• Title/Summary/Keyword: Large Scale Data

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Adaptive Data Hiding Techniques for Secure Communication of Images (자기유사성 네트워크에서 트래픽 제어에 의한 성능 개선)

  • 석경휴;나상동
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.6B
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we extend the multiple time scale control framework to the window-based congestion control, in particular, such as the TCP. This is performed by interfacing the TCP with a large time scale control module which adjusts the aggressiveness of the bandwidth consumption behavior exhibited by the TCP as a function of large time scale Self-Similar network state. i.e., conformation that exceeds the horizon of the feedback loop as determined by the RTT. How to effectively utilize such an information-due to its probabilistic nature, dispersion over the multiple time scales, and affection on the top of the existing window-based congestion controls-is a non-trivial problem. The evaluation performance of the multiple time scale TCP is facilitated by a simulation of the bench-mark environment which is based on the physical modeling of a self-similar traffic. We explicate our methodology for discerning and evaluating the impact of changes in transport protocols in the protocol stack under the self-similar traffic conditions. We discuss issues arising in the comparative performance evaluation under heavy-tailed workloads.


  • Lee, Seong-Ho;Lee, Jae-Ho;An, Kyoung-Hwan;Park, Jong-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.725-727
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    • 2006
  • The development of GIS and Location-Based Services requires a high-level database that will be able to allow real-time access to moving objects for spatial and temporal operations. MODB.MM is able to meet these requirements quite adequately, providing operations with the abilities of acquiring, storing, and querying large-scale moving objects. It enables a dynamic and diverse query mechanism, including searches by region, trajectory, and temporal location of a large number of moving objects that may change their locations with time variation. Furthermore, MODB.MM is designed to allow for performance upon main memory and the system supports the migration on out-of-date data from main memory to disk. We define the particular query for truncation of moving objects data and design two migration methods so as to operate the main memory moving objects database system and file-based location storage system with.

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A Survey of Patient Satisfaction With Physical Therapy Services (물리치료 서비스에 대한 환자의 만족도 조사)

  • Jung, Hyun-Sik;Park, Hyeoung-Sik;Park, Tae-Sub;Park, Jin-Hyeoung;Kim, Young-Rok
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2002
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the patient satisfaction with physical therapy services and find the related factors to patient satisfaction. In this study, three hospitals were selected at large, middle, small city. Ninety subjects (53 males, 37 females) who had received physical therapy service were participated in this survey. Survey data were collected by a written questionnaire. The patient satisfaction scale had a good reliability (Cronbachs alpha=.9134). The collected data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Kruskal-Wallis. The scores of patient satisfaction with physical therapy services at large, middle, and small city were 79.67, 76.23, and 86.33 respectively. The score of patient satisfaction at small city was significantly higher than middle and large city (p<.01). There was no significant difference in patient satisfaction with physical therapy services according to gender, age, education years, occupation, marital status, religion and average monthly income. Further studies are needed to identify which specific factors are related to patient satisfaction with physical services. This information will be useful in improving the patient satisfaction.

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Estimating Heterogeneous Customer Arrivals to a Large Retail store : A Bayesian Poisson model perspective (대형할인매점의 요일별 고객 방문 수 분석 및 예측 : 베이지언 포아송 모델 응용을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Bumsoo;Lee, Joonkyum
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2015
  • This paper considers a Bayesian Poisson model for multivariate count data using multiplicative rates. More specifically we compose the parameter for overall arrival rates by the product of two parameters, a common effect and an individual effect. The common effect is composed of autoregressive evolution of the parameter, which allows for analysis on seasonal effects on all multivariate time series. In addition, analysis on individual effects allows the researcher to differentiate the time series by whatevercharacterization of their choice. This type of model allows the researcher to specifically analyze two different forms of effects separately and produce a more robust result. We illustrate a simple MCMC generation combined with a Gibbs sampler step in estimating the posterior joint distribution of all parameters in the model. On the whole, the model presented in this study is an intuitive model which may handle complicated problems, and we highlight the properties and possible applications of the model with an example, analyzing real time series data involving customer arrivals to a large retail store.

The Reliability of Blast Vibration Equation (발파 진동식의 신뢰성)

  • Kim, Soo Il;Jeong, Sang Seom;Cho, Hoo Youn
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.573-582
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    • 1994
  • Blast vibration equations proposed previously are investigated. Special attention is given to the blast vibration equation which shows the best fitting to the geologic condition of Korea. The fittness of proposed blast vibration equation is analyzed and examined using many field data measured in Korea. The prediction of blast vibration equation using field data was performed by linear regression analysis. Moreover, after the prediction of each blast vibration equation, vibration velocity is recalculated on the basis of scaled distance at each equation. Reliability of regressioned blast vibration equation is observed by comparing predicted and measured velocity, which is divided into small-scale blasting of city and large-scale blasting of quarry. Based on this study, the best fitting equation to the Korean geologic condition is ROOT SCALING & CUBE ROOT SCALING proposed by USBM(United Nations Bureau of Mines). Also representative blast vibration equations depending on the different kinds of rock mass are proposed using measured and existing field data.

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Developing a Work Procedure for Efficient Map Generalization (효율적인 일반화 자료처리를 위한 작업공정 개발)

  • Choi, Seok-Keun;Kim, Myung-Ho;Hwang, Chang-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2003
  • This paper proposes a work procedure for generalizing large-scale digital maps ver. 2.0(1/5,000) into a small-scale digital map(1/25,000). Unlike a existent digital map, the digital map ver. 2.0 has a variety of attribute data as well as graphic data. To perform an efficient map generalization with these structural properties, we establish a work procedure as follow; firstly, delete layers which don't exist in small-scale digital map's feature code, and secondly, generalize features which have been classified into 8 layers, and finally merge 8 layers which have been generalized into 1 layer. Therefore, we expect that a work procedure which is proposed in this paper will play a fundamental role in automated generalization system and will contribute to small-scale digital mapping and thematic mapping.

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Monitoring the Hydrologic Water Quality Characteristics of Discharge from a Flat Upland Field (평지 전작 유출수의 수문·수질 특성 모니터링)

  • Park, Chanwoo;Oh, Chansung;Choi, Soon-Kun;Na, Chae-in;Hwang, Syewoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.62 no.3
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2020
  • Converting the agricultural land-use of rice field to upland has been increasingly conducted as farmers encourages themselves to grow higher value-added crops on rice fields under the policy support. Comparing to rice field, Upland shows different characteristic of discharge due to the slope, scale, and shape of field and characteristics of rainfall event. In this study, we designed the experiment fields reflecting flat-upland characteristics with different land scale, and tried to collect the discharge and load data. Soybeans and corn were selected as target crops considering the possibility of large-scale cultivation and crop demand. The cultivation was conducted during the growth period in 2019 with 3 different field scales. Hence, we have collected the discharge data from 17 rainfall events and the load data for 8 rainfall events. As a result, the magnitude of rainfall events and the discharge duration were found to have a strong positive correlation and field discharge occurred during the period by 55% to 83% of rainfall duration. Besides we found other relationships and characteristics of rainfall event, discharge, and pollutant load and also pointed out that continuous monitoring and more data are required to derive statistically significant results. Compared with slope-field monitoring data obtained from the precedent research, the runoff ratio of the flat-fields was significantly lower than slope-fields. Overall the discharge in the slop and flat-fields shows appreciably different characteristics so that the related researches need to be further conducted to reasonably assess environmental impact of agricultural activities at flat-field.

SHM benchmark for high-rise structures: a reduced-order finite element model and field measurement data

  • Ni, Y.Q.;Xia, Y.;Lin, W.;Chen, W.H.;Ko, J.M.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.10 no.4_5
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    • pp.411-426
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    • 2012
  • The Canton Tower (formerly named Guangzhou New TV Tower) of 610 m high has been instrumented with a long-term structural health monitoring (SHM) system consisting of over 700 sensors of sixteen types. Under the auspices of the Asian-Pacific Network of Centers for Research in Smart Structures Technology (ANCRiSST), an SHM benchmark problem for high-rise structures has been developed by taking the instrumented Canton Tower as a host structure. This benchmark problem aims to provide an international platform for direct comparison of various SHM-related methodologies and algorithms with the use of real-world monitoring data from a large-scale structure, and to narrow the gap that currently exists between the research and the practice of SHM. This paper first briefs the SHM system deployed on the Canton Tower, and the development of an elaborate three-dimensional (3D) full-scale finite element model (FEM) and the validation of the model using the measured modal data of the structure. In succession comes the formulation of an equivalent reduced-order FEM which is developed specifically for the benchmark study. The reduced-order FEM, which comprises 37 beam elements and a total of 185 degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), has been elaborately tuned to coincide well with the full-scale FEM in terms of both modal frequencies and mode shapes. The field measurement data (including those obtained from 20 accelerometers, one anemometer and one temperature sensor) from the Canton Tower, which are available for the benchmark study, are subsequently presented together with a description of the sensor deployment locations and the sensor specifications.

3-D Resistivity Imaing of a Large Scale Tumulus (대형 고분에서의 3차원 전기비저항 탐사)

  • Oh, Hyun-Dok;Yi, Myeong-Jong;Kim, Jung-Ho;Shin, Jong-Woo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2011
  • To test the applicability of resistivity survey methods for the archaeological prospection of a large-scale tumulus, a three-dimensional resistivity survey was conducted at the $3^{rd}$ tumulus at Bokam-ri, in Naju city, South Korea. Since accurate topographic relief of the tumulus and electrode locations are required to obtain a high resolution image of the subsurface, electrodes were installed after making grids by threads, which is commonly used in the archaeological investigation. In the data acquisition, data were measured using a 2 m electrode spacing with the line spacing of 1 m and each survey line was shifted 1 m to form an effective grid of 1 m ${\times}$ 1 m. Though the 3-D inversion of data, we could obtain the 3-D image of the tumulus, where we could identify the brilliant signature of buried tombs made of stones. The results were compared with the previous excavation results and we could convince that a 3-D resistivity imaging method is very useful to investigate a large-scale tumulus.

Regional Background Levels of Carbon Monoxide Observed in East Asia during 1991~2004 (1991~2004년 동아시아에서 관측한 일산화탄소의 지역적 배경 농도)

  • Kim, Hak-Sung;Chung, Yong-Seung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.643-652
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    • 2006
  • Data of the carbon monoxide concentration observed in Mt. Waliguan in China (WLG), Ulaan Uul in Mongolia (UUM), Tae-ahn Peninsula in Korea (TAP), and Ryori in Japan (RYO) were analyzed for a long period between 1991 and 2004. The annual average concentration of carbon monoxide was the highest at TAP $(233{\pm}41ppb)$ followed by $RYO(171{\pm}36ppb),\;UUM(155{\pm}26ppb),\;and\;WLG(135{\pm}22ppb)$. The seasonal variations being high in spring and low in summer were observed in other areas of Eastern Asia except WLG. TAP was high in carbon monoxide concentration in all seasons compared to WLG, UUM and RYO and shows wide distribution of concentration in the histogram, which is caused by the influence of large-scale air pollution due to its downwind location close to the East Asian continent, China in particular. Also, our data was compared with data measured at Mauna Loa (MLO) in Hawaii. According to the origin of the isentropic backward trajectory and its transport passage, carbon monoxide concentration observed in TAP was analyzed as follows: continental background airflows (CBG) were $216{\pm}47ppb$; regionally polluted continental airflows (RPC) were $316{\pm}56ppb$; Oceanic background airflows (OBG) were $108{\pm}41ppb$; and Partly perturbed oceanic airflows (PPO) were $161{\pm}6ppb$. The high concentration of carbon monoxide in TAP is due to the airflow from East Asian continent origin rather than that from the North Pacific origin. Especially, RPC which passes through the eastern China appeared to be the highest in concentration in spring, fall, and winter. However, OBG was affected by the North Pacific air mass with a low carbon monoxide concentration in summer. The NOAA satellite images and GEOS-CHEM model simulation confirmed a large-scale air pollution event that was in the course of expansion from southeastern China bound to the Korean Peninsula and the Korea East Sea by way of the Yellow Sea.