• Title/Summary/Keyword: Liberal Arts Class

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Development of Creativity-based Creative and Convergence Subject for Nursing University Students (간호대학생을 위한 창의성기반 창의융합교과목 개발)

  • Choi, Mi-Jung;Jin, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to develop creativity-based creative convergence subjects for nursing students. For the purpose of this study, the procedures are conducted that the needs analysis, setting educational goals, segmentation of educational goals, selection of educational contents and organization by F. Bobbitt's curriculum development model and the creative convergence subject was developed through the verification process of the validity of experts. Through a theoretical review, the contents of education in creative convergence subjects consisted of converging with other areas, focusing on creativity. It was presented as a liberal arts subject with two credits, and as an educational method, an online class utilizing blended learning and offline classes centered on activities by teams were presented. In addition, the curriculum was divided into understanding, application, synthesis, and deepening so that students could understand the concept of creative convergence thinking and apply it through thinking techniques and strategies, and finally improve their creative convergence thinking abilities through team projects.

Character Education of College Students through the Life of Composer, Joseph Haydn (작곡가 하이든의 삶을 통한 대학생들의 인성교육)

  • Oh, Sehong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to recognize the importance of 'character', which is an important keyword in the era of the 4th revolution, and to approach the teaching method through the life of Haydn and his music among various methods of character education. The purpose of this study was to investigate the research hypothesis that the convergence education of music and character brings positive changes in pre-and post-recognition of sub-elements of character virtues. As a research method, character education was conducted through class activities using Haydn's life and music for a total of 6 times. The result shows the change in pre-and post-cognition of sub-elements of personality virtues, and statistically significant (p<0.01) in all virtues of character education. Activity-oriented classes through the life and music of a composer were worthy for the effective character education. A further study would be meaningful by applying various teaching activities if the scope of study is expanded.

A Study on the Major Perception of Nursing Freshmen (간호학과 신입생의 전공 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Jung Hyo Ju
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.145-151
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    • 2023
  • This study was attempted to provide basic data for the development of the nursing major curriculum and the admission strategy for attracting new students by identifying the perception of the nursing major among freshmen in the nursing department. Participants in this study were 40 freshmen who agreed to participate in the study among freshmen in the department of nursing who completed self-exploration, a required liberal arts course for freshmen opened in the first semester of 2021. Data collection was a study diary written by participants after 15 weeks of class, and the traditional content analysis method suggested by Heieh and Shannon was applied to data analysis. As a result of the study, three themes were derived: 'motivation for entering the nursing major', 'value of the nursing major', and 'obstacles to the nursing major'. Therefore, colleges and departments need to strengthen their entrance examination strategies to develop and conduct field trip programs for experiential departments linked to middle and high schools and It is necessary to solve the difficulties in taking major courses by providing subject and extracurricular programs targeting students who lack basic learning ability.

The Understanding of Elementary Pre-Service Teachers' on Legal Units (초등 예비교사들의 법정계량단위에 대한 이해)

  • Kim, Sung-Kyu;Kong, Young-Tae
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.111-121
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to survey elementary pre-service teachers' in understand the legal Units, focusing on seven basic unit such a 'm', 'm2', 'L', 'kg', 'K', 'cd', 's'. This study specifically investigates whether the students understand the legal units. The subjects were 1096 students from the University of Education in Jinju, Gyeongnam. Data was collected through a questionnaire which was designed by this research and checked by authority, and the frequency and percentage of responses to each question were obtained and analysed. The survey was the legal units on interesting, using the experience of confusing and understanding of elementary pre-service teachers. The Korea Government is regulating using traditional measures such as 'pyeong' or 'don' in commercial transactions change to adopt the metric system for as a subsidiary the first of July, 2007. The interesting of the legal units dose not exceed a positive answer to the question 52.1%. Their were answered that the experience of the confused of 60.1% in the life. How to do efforts for the settle down of the legal units that answered broadcasting>in class>a campaign>study and training by an academic year in oder. Findings show regardless of academic year, gender and from the department of liberal arts or the science department all the students knew very well that 'm' '$m^2$', 'L', 'kg' are included in the legal units, compared to the others low percentage of 'K', 'cd' and 's' the legal units. In case of time(s), women has correct answered 2.7 times than man. In case of academic year, except for the third-year students was not to exceed 50%. In case of from the department of liberal arts or the science department contrary to one's expectations increase of 50% or more correct answer while half the students scored in science. The elementary pre-service teachers are seems to thinking separate the legal units with their in university life. Also elementary pre-service teachers are the lack of interest on society. Their should be for settle down of the legal units through learning to class in university, newspapers, strengthen publicity activities of broadcast media's further more by maintenance efforts of the government.

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A Study on the Jo Hee-Ryong's work in Writing and Painting's Aesthetic - In relation to the term of banishment(1851~1853) on Imja Island- (조희룡(趙熙龍)의 집필활동(執筆活動)과 회화심미(繪畵審美) 고찰 - 임자도(荏子島) 유배기(流配期)(1851~1853)와 관련하여...-)

  • Kim, Doyoung
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2019
  • Jo, Hee-ryong(1789-1866), who was given the title of "boss of the world handling a China inkt" in the late Joseon Dynasty, was from a noble family, but he claimed to be a yeohang-in himself. The byeoggyesa was formed based on Jong-in and they are engaged in literary activities. Hee-ryong Jo, "I do not follow people's back" is the art spirit of my life. The theory of the Holy Spirit has inspired emotion or inspiration as the essence of art. He pursued original aesthetics of painting with the true nature and personality as important. During his early 60s, the period of banishment for about three years had a profound impact on the identity and direction of his art world. During this period, he wrote four volumes, including "Hwaguamlanmug", "Uhaeagamgo", "Sugyeongjaehaeoejeogdog", "Hanwaheonjehwajabjon" and among his paintings with 19 paintings, eight paintings were produced, including "Hwangsannaengundo", "Bangunlimsansudo", "Maehwaseoogdo". These works reveal the Playful sokmi sprit, the grotesque of manual dexterity, and the aesthetic of painting through the natural divergence of natural nature.

Contextualized Nature of Technology in Socioscientific Issues (대학생들의 과학기술관련 사회쟁점(SSI) 논의에서 기술의 본성(NOT)은 어떻게 나타나는가?)

  • Lee, Hyunok;Lee, Hyunju
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.303-315
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    • 2016
  • Socioscientific issues (SSI), by their nature, are conceptually embedded in technology. Previous research reported that nature of technology (NOT), unlike nature of science, was quite explicitly manifested in SSI decision-making, and NOT could be a promising construct for promoting SSI reasoning. In this study, authors introduced an integrated conceptual framework for NOT, which consisted of four dimensions (i.e., artifacts, knowledge, practice and system) as diverse modes of technology. We adapted the framework to investigate students' conceptualizations of NOT in the context of various SSIs. Data was collected from 45 college students enrolled in a liberal arts course on science and technology. The students participated in a team project, where they prepared and led discussions for SSI topics in class. Seven topics concerning SSIs were selected by students themselves. The preparation and class discussion of each student group were audio-recorded, and final reports were also analyzed. As a result, NOT sub-components in the dimensions of artifacts and system were explicitly represented in most contexts of SSI with various ranges of understanding. Other sub-components under the dimensions of knowledge and practice were rarely or implicitly shown in the discussion. The depth of students' understanding on NOT varied. Implications for science education were discussed.

A Study on College Students' Experiences for UCC Assignment in a Character Education Class (교양 인성 수업에서 대학생들의 인성을 주제로 한 UCC 과제 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구)

  • Kim, Byung-Sun;Son, Eun-Kyoung;Lee, Jun-Gil
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.239-253
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to have college students who took 'University Character Education Using YouTube Videos', which was opened as a liberal arts course in college, directly produce UCC assignments with the theme of personality. Despite the recent paradigm shift in learner-centered education, teacher-centered education still hinders learners' motivation to participate in classes. To solve this problem, a learner-led UCC production process is necessary for the practice of effective learner-centered education. For this purpose, a phenomenological research method was applied. The research participants were 10 students, in-depth interview was used for data collection, and Colaizzi's research method was selected for data analysis. As a result of the analysis, 9 themes, 4 theme clusters, and 2 categories were derived. The results are as follows. First, they recognized that the UCC assignments were a field of maturity, such as practicing the right thoughts and actions, and re-establishing the concept of character. Second, they said that the UCC production process was an opportunity to increase their self-esteem. Third, they showed a more mature personality by recognizing that the UCC assignments became a chance to pay attention to others beyond themselves. Fourth, they had the greatest difficulty in selecting a topic while carrying out the UCC project, and they were experiencing the limitations of high-quality projects due to the technical immaturity of UCC production. Finally, this study was concluded by discussing the educational implications based on the results. These results provide a suggestion that more effective character education can be expected when tasks led by learners will be developed and an interactive arena where students can be shared are provided.

Analysis of Retelling Cases Linked to Reading in Thinking and Expression - Focusing on Reading Michel Tournier's "Let Joy Remain in Me" (문학 읽기 연계 리텔링 강의 분석- 미셸 투르니에의 「기쁨이 내게 머물게 하소서」 를 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Hye-young;Lee, Eun-Sook;Chung, Hyun-Sook
    • Korean Educational Research Journal
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.59-87
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    • 2022
  • 'Thinking and Expression' develops comprehensive problem-solving ability to solve various problems in life and society by cultivating thinking skills such as creative, logical, reflective thinking, and connected thinking and communication ability to communicate one's thoughts through writing and speaking. This is a college basic liberal arts course established to improve students. The purpose of this study is to introduce the case of rewriting of literature reading and healing performed as an extension of storytelling learning in 'Thinking and Expression' class. In class, we read Michel Tournier's short story "Let Joy Remain in Me" and shared our feelings about the final scene of the work. Then, we each presented a question that came to mind as we read the work, and we shared our thoughts with the members of the group. Next, the students created the content that will follow the last scene of the work with the direction of healing. Through this, we tried to read the work carefully and deeply appreciate its contents, and we had time to feel the creative experience of the reader re-creating the meaning of the work and the effect of healing rewriting. Then, we turned the direction of reflection to the realm of the reader's own life and expressed their desired future self in writing, imagining that it had already been realized. Through this, we tried to discover the meaning of practical rewriting towards self-actualization.

A Template-based Interactive University Timetabling Support System (템플릿 기반의 상호대화형 전공강의시간표 작성지원시스템)

  • Chang, Yong-Sik;Jeong, Ye-Won
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2010
  • University timetabling depending on the educational environments of universities is an NP-hard problem that the amount of computation required to find solutions increases exponentially with the problem size. For many years, there have been lots of studies on university timetabling from the necessity of automatic timetable generation for students' convenience and effective lesson, and for the effective allocation of subjects, lecturers, and classrooms. Timetables are classified into a course timetable and an examination timetable. This study focuses on the former. In general, a course timetable for liberal arts is scheduled by the office of academic affairs and a course timetable for major subjects is scheduled by each department of a university. We found several problems from the analysis of current course timetabling in departments. First, it is time-consuming and inefficient for each department to do the routine and repetitive timetabling work manually. Second, many classes are concentrated into several time slots in a timetable. This tendency decreases the effectiveness of students' classes. Third, several major subjects might overlap some required subjects in liberal arts at the same time slots in the timetable. In this case, it is required that students should choose only one from the overlapped subjects. Fourth, many subjects are lectured by same lecturers every year and most of lecturers prefer the same time slots for the subjects compared with last year. This means that it will be helpful if departments reuse the previous timetables. To solve such problems and support the effective course timetabling in each department, this study proposes a university timetabling support system based on two phases. In the first phase, each department generates a timetable template from the most similar timetable case, which is based on case-based reasoning. In the second phase, the department schedules a timetable with the help of interactive user interface under the timetabling criteria, which is based on rule-based approach. This study provides the illustrations of Hanshin University. We classified timetabling criteria into intrinsic and extrinsic criteria. In intrinsic criteria, there are three criteria related to lecturer, class, and classroom which are all hard constraints. In extrinsic criteria, there are four criteria related to 'the numbers of lesson hours' by the lecturer, 'prohibition of lecture allocation to specific day-hours' for committee members, 'the number of subjects in the same day-hour,' and 'the use of common classrooms.' In 'the numbers of lesson hours' by the lecturer, there are three kinds of criteria : 'minimum number of lesson hours per week,' 'maximum number of lesson hours per week,' 'maximum number of lesson hours per day.' Extrinsic criteria are also all hard constraints except for 'minimum number of lesson hours per week' considered as a soft constraint. In addition, we proposed two indices for measuring similarities between subjects of current semester and subjects of the previous timetables, and for evaluating distribution degrees of a scheduled timetable. Similarity is measured by comparison of two attributes-subject name and its lecturer-between current semester and a previous semester. The index of distribution degree, based on information entropy, indicates a distribution of subjects in the timetable. To show this study's viability, we implemented a prototype system and performed experiments with the real data of Hanshin University. Average similarity from the most similar cases of all departments was estimated as 41.72%. It means that a timetable template generated from the most similar case will be helpful. Through sensitivity analysis, the result shows that distribution degree will increase if we set 'the number of subjects in the same day-hour' to more than 90%.

Narrative Inquiry : Practical experience of an Introduction to Engineering (공학입문 교과 실행경험에 관한 내러티브 탐구)

  • Park, Kyung-Moon;Kim, Taehoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.128-160
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    • 2009
  • Narratively I have described interactions between two teachers performing an introduction to the engineering class with various situations such as place, teacher, student and subject. I have specifically illuminated a three-dimensional narrative inquiry space embracing the culture of the university, the college of engineering and the ABEEK(Accreditation Board of Engineering Education of Korea)program. The result of the study is as follows: First, in order to stimulate the students' motivation, the teachers have to make not only their class PowerPoint slides match the size of the classroom, but the content of the slides must be condensed with core concepts. They also should utilized some video clips to empower students' interest in the subject within their classrooms. Second, the teachers should do various class activities in the classroom. Instead of spending most of the class time with his/her explanation, it would be advantageous for the teachers to allow the students to perform a task in class. Third, the teachers should ask their students about assignments which are helping students' understanding of the subject and planning of their future. Lastly, the teachers need to design the mid-term and the final tests inducing the students' motivation. Those tests also must test students' creativity and insight of the subject. Thus, the test should consist of an interpretive exercise and an essay type of item thus reducing the multiple choice types of items. There are several limitations to the study. First it is difficult to generalize what we found here because it is a case study. Second, we could not study in depth the effect of the interaction between the two teachers who were performing the introduction to the engineering course during the academic semester. Third, this study just probed into the difficulties of teaching the course. Hence, we have to understand more by focusing on each issue such as adapting to a new learning environment as a student from abroad, a practical experience boosting the students' interest in the introduction to the engineering course, also a practical experience on process based learning-versus result based learning, and an effective management of the student team presentation etc.