• 제목/요약/키워드: Light curing composite resin

검색결과 186건 처리시간 0.023초


  • 황동환;이주현;박호원
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제30권3호
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    • pp.431-438
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    • 2003
  • 수복 치료과정에서 발생하는 온도증가가 치수조직에 미칠 수 있는 위해효과는 치의학의 오랜 관심사였다. 일반적으로, $5.5^{\circ}C$를 초과하는 치수 내 온도변화는 치수조직 에 비가역적인 손상을 야기할 수 있다. 기존의 할로겐 램프 광중합기와 더불어 최근 시판되고 있는 플라즈마 아크 중합기, LED 중합기를 사용하여 복합레진 중합시 치수강 내 온도증가량을 조사하였다. 한 개의 우식이 없는 치아를 대상으로 V급 와동을 형성하였다. 와동 내에 복합레진(Z250, Shade A2)을 충전한 후, 광중합조건을 달리하여 5군(I군: VIP, 20초 (mode 3), II군: VIP, 20초 (mode 6), III군: Flipo, 3초, IV군: Flipo, 5초 (2-step), V군: Lux-O-Max, 40초)으로 분류하고, 각 조건에 맞게 복합레진을 중합시키면서 치수강 내의 온도측정 단자를 통하여 $37.0^{\circ}C$로부터 증가되는 치수강 내 최대 온도증가량을 측정한 결과 다음과 같은 결론을 얻게 되었다. 1. 모든 군에서 치수강 내 최대 온도 증가량은 치수의 변성을 일으키기 시작하는 경계온도인 $5.5^{\circ}C$ 보다 낮았으며, II군에서 치수강 내 최대 온도증가량이 통계적으로 유의하게 가장 높았다(p<0.05). 또한 Lux-O-Max를 조사한 V군은 다른 군보다 낮은 치수강 내 최대 온도증가량을 나타내었다(p<0.05). 2. VIP로 조사한 두 군을 비교할 경우, 조사강도가 높은 II군이 I군보다 치수강 내 최대 온도증가량이 더 높게 증가하였으며(p<0.05), Flipo로 조사한 III군과 IV군 사이에서는 2-step 조사모드로 5초간 조사한 IV군이 3초간 조사한 III군보다 치수강 내 최대 온도증가량이 더 높게 증가하였다(p<0.05). 3. VIP와 Flipo를 비교할 경우, II군이 III, IV군보다 더 높게 증가하였고, IV군이 I군보다 더 높게 증가하였으나(p<0.05), I군과 III군 사이에는 차이를 보이지 않았다.

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  • 구대회;이용근;손호현;임미겸
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.358-373
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    • 1997
  • Resin modified glass ionomers were introduced in 1988 to overcome the problems of moisture sensitivity and low early mechanical strength of conventional glass ionomers and to maintain their clinical advantages. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the color stability of four resin modified glass ionomers(Fuji II LC, Vitremer, Dyract and VariGlass), one resin composite material(Z-100), and one conventional glass ionomer(GC Fuji II) under several conditions. These conditions were as follows: 1) before curing, 2) after curing, 3) after polishing, 4) after 500 thermocycling, 5) after 1,000 thermocycling, 6) after 1,500 thermocycling and 7) after 2,000 thermocycling. Three specimens of each material/shade combination were made. Materials were condensed into metal mold with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 2.0 mm, and were pressed between glass plates. The material was polymerized using a light polymerizing unit(Visilux II, 3M, USA). After removal of excess, the surface was polished sequentially on wet sandpapers. A reflection spectrophotometer(Model TC-6FX, Tokyo Denshoku Co., Japan) was used to determine CIELAB coordinates($L^*,a^*$ and $b^*$) of each specimen. CIE standard illumination C was used as the light source. The results were as follows : 1. In comparing different shades of same material, CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) value was not significantly different from each other(p>0.05). 2. CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) values between after-curing and after-polishing were ranged from 5.53 to 27.08. These values were higher than those of other condition combinations. 3. CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) values between before-thermocycling and after-thermocycling were ranged from 1.40 to 7.81. Despite the number of thermocycling increased, CIELAB color difference(${\Delta}E^*$) value was low. 4. The color stability of resin modified glass ionomers was more stable than that of conventional glass ionomers but less stable than that of Z100.

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제 2 급 와동에 충전된 Compome의 미세누출에 관한 연구 (MICROLEAKAGE OF COMPOMER IN CLASS II CAVITY)

  • 임재훈;조용범
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.346-355
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    • 1999
  • To evaluate the micro leakage of compomer, 4 materials were divided into 4 groups of 15 cavities each.(Group 1: Z-100, Group 2: Dyarct AP, Group 3: Fuji II LC, Group 4: Compoglass) After the class II cavities were prepared using carbide bur No. 553, all specimen were restored by incremental filling technique. In group 3, Z-100 was filled with a base of a light curing glass-ionomer. After 7 days, all specimens were thermocycled between $5^{\circ}C$ and $55^{\circ}C$ for 500 cycles, followed by placement in 50% silver nitrate dye for 2 hours at $37^{\circ}C$. After rinsed in distilled water, these teeth were immersed in photodeveloping solution and exposed to fluorescent light for 6 hours. Teeth were then washed in distilled water to remove the photodeveloping solution, sectioned mesio-distally and evaluated. The results were as follows : 1. In the cervical portion, there was significant difference between Fuji II LC and other groups(Z-100, Dyract AP, Compoglass), Fuji II LC had the least value.(p<0.05) 2. In the cervical portion, there was not significant difference among Dyract AP, Z-100 and Compoglass. 3. In the occlusal portion, there was not significant difference among Dyract AP, Z-100 and Compoglass. From the results above, In enamel, microleakage of compomer such as Dyract AP and Compoglass resemble to that of composite resin. It is thought that it is due to characteristics of composite resin portion of compomer. But in dentin, microleakage of compomer is higher than that of resin modified glass ionomer cement, it is thought that in compomer, acid-base reaction is not developed with dentin.

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  • 양철호;김신;정태성
    • 대한소아치과학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.554-563
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    • 1999
  • 심미적 수복재료인 복합 레진과 글래스 아이오노머 시멘트는 중합방식에 따라 화학중합형, 광중합형, 그리고 이 두 가지 중합방식을 겸비한 이중중합형으로 분류할 수 있다. 화학중합형과 광중합형에 대해서는 지금까지 다수의 보고가 있었으나, 충전용 복합 레진의 경우 이들과 이중중합형을 비교한 예는 아직 찾기 힘든 실정이었으므로, 이러한 관점에서의 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료되었다. 이 연구에서는 이중중합 수복재가 단일중합방식에 비해 어떠한 특성을 보이는지를 탐구하고자 하였다. 사용된 재료는 광중합형 복합 레진인 Veridonfil-Photo와 이중중합형인 Bis-core, 이중중합형의 글래스 아이오노머 시멘트인 Fuji II LC와 화학중합형인 Ketac-fil을 사용하였다. 가로 30mm, 세로 30mm, 높이 1mm와 3mm인 두 종류의 아크릴릭 몰드 중앙에 직경 7mm의 hole을 형성하여 여기에 4종의 수복재를 충전하였다. 충전 직후부터 시작하여 24시간 경과시까지 일정 시간의 간격으로 표면, 1mm, 3mm 깊이에서의 경도를 미세경도계(Shimadzu Micro Hardness Tester HMV-2000, Shimadzu Co. Japan)로 측정하였다. 측정치를 통계처리하여 얻은 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 4 종의 수복재 모두에서, 중합직후에 비해 24시간 경과후의 미세경도가 증가되었다. 2. 중합 직후부터 24시간 경과시점까지의 미세경도를 측정한 결과, Ketac-fil을 제외한 나머지 수복재에서는 각 깊이간 경도의 차이가 있었다. 3. 각 수복제의 최종중합에 도달하는 시간을 조사한 결과, 이중중합형이 3min의 깊이에서 광중합형이나 화학중합형에 비해 중합이 더 오래 지속된 것으로 나타났다. 이상의 결과에서 조사광이 충분히 도달하지 못하여 중합이 현저히 떨어지는 수복재의 심부에도 이중중합방식을 사용할 경우에는 지속적인 중합반응이 일어나 중합도가 증가하는 것으로 나타났다.

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The comparison of relative reliability on biaxial and three point flexure strength methods of light curing composite resin

  • Seo, Deog-Gyu;Rho, Byoung-Duck
    • 대한치과보존학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한치과보존학회 2003년도 제120회 추계학술대회 제 5차 한ㆍ일 치과보존학회 공동학술대회
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    • pp.575-575
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    • 2003
  • The majority of studies comparing the mechanical properties of brittle dental restorative materials now include use of the Weibull Modulus (m). This modulus is determined from analysis of the statistical distribution of strength measurements, which can be determined using a variety of methods, including biaxial flexure, 3pt bend and 4pt bend. In comparing materials it is usually implicitly assumed that the modulus (m) is independent of test method although it is recognised to be highly dependent on flaw distributions. However, in some cases flaw distributions can be modified by sample preparation and test method may modify stressing patterns. This study investigated the pattern of strength and m in two light setting materials.

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2급(級) 와동(窩洞) 수복시(修復時) 치아파괴(齒牙破壞) 저항성(抵抗性) 및 귀열양상(龜裂樣相)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A STUDY ON THE FRACTURE RESISTANCE AND CHARACTERISTICS OF TEETH IN CLASS II CAVITY RESTORATIONS)

  • 주익남;박상진;민병순;최호영
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.337-348
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    • 1988
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the fracture strength and characteristics of teeth with MOD cavity preparation. Freshly extracted sound maxillary premolars were cleaned and stored in normal saline solution $37^{\circ}C$ for 72 hours before experiments. The roots of teeth were embedded in a self-curing resin, and the exposed crown were maintained in a vertical position by a modelling wax in a brass ring. The MOD cavities were prepared with No. 57 carbide bur under high speed to a depth of 2.0mm and a width of 2.0mm(Fig.1). All the prepared teeth specimens were divided into 7 groups according to the mode of cavity form and restorative materials (Table 1, 2): Group I, unpreapred, intact teeth as control Group II, prepared cavity without restoration Group III, prepared teeth restored with amalgam Group IV, prepared teeth restored with composite resin (P-10) Group V, prepared teeth with beveled enamel margins restored with composite resin (P-10) Group VI, prepared teeth restored with light-cured composite resin (P-30) Group VII, prepard teeth with beveled enamel margins restored with light-cured composite resin (P-30) After placement of restorations, all of the specimens were stored in water at $37^{\circ}C$ for 72 hours before testing. All of the specimens were tested on the Instron Universal Testing machine (No. 6025) in order to evaluate the strength of fracture. One metal ball 5.0mm in diameter contacting the specimens parallel to the occlusal surface was used to in this study (Fig. 1). The fracture characteristics of the specimens were examined with naked eye and in the scanning electron microscope (JSM-20). The results obtained from this study were as follows: 1. The mean fracture strength was the highest in group VI and that in group II was the lowest. 2. The progress of crack of teeth propagated into the pulp cavity. 3. In case of the group of the restored teeth, the crack occurred to be accompanied with cuspal fracture. 4. The crack of restored teeth was initiated along the pulpo-axial line angle of the cavity.

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이원중합형 코어 축조용 복합레진의 결합강도에 대한 NaOCI의 영향에 대한 연구 (Influence of Sodium Hypochlorite on Bond Strength of Dual-cured Core Build-up Resin Composite)

  • 이준봉;박종덕;권수미;유미경;이광원
    • 구강회복응용과학지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2007
  • Two-step or one-step bonding systems generally inhibit curing process of dual-cured core build-up resin composite for their adhesive acidity. In addition this dual-cured core build-up resin composite can be applied to dentin of pulp chamber and root at the time that complete the endodontic treatment. The purpose of this investigation was to determine the influence of sodium hypochlorite on rnicrotensile bond strength of dual-cured core build-up resin composite. Extracted human molars were horizontally sectioned with 1mm thickness using low speed diamond saw. After the sectioned specimens were divided into 8 groups, adhesive systems (Clearfil SE-Bond, Prime&Bond NT[2-step, 1-step], Adper Prompt L-Pop) were then applied with or without sodium hypochlorite pretreatment. The treated specimen was filled with dual-cured core build-up resin composite (Luxacore, DMG corp., German). Then light cured for 40 seconds and soaked in $37^{\circ}C$ water bath for 24 hours. After the treated specimen was grinded with 1mm width and measured rnicrotensile bond strength by testing machine. Additionally 8 teeth were prepared for SEM evaluation. The results were as follows. : NaOCl treated groups generally had lower rnicrotensile bond strength but did not show any difference statistically except Adper Prompt L-Pop. When the teeth were treated by NaOCl, though the difference of applied adhesive system, it had no statistically significant difference within the NaOCl treated groups except the relation of between ClearFil SE-Bond adhesive system and Adper Prompt L-Pop adhesive system. In the SEM evaluation, NaOCl treated groups presented relatively long resin tags and incomplete hybrid layer formation generally.


  • 문주훈;고근호
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the marginal microleakage of condensable composite resin restorations according to flowable resin lining of internal cavity wall. The eighty extracted human molar teeth without caries and/or restorations are used The experimental teeth were randomly assigned into four groups of ten teeth each. Eighty caries-free extracted human molars were used in this study. The conventional class II cavities (box-shaped on mesial and distal surface, faciolingual width : 3mm, gingival wall depth : 1.5mm) were prepared 1mm below cementoenamel junction with a # 701 carbide bur. The teeth were divided into four groups, and then each group were subdivided into A & B group according to flowable resin & compomer lining ; Group 1-A : Tetric Ceram filling, Group 1-B : Tetric Flow lining and Tetric Ceram filling, Group 2-A Ariston pHc filling, Group 2-B : Tetric Flow lining and Ariston pHc filing, Group 3-A SureFil filling, Group 3-B : Dyract Flow lining and SureFil filling, Group 4-A : Pyramid filling, Group 4-B : Aeliteflo lining and Pyramid filling. To simulate as closely as possible the clinical situation during retoration placement, a "restoration template" was fabricated, and the condensable resin was filled using a three-sited light-curing incremental technique. All the materials used were applied according to the manufacturers' instructions. The specimens were stored in the 100% humidity for 7 days prior to thermocycling (100 thermal cycles of 5~55$^{\circ}C$ water with a 30-second dwell time) The specimens were immersed in 2% metyleneblue dye for 24 hours, and then embedded in transparent acrylic resin and sectioned mesiodistally with diamond wheel saw. The degree of marginal leakage was scored under stereomicroscope ($\times$20) and the data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis test and Wilcoxon signed ranks test. The results were as follows : 1. In the gingival margins of all the group, microleakage of subgroup B was less than subgroup A. 2. In the group 1, 2, 4, there was significant differences between subgroup A and B (p<0.05), but in the group 3, there was not significant different between group 3-A (SureFil) and group 3-B (Dyract flow/SureFil) (p>0.05). 3. In the subgroup A and B, there was significant different between all group except group 4 of subgroup A. From the results above, it was suggested that the cavity lining of flowable resin and flowable compomer in condensable resin restoration decrease microleakage at gingival margin, and does improve their ability to seal the gingival margin of class II preparation.

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  • 김민경;박성호;서덕규;송윤정;이윤;이찬영
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2008
  • 지금까지 다수의 연구자들에 의해 광중합형 복합 레진을 중합하는 방법에 있어서 광조사 강도, 시간을 조절하여 중합수축의 속도를 감소시키기 위한 시도가 있었으나, 간헐적 중합법에 관한 구체적인 연구가 부족하다. 이에 저자는 광중합 복합 레진을 간헐적으로 광중합시켜 기존의 연속 중합법과 비교하여 중합 수축의 속도를 측정하고 교두 변위에 대한 영향을 평가해 보고자 하였다. 실험에 사용된 수복 재료는 2종의 광중합형 복합 레진으로 Heliomolar와 Pyramid이며, 중합 수축량을 측정하기 위해 자체 제작한 Linometer (R&B Inc., Daejon, Korea)을 사용하였고 광중합시 광조사 차단장치를 시편과 Linometer 사이에 위치시켜 각각의 서로 다른 중합 주기: (1) 연속 광중합 (60초간 계속 광조사); (2) 2초 광조사, 1초 광차단 (90초 시행), (3) 1초 광조사, 1초 광차단 (120초 시행), (4) 1초 광조사, 2초 광차단 (180초 시행)로 중합시켰다. 군 별로 조사된 총에너지량이 동일하도록 중합 시간을 조절하였고, 최종 중합 수축량을 측정하였으며 중합 수축의 최고속도 ($R_{max}$)와 최고속도를 나타낸 peak time (PT)을 계산하였다. 교두 변위의 측정을 위해서는 각 군별로 10개의 건전한 상악 소구치에 변형시킨 제2급 와동을 형성한 다음 상아질 접착제를 도포하고 일정량의 복합 레진을 충전한 후 치아를 자체 제작된 치아 변위 측정기 (R&B Inc., Daejon, Korea)에 위치시켜 교두 변위양을 알아보았다. 통계분석은 ANOVA test를 이용하여 군 간의 비교를 하였고, 재료간의 비교를 위해서는 t-test를 시행하였다. 실험 결과는 1) 선수축량은 군 간에 차이가 없었고 (p > 0.05), Pyramid가 Heliomolar보다 중합 수축량이 컸다 (p < 0.05). Peak time은 Heliomolar와 Pyramid 레진 모두에서 간헐적 광중합시 더 늦게 나타났다. $R_{max}$는 Heliomolar는 4군 < 3군, 2군 < 1군 순이었고, Pyramid는 3군 < 4군 < 2군, 1군 순으로 측정되었다. 2) Heliomolar는 4군 < 3군 < 2, 1군 그리고 Pyramid는 4, 3군 < 2, 1군 순으로 교두 변위가 컸으며 (p < 0.05), Pyramid가 Heliomolar보다 교두 변위가 크게 나타났다 (p < 0.05). 이번 실험을 통해 복합 레진을 광조사 차단장치를 이용하여 간헐적 광중합시켜 중합수축 속도를 늦춤으로써 교두 변위 양이 감소됨을 알 수 있었다.


  • 김미리;이명종
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.193-213
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate a possible contribution of nonspecific esterases, which occur in the oral cavity, to the degradation of ester bonds in polymethacrylates. One of the problems connected with the use of composite resins for restorations is their inadequate resistance to wear. It has been shown that methacrylate hydrolysis can be catalyzed by enzymes and that a carboxylic hydrolase (porcine liver esterase) catalyzed the hydrolysis of several mono - and dimethacrylates. The softening effect on a BISGMA/TEGDMA polymer induced by hydrolase will accelerate the in vivo wear of the polymer. Porcine liver esterase (EC 3.2 mol/L $(NH_4)_2$ $SO_4$ was obtained from Sigma Chemical Company. The esterase activity of one unit is defined as the amount of enzyme capable of hydrolyzing $l{\mu}mol$ ethyl butyrate per min at pH 8.0 AT $25^{\circ}C$. Phosphate buffer, 10mmol/L, pH 7.0, was made by adjustment of a solution of $Na_2HPO_4$ with $H_3PO_4$. Composite resins used in this study are Silux Plus, Z-100, Durafil VS, and Prisma APH. Cylindrical specimens, 14mm in diameter and 3mm thick, of Silux Plus, Z-100, Durafil VS, Prisma APH were polymerized under the celluloid strip. 60 specimens were divided into 2 groups. One group was emersed only in buffer solution, the other group was emersed in buffer and enzyme solution. Silux Plus and Z-100 were divided into 2 subgroups, one subgroup was cured only Visilux 2. And the other subgroup was cured Visilux 2 and Triaid II. Thereafter, specimens were polished to its best achievable surface according to manufacture's directions. The Vickers hardness of the specimens was measured after 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 15, 50 days. The solutions were changed after each measurement. Composite resin surfaces were evaluated for the surface roughness with profilometer (${\alpha}$-step 200, Tencor instruments, USA) after 1 and 50 days. And then surfaces of specimens were pictured with stereosopy after 1 and 50 days. The results were as follows. 1. The surface hardness of Silux plus, durafil VS, and Prisma APH were decreased with time. But, the surface hardness of Z-100 was not decreased. 2. The surface hardness of all composite resins was decreased by esterase. 3. Composite resins, which were light-cured by Visilux 2 and concomitantly baked by oven, showed more hardened surface than light-cured by Visilux 2 only. 4. Significant surface changes were occured in Silux plus after esterase treatment.

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