide-dammed lake, and remnant outburst flood deposits are observed in the upstream and downstream where the rockslides occurred. The Ak-Kiol landslide dam is the best example of a geomorphic development due to lake spillover and the large landslides were likely to be triggered by huge paleo-seismic events.