• Title/Summary/Keyword: Local Art

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The Influence of Festival Service Quality on the Satisfaction and the Revisit Intention: Focused on Visitors of The Buan Masil Festival (지역축제의 서비스품질이 만족과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 연구: 부안 마실축제를 중심으로)

  • Yoo, Hana HyunKyung;Kim, Ki Hyun;Kim, Mi Seong;Yoon, Yoo Shik
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.26
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    • pp.221-230
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    • 2016
  • This paper is focused on the service quality of Buan Masil Festival. The objectives of the research were to explore whether or not the service quality of local festival affects overall satisfaction and revisit intention Data were collected using self-administered questionnaires at the 4th Buan Masil Festival on May 6-8, 2015. A total of 373 valid samples were used for the analysis. The results of the study indicate that service quality of program, souvenir, and facility lead to visitors' satisfaction, and visitors' satisfaction influenced revisit intention. The results concludes with a discussion of implication for future research.

A Study on the Color Environment of Preference Tendency in Public Library - Focused on Busan City - (공공도서관 환경색채의 선호경향에 관한 연구 - 부산지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Min Jae;Park, Hey Kyung
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.24
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 2016
  • As functions of public library has become diversified, proper environment color plan enhancing a supporting environment of user based on a function of public library should be achieved by utilizing space chromatics which is a psychological environmental factor. Therefore, public library's color environment of each space functions should be understood and the foundation of color plan enhancing supporting environment of user should also be established under the premise that public library color environment which supports integrated functions to every local residents by meeting functional roles of library. As functions of public library expands, this study has its purpose to analyze color environment characteristics by mainly focusing on library of Busan region to study color environment supporting function of each space. Through a literature research, function and role of color, environment color have considered, and through a preceding research analysis on public library's present condition analysis and tendency of library color preference, theoretical background on library color environment has deducted. By researching present condition of environment color application at 9 public libraries located at Busan, the environment color characteristics of library has deducted through an image adjective analysis using color system, coloration analysis, IRI(Image Research Institute) color image scale. This study can be provided as a reference data for environment color plan based on spatial function to enhance supporting environment of public library user, and it is expected to utilize in the library facility plan which has been diversified.

A study on the Convergence of Culture and Technology Contents of Traditional Old Capital, Kyoto - Focused on the Lake Biwa Canal - (전통 고도(古都) 교토(京都)의 문화기술 융합 콘텐츠 연구 - 비와코(琵琶湖) 운하를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun Soo;Kim, Ji Eun
    • Korea Science and Art Forum
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    • v.16
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    • pp.157-169
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    • 2014
  • Lake Biwa Canal was a dream project that reminds us the passion and innovation of Kyoto Citizens more than water supply. It is a modernization project combining engineering knowledge and scientific technology, which started transportation by ship through big-scale civil construction as well as supplying electricity as the first waterpower plant in Japan, and it overcame the physiographic limit through adopting unique method of waterway transportation. Lake Biwa Canal, which has tangible and intangible culture heritage value as the traditional space of Kyoto, the Old Capital of 1200 years, conceives a cultural meaning that is connected through various mutual relation as well as scientific technologic factor. Lake Biwa Canal is not only the function for supplying water to gardens and temples of Kyoto region, but it is also a cultural fruit that is formed by complex causal relationship of various contents such as geographical and environmental background, the phases of the times, local development policy, political circumstances and religions. This study is aimed at interpreting the value of Lake Biwa Canal multilaterally by the convergence of cultural and technological aspects through the view of the world which the age tried to pursue, focusing on the construction of Lake Biwa Canal which was accomplished in the process of promoting the modernization of Kyoto.

The Identity of the Hyangje Samhyunyukgak (향제 삼현육각의 특징)

  • Im, Hye-Jung
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.39
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    • pp.749-774
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    • 2019
  • In the situation where the interest of the academics related to the Hyangje Samhyunyukgak is increasing, the task of identifying the identity of the Hyangje Samhyunyukgak should precede. In this paper, we will discuss the characteristics of the Hyangje Samhyunyukgak distinguished from the court style Samhyunyukgak. First, we will discuss the characteristics of instrument organization. In the form of the Hyangje Samhyunyukgak, the composition of the musical instrument is flexible. Depending on circumstances such as the geographic region or the composition of the player, the set of instruments were added or reduced. The second part relates to composition of music. Among the various pieces of music, a piece of music to be selected in a specific situation is music pieces related to the use of the piece of music in depth. In this phenomenon, the music with the greatest change is Geosangak(거상악). The music played as Geosangak repertoire showed various musical pieces that are related to various situations in different regions. Finally, I would like to discuss the problems related to the origins of Hyangje Samhyunyukgak music. Compared to the songs of Ginyeombul(긴염불), Gutgeori(굿거리), and Taryeong(타령), it is difficult to totally exclude the relationship from the local music genre. And I could guess that such a common denominator was closely related to the Jangdan.

On the Characteristic and Representation of Kyodong Island Soundscape (교동도 사운드스케이프의 특성과 재현)

  • Kim, Ji-na;Zoh, Kyung-Jin;Kwon, Byung-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.57-75
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    • 2019
  • Soundscapes have the potential to help people experience the historical background and cultural traditions by the scenery of a local area and to be used as a cultural and tourism resource. This concept was first explained in detail by M. Schafer and has been developed as a new way of experiencing landscapes using various senses. This research studied the soundscape of Kyodong Island, the so-called "Island of Peace" and designed new cultural acoustic content for education and tourism. Kyodong Island is located right below the Northern Limit Line and the whole island is in the Civilian Controlled Area. The political and economic status of the island has been changed dynamically by the Korean War and the division of the country. These days, the island needs to realize the vision of the "Island of Peace" in a more creative way using local resources, including its "cold war landscape" and the natural scenery of the region. This research applied the concept of a soundscape to document the island, and to reproduce it in an artistic way. A workshop was conducted to learn concepts and techniques of soundscapes with a sound artist. Listening, recording, conducting interviews, and literature research was used to study the soundscape of the island. After that, this research reconstructed the soundscape of the island through a soundscape composition. The main theme of the composition story was the "Hope and Wish for the Harmony and Peace" to show the vision of the "Island of Peace". The initial sub-theme for the introduction part was "First Encounter with Kyodong Island" arranging the representative soundscape, which could be the first impression of the region. The second sub-theme was "War and Tension" using several soundscapes as a metaphor for the tragedy of the Korean War. The third sub-theme was "Everyday Life of Kyodong Island" which described the energy of the present day, after the wounds of the war have healed. The final sub-theme was "Harmony and Peace" using traditional music and keynote sounds of the region as a reminder of the peaceful past, before the war. The recording files were documented as two types of sound maps. One was a two-dimensional map to show the soundscapes from one point of view, and the other used the online application called "Sound Around You". The final artwork was displayed at an exhibition and uploaded on YouTube to be shared publicly. Through this project, we discovered the potential of soundscapes as a medium to preserve the history and local identity, as well as presenting a new vision. The artwork will be exhibited at historically and culturally meaningful places on the Island to utilize the underused places as local tourist attractions and educational resources.

A Study on the Customer Behavior and Recognition of Jeju Regional Cuisine - Focusing on Customer Satisfaction, Revisit Intention, and Word of Mouth among the Tourists in Jeju - (제주향토음식에 대한 인지와 고객 행동에 관한 연구 - 제주 방문 관광객의 고객 만족, 재방문, 구전을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Hak-Young;Jeon, Hyo-Jin;Yang, Tai-Seok
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.93-107
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    • 2009
  • The aims of this study concerning tourists travelling in the island of Jeju include: to identify and assess the promotional efforts for traditional Jeju cuisine; and to identify the impacts of those efforts on customers and tourists. The analyses revealed that continuous promotion efforts, along with changes in the cooking methods and the development of new menus, are needed for the items of traditional Jeju cuisine that are relatively unknown to tourists and that fail to satisfy customers. Customers seeking Jeju food reported high satisfaction with such items as grilled meat and fish, steamed meat and fish, and raw fish(hoe), so those cooking methods must also be continually improved. Promotional efforts had impacts on the satisfaction and revisit rates of customers while the recognizability of foods offered had impacts on all areas, including the satisfaction and revisit rates of customers as well as word-of-mouth advertising among them. There needs to be an experience-oriented or educational program that introduces customers to traditional Jeju cuisine. Since customers and tourists gain information on traditional Jeju cuisine from the recommendations and word-of-mouth advertising from the locals they meet on the island, traditional Jeju cuisine should also be advertised to the local residents. The commercial merchandising of Jeju culinary culture and making festivals based on it must, therefore, be preceded by studies on how to increase the locals' awareness of local traditional cuisine.

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Performance of CMIP5 Models for the Relationship between Variabilities of the North Pacific Storm Track and East Asian Winter Monsoon (북태평양 스톰트랙 활동과 동아시아 겨울 몬순의 상관성에 관한 CMIP5 모델의 모의 성능)

  • Yoon, Jae-Seung;Chung, Il-Ung;Shin, Sang-Hye
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.295-308
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    • 2015
  • Based on the CMIP5 historical simulation datasets, we assessed the performance of state-of-the-art climate models in respect to the relationship between interannual variabilities of the North Pacific synoptic eddy (NPSE) and East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM). Observation (ERA-Interim) shows a high negative correlation (-0.73) between the interannual variabilities of East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) intensity and North Pacific synoptic eddy (NPSE) activity during the period of 1979~2005. Namely, a stronger (weaker) EAWM is related to a weaker (stronger) synoptic eddy activities over the North Pacific. This strong reverse relationship can be well explained by latitudinal distributions of the surface temperature anomalies over East Asian continent, which leads the variation of local baroclinicity and significantly weakens the baroclinic wave activities over the northern latitudes of $40^{\circ}N$. This feature is supported by the distribution of the meridional heat flux (${\overline{{\nu}^{\prime}{\theta}^{\prime}}}$) anomalies, which have negative (positive) values along the latitudes $40{\sim}50^{\circ}N$ for strong(weak) EAWM years. In this study, the historical simulations by 11 CMIP5 climate models (BCC-CSM1.1, CanESM2, GFDL-ESM2G, GFDL-ESM2M, HadGEM2-AO, HadGEM2-CC, IPSL-CM5A-LR, MPI-ESM-LR, MPI-ESM-MR, MRI-CGCM3, and NorESM1-M) are analyzed for DJF of 1979~2005. Correlation coefficient between the two phenomena is -0.59, which is comparable to that of observation. Model-to-model variation in this relationship is relatively large as the range of correlation coefficient is between -0.76 (HadGEM2-CC and HadGEM2-AO) and -0.33 (MRI-CGCM3). But, these reverse relationships are shown in all models without any exception. We found that the multi-model ensemble is qualitatively similar to the observation in reasoning (that is, latitudinal distribution of surface temperature anomalies, variation of local baroclinicity and meridional heat flux by synoptic eddies) of the reverse relationship. However, the uncertainty for weak EAWM is much larger than strong EAWM. In conclusion, we suggest that CMIP5 models as an ensemble have a good performance in the simulation of EAWM, NPSE, and their relationship.

A Development of Design Education Program Based on Local Cultural Contents to Promote Creativity of Chinese Children (중국 아동의 창의성 증진을 위한 지역 문화 콘텐츠 기반의 디자인교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Yoon, Woolahm;Beck, Donghyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.9
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    • pp.56-67
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    • 2020
  • Various studies have been conducted to identify the concept of creativity and enhance it effectively. Many advanced countries in the field of design have already expanded the scope of design education from specialized education to universal education and utilized such design education as a curriculum for promoting the creativity. Although education industry in China has been growing rapidly with the increase in the national income, the current educational contents have been mostly focused on the subjects/contents for an entrance examination, with little consideration of creativity promotion for children. Therefore, as an effort to promote creativity of Chinese children, the current study developed a design education program utilizing Chinese cultural contents and verified its educational effectiveness in terms of creativity promotion. The program was developed in the following process: 1) exploring the program development direction through an in-depth interview with parents; 2) deriving three lesson plans through an ideation session with some experts in art education for children; and 3) selecting a final lesson plan through experts/parents evaluation and developing a final textbook. A total of 10 children were educated with the developed textbook, and their levels of creativity before and after the education were comparatively evaluated using Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT). The study results showed that the education program developed in the current study significantly affected the children's creativity, which would contribute to promoting the children's creativity, and also, developing a new creativity education program in the future. Additionally, it is expected that the research methods employed in this study, that is, developing a creativity promotion program using some cultural/local contents, could be usefully/widely applied in various fields of education.

Sustainable Urban Industrial Space Policy: Experiences and Implications from US Cities (지속가능한 도시산업공간 정책 -미국 주요 도시의 경험과 시사점-)

  • Kim, Jin-Oh;Park, Jeong-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2020
  • This study attempted to seek policy directions for development of sustainable urban industrial space through reviewing recent policies and projects of US cities that experienced urban industrial land replacement and industrial suburbanization. The policies and regulations for the urban industrial space preservation include the New York City's Industrial Business Zone, Chicago's Planned Manufacturing District, the no-net-loss framework in San Jose, and the subdivided and the state of the art in zoning systems in Philadelphia and Seattle. These policies and zoning systems have been effective for preventing the conversion of urban industrial lands to other uses, promoting business activities, and creating jobs for urban residents. In addition, the updated and innovative zoning systems allow for a wide variety of urban industrial spaces to meet newly emerging industrial demands. On the other hand, we suggested several policy implications through reviewing the cases of urban regeneration projects in Portland's Willamette Industrial Urban Renewal Area, Atlanta's BeltLine, and Milwaukee's Menomone Valley as follows: 1) updating and reinforcing spatial planning and policies for preservation and revitalization of urban industrial land; 2) considering existing businesses and local workers first; 3) setting up a participatory planning for local workers and residents; 4) preparing policies for brownfield cleanups.

Analysis of Survivability for Combatants during Offensive Operations at the Tactical Level (전술제대 공격작전간 전투원 생존성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jaeoh;Cho, HyungJun;Kim, GakGyu
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.921-932
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    • 2015
  • This study analyzed military personnel survivability in regards to offensive operations according to the scientific military training data of a reinforced infantry battalion. Scientific battle training was conducted at the Korea Combat Training Center (KCTC) training facility and utilized scientific military training equipment that included MILES and the main exercise control system. The training audience freely engaged an OPFOR who is an expert at tactics and weapon systems. It provides a statistical analysis of data in regards to state-of-the-art military training because the scientific battle training system saves and utilizes all training zone data for analysis and after action review as well as offers training control during the training period. The methodologies used the Cox PH modeling (which does not require parametric distribution assumptions) and decision tree modeling for survival data such as CART, GUIDE, and CTREE for richer and easier interpretation. The variables that violate the PH assumption were stratified and analyzed. Since the Cox PH model result was not easy to interpret the period of service, additional interpretation was attempted through univariate local regression. CART, GUIDE, and CTREE formed different tree models which allow for various interpretations.