• Title/Summary/Keyword: Local area

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Research on Actual Condition of Emergency Patients in Farming and Fishing Villages - In southwest coast district center - (농어촌지역 응급환자 실태조사 - 서남해안 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Gil-Soon;Kwon, Hay-Rran
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine characteristics and actual conditions of patients using emergency room at farming and fishing villages, solve overcrowding of emergency room at the tertiary hospital and activate local emergency clinics. Methods: It examines department of diagnosis and treatment, vehicles used, sex, age, residential area, visit hour, length of stay, presence or absence of trauma, measures after first aid and degree of severity based on medical records of 6,740 patients using emergency room at farming and fishing villages from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, 2005. Conclusion : 1. Sex distribution of patients of emergency room was male 54.9% and female 45.1% and age distribution between over 40 and below 50 was most as 15.9%. 2. Transport means to emergency room were 91.4 of private car and others (public transport and going on foot), 7.5 of 119, 129 and police car and 1.0% of ambulance. 3. According to distribution of residential areas of emergency patients, 38.9% were Eup area, 42.1% Myeon area, 11.4% distant area and 7.5% adjacent area. 4. According to distribution of emergency patients by department of diagnosis and treatment, internal medicine was most as 35.8% and 55% of patients visited emergency room from 3:31 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.. 5. According to total hours of diagnosis and treatment of subjects, 51.2% were within 30min. and cases of non-trauma disease were 68.2%. 6. According to degree of emergency of emergency patients, non-emergency cases were 65.3%, urgent cases 27.7% and emergency cases 7.0% and 74.2% of patients returned home after first aid and 20.6% of them hospitalized. In conclusion, characteristics and diversification of patients should be examined and efforts by government and local medical institutions which must organize emergency system and facility and personnel levels suitable to regional conditions are needed in order to prevent overcrowding of emergency center of the tertiary hospital and activate local emergency center.

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The Analysis of Spatial Organization and Using Status of Urban Alternative School (도시형 대안학교의 공간구성 및 이용현황 분석)

  • Lee, Min-Seon;Jung, Jin-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2009
  • From the mid-1990s, the discussion on alternative schools began in earnest, and with the increasing interests in them, Korean parents' association of alternative education, KPAAE was launched formally in November, 2008. Among the alternative schools in the nation, thirteen urban alternative schools were studied and analyzed. The result indicated that they are being run by individuals and civic organizations with no approval and the facilities and spatial organization of the schools are poor, which is thought to be mainly due to financial reasons as well as the schools' educational goal that puts emphasis on experiences leading to utilize outside local facilities. With this background, the results from the analysis of the facility status and the spatial organization of urban alternative schools led us to understand the followings: First, it showed that per capita average of area of the urban alternative school is approximately 11.995m$^2$, less than 14N, the standard area of institutional schools. Second, depending on the form of facilities, the space of other facilities is shared to make up for insufficient space, and is utilized to a small degree and for multi-purposes. Third, the space reflects the disposition of subject students, and is located in the area with convenient traffic for students' attending the schools conveniently. Fourth, specialized space is run on the basis of educational goals, and the exploring of career and the improving of sociality are pursued through internship programs associated with local facilities. Thus, it is desirable for the minimum per capita area of the urban alternative school to meet 14N, the standard area of the institutional schools in order that the urban alternative school may overcome the spatial limitation and the financial hardship stemming from the practically difficult constructing of new buildings and the small scale operation, and it may make flexible use of the space, and the students may live their lives smoothly. Also, it is thought that for the activating of the urban alternative schools, the plans for utilizing various facilities associated with local facilities should be considered.

Characterization of the Variability of Summer Extreme Precipitation According to the Local Features (지역특성에 따른 여름철 극한강수 변화특성 분석)

  • Kim, Gwangseob;Kim, Jong Pil
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.2B
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2011
  • Characterization the regional impact of the variability of summer extreme precipitation and the rain days over several thresholds (i.e. 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 mm/day) in South Korea was performed using daily precipitation data of 59 weather stations operated by Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA). To consider the local features of weather stations, we characterized the variability according to the difference of elevations, latitudes, longitudes, river basins, inland or shore area, and the ratio of urbanization. The results showed that the summer extreme precipitation is sensible to the geographical effect which is similar to that of the annual precipitation. Rain days over thresholds have increased during 1973-2009 while the annual rain days have decreased. This indicate that the concentration of precipitation in summer season will be intensified in the future. Increase of summer precipitation amount and number of extreme rain days is higher in inland area, urbanized area, and Han-River basin than that of shore area, unurbanized area, and the other river basins respectively.

An Assessment System for Evaluating Big Data Capability Based on a Reference Model (빅데이터 역량 평가를 위한 참조모델 및 수준진단시스템 개발)

  • Cheon, Min-Kyeong;Baek, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.54-63
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    • 2016
  • As technology has developed and cost for data processing has reduced, big data market has grown bigger. Developed countries such as the United States have constantly invested in big data industry and achieved some remarkable results like improving advertisement effects and getting patents for customer service. Every company aims to achieve long-term survival and profit maximization, but it needs to establish a good strategy, considering current industrial conditions so that it can accomplish its goal in big data industry. However, since domestic big data industry is at its initial stage, local companies lack systematic method to establish competitive strategy. Therefore, this research aims to help local companies diagnose their big data capabilities through a reference model and big data capability assessment system. Big data reference model consists of five maturity levels such as Ad hoc, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimizing and five key dimensions such as Organization, Resources, Infrastructure, People, and Analytics. Big data assessment system is planned based on the reference model's key factors. In the Organization area, there are 4 key diagnosis factors, big data leadership, big data strategy, analytical culture and data governance. In Resource area, there are 3 factors, data management, data integrity and data security/privacy. In Infrastructure area, there are 2 factors, big data platform and data management technology. In People area, there are 3 factors, training, big data skills and business-IT alignment. In Analytics area, there are 2 factors, data analysis and data visualization. These reference model and assessment system would be a useful guideline for local companies.

Implications of the US Metropolitan Economic Zone on the Association of Rural Living Area and Metropolitan Economic Zone in Korea (미국의 광역경제권과 생활권 -한국의 광역경제권 및 농촌지역 생활권 구축에 대한 함의-)

  • Lee, Seong-Woo;Kim, Hyun-Joong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.799-825
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of the present study is to provide policy implications for successful development of the metropolitan economic zone in Korea followed by in-depth case studies on the US Metropolitan Economic Region. This study looked into diverse experiences of the US mega regions investigating their key strategies, requirements and standards, etc. Urban areas in the US are designated based on CBSA, a standard for statistical area since 1950. The US has a clear standard to define rural and suburban area and is trying to reflect urban structural changes including suburbanization. The US annexation system is relatively simple to operate. Furthermore, the system helps the growth of rural areas by gradually incorporating rural areas into urban areas. We found that action plans of the US mega regions facilitate strategic growth and development for balanced territorial development, incorporating multi-dimensional and comprehensive approaches. We also found that the US mega regions are designated with regard to the local natures. Couple of policy implications were extracted from the US experiences. First, since the construction of mega regions in Korea concerns less on the inter-regional connections with other regions, we need to incorporate diverse standards to divide the regions with respect to the spatial and local characteristics. Second, local governments should collaborate with each other for successful economic development of the metropolitan economic zones. Administrative districts renovation can be a immediate and effective solution to facilitate the collaboration. We recommended to consider consolidating administrative areas to construct successful metropolitan economic zones.

A Study on the Analysis of Village Characteristics for Planning Rural Settlement Area Development - Mainly on Sungnae-Myun District - (농어촌 정주생활권 개발계획 수립을 위한 마을특성분석 방안 연구 -성내면을 대상으로-)

  • 김학응;오무형;이신호
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1996
  • This study is about the problems found in the process of the current governments planning rural settlement area development. As a measure to solve them, It proposed the analysis method of village characteristic in terms of standard score and tried to use this method as a basic material in planning more effective rural settlement area development. On the basis of the above analysis, which is an objective basic material to solve the problems revealed in the process of the bottom-up development planning by the residents' demands, It shows the following conclusion about what method should be applied to each part according to a village's characteristics and its development level. 1. Accessibility can be a basic material for setting the local area, analyzing its settlement system, and them such development facilities as village-linking roads, rural road, or various kinds of bridges and determining the investment priority. 2. With the index of the industrial basis, we can see what village has plenty of social, economical resources including advanced industrial facilities and looking into the advance level of the industrial basis, we can get some information about determining the local area development direction such as estashing the plan to build a farm product gathering center, a collective work place, storage facilities, and special housing development. 3. Since the issue about living environment is raising it's head, compared to weakened agricultural competitive power, with the analysis of this living environment, we can get an objective basic material for solving problems caused by the local egoism and the effective investment strategy of the limited resources. Therefore, It is necessary that we should abstain from expert-centered planning and formal public opinion-collecting and on the basis of this analytic result, we should plan development. We need to continue our research about index selecting and differentiation, weight etc. and using these analysis methods, we should make up a systematic development plan by analyzing village characteristics and setting the development direction.

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A Study on the Reinterpretation of ChonJu Palkyong for Improvement of Landscape Identity (경관정체성 향상을 위한 전주팔경의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 신상섭;노재현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 1999
  • This thesis is to newly understand the value and the meaning of Chonju Palkyong(全州八景) by the specific gravity in making a counter-proposal in other to improve the landscape identity of modern city and at the same time. I intended to group the grafting device for the preservation and regeneration of modern history cultural environment through the interpretation of landscape construction. The meaning system of Chonju Palkyong showed the symbolic system which a landscape construction, four directions and two places has and exhibited the landscape shape possessing a luxuriant local feature peculiar to Chonju, preserving visual bound language of a classical Palkyong. Especially, it implies the use of the substantial landscape experienced factor, the expressions about natural phenomena and the matter which has melted human living circumstances. The landscape construction and it's form show the system which forms the different time field, a far landscape and a mid distance landscape and a near landscape, etc., under the visual, psychological, scenic influenced area, preserving the feature of the similar and typical type of Sosang Palkyoung(瀟湘八景) which intended to seek the local reappearance of the famous site experienced type and natural matter which famous place and local conduct were combined. The object space of Chonju Palkyong area representing the nature of historical landscape cultural assets, pushed by the greater part of the development based theory, shows injured aspects, but needs to play a part to seek such a up-to-date successive plan as the reconstruction of the destroyed historical landscape area which motivated Palkyong, the establishment of useful area, the embodiment of the cultural identity of Palkyong area and the becoming of the educational cultural life space. The analysis of the landscape construction of Chonju Palkyong and the grouping of the modern successive plan which I considered in this thesis, will be able to become a fundamental data to carry out the preservation of historical landscape and the landscape plan in the city.

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Spatial Downscaling Method for Use of GCM Data in A Mountainous Area (산악지역에 GCM 자료를 이용하기 위한 공간 축소방법 개발)

  • Kim, Soojun;Kang, Na Rae;Kim, Yon Soo;Lee, Jong So;Kim, Hung Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2013
  • This study established a methodology for the application of downscaling technique in a mountainous area having large spatial variations of rainfall and tried to estimate the change of rainfall characteristics in the future under climate change using the established method. The Namhan river basin, which is in the mountainous area of the Korean peninsula, has been chosen as the study area. Artificial Neural Network - Simple Kriging with varying local means (ANN-SKlm) has been built by combining artificial neural network, which is one of the general downscaling techniques, and SKlm technique, which can reflect the geomorphologic characteristics like elevation of the study area. The evaluation of SKlm technique was done by using the monthly rainfalls at six weather stations which KMA(Korea Meteorological Administration) is managing in the basin. The ANN-SKlm technique was compared with the Thiessen technique and ordinary kriging(OK) technique. According to the evaluation result of each technique the SKlm technique showed the best result.

Formation of Taesil of Royal Family in Yecheon Area and Its Significance in the Light of Local History (예천지역 왕실의 태실조성과 지역사적 의의)

  • Lee, Jae-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.70-85
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    • 2016
  • This study is to search for the significance of Taesil (Placenta Chamber) of royal family in the light of local history by examining the background that Yecheon area had been selected as building site of Taesil of Joseon and Goryeo dynasties and local correlation. In this study, Taesil in Yecheon area was formed at the area between Mt. Sobaek and Geumdangsil village which was promoted with the support of the royal family and given the responsibility of preserving Taesil as soon as Taeju (Owner of Placenta) was enthroned. It is because the formation of Taesil of royal family was an important event in the region, which strengthened the status of the region with the enthronement of Taeju. As shown in the case of Deposed Queen Lady Yun, Taesil of royal family was selected in accordance with the birthplace of Taeju and the relationship between the relevant area and royal family. Also as in the Case of King Jeongjo, this study says that the selection of Taesil site could be considered as the object of filial piety.

Analysis on the Actual Status of Users of Public Nature Burial and Cremated Bodies Using the Public Cremation Facilities in the Capital Area through the Funeral Information System and the Activation Plan of the Public Nature Burial

  • Choi, Jae-sil;Kim, Jeong-lae
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2019
  • In the study, we suggest that the activation plan of the public nature burial in the capital area through funeral information system as follows. First, according to the report on the social survey announced by the National Statistical Office in December 2017, the Korean people's preference of nature burial was 43.6% while the actual utilization rate of national nature burial in 2017 was only 8.8%, which showed a huge gap between preference and utilization rate of nature burial. Therefore, through the activities to improve the awareness of nature burial by performing the national promotion and education, and also the investment for the expansion or improvement of nature burial facilities in the level of central government and local government, the preference of nature burial should be led to the actual demand. Second, during the period from 2011 to 2018, the utilization rate of public nature burial in the capital area was annually increased by average 26.9%, which showed the huge increase of demand for nature burial. Thus, each local government should carry forward the policies for expanding the supply of public nature burial focusing on the woodland burial showing the high preference of users of public nature burial. Third, even though the public cremation facilities are installed or operated by local governments in the capital area, Seongnam City without the public cremation facilities should install the public nature burial for the enhancement of users convenience by providing the One Stop Total Funeral Service.