• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Information Science

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Estimating Real-time Inundation Vulnerability Index at Point-unit Farmland Scale using Fuzzy set (Fuzzy set을 이용한 실시간 지점단위 농경지 침수위험 지수 산정)

  • Eun, Sangkyu;Kim, Taegon;Lee, Jimin;Jang, Min-Won;Suh, Kyo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • Smartphones change the picture of data and information sharing and make it possible to share various real-time flooding data and information. The vulnerability indicators of farmland inundation is needed to calculate the risk of farmland flood based on changeable hydro-meteorological data over time with morphologic characteristics of flood-damaged areas. To find related variables show the vulnerability of farmland inundation using the binary-logit model and correlation analysis and to provide vulnerability indicators were estimated by fuzzy set method. The outputs of vulnerability indicators were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) for verification. From the result vulnerability indicators are applicable to mobile_based information system of farmland inundation.

The Study of Landscape Fragmentation for the Urban Landscape Planning (도시경관계획수립을 위한 경관파편화에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Sung-Gwan;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2003
  • Many-sided approach methods are being demanded to solve environmental problems in urban areas. One of these methods will be to manage forests scattered in urban areas efficiently. This paper is to grasp the change of land use and landscape indices in Mt. Ap, Daegu, and to analyze the change of landscape structure. Mt. Ap is near Daegu Metropolitan, so under unnatural interferences of human activity persistently. The results of above analysis run as follows: First, the north of the case area is connected to forest, and keeps stable equilibrium ecologically, while the other parts of it suffer from rural exodus and side effects of urbanization which has been completed since 1980. Second, according to the area-rate change of each landscape element, a cultivated areas has been converted into urban one, especially Pinus densiflora forests and paddy fields into mixed forests and urban areas. Finally, most of plantations have been converted into deciduous forests and mixed forests in failure of adaption of plants in burned areas rather than owing to factitious interference.

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Classification and Characteristic analysis of Mountain Village Landscape Using Cluster Analysis (군집분석을 이용한 산촌경관 유형 구분 및 특성 분석)

  • Ko, Arang;Lim, Jungwoo;Kim, Seong Hak
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2020
  • Recently, public awareness regarding mountain villages' landscapes is increasing. Thus, this study aimed to provide standards for conservation, management and creation of mountain village landscape by characterizing and classifying those exist. 286 mountain villages' data were collected and 19 variables - extracted from GIS spatial information and statistic data of mountain villages, chosen as right sources according to former studies - were utilized to conduct factor and cluster analysis. As a result of the factor analysis, 7 characteristics of the mountain villages' landscapes were defined - 'Location', 'Cultivation', 'Ecology·Nature', 'Tourism', 'Residence', 'Recreation'. The K-means cluster analysis categorized the mountain villages' landscapes into four types - 'Residential', 'Touristic', 'General', 'Environmentally protected'. The classification was examined to be appropriate by field assessment, and basic guidelines of mountain village landscape management were set. The results of this study are expected to be utilized planning and implementing regarding mountain village landscape in the future.

Mobile Application Design for Farmland Flooding Prevention and Realtime Data Collection (농경지 침수 피해 감소와 실시간 자료 수집을 위한 모바일 기반 정보 시스템 설계)

  • Eun, Sang-Kyu;Kim, Tae-Gon;Lee, Ji-Min;Suh, Kyo;Jang, Min-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2013
  • Climate change has increased the number of floods and inundation on farmland. Recently various mobile applications through inundation mapping, flood forecasts and evacuation routes have been developed for the prevention and reduction of flood damages. However, most of current prevention systems for farmland flooding are still web-based systems relying on the field survey which needs a lot of human and time resources although mobile devices has been rapidly improved and widely used. The purpose of this study is to design a mobile application for preventing and reducing farmland flood and inundation damages and collecting damage information in real time. We put advanced mobile device functions such as GPS, network communications, cameras into our system design. This system implement 2way communication and intuitive application that will increase information efficiency and decrease flood damage. Our design has been tested through previous flooding data of Jinju city in 2010.

A Study On The Three Dimensional Road Simulation Technique Based on GSIS (지형공간정보체계를 이용한 3차원 도로시뮬레이션에 관한 연구)

  • Quan, He-Chun;Lee, Byung-Gul
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.2 s.29
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2004
  • Based on Geo-Spatial Information System(GSIS), we tried to develop three dimensional road simulation system of coastal region considering landscape in Jeju island. The 1:5000 digital map, microstation CAD and Inroads road design programs were used to design coastal road. To estimate landscape effect of the three dimensional road visual simulation we implemented three types road simulations that are the trees planted, the flowers planted and the trees and flowers planted road, respectively. From the study, we found that the three dimensional virtual technique was very useful tool to design the road considering landscape effect in ocean view terrain and to estimate the reasonable road characteristics.

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A Study on Characteristics of Geomorphic Landscape and Its Usage of 'Oreurn' on Jeju-Island (제주 '오름'의 지형경관 특성과 활용방안)

  • Suh, Joo-Hwan;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Sang-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.57-70
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    • 2007
  • As a basic element of Jeju landscape, Oreum offers a beautiful and aesthetic view. Considering topographical and geological research achievements, however, an effort to discover implicit value in terms of landscape characteristics and value has been ignored. This paper has investigated the characteristics and value of landscape by Oreum focusing on Jeju landscape characteristics and eco-touristic value and discussed a scheme to maximize the values. Under a theme of 'Sustainable Development' of the RIO Declaration, tour industry has recently changed its focus from eco-tourism to gee-tourism. Fortunately, Jeju Oreum has very distinctive and unique landscape with depressed crater at a crest. Nevertheless, it's very difficult to see a true aspect of Oreum from the street or over the car window. Therefore, it's urgent to begin a research on how to make advantage of and preserve Oreum landscape in order to maximize its landscape values and improve its potential as a tourist attraction. Through diverse programs such as sky leisure sports(ex: light airplane and helicopter riding, paragliding), sky watching, and mountain hiking, in particular, a possibility that Oreum can succeed as LBD(Learning by Doing)-based tour program with volcanic features needs to be examined. Besides, it's also a good idea to develop Oreum tour program or Oreum Museum as an alternative plan. Above all, however, it's most urgent to protect the existing Oreum and restore ecological and landscape beauty of Oreum through proper land use.

A Study on the Analysis of the Marketing Distribution in Landscape Materials (조경자재(造景資材)의 유통실태분석(流通實態分析)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Lee, Seok Rae;Lee, Jae Keun;Choi, Jong Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2003
  • This study aims to discuss the characteristics on marketing distribution of landscape materials after consideration in the side of cognition on the present condition of marketing which is important factors for analysis in understanding the market of landscape materials. To do this, the investigation of marketing distribution are to collect data refer to purchases and sales reports and questionnaires, these results are used to analyzed the operative factor of forming market structure and problematic, improvement spot of marketing distribution. The periodic range of this paper is limited on 609 landscape materials and examination was performed from 21.Feb. to 15.Mar, in 2002. The results of the whole prices trends and marketing distribution survey can be summarized as follows : 1. Differences of cognition on marketing distribution among four group toward problematic spot on product and marketing of landscape materials was summarized as follows : 1) Group of landscape design : Interest of government, Various articles. 2) Group of landscape construction : Communication of marketing information, Role of intermediary ecc. 3) Group of landscape materials and cooperation between company and university : Interest of government ecc, 2. Differences of cognition on marketing distribution among four group toward improvemental spot on product and marketing of landscape materials was summarized as follows : 1) Group of landscape design and construction : Network of marketing distribution on landscape materials, Criterion of articles, Quality adiministration through establishment of sale level ecc.. 2) Group of landscape materials : Employment of specialist education program ecc.. 3) Group of cooperation between company and university : Conscious reformation of comsumer ecc.

Value Promotion for Tourism Geology through Survey on Geological and Geomorphological Landscape Resources in the Odaesan National Park: Public Understanding of Earth Science (오대산 국립공원의 지질 및 지형경관자원 조사를 통한 관광지질학적 가치 증진: 지구과학의 대중적 이해)

  • Heo Chul-Ho;Kim Seong-Yong;Yun Seong-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.218-231
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate essential information about the geological and geomorphological characteristics of the Odaesan landscape, in order to efficiently preserve and develop resources selected from among that are highly valuable scholastically and esthetically. A total of 147 geological and geomorphological landscape resources were studied during the course of this study. Landscape type mostly discovered was the tectonic topography, followed by the topographies of weathering, river, mountain, lacustrine, and periglacier, respectively in decreasing order. Among the varieties of geological and geomorphological landscape resources, 4 outcrops were utilized as tourist resources and 5 outcrops were considered as valuable sites for scientific research. Geological and geomorphological landscape resources for academic research were considered to have practical uses such as geological and geomorphological fieldwork for students and thematic geotourism courses for the public.

Landscape Preferences for Greenspace Structures (녹지구조에 따른 경관 선호도)

  • Jo, Hyun-Kil;Ahn, Tae-Won
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 2012
  • There is little information about appropriate greenspace structures to satisfy aesthetic function in Korea. The purpose of this study was to analyze Korean's aesthetic preferences for greenspace structures concerned with urban tree plantings of an areal type to explore desirable greenspace landscapes. The study considered 5 structural variables of greenspace which were species composition, tree density, tree size, vertical and horizontal structure, and tree layout pattern. A photo-questionnaire was prepared through color simulations of different landscape types for each structural variable. Preference responses of an interval-scale rating from 214 respondents were statistically analyzed between landscape types and between respondent groups. Respondents preferred greenspace landscapes with diverse tree species to single species, higher tree density to lower density, larger trees to many smaller trees, multilayered and grouped plantings to single-layered and sparse plantings, and informal pattern to formal pattern. These preferences tended to be relatively higher for educated specialist and student groups than for other generalist group. Thus, multilayered and dense plantings in natural pattern including larger trees of diverse species, which are similar to ecological plantings, are recommended to increase aesthetic function of greenspace.