• Title/Summary/Keyword: Location area

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Thyroglossal Duct Cyst and Fistula (갑상설관 낭포 및 루)

  • 최종욱;김한상;안문성;김춘길;주양자
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1981.05a
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    • pp.10-10
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    • 1981
  • The thyroglossal duct cyst is relatively rare disease that derived congenitally from the remnant of thyroglossal duct and that was found anywhere from the foramen cecum to pyramidal lobe of thyroid. We studied the 62 cases of above disease who admitted and operated at E.N.T. dept. of N.M.C. for 20 years since 1961 to 1980 on the clinical and histopathological aspect, and we concluded following results. 1. In the age distribution, 45 cases(72.6%) were under 20 years, and in the age distribution of the known on-set of symptoms, 26 cases(58.0%) were under 10 years. In the duration, 23 cases(37.0%) were under 1 year. The sex ratio of male to female revealed 1.2:1. 2. The palpable mass were complained at 48 cases(77.4%) and 14 cases(22.6%) complained of the discharge from sinus tracts and the other complaints were dysphagia and odynophagia, etc. 3. In location 55 cases (88.7%) were at midline, 1 case(1.6%) was at right and 6 cases(9.7%) were left sided. And 47 cases(75.8%) were situated at infrahyoid region, 11 cases(17.7%) at suprahyoid, 3 cases(4.8%) at suprasternal, only 1 case(1.6%) at intralingual region. 4. In 27 cases formed fistulae, spontaneous occurrance were 7 cases and artificial occurrance were 20 cases. 5. In histopathologically among 41 cases preserving available slides, 5 cases(12.2%) had single duct and 20 cases(48.8%) had multiple accessory ducts, but 16 cases were impossible to detect the ducts. The lining epithelium composed of chiefly respiratory and squamous epithelium. 15 cases had inflammatory reaction at periductal area and 7 cases had around the cysts. The ectopic thyroid tissue was found on 6 cases(14.6%) and 1 case had the follicular adenoma. 6. In the recurrance rate among 43 cases performed sistrunk type operation, 2 cases (4.6%) recurred, and among 19 cases performed simple removal of cysts, 4 cases (21.1%) recurred.

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Studies on the G-banding Patterns of Normal and of Delayed Spiralized Chromosomes by BUdR in Dwarf Hamsters (Dwarf Hamster의 正常染色體와 BUdR에 의해 凝縮遲延된 染色體의 G-banding Pattern에 대한 硏究)

  • Hahn, Sahsook
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.71-86
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    • 1975
  • The G-banding patterns of normal and of delayed spiralized chromosomes by BUdR were investigated in three established cell lines of dwarf hamsters. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The number of G-bands appeared in Chinese hamster T-233 cell line was 65. The centromeric dark band was found in No.1 chromosome and weakly stained bands were also observed in part of the centromeric regions of Nos. 2, 3, 8 and $X_2$ chromosomes. Two homologous X chromosomes were found in different banding patterns. Terminal dark bands were shown in No. 1 chromosome. No conspicuous bands appeared in No. 10 chromosome. 2. Eighty four bands appeared in Armenian hamster Y-1249 cell line. Centromeric dark bands were observed in Nos. 5 and 10 chromosomes and moderatly stained bands were also found in near the centromeric region of the long arms of Nos. 7 and 9 chromosomes. Two isomorphic X chromosomes were also distinguished by their banding patterns. 3. In Y-1313 Armenian hamster cell line, the bands were 69. No centromeric dark bands were observed in this cell line, but moderatly stained bands appeared in the centromeric area in the long arm of No. 9 chromosome. The banding patterns of these two cell lines of Armenian hamster were quite different and readily distinguished. Only No. 8 chromosome showed similar G-banding patterns. Although Nos. 5, 7 abd 8 chromosomes revealed the same number of bands in these two cell lines, the location and staining intensity were quite different. 4. Chromosomes of Nos. 1, 2, 6, $X_1$ and $X_2$ in T-233 cell line and of 1, 4, 7, 8, 9, $X_1$ and $X_2$ in both cell lines of Armenian hamster were found to be elongated due to the inhibition of mitotic spiralization by BUdR. G-banding patterns of these chromosomes were found to be identical to those of normal chromosomes in these cell lines.

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Comparative Histological Study on the Parafollicular Cells of Mammals (각종 포유동물 갑상선내의 소포방세포에 관한 비교조직학적 연구)

  • 고정식;박상윤
    • The Korean Journal of Zoology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.89-108
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    • 1980
  • Comparative studies on the parafollicular cells of the some mammalian species from five different orders were carried out; i.e., man from Primates, cattle, pig, and black goat from Artiodactyla, dog from Carnivora, rabbit from Lagomorpha, rat, mouse, and squirrel from Rodentia. For this study, various special techniques for the parafollicular cells, including Grimelius' silver impregnation method (Sawicki and Bajko, 1974), Singh's argentaffin method (Singh, 1964), HCl-toluidine blue stain (Sawicki, 1971), and HCl-lead hematoxylin stain (Solcia et al., 1969), were applied. Authors obtained the following results: 1. Number of parafollicular cells in the same area of thyroid tissues are significantly different from species to species. Number of cells were largest in dog and less cells were found in the following orders; rat, squirrel, mouse, rabbit, cattle, pig, black goat and finally the smallest number in man. 2. Distribution of parafollicular cells within thyroid gland are significantly different from portion to portion in case of cattle, rabbit, squirrel and mouse, but it is not significant in dog, man, pig, black goat and rat (see Table 1-1 and 1-2). 3. In dog, clustered parafollicular cells are located usually in the interfollicular space, and groups of parafollicular cells are located in the para-and/or inter-follicular positions in rabbit. But in the other animals parafollicular cells are found solitarily in the intra-and/or para-follicular positions. 4. The shape of parafollicular cells shows oval to round contour in dog, but it is polymorphic, for example, spindle, conical, oval, round or elongated with cytoplasmic processes, in the other animals. 5. Size of parafollicular cells is larger in cattle, dog and pig, smaller in rat, mouse and squirrel, and medium-size in rabbit, man and black goat. 6. Parafollicular cells of pig, cattle, dog and squirrel are observed to contain densely packed granules, whereas those of mouse, rat and man contain relatively scanty granules. 7. Parafollicular cells of all the mammals show more or less positive reaction to Grimelius' argyrophile silver impregnation method, HCl-toluidine blue stain and HCl-lead hematoxylin stain, whereas they show negative reaction to argentaffin method (see Table 2). 8. Considering the above finding, it is concluded that there are species differences in the distribution, location and shape of parafollicular cells, and infer that preferable staining method should be selected for reliable detection of parafollicular cells, beacuse staining methods applied on the cells in this study show variable reactions according to species.

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Glomus Tumor in Soft Tissue (연부 조직에 발생한 사구종)

  • Kim, Do-Yeon;Lee, Soo-Hyun;Kim, Min-Ju;Shin, Kyoo-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.34-43
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Glomus tumors are rare benign vascular tumors, usually located in the skin or soft tissue of extremities. Approximately 30-50% of glomus tumors occur in subungal area, but glomus tumors have been described in every location even where glomus bodies are not or rarely present. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical, histologic and MRI characteristics of soft tissue glomus tumor. Materials and Methods: Between 1993 and 2008, eight patients underwent surgery of soft tissue Glomus tumor at our institution. Exclusion criteria were patients with Glomus tumors in digits, stomach, trachea and glomus tympanicum. We analyzed medical records, interviews, physical examinations, MR findings and histolocial types retrospectively. Results: There were four men and four women. The mean age was fourty-seven years. The mean prevalence time was eight-point-nine years. In the classic triad of symptoms, all eight patients had pain and tenderness. Two patients complained of cold sensitivity. Two showed skin color changes. After surgery, two showed symptom improvement (VAS $9^{\circ}{\rightarrow}8$, $8^{\circ}{\rightarrow}5$) and?six showed complete disappearance of symptoms. Slightly symptom improvemented (VAS $9^{\circ}{\rightarrow}8$) one had additional surgery two times after first surgery due to relapse/remaining Glomus tumor. The mean size was 13.9 mm. In histology, six were 'solid glomus tumor', one was a mixture of 'solid glomus tumor' and 'lomangioma' and one was 'malignant glomus tumor'. MR findings showed isointense signal on T1 image, high signal on T2 image and strong enhancement on the Gadolinium enhanced image. Conclusion: Glomus tumor has low recurrence rate and malignant change, rapid diagnosis and surgical excision is critical in treatment to prevent unnecessary pain of patient.

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The Use of Landscape Greenery Surrounding Commercial Buildings in Seoul (서울시 일부 상업용 건물 수목의 입지환경)

  • Lee, Eun-Heui;Jang, Ha-Kyung;Ahn, Geun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to create a database of the use of landscape greenery that surrounds commercial buildings in Seoul. The method of this study was: to review preceding studies and related laws, survey areas, measure trees, and analyze the results. The 20 representative sites were specifically investigated to measure the width, direction, and environment of planting conditions. To analyze the greens adjacent to the building, the greens were divided into three types: front greenery, side greenery, and rear greenery. The study surveyed the distance from trees to adjacent buildings, and their planting conditions. The results of this study are as follows. First, 45% of the front greenery and 30% of the rear greenery were not established, but 19 of the 20 side greens were. Second, 13 of the 44 green areas adjacent to commercial buildings were under 1m in width. Most side greenery was belt -shape and unrelated to the features of the site or building. Third, the average distance from trees to buildings was 0.76m, indicating that most trees were planted too close to the buildings. Fourth, of the 30 trees utilized, the species breakdown was: 8 evergreen trees, 15 deciduous trees, and 7 shrubs. For the most part, planting patterns were similar for all species. Fifth, most sites were ill-suited to tree growth, because crown shape, planting conditions, and light conditions, etc., had not been considered. Based on these results, it is suggested that more specific, subdivided standards for planting conditions should be established. For example, building plans should include a green area that is at least one meter in width. In addition, according to the location and type(closing/opening) of the greenery adjacent to the buildings, suitable management programs and supervision protocol should be adopted.

A Study on the Factors affecting the Utilization of Waterscape Facilitiesin Apartment Complexes based upon Resident Perception - Focused on the Factors of Planning·Design, Maintenance and Usage - (주민인식에 기반한 아파트단지 내 수경시설 이용 영향 요인 분석 - 계획·설계, 유지·관리, 이용 행태를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Do-Hwan;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.62-75
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the multiple effects of the following three aspects of waterscape facilities within apartment complexes: planning/designing, maintenance/management, and use of the facilities and suggests primary documents that will be fundamental for the methods to accelerate the implementation of waterscape facilities. A survey and analysis was conducted among a few of the most representative private apartment complexes in Seoul in accordance with the management and operation of waterscape facilities. The analysis used frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability test, t-test, and PLS regression analysis. The research findings are as follows: first, the degree of use of waterscape facilities was found to be low regardless of the levels of operation, but residents' preference for the facilities was shown to be high, thus indicating there are still high expectations on the part of residents. Second, regardless of whether the facilities are being operated efficiently, the two items of location and display method under the section of planning and designing and the two items of aptitude and convenience under the section of use were found to positively affect the operation and use of waterscape facilities. Particularly, the item of freshness, cleanliness was shown to be directly and indirectly correlated with obsolescence, administration costs, and noise, which negatively affect the operation. Third, it was found that the administration costs itself that had been shown as the most negative factor of operating landscaping facilities in previous research did not cause problems in the residential area where the facilities are not operated efficiently. The finding suggests that the administration costs do not matter but that in the case of experience- and entertainment-typed facilities that residents want, they are linked to problems that do not introduce the desired facilities. Fourth, it was found that various aspects of planning, designing, maintaining, and using facilities interconnect and affect one another in the process of operating and using waterscape facilities resulting in the need to have a comprehensive approach to these three factors of planning, design, maintenance, management, and utilization. This study proposes that the needs and values of residents should be reflected to activate the introduction of landscaping facilities in the apartment complexes.

A Study on the Multi-Layer of Religious Inertia Represented in Sense of Place and Cultural Remains at Mt. Bak-wha (장소성과 문화경관으로 해석한 태안 백화산의 다층적 종교 관성)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Park, Joo-Sung;Goh, Yeo-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2010
  • The objectives of this study are to research and analyze the positioning of Mt. Back Hwa(白華山) and the characteristics of its neighboring cultural scenery based on the Two Seated Buddah Temple, a small Buddhist temple of Taeul in Taean and to view both landscape geographic codes and religious attractions over Mt. Back Hwa by discussing its expression and meaning for the scenery scattered or nested over this districts. The panoramic view of west shows the character of Mt. Back Hwa as a magnanimity of Buddhist Goddess of Mercy which is viewed as a view point field no less than its location as a landscape target and its singularity as a rocky mountain. The ancient castle, signal beacon post and the small Buddhist temple of Taeul to be read importantly in the old map and SinjeungDongkukyeojiseungram(新增東國輿地勝覽) form the core of place identity, and a number of carve(engrave) letters such as Eopungdae(御風臺), Youngsadae(永思臺), etc. show the prospect of this mountain and monumentality derived from place characteristics. In addition removing of Taeiljeon, a portrait scroll of Dangun, national ancestor makes possible to guess the national status hold by Mt. Back Hwa in advance and to know that it has symbiotic relationship with indigenous religion and shares with the universal locality which have been continued for a long time through a portrait scroll of Dangun enshrined in Samsunggak. More than anything else, however the Rock-carved Buddha Triad in Taean, Giant Buddha of Baekjae era enshrined in the small Buddhist temple of Taeul is not only why Mt. Back Hwa, magnanimity of Buddhist Goddess of Mercy exists but also a signifier. In spite of such a placity, the union ideas of confucianism, buddhism and doctrinism of buddhism prevailed in the Late Joseon Dynasty allows the cultural phenomenon of taoism to be read in the same weight through Ilsogae(一笑溪) and Gammodae(感慕臺) which are mountain stream and pond area respectively centered in the carve letter, 'Taeeuldongcheon(太乙洞天)' constructed in front of the small Buddhist temple of Taeul, the Baduk board type of rock carvings engraved over them and a number of traces of carve letters made by confucian scholars since the Middle of Joseon Dynasty. The reason such various cultural sceneries are mixed in Mt. Back Hwa is in the results of inheritance of religious places and fusion of sprit of the times, and the various type of cultural scenery elements scattered in Mt. Back Hwa are deemed as unique geographic code to understand the multi-layered placity and the characteristics of scenery of Mt. Back Hwa in Taean.

The Making of Local Socio-economic Space and the Role of Local Government, In Case of Taegu and textile industry (지역사회.경제 공간의 형성과 지방정부의 역할, 대구시와 섬유산업의 경우)

  • Park, Kyu-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2001
  • Local government takes an active role in the (re)making of local socio-economic space. To support such an argument, the three different actions by the local government of Taegu, urban planning and local industrial districts, the establishment of special educational institutions, and textile festival are analyzed. The division of the city's space into residential, commercial, and industrial area by local government constrained the location of local manufacturing industries. It also forced textile industry to move to the outskirts of Taegu. As the education level in South Korea rose after the late 1970s, the local government of Taegu as well as local industrial capitalists had to do something to acquire a stable supply of labor to local manufacturing industries, particularly textile one. After the late 1970s, the special classes for the education of local workers, especially textile ones were established within vocational high school and company-operated high schools were also built in Taegu. Finally, local government started a program of textile festival in 1985. Through textile festival, local government as well as local textile business people tried to reproduce textile industry as the main economic activity of Taegu.

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Spatial Environment Planning for Ecological Environment Conservation - Centering on an Area in the Gyeonggi Province - (생태환경 보전을 위한 공간환경계획 수립방안 - 경기도 일원에의 사례 적용 -)

  • Choi, Hee-Sun;Park, Ju-hyeon;Kim, Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2011
  • In recent years, there has been an active movement toward databasing, systematizing, and unifying environmental information. Such efforts facilitate the utilization of spatial environment planning in environment conservation officially planned at the metropolitan and provincial levels. This in turn clarifies the management direction of space, thereby serving as an effective tool with which to not only conserve land, but also provide a reasonable compromise to all the related solutions at odds with one another. As such, this study forwards a method for inclusion of spatial environment planning in environment conservation plans, paying particular attention to the place, with in such a planning method, of the natural ecosystem, arguably the most sensitive arena among environmental factors. Spatial environment planning can be broadly divided as follows: first, basic direction; second, collection of spatial information; third, compilation of status of spatial environment; and fourth, management strategy for spatial environment. In particular, the second phase, namely the collection of spatial information, delineates clearly spatial information hitherto amassed by government agencies at both the national and local levels; the ensuing lists facilitate maximum utilization of the previously accumulated data. Used during the planning phase, status maps should include not only the status of land use(land cover), but also systematic data on the superior resources of the natural ecosystem as well as the status of the given spatial environment. Establishing plans for ecological networks, their conservation, and restoration areas based on the aforementioned aspects, this study sought to formulate ways in which to spatialize environment conservation plans that encompass consideration for the natural ecosystem. Devised based previous studies and examples, the compilation of status and plans as stated, applied to Gyeonggi Province, afforded an examination of the potential applicability and usability of the proposed plans. Ultimately, these will contribute not only to the establishment of plans encompassing consideration for the value and level of significance of the given natural ecosystem in spatial development planning, but also provide fundamental data for investigating appropriateness of plans and validity of location in any regional development plan.

The Modes of Place Rootedness on Geochang Mohyeonjeong and Supodae (거창 모현정과 수포대의 장소착근(場所着根) 방식)

  • Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Gyun;Lee, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at empirically identifying how the cultural phenomena of localisation and attachment are implemented through Mohyeonjeong and Supodae at Gajo-myeon, Geochang-gun, Gyeongnam. 'Daehakdong', the name of the place where the Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae is located, has a meaning of the place where Geong-Pil Kim(金宏弼) the Hanhwondang(寒暄堂), one of the 5 eastern sages, and Yeo-Chang Jeong(鄭汝昌) the Ildu tought Neo-Confucianism. In addition, in case of Mt. Odo(1,134m) embracing the garden, the meaning of Odo is the five virtues in Confucianism, so we can see that Confucianism was strong in that area. The meaning of 'Mohyeon(慕賢)', "missing and thinking of sages", reflects the emotion of attachment to the place where people pay a tribute to the memory of Seon-Saeng Yang the Hwondu, one of the 5 eastern sages and the creator of Neo-Confucianism in Kyeongnam, and Suk-Ryang Choi(崔淑梁) the ancestors Pyeongchon. In addition, Odojae(吾道齋), Kijeok monument to pay a tribute to the memory of Pyeongchon, the persimmon tree symbolizing Hanhwondang, and Jidongam(志同巖) standing in front of Mohyeon pavillion represent the united wills of the above 3 people to show their Dohak(道學) spirit by practicing it, and also a reiterated expression of attachment to the place. 'Hwonduyangseonsaeng janggujiso' and 'Pyeongchonchoigong ganghakjiso(坪村崔公講學地所)' engraved on the rock of Myeongso Supodae where they gave a lecture of Neo-Confucianism to local Confucianists for many years and enjoyed nature make us to identify the intrinsic meaning of the location that was inherited in the memory of people. Along with this, most of the content of poetry, restoration records, and Sangryang articles are filled with the content reminding of the historical meaning and origin of Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae, so we can see from this that the place had the spatial meaning of Jangsujiso(藏修之所), 'the place of lecturing and communicating' and respecting ancient sages. This spatial tradition is the result of positive attachment to the place, and Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae is the place where the attachment to the place was made spontaneously througth the localisation. To sum it up, Mohyeon-jeong and Supodae was the place of attachment where one paid a tribute to the memory of ancient sages, and Mohyeonjeong and Supodae rocks were the representative examples of the localisation to show the meaning of the place by implication. Studying the process of attachment and localisation of the place does not only enable us to infer the genuine form of the traditional memorial space and park, but also to reproduce the place with the modern concept.