• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning behavior

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Music Intervention for Psychological and Emotional Support of Korean Women: Research Analysis Focusing on a Feminist Perspective (국내 여성 대상 심리정서 지원을 위한 음악중재 연구 분석: 여성주의 관점을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Seong-Kyung;Kim, Aimee Jeehae
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.69-94
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to analyze music therapy studies supporting the psychological and emotional needs of Korean women according to a feminist perspective in music therapy. A total of 34 studies were analyzed by general characteristics, characteristics of the intervention, and characteristics of a feminist perspective. Results showed that the research focus was initially on subjects who suffered from mental illness and that more recently the focus has shifted to include more diverse subjects, such as career women, women who migrate for marriage, and women who study abroad, and to reflect contemporary social issues. In terms of a feminist perspective, the studies were analyzed according to the following themes as the characteristics of a feminist perspective: empowerment, social and political perspectives, cooperativity, egalitarianism, and diversity. Results showed that social and political viewpoints were reflected in the selection of subjects and that empowerment was reflected mostly in the contents of interventions. This study highlights the need to incorporate a feminist perspective in more diversified music therapy practices to bring social changes as well as individual changes for women.

Primary School Teachers' Use of Music for Classroom Teaching and Management (초등학급경영을 위한 교사의 음악 활용 현황 및 인식)

  • Sung, Su Jin
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine how primary school teachers use music for classroom teaching and management and how they perceive the effects of using music in their classroom. A total of 190 questionnaires were collected from primary school teachers and 119 responses were analyzed after excluding four responses from music teachers who are not in charge of a classroom. The results demonstrated that a greater number of respondents reported the use of music for classroom teaching than for classroom management. With regard to music use for classroom management, teachers most often attempted to enhance positive emotions of their students by playing children's songs. For classroom teaching, music was frequently used to increase students' motivation for learning. Also, while first through third grade teachers tended to use music frequently for both classroom teaching and management, fourth through sixth grade teachers mainly used music for teaching. Although most of the respondents perceived the positive influence of music on their children, they reported difficulties in using music in their classrooms. Respondents indicated the needs for music-related training or provision of materials to support teachers for effectively using music. Future studies are needed to develop music resource materials that could be readily utilized by teachers in a variety of contexts in primary school.

A System Dynamics Approach for Modeling Cognitive Process of Construction Workers'Unsafe Behaviors (시스템 다이내믹스를 이용한 건설 작업자의 불안전한 행동의 인지 과정 모델링)

  • Kim, Jinwoo;Lee, Hyunsoo;Park, Moonseo;Kwon, Nahyun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2017
  • Finding causes of workers' unsafe behaviors is important to prevent construction accidents because 80 percent of accidents occur by workers' unsafe behaviors. In this regard, this research aims to investigate possible reasons of workers' unsafe behaviors based on workers' cognitive process model using System dynamics. This study is based on two ways of workers' cognitive process which are in relation to hazard perception and failure of hazard perception. Based on existing literature, causal loops for workers' cognitive process are developed to explain workers' habituation by staying out of accidents, safety learning by experience, failure of hazard perception, and attitude change by accidents. The interactions between the developed loops provide managerial insights to reduce workers' unsafe behaviors from a safety manager's perspective including increasing the probability of workers' hazard perception through knowledge management, maintaining workers' positive attitude toward safety, and controlling first-line supervisors to eliminate workers' unsafe behavior. The research allows us to better understand the causes and solutions of workers' unsafe behaviors in workers' cognitive perspectives.

Wavelet Thresholding Techniques to Support Multi-Scale Decomposition for Financial Forecasting Systems

  • Shin, Taeksoo;Han, Ingoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 1999.06a
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 1999
  • Detecting the features of significant patterns from their own historical data is so much crucial to good performance specially in time-series forecasting. Recently, a new data filtering method (or multi-scale decomposition) such as wavelet analysis is considered more useful for handling the time-series that contain strong quasi-cyclical components than other methods. The reason is that wavelet analysis theoretically makes much better local information according to different time intervals from the filtered data. Wavelets can process information effectively at different scales. This implies inherent support fer multiresolution analysis, which correlates with time series that exhibit self-similar behavior across different time scales. The specific local properties of wavelets can for example be particularly useful to describe signals with sharp spiky, discontinuous or fractal structure in financial markets based on chaos theory and also allows the removal of noise-dependent high frequencies, while conserving the signal bearing high frequency terms of the signal. To date, the existing studies related to wavelet analysis are increasingly being applied to many different fields. In this study, we focus on several wavelet thresholding criteria or techniques to support multi-signal decomposition methods for financial time series forecasting and apply to forecast Korean Won / U.S. Dollar currency market as a case study. One of the most important problems that has to be solved with the application of the filtering is the correct choice of the filter types and the filter parameters. If the threshold is too small or too large then the wavelet shrinkage estimator will tend to overfit or underfit the data. It is often selected arbitrarily or by adopting a certain theoretical or statistical criteria. Recently, new and versatile techniques have been introduced related to that problem. Our study is to analyze thresholding or filtering methods based on wavelet analysis that use multi-signal decomposition algorithms within the neural network architectures specially in complex financial markets. Secondly, through the comparison with different filtering techniques' results we introduce the present different filtering criteria of wavelet analysis to support the neural network learning optimization and analyze the critical issues related to the optimal filter design problems in wavelet analysis. That is, those issues include finding the optimal filter parameter to extract significant input features for the forecasting model. Finally, from existing theory or experimental viewpoint concerning the criteria of wavelets thresholding parameters we propose the design of the optimal wavelet for representing a given signal useful in forecasting models, specially a well known neural network models.

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Endocrine Disrupting Effects of Lead on the Ontogeny of Oryzias Latipes (송사리수정란을 이용한 납의 내분비계장애에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Kwang-Sik;Choi, Pil-Son;Lee, Sang-Hyeop;Lee, Chul-Woo;Rhu, Ji-Sung;Choi, Sung-Su;Rhu, Hong-Il;Choi, Doug-Il
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 1998
  • Endocrine disruptor is an exogenous substance that changes endocrine function and causes adverse effects at the level of the organism, its progeny, and/or (sub)populations of the organisms. Purported adverse effects are cancers, declines in reproductive health, developmental learning disabilities in humans, and declining populations, altered morphology, physiology or behavior in wildlife. In these days, expert groups on chemicals in IPCS, IFCS and OECD are intensively discussing the identification of endocrine disruptors and the proper management of those chemicals. In this study, we screened the endocrine disrupting effects of lead using fertilized eggs of Oryzias latipes. In brief, the eggs were exposed to lead with different concentrations at Ringer's solution, and the mortality, the incidence of deformation, the body movement and the hatching success were determined after incubation. The histological analysis of normal and deformed larvae was also carried out. Compared to control, the mortality and the heart rate of eggs and/or larvae increased, but the hatching success and the tail movement decreased. The morphological observation showed the asymmetrical deformation of larvae and the distortion of spinal cord. The absorption of the liquid in yolk sac was hindered. The adverse effects of lead in the ontogeny of fertilized eggs of Oryzias latipes seemed to be stronger in pH5.6 than in pH7.5 solution. In summary, lead showed adverse effects on the ontogeny of fish fertilized eggs plays critical role in regulating biological systems and controlling developmental processes as an endocrine disruptor.

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A Study of Oral Health Fact of High School Students in Certain District (일부지역 고등학생의 구강건강실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • Yoo, Jung-Sook;Park, Myung-Suk;Kim, Jung-Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: This study was designed to understand the oral health fact of high school students, search for an education method and learning goal appropriate for the subjects, and utilize them as basic data to think of effective solutions for oral health care. Methods: The samples to achieve the purpose of this research are composed of 386 students in J industrial high school, OO city, Kyounggido, the number of male students 286, and female students 100. Data were statistically analyzed by frequency analysis, cross tabulation by using SPSS WIN Ver. 12.0. Results: First, The answers in terms of oral symptoms were in the order of 31.8% for gum hurt and bleeding, 31.4% for pain in teeth by drinking or eating hot and cold drinks or food, 27.1% for broken or cracked teeth, 25.7% for aching and throbbing teeth, 20.6% for unpleasant mouth smell, and 5.7% for pain of tongue and soft oral tissues. Second, In terms of behavior for oral health, 88.4% answered that they consume cariogenic snacks, while 29.2% of them, 2.5% of male and 6.3% of female enjoy consuming them but hardly brush their teeth after consumption. Third, In terms of timing for brushing teeth, the results show that 50.0% do so before breakfast, 47.9% after breakfast, 15.2% after lunch, 36.9% after dinner, 65.5% before going to sleep, and 3.5% after consuming snacks, whereas 64.2% answered that they are not aware of fluorine mouthwash. Fourth, In terms of oral health condition. proportion of children with one or more caries in permanent teeth was 71.0%, while 51.4% have 23 cariogenic teeth, and 16.8% have more than 4 cariogenic teeth. Considering sex, female students have somewhat higher ratio showing 68.5% for male and 78.0% for female, but the ratio was 53.1% for male and 46.7% for female in case of 23 cariogenic teeth, and 17.5% for male and 15.8% for female in case of more than 4 cariogenic teeth. 9.3% of students turned out to have decayed teeth. Fifth, In terms of oral hygiene condition, only 7.9% of them had excellent condition, and 38.4% need to improve. More specifically, 41.1% of male students and 30.6% of female students need to improve their oral hygiene condition. Conclusions: The study results suggest that School Dental health programs increase and need to be community-incorporated and comprehensive from elementary to high school.

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Semiology as a Way of Expression for Message-focused on the advertising design- (메시지 표현방법으로서의 기호-광고 디자인을 중심으로-)

  • 박영희
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 1996
  • Persuasion is one of the attractive channels to enhance the relation between markerters and consumers and deliver the true communication on products to the consumers. This arctic tried to examine the symbolic meaning system as a way of maximizing the visual communicational effect of persuasion, the efforts of marketers who are trying to utilize the psychology of the mass that consume the symbol rather than products and the symbol system as a mean of propaganda were analyzed as well. People in modern age, in general, place more value on the emotional assoessibility than the efficiency of the product, As a result, the ways of expression of propaganda approaching the mass are in the process of gradual change, which was another theme this article tried to explore. Ames sied that the human preoeption has a tendency to perceive things in some organized pattern, which can be applied to even untransparable and meaningless image. Human beings don't perceive what there is but what, thery believe there to be, and his peroeption are channelized by the opportunity of the past, his peroeption are channelized by the opportunity of the past, his experience of the environment, and the history of learning. To say another word, people not only recognize the objective form but also accept the inside meaning of the visual object. Their reponse to the visual object, therefore, include personal cognition, judgment, and attitued. The communication in visual design reveals the culture, society, and art in a complex symbol, and make synthetic cultural interpretation possible. It's pretty attractive, effective, and reasonable method to use symbolic meaning system as a way of persuasion. It is because communication means whole process from receiving and delivering the information and message to making common meaning system, to measuring the effect of the behavior change.

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A Comparative Study of knowledge, attitude, and practice by Before-after trafffic safety education : focusing on the 4th grade student in elementary school (교통안전교육 전 . 후의 지식, 태도 및 실천에 관한 비교 연구 -초등학교 4학년 학생을 대상으로-)

  • 임승지;이명선
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 1999
  • Increase of automobiles become today's environmental problem decreasing space for our children's playground. The traffic situation around us shows automobiles over filled the public roads and started to intrude even on the side walks. Children's traffic safety education for the awareness of the danger from traffic mishaps, and for the behavior to cope with preventives measure by continual learning programs in systematized method is very important need in current health education. For this research, the subject was represented by 243 students from 4th grade in D Elementary School located at Daechi-dong, Seoul. During total of 5 weeks (September 4, 1997 to September 30, 1997), lessons were taught to the subject. Lessons consist of traffic safety education and customized education program that were designed and developed specificially for the subject level. In this research, Case group of 3 classes and control group of 3classes were predetermined before subject's degree of knowledge, attitude, and practice was analized. The difference before and after the training of this education was observed to verify the effectively and to find the influential factors of this education program. On September 2-3, survey study was performed after the training. the results of this study were as follows: 1. The knowledge analysis from the comparison between before and after of the training shows case group and control group scored(8.36, 8.86) before the traning, but scored(10.36, 8.52) after the traning. the difference from the result of the case group is statistically significant(p〈0.001). 2. The attitude analysis from the comparison between before and after of the training shows case group and control group scored(48.23, 49.87) before the training, but scored (51.05, 48.45) after the traning. the difference from the result of the case group is statistically significant(p〈0.001) 3. The practice analysis from the comparison between before and after of the training shows case group and control group scored (27.42, 28.08) before the training, but scored(30.49, 28.25) after the training. The differece from the result of the case group is statistically significant (p〈0.001). 4. The correlation analysis of traffic safety education's influence on traffic safety knowledge, attitude, and practice before training shows the relationship between attitude and practice was satistically significant(p〈0.05). The result after the training shows the relationship between knowledge and attitude, attitude and practice, and knowledge and practice was all statistically significant(p〈0.001).

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The Influence of Nursing Students' Stress Coping Styles on Problem Solving Ability (간호대학생의 스트레스 대처행위가 문제해결능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Mi-Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.291-300
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    • 2018
  • This descriptive study was conducted to determine the influence of stress coping styles of nursing students on problem solving ability. Data were collected from 142 nursing students in the M-area from September 20, 2016, to November 30 and analyzed using SPSS WIN 21.0. The average degree of stress coping styles was 3.36±.30 (5 point-scale), problem solving abilities was 3.42±.38 (5 point-scale). Among the subdomains of stress coping styles, problem focusing was highest, with a score of 3.60±.42. Additionally, among the subdomains of problem solving ability, clarification was highest, with a score of 3.50±.51. The problem solving abilities of nursing students showed a positive correlation with stress coping styles (r=0.53, p<.001) and was positively correlated with problem focusing (r=0.66, p<.001), positive point of view (r=0.53, p<.001), and social support navigation (r=0.42, p<.001). In addition, the factor with the greatest effect among subdomains of stress coping styles was problem focusing (β=0.416, p<.001) and positive point of view (β=0.257, p=.002). These two factors were found to explain 54.3% of the variance in problem solving ability. Therefore, the results of this study indicate that application of teaching-learning methods has the potential to improve students' problem-solving ability through problem-oriented and positive stress coping behavior.

Wavelet Thresholding Techniques to Support Multi-Scale Decomposition for Financial Forecasting Systems

  • Shin, Taek-Soo;Han, In-Goo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 1999.03a
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 1999
  • Detecting the features of significant patterns from their own historical data is so much crucial to good performance specially in time-series forecasting. Recently, a new data filtering method (or multi-scale decomposition) such as wavelet analysis is considered more useful for handling the time-series that contain strong quasi-cyclical components than other methods. The reason is that wavelet analysis theoretically makes much better local information according to different time intervals from the filtered data. Wavelets can process information effectively at different scales. This implies inherent support for multiresolution analysis, which correlates with time series that exhibit self-similar behavior across different time scales. The specific local properties of wavelets can for example be particularly useful to describe signals with sharp spiky, discontinuous or fractal structure in financial markets based on chaos theory and also allows the removal of noise-dependent high frequencies, while conserving the signal bearing high frequency terms of the signal. To data, the existing studies related to wavelet analysis are increasingly being applied to many different fields. In this study, we focus on several wavelet thresholding criteria or techniques to support multi-signal decomposition methods for financial time series forecasting and apply to forecast Korean Won / U.S. Dollar currency market as a case study. One of the most important problems that has to be solved with the application of the filtering is the correct choice of the filter types and the filter parameters. If the threshold is too small or too large then the wavelet shrinkage estimator will tend to overfit or underfit the data. It is often selected arbitrarily or by adopting a certain theoretical or statistical criteria. Recently, new and versatile techniques have been introduced related to that problem. Our study is to analyze thresholding or filtering methods based on wavelet analysis that use multi-signal decomposition algorithms within the neural network architectures specially in complex financial markets. Secondly, through the comparison with different filtering techniques results we introduce the present different filtering criteria of wavelet analysis to support the neural network learning optimization and analyze the critical issues related to the optimal filter design problems in wavelet analysis. That is, those issues include finding the optimal filter parameter to extract significant input features for the forecasting model. Finally, from existing theory or experimental viewpoint concerning the criteria of wavelets thresholding parameters we propose the design of the optimal wavelet for representing a given signal useful in forecasting models, specially a well known neural network models.

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