• 제목/요약/키워드: Livestock resources

검색결과 786건 처리시간 0.024초

바이오매스 자원 잠재량 산정 (Estimation of Biomass Resources Potential)

  • 이준표;박순철
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제36권1호
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2016
  • Biomass has been used for energy sources from the prehistoric age. Biomass are converted into solid, liquid or gaseous fuels and are used for heating, electricity generation or for transportation recently. Solid biofuels such as bio-chips or bio-pellet are used for heating or electricity generation. Liquid biofuels such as biodiesel and bioethanol from sugars or lignocellulosics are well known renewable transportation fuels. biogas produced from organic waste are also used for heating, generation and vehicles. Biomass resources for the production of above mentioned biofuels are classified under following 4 categories, such as forest biomass, agricultural residue biomass, livestock manure and municipal organic wastes. The energy potential of those biomass resources existing in Korea are estimated. The energy potential for dry biomass (forest, agricultural, municipal waste) were estimated from their heating value contained, whereas energy potential of wet biomass (livestock manure, food waste, waste sludge) is calculated from the biological methane potential of them on annual basis. Biomass resources potential of those 4 categories in Korea are estimated to be as follows. Forest biomass 355.602 million TOE, agricultural biomass 4.019 million TOE, livestock manure biomass 1.455 million TOE, and municipal organic waste 1.074 million TOE are available for biofuels production annually.

가축분뇨 관리 및 퇴비·액비 이용에 대한 개선방안 고찰 - 논산지역을 중심으로 - (A study on the improvement measures of livestock manure management and organic fertilizer use in Nonsan area)

  • 정동환;신진수;이철구;유순주;김용석
    • 환경영향평가
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2013
  • The Ministry of Environment established a plan for advancement of livestock manure management in July 2011 and finalized the "Comprehensive Measures for Advancement of Livestock Manure Management" in May 2012 complementing and strengthening the plan. In this process, it was necessary to investigate the status of discharge of livestock manure and its environmental impact, for example on rivers, groundwater, arable outflow water and soil. We investigated types of livestock husbandry, discharge of livestock manure, and production and use of organic fertilizers and presented the improvement measures of livestock manure management and organic fertilizer use. First, it is necessary to come up with measures to calculate appropriate density and numbers of livestock animals and prevent overcrowded breeding. Second, as many of the private livestock manure treatment facilities are out-dated and their long-term aerated reaction tanks are not regularly managed, it is necessary to find ways to improve those facilities through inspection and diagnosis. In addition, since existing public treatment facilities are designed to add clean water to belt filter press, additional water is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to improve belt filter press in order to decrease the extra water. Finally, although large-scale organic fertilizer plants and resources recycling centers produce good organic (liquid) fertilizers with proper components, it is necessary to establish standards for maturity of liquid fertilizers in order to facilitate efforts to turn livestock manure into resources.

Effects of HACCP System Implementation on Domestic Livestock Product Plants

  • Baek, Seung-Hee;Kang, Soo-Cheol;Lee, Won-Cheol;Nam, In-Sik
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the problems and benefits associated with the implementation of HACCP on livestock product of plants in Korea. The survey was carried out by randomly selecting 115 HACCP accredited meat processing plants, all across the country. A total of 105 complete responses were selected for analysis. The results were as follows: approximately 60% of the respondents employed less than twenty workers. The average period of operating HACCP system was 3.4 years. The respondents replied that the major incentive to implement the HACCP system was to improve hygiene management ability. More than half of the respondents (59.05%) claimed that the implementation of the HACCP system cost less than 400 million won, and the highest investment in terms of cost was the freezer/refrigerator. In the preparation period taken to implement the HACCP system, the 6-12 mon category had the highest percentage (55.24%). Most respondents replied that there was an increase in the customer satisfaction, plant image and turnover, after HACCP implementation (p<0.05). A total of 98.09% of respondents had the opinion that their plant workers had improved in their understanding of food hygiene by HACCP implementation (p<0.05). Approximately 79% of respondents indicated that customer complaints decreased, as a result of HACCP implementation.

Effects of HACCP System Implementation on Medicine Use and Productivity of Swine Farms in Korea

  • Cho, Jea-Jin;Baek, Seung-Hee;Lim, Dong-Gyun;Pyo, Su-Il;Lee, Won-Cheol;Nam, In-Sik
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.392-396
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to examine the effect of HACCP implementation on the cost of medicine use, antibiotic utilization, and productivity of swine in Korea. Data were collected from forty-five swine farms before and after implementation of a HACCP system. The cost of medicine used, the number of different antibiotics used and the number of feeds containing antibiotic supplements added at the feed company tended to be lower (p>0.05) after HACCP implementation. Additionally, the number of feeds containing antibiotics supplemented at the farm was significantly lower after HACCP implementation (p<0.05). Moreover, the number of piglets born per sow per year and pigs marketed per sow per year were higher after HACCP implementation (22.0, 20.0) than before HACCP implementation (20.4, 18.9). These results suggest that implementation of HACCP systems on swine farms may provide beneficial effects such as reduction of medical expenses and improved productivity, as well as increased safety of livestock products for consumers.

CIDR를 이용한 재래 흑염소의 발정동기화와 인공수정 (Effect of CIDR on Estrus Synchronization and Artificial Insemination of Korean Native Goat)

  • 최창용;강다원;조상래;김현종;최선호;최순호;김영근;노규진;최상용;손동수
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.297-302
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구는 재래 흑염소의 인공수정기술을 개발하여 우수한 재래 흑염소의 이용효율을 극대화시키는데 그 목적을 두고 축산연구소 가축유전자원 시험장에서 사육하고 있는 재래 흑염소의 정액을 채취하여 이를 동결보존한 후 필요시 사용하였다. 발정동기화 처리로 인위적으로 발정을 유기한 개체에 인공수정을 실시하여 처리방법별 발정 유기율, 호르몬의 변화양상 및 분만율을 조사하였다. 발정동기화 방법 중 CIDR+$PGF_2a$ 방법에서 $55.6\%$, CIDR+PMSG 방법에서 $40.0\%$ 발정이 발현되었다. CIDR+$PGF_2a$와 CIDR+PMSG 두 처리구에서 CIDR삽입 후 progesterone 농도가 상승하여 CIDR 제거하는 당일까지 높은 수준의 progesterone의 혈중 농도를 유지하였다. 그러나 CIDR를 제기하면 다음날 바로 그 농도가 1 ng/mL 수준으로 급격히 떨어지는 것을 확인함으로써 재래 흑염소의 발정동기화를 위해 CIDR를 이용하는 것이 유용한 방법으로 확인되었다. 이들 중 CIDR+$PGF_2a$를 사용하였을 경우 신선 정액에서 $25\%$, 동결정액에서 $20\%$의 분만율을 나타내었다.

우수 한우의 수정란 생산 및 이식 (Embryo Production in Superior Hanwoo Donors and Embryo Transfer)

  • 손동수;한만희;최창용;최선호;조상래;김현종;류일선;최성복;이승수;김영근;김삼기;김상희;신권희
    • 한국수정란이식학회지
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2006
  • 본 연구는 MOET 기법에 의해 우수한 한우로부터 다수의 수정란을 회수하여 농가의 소에 이식하므로서 우수한 유전 자원을 확산시키고자 실시하였다. 80두의 우수 한우 공란우를 선발하여, 발정 확인 후 황체기에 성선 자극 호르몬($Folltropin^(R)-V$)을 투여하는 기존의 과배란 처리법과 임의의 발정주기에 CIDR를 삽입하고 성선 자극 호르몬을 투여하는 새로운 과배란 처리법에 의한 수정란 생산 비교와 CIDR 삽입한 한우 공란우에서 성선 자극 호르몬 ($Antorin^(R)R10$)의 투여 용량의 차이 (36 mg vs 28 mg) 에 따른 수정란 생산 성적을 비교하였다. 한편, 우수 공란우로부터 채란된 신선 수정란 또는 동결-융해 수정란을 농가 수란우 226두에 이식하였으며, 이식 결과 수태율에 대한 수정란 상태(신선 vs 동결-융해), 년도, 이식 시술자, 계절, 농가에 대한 영향을 조사하였다. 한우 공란우에서 기존의 과배란 처리 방법에 비해서 발정의 확인없이 CIDR를 삽입 후 과배란 처리 방법이 보다 많은 총회수 난자(6.5 vs. 5.8)와 이식 가능 수정란(3.9 vs.3.2)을 회수하였다(p<0.01). CIDR 처리 한우 공란우에서 성선 자극 호르몬($Antorin^(R)R10$) 용량을 36 mg으로 처리시가 28 mg 처리시 보다 많은 이식 가능 수정란(8.3 vs. 5.4)을 회수하였다(p<0.05). 수정란 이식후 수태율은 수정란의 상태(신선 43.9% vs 동결-융해 23.1%) 및 이식 시술자 (53.9 vs. $0{\sim}16.7%$)가 특히 중요한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다(p<0.01). 본 연구의 결과는 CIDR를 이용한 과배란 처리 방법은 우수한 한우 수정란의 생산에 효과적으로 이용될 수 있음을 보여 주었으며, 수정란의 농가 수란우에 대한 이식은 동결-융해 수정란의 수태율 증진 및 이식 시술자의 기술이 향상될 때보다 효과적으로 이루어질 수 있을 것으로 보인다.

유기축산물의 Codex 대응과 조직적 생산기반구축 방안 (A Counterplan for CODEX-Guideline and Construction of Organic livestock Production Basis)

  • 유덕기
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2001
  • This article described the production problems, import conditions of organic livestock products and background of CODEX-guideline, and presented the counterplan for future organic livestock production policy. The essential counterplan for CODEX-guideline and construction of organic livestock production basis include ; - Specific funding of research and development for excellent livestock breeding with consideration of regional enviroment-friendly applications to improve the quality of organic livestock products, - Development of production potential and resources utilization of organic feeding stuffs in domestic and foreign countries, - Horizontal and vertical organization of organic livestock farming and multifarm cooperation, - Specialization of organic livestock farming, and construction for direct or indirect linkage markets and Agro-food corporation for closer cooperation between inner and outer factor of farm management, - Construction of recycling system for the enviroment-friendly utilization of animal excrements.

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가축분뇨 퇴비·액비의 비료성분 및 중금속 함량에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Nutrient Composition and Heavy Metal Contents in Livestock Manure Compost·Liquefied Fertilizer)

  • 안태웅;김동민;이흥수;신현상;정유진
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.306-314
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    • 2021
  • The application of organic fertilizer could be accompanied by potential hazards to soil and humans due to trace metals. Livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizer is a well-established approach for the stabilization of nutrients and the reduction of pathogens and odors in manures, which can be evaluated as compost·liquefied. In this study, the livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizers produced at 333 liquid manure public resource centers and liquid fertilizer distribution centers were collected from May to December 2019. The nutrient content (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium), physicochemical properties, and heavy metal content were investigated. The livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizer was measured using a mechanical maturity measurement device. The organic matter, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium, copper, nickel, zinc, E. coli (O157:H7), Salmonella, etc. of the livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizers were analyzed. The average heavy metal content in the livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizer was as follows: Cr 2.9 mg/kg (0.2~8.7 mg/kg), Cu 20.4 mg/kg (1.6~74.1 mg/kg), Ni 1.3 mg/kg (0.4~4.2 mg/kg), and Zn 79.8 mg/kg (3.0~340.7 mg/kg). Although large-scale organic fertilizer plants and resources recycling centers produce good organic (liquid) fertilizers with proper components, it is necessary to standardize livestock manure compost·liquefied fertilizer in order to facilitate efforts to turn livestock manure into useful resources.

Comparison of Estradiol-17$\beta$, Progesterone and litter Size among Primiparous Sow Breeds Weaned after Lactation for 7 or 21 Days

  • Kim, J. S;Kim, H. K.;C. B. Yang;D. S. Son;Lee, S. H.;Y. J. Yi;Park, C. S.
    • 한국가축번식학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.281-285
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    • 2003
  • This study was carried out to find out the changes on serum concentrations of estradiol-17$\beta$, progesterone in primiparous Duroc, Landrace and Yorkshire sows weaned at 7 or 21 days. Also, we compared the litter size at birth and weaning among the breeds weaned after lactation for 7 or 21 days. The estradiol-17$\beta$ concentrations among the breeds were 6.9∼8.8 pg/ml and 6.4∼8.8 pg/ml after lactation for 7 or 21 days, respectively. The progesterone concentrations ranged from 0.3 ng/ml to 1.6 ng/ml. Duroc sow showed higher progesterone concentration compared with Landrace and Yorkshire sows weaned after lactation for 7 or 21 days. Also, we found out that litter size at birth and weaning, respectively, did not show any differences between day 7 and day 21 of lactation. From the facts mentioned above, it was suggested that very early weaning systems could work with no apparent adverse effect on prolificacy.