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The Sillok as National Supreme Archives : An archival interpretation (실록(實錄) : 등록(謄錄)의 위계(位階))

  • O, Hang-Nyeong
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.3
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    • pp.91-113
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    • 2001
  • History always be re-interpreted as the time flows. 'The Sillok', Which was registered in Memory of World of UNESCO in 1997, is comprehensive documents of the Chosun Dynasty, which had been compiled after kings' death, The Sillok encompasses 473 years of the reign in their 848 volumes(1,893 chapters). It was a history itself and has been main source in studying Korean history. Due to the rise of studies on the Sillok, time has come to explore the nature of the Sillok and to criticize the text, which would be called 'The Sillok-Study'. In this context, this paper examined three concepts that categorize the nature of the Sillok as historical materials ;Is it book or record?; The Sillok in register system in pre-modern society; And the Sillok as the National Archives. Korean historians, including myself, haven't yet examined the question whether the Sillok is the Book or Record in terms of archival science. At first, I regarded it as history book, and with this presupposition, wrote several papers on the characteristics of the Sillok. However, I recognized that the Sillok are close to record rather that history book as I examined the definition of glossary of librarian study, OED (Oxford English Dictionary) and Encyclopedia of Britannica, etc. Definitely, the Sillok was neither compiled and published to be read and sold publicly, nor meant to the works of literature or scholarship. one may say that the court-historians wrote comments on the facts and therefore it was just scholarly work. However, because the court-historians produced their comments on their own businesses, the outcome of 'their scholarly works' were also records conceptually, as were daily court-journalists in Rome. Its publication also had a absolutely different meaning from that of modern society. It was a method to preserve the important national records and distributed each edition of them to plural repositories for its safety and security. How can we explain its book-like shape and the procedure of compilation after a kings' death. The answer is as follows ; In pre-modern society, it was a common record-keeping system in the world to register records materials in order to arrange the materials of different sizes and to store them conveniently. And the lack of scientific preservation or conservation skill also encouraged them to register original records. Actually, the court-historians who participated in the compiling process called themselves "registering officers". On the other hand, similar to social hierarchy, there was a hierarchical system of records, and the Sillok was placed at the top of this hierarchy. In conclusion, the Sillok was a kind of registered records in the middle ages and the supreme records in the records-world. In addition to this we can also conceptualize the Sillok as archives. Through the compiling process, the most important and valuable records were selected to be the parts of Sillok. This process corresponds to the modem records appraisal. In the next step, it was preserved in the Four Archives(史庫) which located at remote site as archives and only accessible by the descendents in the future, who might be the people of the next dynasty. And nobody could access or read the documents at that time except the authorized court-historians who were archivists of the Chosun Dynasty. From this perspective, I conclude that Sillok was the supreme confidential archives in the register system. I work for the Government Archives as a historian and archivist. Whenever I entered the exhibition hall of the Government Archives and Records Service(GARS) and saw the replica of the Archives of Taebeak Mountain built during Chosun period, I always asked to myself a question whether the Sillok can be a symbol of the archival tradition of Korea and the GARS. Now, I can say, 'Yes!' definitely.

A Study on the Effects of Art Therapy on the Dementia Elderly (치매노인의 집단미술치료 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Sim;Kim, Seong Yong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.1279-1295
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    • 2008
  • This study was done to find out the effects that group art therapy would have on low rank cognitive functions and the self-esteem of the elderly with dementia. The study subjects were four elderly females with light dementia symptoms who scored lower than 19 points on the MMSE-K(Mini Mental State Examination-Korea) test. They were chosen from the ${\bigcirc}{\bigcirc}$ Senior Welfare Service Center located in Seoul. A total of 15 sessions of a group art therapy were given once a week for 60 minutes from January 15th to April 30th of 2008, the research tools employed were the MMSE-K and the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale on which a pre-test and a post-test were given. The results obtained are as follows. First, it was shown that group art therapy is effective to improve the cognitive functions of the elderly with dementia. According to the pre-tests and post -tests based on MMSE-K, the average score improved from 16.75 to 19.75, using Wilcoxon non-parameter statistics, verification resultant p-value which significant difference exhibited as .046, from the pre-tests and post-test, the average score improved in the subordinate areas of Orientation, Registration, Attention and Calculation, language function, understanding and judgment but there was no significant difference, memory recollection improved by a score of 0.70 according to the pre-test and post-test. using Wilcoxon non-parameter statistics, the verification resultant p-value which significant difference exhibited as .043. Second, it appeared with the fact that group art therapy effects the Self-Esteem of the elderly with dementia. From the verifications of a pre-test and post-test on Self-Esteem, the average score improved from 20.75 to 24.25, the effectiveness of the program was given proven by statistically considering the statistical resultant p-value of .048.

Study on the Estimation between CO2 Flux in Tree and Atmosphere (산림-대기 간 이산화탄소 교환량 산정 연구)

  • Kim, So Young;Park, Hyun Ju;Hong, You Deog;Han, Jin Seok;Son, Jung Seok;Park, Ji Hoon
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.305-316
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to monitor the flux of $CO_2$ between the atmosphere and forest. The main research activities are conducted at Taehwa Mt. (Gangju, Kyeonggi, Korea), The Taehwa site is located 60 km north-east from the center of Seoul Metropolitan Area. The TRF flux tower is in the middle of a Korean Pine (Pinus koraiensis) plantation ($400m{\times}400m$), surrounded by a mixed forest. Eddy covariance method was used for $CO_2$ flux above the forest. $CO_2$ flux was measured from September to November 2011 and March to June 2012. It was found that $CO_2$ fluxes were observed between the atmosphere and forest. $CO_2$ was absorbed by plants through photosynthesis during the day and released during the night. $CO_2$ flux were respectively observed 0.7~0.2, 0.5~0.1, $0.3{\sim}0.1mgCO_2m^{-2}s^{-1}$ in Septem- ber, October, November 2011. $CO_2$ fluxes released by plants in the early morning(00:00~07:30h) and evening(18:00~24:00h) time. But $CO_2$ was absorbed by plants through photosynthesis in the day time(08:00~7:30h).

Analysis of Marketing Performances according to Raising Environment in Broilers (육계의 사육환경에 따른 출하성적 분석)

  • Kim, Gye-Woong;Kim, Ji-Hyuk;Kim, Hack-Youn;Kim, Bong-Ki;Park, Hee-Bok;Choe, Juhui;Kim, Jun-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate basic data of development for appropriate management system in broiler. Data such as ages at marketing, livability, body weight, etc. were collected from a total of 53 broiler farms located in Chungnam, Chungbuk, Jeollanam, Jeollabuk, Gyeongbuk. 1. Average of ages at marketing were 32 days. Those of windowless house and open-type house were 31.96 and 32.03 days, respectively. The significant difference among four seasons was highly found (P<0.001). The longest ages at marketing were 32.86 days in winter. Average of livability was 96.25%. According to type of chick house, those of windowless house and open-type house were 95.93% and 96.59%, respectively. The livability according to season showed significant difference (P<0.05). The highest livability was 97.39% in autumn. However, the lowest livability was 95.36% in summer. 2. Average body weight at marketing was 1.62 kg. The significant difference was found in marketing weight by season (P<0.05). The heaviest body weight was 1.65 kg in winter, but the lowest weight was 1.60 kg in summer. Average of FCR was 1.62. the significant differences according to the season were highly found (P<0.01). Especially, the best FCR was 1.59 in autumn. Average cycles of marketing was 5.70. The significant differences according to farms size were found (P<0.05), cycles of small farms and big farms were 5.8 and 5.3, respectively. The ages at marketing were highly correlated with marketing weight (r=0.684) and feed conversion (r=0.439). The correlation between feed conversion and livability was highly negative (r=-0.614). According to the above result, livability and body weight at marketing were badly detected in summer. In conclusion, broiler farms should be controlled through properly environmental management system for improvement of performances.

The Effect of Seeding Dates on Productivity and Botanical Composition in Oversown Hilly Pasture of mixed grass, Pyeongchang of South Korea (평창지역에서 겉뿌림 산지초지 조성시 목초 파종시기가 초지의 생산성과 식생에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Jeong Sung;Kim, Jong Geun;Kim, Hyeon Shup;Ji, Hee Jung;Choi, Ki Choon;Choi, Gi Jun;Choi, Boram;Oh, Seung Min;Kim, Won Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.217-223
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of seeding dates on grassland productivity and botanical composition in oversown hilly pasture located in Pyeongchang of South Korea. Four treatment groups were established based on the seeding dates of grass mixture: T1, August 13; T2, August 27; T3, September 10; and T4, September 24. Evaluation of seasonal changes in grass botanical composition revealed the highest ratios of grass in T1 and T2 (81-100% grass) and the lowest in T4 (46-90 % grass). In the plant length, the first harvest time was longer than other cutting times and last harvest time was the lowest. The total dry matter yield of grass was highest in T2 ($9,042kg\;ha^{-1}$) and T1 ($8,845kg\;ha^{-1}$) and lowest in T4 ($5,086kg\;ha^{-1}$). The findings of the present study suggest that seeding by late August provide the most desirable results for vegetation and grassland productivity in oversown hilly pasture, Pyeongchang of South Korea.

Hydrothermal Evolution for the Inseong Au-Ag Deposit in the Hwanggangri Metallogenic Region, Korea (황강리 광화대 인성 금-은 광상의 광화 유체 진화)

  • Cho, Hye Jeong;Seo, Jung Hun;Lee, Tong Ha;Yoo, Bong Chul;Lee, Hyeonwoo;Lee, Kangeun;Lim, Subin;Hwang, Jangwon
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.307-323
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    • 2018
  • The Inseong Au-Ag and base metal deposit, located in Chungchengbuk-do, Korea, consists of series of quartz veins filling fissures. The deposit occurs in Hwanggangri meta-sediment formation, a lime pebble-bearing phyllite, in the Okcheon Supergroup. Abundant ore minerals in the deposit are pyrite, arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. The gangue minerals are quartz, calcite and chlorite. Hydrothermal alteration such as chlorization, silicitication, sericitization and carbonitization can be observed around the quartz veins. 4 vein stages can be distinguished based on its paragenetic sequence, vein structure, alteration features and ore minerals. Microthermometry of the fluid inclusion assemblages occur in the veins are conducted to reconstruct a hydrothermal P-T evolution. Fluid inclusions in clean and barren quartz vein in stage 1 have Th of $270{\sim}342^{\circ}C$ and salinity of 1.7~6.4 (NaCl eqiv.) wt%. Euhedral quartz crystal in stage 2 have Th of $108{\sim}350^{\circ}C$ and salinity of 0.5~7.5 wt%. Barren milky quartz vein in stage 3 have Th of $174{\sim}380^{\circ}C$ and salinity of 0.8~7.5 wt%. Calcite vein in stage 4 have Th of $103{\sim}265^{\circ}C$ and salinity of 0.7~6.4 wt%. Calculated paleodepth about 0.5~1.5 km (hydrostatic pressure) indicate epithermal ore-forming condition. Shallow depth but relatively high-T hydrothermal fluids possibly create a steep geothermal gradient, sufficient for base metal precipitation in the Inseong deposit.

The Effects of Shifting Seeding Dates on Botanical Composition and Productivity under the Climate Change in Oversown Mixed Pasture, Middle Region of South Korea (중부지역에서 기후변화에 따른 파종시기 이동이 겉뿌림 초지의 식생변화 및 생산성에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Jeong Sung;Choi, Ki Choon;Kim, Won Ho;Kim, Hyeon Shup;Choi, Gi Jun
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of seeding dates on grassland productivity and botanical composition in oversown pasture located in Cheonan of South Korea. Four treatment groups were established based on the seeding dates: 18th August, 1st September, 15th September and 29th September. Evaluation of seasonal changes in botanical composition of pasture showed that the highest ratios of grass in 18th August and 1st September (pasture species 93% and weeds 7%) and the lowest in 15th September (pasture species 75% and weeds 25%). In the plant length, there is no significantly different in 5% probability level. In the total dry matter yield of grass, 18th August ($13,362kg\;ha^{-1}$) and 1st September ($13,988kg\;ha^{-1}$) were higher than 15th September ($11,883kg\;ha^{-1}$) and 29th September ($11,459kg\;ha^{-1}$). The findings of the this study suggest that seeding by early September the most desirable results for botanical composition and grassland productivity in oversown pasture, Cheonan of South Korea.

Matsuri and Shinsen : Centering on the Rites of Ise Shrine and Emperor (마쓰리(祭)와 신찬(神饌): 이세신궁과 천황의 제사를 중심으로)

  • Park, Kyutae
    • The Critical Review of Religion and Culture
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    • no.32
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    • pp.13-54
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    • 2017
  • The Ise Grand Shrine(伊勢神宮) dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu (天照大神), located in the city of Ise(伊勢市), Mie Prefecture of Japan, is a center of Japanese Shinto Shrines and composed of a large number of Shinto shrines centered on two main shrines, Naiku(內宮=皇大神宮) and Geku(外宮= 豊受大神宮). Historically it has kept very close relationship with Emperor, because its enshrined deity Amaterasu is generally said to be the ancestor of Imperial Family. The food and alcohol offering to the gods in Japanese Shinto rites are called Shinsen(神饌, ambrosia). Main subjects of this essay dealing with Shinsen are the various matsuri (rites) of Ise Grand Shrine and Emperor, such as Higoto-asayu-omike-sai(日別朝夕大御饌祭, offering repasts to the gods in the moring and evening everyday), Kan-name-sai(神嘗祭, offering of the year's new rice harvest), Shikinen-sengu-sai(式年遷宮祭, year of the ceremony), Nii-name-sai(新嘗祭, Ceremonial offering by the Emperor of newly-harvested rice to the gods), and Daijo-sai(大嘗祭, first ceremonial offering of rice by newly-enthroned Emperor). Then, the purpose of this essay is to examine not only the social, religious, and political but also cultural meaning of Shinsen especially in relation to Korea, basically introducing some types and characteristics of Shinsen with its mythological background and historical development. In so doing, I will show the concrete list of items and processes of Shinsen in those rites. For example, the social meaning of Shinsen might be examined in association with agricultural features, ancient dietary life, Japanese food, and its contemporary context etc. Besides, its religious meaning can be mentioned especially from the perspective of divine nature, life and rebirth etc. On the other hand, the politics was in ancient Japan originally called Matsurigoto which means the ancestral rites for gods. This suggests the political meaning of Shinsen that the politics in Japan has originated from Shinsen.

Association of SNPs in the HNF4α Gene with Growth Performance of Korean Native Chickens (한국 재래계의 HNF4α 유전자 내 SNP와 성장과의 연관성 분석)

  • Yang, Song-Yi;Choi, So-Young;Hong, Min-Wook;Kim, Hun;Kwak, Kyeongrok;Lee, Hyojeong;Jeong, Dong Kee;Sohn, Sea Hwan;Hong, Yeong Ho;Lee, Sung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.253-260
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    • 2018
  • The hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 alpha ($HNF4{\alpha}$) gene is related to lipid transport, including abdominal fat and growth, in chickens. Interestingly, the A543G SNP within the $HNF4{\alpha}$ gene has previously been reported to be associated with body weight in both broilers and Korean native chickens (KNCs). However, its exact position within the HNF4 is not yet reported. This study aimed to identify the position of the A543G SNP and to identify additional SNPs that can be used as genetic markers in KNCs. A total of 128 KNCs were used for the sequencing and analysis of these genetic associations. As a result, A543G SNP was located in intron 4 of the $HNF4{\alpha}$ gene; it is reported as rs731246957 in the NCBI database. Fourteen SNPs were detected in the sequenced portion of the $HNF4{\alpha}$ gene; three of these, rs731246957, rs736159604 and new SNP, intron 6 (249), were significantly related with growth in the chickens. In this study, the TT genotype of rs731246957, previously reported as A543G SNP, the GG genotype of rs736159604 and GT of new SNP have are highly associated with body weight from birth to 40 weeks of age in KNCs (P<0.01). These results suggest that rs736159604, rs731246957 and intron 6 (249) SNPs within the $HNF4{\alpha}$ gene could function as growth-related markers in the selective breeding of KNCs.

Green-blue Coloured Cu-Zn Hydrated Sulfate Minerals from Gukjeon Mine in Miryang (밀양 국전광산의 녹-청색 구리-아연 수화황산염 광물)

  • Koo, Hyo Jin;Jang, Jeong Kyu;Do, Jin Young;Jeong, Gi Young;Cho, Hyen Goo
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.473-483
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    • 2018
  • Green-blue coloured supergene minerals are covering host rocks along the gallery wall in the Gukjeon mine, a lead - zinc skarn deposit located in Miryang, Gyeongsangnam-do. These minerals have been described as azurite or malachite, but recent study recognized that the green minerals are devilline and blue minerals are Cu-Zn hydrated sulfates, but exact identification and detailed mineral characteristics are also not well known. In this study, we divide green-blue minerals into five groups (GJG) according to their external features and conducted XRD and SEM analyzes in order to identify mineral name and clarify the mineralogical characteristics. GJG-1, a bright bluish green group, consists of brochantite and quartz and GJG-2, a pale green colour with easily crumbly, of schulenbergite and a small amount of gypsum. Although pale blue GJG-3 and glassy lustrous bluish green GJG-4 have the same mineral assemblages with serpierite and gypsum in spite of different colour and luster, gypsum content may control the physical properties. GJG-5 with a gel phase mixture of pale blue and dark blue mineral is comprised of hydrowoodwardite, glaucocerinite, bechererite, serpierite and gypsum. The six green-blue minerals from the Gukjeon mine could be classified by Cu:Zn ratio, (Si + Al) content, Si:Al ratio, and Ca content. The physico-chemical environment of mineral formation is considered to be controlled by the geochemical factors in the surrounding fluid, and it looks forward that the accurate formation environment will be revealed through additional research. This paper gives greater mineralogical significance in the first report of several hydrated sulfate such as serpierite, glaucocerinite and bechererite in Korea. It has also rarely been reported the occurrence of several Cu-Zn hydrated sulfate in the same deposit in the world.